The battle for control of your mind Brownstone Institute


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2021

Not sure if this should go here or not but go at it, it has interesting points anyone can research by picking a phrase etc.
The time is coming ppl you don’t have much time left , deny or laugh all you want all you have to do is step back and look at ALL the headlines.

Kill all of the animals they claim has the “ bird flu” They are prepping you for the NEXT LOCK DOWN COMING!
The battle, for control of the mind:

My reality of it, is that reality's weakness apparatus (a type of supernatural force, which reality possesses) is in fact a supernatural apparatus, which can be taken and applied to any theme in existence.

It's possible: Heaven and God are competing forces over this force, and the battle has no choice but to take place in the mind
Read this book:

Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300​

Amazon product ASIN 0922356572

It'll tell you all you want to know about the groups, organizations, fraternities, and individuals working towards world government and mind control.
Experts deserve far less attention:

Don't Assume that Experts Know Something You Do Not ⋆ Brownstone Institute

People who consider themselves public health experts, and no doubt those who consider themselves climate change experts, don’t consider other people’s brains as being on a par with theirs. That opens a wide door to those who consider themselves experts. If you are an “expert” and have a superior brain, there is no reason to have any compunction about inserting your decision-making into the lives of others – the benighted lessers – and seizing the rights of others, including the foundational rights to decide for oneself what is best for you and to express those decisions openly.
Human greed infects WHO & WHA:

The WHO, the UN, and the Reality of Human Greed ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The WHO is promoting a new treaty being discussed by its governing body, the World Health Assembly (WHA), aimed at centralizing its control over health emergencies. The WHA is also amending the International Health Regulations (IHR), which have force under international law, to give the WHO power to demand lockdowns, mandate vaccines for you and your family, and prevent you from travelling.
How Did the Experts Turn Everything Upside Down? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Medical experts are behind the times and the data:

When it comes to Covid, most of the supposedly high-information policy world is still living two to three years behind the cutting-edge science and data. Covid censorship and propaganda (or CCP, no pun intended) was extraordinarily effective. We recently argued as much in The Wall Street Journal. CCP was surprisingly potent in the very communities which should have had the analytical tools to resist its charms and misdirections.
The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase

Orwell mentioned Chase in an essay about politics. Chase was a member of FDR's brain trust and wrote the book A New Deal.
Yes, You Are Being Manipulated ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The fact is that our government, governments from around the world, the WHO and UNICEF have spent billions of dollars in a misguided attempt to try to figure out how to make people take (coerce, compel, and entice) these experimental medical products (COVID-19 vaccines). This was clearly a coordinated effort.

This monumental worldwide effort to manipulate beliefs has eliminated informed consent. Informed consent is the idea that a person must be given sufficient information before making decisions about their medical care. Pertinent information includes risks and benefits of treatments, the patient’s role in treatment, alternative treatments, and the person’s right to refuse treatment. When people cannot get reliable safety information on whether to take an experimental product or any medical product, when they are being coerced and are not informed of important safety considerations, informed consent is gone.
Fear of a Microbial Planet by Dr. Steve Templeton ⋆ Brownstone Institute

by Dr Templeton --

Fear of a Microbial Planet, a wonderfully accessible book on the Covid era now published by Brownstone institute, offers desperately needed clarity and science on the organization and management of individual social life in the presence of pathogenic infection. It can be read as a definitive answer to expert arrogance, political overreach, and population panic.

For three years following the arrival of the virus that causes Covid, the dominant response from governments and the public has been to be afraid and stay far away through any means possible. This has further mutated into a population-wide germophobia that is actually being promoted by elite opinion.
Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"The years of living with increasingly oppressive Covid restrictions and mandates is a tale of many villains complicit in tyranny and a few heroes of resistance. It’s a story of venal, incompetent politicians and brutish police – thugs in uniform – acting at the behest of power-drunk apparatchiks.

Medically idiotic, economically ruinous, socially disruptive and embittering, culturally dystopian, politically despotic: what was there to like in the Covid era?

  • Billions, if you were Big Pharma.
  • Unchecked power, if you were Big State.
  • Power over the whole population of a state and fame with extended daily TV appearances on all channels, if you were a chief medical officer.
  • More money and power over the world’s governments and people for the WHO.
  • Template for action for climate zealots.
  • Dreamtime for cops given free rein to indulge their inner bully."

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