The begin of NATO vs. Russia war? Armenia and Azerbaijan erupt into fighting over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
NATO is behind Azerbaijan, Russia behind Armenia. The war through proxies? Of course Putin is villain again, where are new sanctions against him?
If something wrong going on, always blame Putin. Seriously, the local conflict can speedily erupt in WWIII, like one more as a 100 years ago in Sarajevo.
As always NATO supports Muslims, not Christian Armenians.

Heavy fighting has erupted between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, with both civilians and combatants killed.
Accusing Azerbaijan of air and artillery attacks, Armenia reported downing helicopters and destroying tanks, and declared martial law.
Azerbaijan said it had begun a counter-offensive in response to shelling.
The region is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians.
They broke away in the dying years of the Soviet Union. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan were part of the communist state, which sought to suppress ethnic and religious differences.
Amid the clashes, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said he was confident of regaining control over the breakaway region.

Martial law has also been declared in some regions of Azerbaijan.

NATO is behind Azerbaijan, Russia behind Armenia. The war through proxies? Of course Putin is villain again, where are new sanctions against him?
If something wrong going on, always blame Putin. Seriously, the local conflict can speedily erupt in WWIII, like one more as a 100 years ago in Sarajevo.
As always NATO supports Muslims, not Christian Armenians.

Heavy fighting has erupted between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, with both civilians and combatants killed.
Accusing Azerbaijan of air and artillery attacks, Armenia reported downing helicopters and destroying tanks, and declared martial law.
Azerbaijan said it had begun a counter-offensive in response to shelling.
The region is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians.
They broke away in the dying years of the Soviet Union. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan were part of the communist state, which sought to suppress ethnic and religious differences.
Amid the clashes, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said he was confident of regaining control over the breakaway region.

Martial law has also been declared in some regions of Azerbaijan.

I don't know if russia is backing Armenia. I thought they were backing Turkey which this is really whole thing is between Turkey and Armenia.

I am Armenian on my dad's side. The only reason I'm alive and living in America is because of the Ottoman Empire genocide of Armenians. America saved the lives of my grandparents. If they had not come here, they would have died in the genocide. My dad never would have been born and I never would have been born.

Three brothers got out. One of them was my grandfather. He and his two brothers came here through Ellis Island.

My grandmother got out by her mom matching her to marry an old uncle from another village and go to America. They came in through Cape Cod.

My grandmother was a teenager at the time. Once she got here she didn't marry that uncle. She ran away and joined the Armenian community in the Boston area. Where she was introduced to my grandfather and they married.

The only reason I can see why Armenia isn't part of NATO is Turkey. I fear that America won't help Armenia because of NATO and Turkey. I also fear that other nations such as Italy and Greece, who are good friends of Armenia, won't be able to help Armenia.

So once again, it could be another genocide.

My cousin's son was in that exact area a couple years ago. He's learning to be a surgeon and went to help in the hospital there. It went dark there for 3 days while he was there. A nephew is still there, he's safe but says a lot of misinformation is going around because of a bias media.

My cousin gave me the following link:

This is a Facebook post from a friend of my cousin in Armenia.

For my non-Armenian friends who don't know what's going on in Armenia I would like to give a brief summary about the situation at the border of Artsakh and Azerbaijan and explain the background story about the conflict that has now been blown up again in Karabakh / Artsakh

- #Karabakh or the more historic correct name #Artsakh has always been inhabited by Armenians and origin of our tracks in that area brings us back 2900 years in time (Assyrian, former Greek / Alexander the Great and Roman sources). But in 1922, #Stalin gave the now changed name of Artsakh, the mountains of Karabakh (it is now called Karabakh after the Ottomans / Turks captured the area and changed its name) to the newly created land #Azerbaijan. Stalin did this for political and strategic motives, while that area consisted almost entirely of Armenian inhabitants. (Try to suggest that the province of Friesland be donated to England while it has nothing to do with that country). The reason Stalin did that was because there was a lot of pressure from Turkey that they had just had war with and suffered major losses against them. Other motive was to destabilise the Armenians in that area, because there were still many Armenians who didn't want Armenia to join the Soviet Union.

- When the Soviet Union started crumbling in the late 80 s, the Armenians in Karabakh / Artsakh wanted to become independent by holding a referendum. This was partly because there was a large scale discrimination against the Armenians and the Karabakh / Artsakh area was also very moderately maintained, because Azerbaijan authorities did not attach much importance to the Armenians living in their territory (back then). The Azerbaijan authorities did not accept this referendum and for this reason they started terrorizing the Armenian population in their country (See Sumgayit Massacre, 1988). In response to this Azerbaijan policy, Karabakh / Artsakh people started fighting back against The terror of the Azeri's. The Armenian residents of Karabakh / Artsakh wanted their independence back and their wish was to join the original country of the region, namely Armenia. They no longer felt connected to Azerbaijan.

- In 1994 Armenia won this battle against the occupation of Azerbaijan and secured the areas of Karabakh / Artsakh again from the Armenians who lived there and still live there. But to this day Karabkh / Artsakh is a ′′ de facto ′′ independent state. The international community has not yet recognized the country, while you can compare the situation with the Kosovo issue (they are recognized on grounds that the population would no longer be safe under the Serbian rule. It seems that the Armenian population in Karabakh / Artsakh would not be safe under the reign of Azerbaijan aggressors either).

- In addition, after the war in 1994, the ′′ ceasefire ′′ was summoned between the two countries. This means that the countries are meeting each other to stop using violence until there is a solution to end the issues of the conflict. Unfortunately, these agreements have not been fulfilled and since 1994 there have still been shootings between the two countries. The formula that applies to this is as follows: Azerbaijan attacks and defends Armenian army. Unfortunately, other countries other than Russia and Iran are not taking initiative to bring peace to both countries.

- For the people of Artsakh it is certain that Azerbaijan's only goal is to take over Karabakh. It is absolutely irrelevant what future the people of Karabakh will have in that case. In fact, Azerbaijan wants Karabakh without her Armenian population. This is a politics that has been fully proven over the last hundred years by all Azerbaijan authorities. The current obvious evidence of this is the local wars Azerbaijan executed after the ceasefire in 1994 The ceasefire in 1994 was for the government of Artsakh the greatest compromise that Karabakh has proven for peace. By the way, Azerbaijan had direct discussions with this government at the time. Unfortunately, life learns that this ceasefire has not completed its mission being to preserve peace, because Azerbaijan is constantly breaking fire

- over the past 20 years, Azerbaijan is receiving full military assistance from Turkey and Israel and are politically encouraged to attack Karabakh / Artsakh, who now has an Armenian government. These are obvious international violations of the truce.

- To this day there are still Azerbaijan snipers along the border shooting innocent civilians near the border.

- Currently even houses that are deep in inhabited territory of Artsakh are being bombed through artillery and air attacks

- many innocent people have already died due to these attacks

- the current fights indicate that this will be the biggest one since 20 years ago (since Azerbaijan troops have been mobilizing along the border for weeks). The reason for this was to shoot Armenian villages in the Tavush region (part of Armenia that has nothing to do with Artsakh). This escalated completely after Azerbaijan helicopters and troops invaded Artsakh this morning (they had crossed the border) and were neutralized by the Armenian troops.

- The president of Azerbaijan Aliyev had announced earlier these weeks that he would proceed to ′′ full warfare ′′ if Armenia did not surrender its grounds and has now acted with the word.

- The losses Armenia has suffered in Artsakh so far are military personnel, civilian casualties and damage to schools and other public buildings.

- In North Karabakh there is still a full blown guerrilla style war between #Armenia and Azerbaijan so the fights are still not over.

That's what we are dealing with right now - the defense of our country. We Armenians know what we've been through before in the history of our existence and we only want to live in peace in the field of our ancestors. Pray for peace and stop Azerbaijan's expansion drift.
Azerbaijan isn’t in NATO. We aren’t obligated to do anything them, nor should we be. Meanwhile we need to boot Turkey out of NATO.

This whole thing is really between Turkey and Armenia.

Turkey is a part of NATO.

That is why Armenia has been left out alone.

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