The Bashing Of Obama

It is amazing to see something like this in the official media of a country, all be it a rogue nation such as North Korea.
The last time North Korean culture had any widespread, substantive and pervasive contact with the Outside World was in the 1940s, when such remarks would have triggered far fewer raised eyebrows and voices.

The world has grown up a bit since the last time they came up for air and looked around.
The idea of Palin one heartbeat away from the Presidency is bad enough, but add McCain in there and yeah, there was no contest who was the better choice.

Your better choice is destroying my country.

Maybe urs ...but not ours. Despite having to spend much of his administration correcting W's mistakes, getting OBL ( which W couldn't in 7 years) , restoring the economy W and his ilk decimated and ending the feckless and wasteful wars W started...Obama introduced the 1st comprehensive healthcare program accessible to all Americans...made it possible for gays and women to achieve the constitutional benefits and freedoms previously enjoyed only by white men...and he's not done yet.
U call that "destroying ur country"?
U must live in bizzaro world...

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The idea of Palin one heartbeat away from the Presidency is bad enough, but add McCain in there and yeah, there was no contest who was the better choice.

Your better choice is destroying my country.

Maybe urs ...but not ours. Despite having to spend much of his administration correcting W's mistakes, getting OBL ( which W couldn't in 7 years) , restoring the economy W and his ilk decimated and ending the feckless and wasteful wars W started...Obama introduced the 1st comprehensive healthcare program accessible to all Americans...made it possible for gays and women to achieve the constitutional benefits and freedoms previously enjoyed only by white men...and he's not done yet.
U call that "destroying ur country"?
U must live in bizzaro world...

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Horse shit. Correcting what mistakes? Getting UBL? Really, for saying go? I'll give him he made a good decision there, sort of, but it should have been a capture mission.
ACA? You really believe in that? I'm sorry....
Gays had the same right as anyone else any man could marry any woman who said yes.
What's this race card shit? That has been way overplayed by the left....
Ended the wars? Really, We've lost more troops in Afghanistan under obama than we did under bush. And he ain't done yet........
I look back at past presidents who had Mixed congresses. They were able to work with the other side of the Aisle and get things done. This administration has no leadership abilities to do so. Instead he tells Ried to go get this done and forgets about it. no leadership.
No clue about foreign policy.
No clue about our own economy, if not for the fed printing billions a day we'de be screwed. And how many people are in the workforce now? Not how many are unemployed, you can't count them any more?
How many were on welfare in 2008? How many today?
Yeah he's not done, some of us still have change in our pockets...............
...made it possible for gays and women to achieve the constitutional benefits and freedoms previously enjoyed only by white men...
Your other spiritual beliefs were addressed but I'm curious how you would support that one? I don't actually expect an answer, you'll likely just throw out another assertion based on your opinion.
I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Well, I ain't young and I don't have shit for brains. But I would have if I had gone with McCain and Bimbo. He was the lesser of the two evils.

I'm with you, Gracie. I was all set to vote for McCain. I'm registered nonpartisan but usually end up voting for Republican candidates. But then McCain announced his running mate. What a jaw-dropper. OMG. Bimbo is the right word. OMG, and if McCain died she would have been President of the United States. Totally, absolutely unacceptable.

The Obama-Biden ticket was two male bimbos, or as Seinfeld would say, mimbos.

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