The Bashing Of Obama

McInsane should be put in rubber jail cell with the Senator from SC. He's a vile and evil man who'd get us all killed.

But, Obama is doing a bang up job of trying to get us all killed as well but the idiots on the left would never know it because the average American doesn't know what this foreign policy crap in the Ukraine and Syria is all about or how quickly it could spiral out of control.
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I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Well, I ain't young and I don't have shit for brains. But I would have if I had gone with McCain and Bimbo. He was the lesser of the two evils.

I'm with you, Gracie. I was all set to vote for McCain. I'm registered nonpartisan but usually end up voting for Republican candidates. But then McCain announced his running mate. What a jaw-dropper. OMG. Bimbo is the right word. OMG, and if McCain died she would have been President of the United States. Totally, absolutely unacceptable.
I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Well, I ain't young and I don't have shit for brains. But I would have if I had gone with McCain and Bimbo. He was the lesser of the two evils.

But what you have to remember is that the lesser of the two evils is still evil.

But what you have to remember is that "the lesser of two evils" is an idiom and not meant to be taken literally. Neither one was actually "evil." "Lesser of two evils" simply means you are presented with two choices, neither of which you really like, so you choose the one that you don't think is quite as bad.

However, in the case of Palin, I would say the term "evil" could actually be taken literally. :badgrin: (and yes I know she wasn't actually running for president, but I was terrified that McCain might actually die in office and she would become president).
The idea of Palin one heartbeat away from the Presidency is bad enough, but add McCain in there and yeah, there was no contest who was the better choice.
The idea of Palin one heartbeat away from the Presidency is bad enough, but add McCain in there and yeah, there was no contest who was the better choice.

I was leaning McCain...then he didn't vet Bimbo and brought her in in desperation. That is when I realized he was off his rocker and she could see him rocking on his porch from her house.:eusa_hand:
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:

This idiot will say bad things about whoever is president.
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:
So, all Americans can all call him a wicked black monkey? I doubt that. The citizens of the African-American States of America will object with violence. would appear that this North Korean Obama slander and their media monkey references fit right in w good ol' US GOP Obamahatred and references to our prez as a "gorilla" and pimp and wuss by American public figures...
Sad really...maybe if we treated our own leaders with more respect...we wouldn't be making tyrannical assholes like Kim Un and Putin so happy...
Funny...most of the laughter u refer to is Coming from those totalitarian assholes...and "patriotic Americans" such as Urself...
I really don't hear Merkel and the leaders of most modern democracies laughing at Obama...and most Europeans and Canadians continue to view him as a wise and restrained yet powerful leader of the free's the saber rattlers and chickenhawks that r generally viewed both as weak AND dangerous...

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It's North Korea, whadaya expect? A little perspective. NK is like the MSNBC of countries in that now and then it spews outrageous statements that very few others actually hear about.
So the US doesn't have a monopoly on ignorant racism.

Big surprise.

The right wants another war and Obama won't give it to them so they call him weak.

Just be grateful they can't do it without him.
So, all Americans can all call him a wicked black monkey? I doubt that. [B]The citizens of the African-American States of America [/B]will object with violence.

Tough talk......
Where exactly is the "African-American States of America"
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:

Remember how the community organizer was going to "restore America's respect around the world"?
It's North Korea, whadaya expect? A little perspective. NK is like the MSNBC of countries in that now and then it spews outrageous statements that very few others actually hear about.

Let's have some fun...

Stupid Fox News Quotes - Crazy Quotes by Fox News Hosts

A sampling:

"I just wish Katrina had only hit the United Nations building, nothing else, just had flooded them out, and I wouldn't have rescued them." --Bill O'Reilly on his radio show, Sept. 14, 2005

"Halloween is a liberal holiday because we're teaching our children to beg for something for free. … We're teaching kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout." —Fox News host Sean Hannity (October 31, 2007)

This was particularly funny...

"America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don't remember any attacks on American soil during that period of time." —Fox News Channel host Eric Bolling, forgetting 9/11
Something like this reflects more negatively on North Korea than it does our President
obama is the worst president in USA history,he is just CLUELESS,clueless on the economy,jobs,military,mid-east,russia ,syria just clueless on everything!!

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