The Belgian Beer Pipeline

I do not do off-color-----I am a DEPLORABLE ELDERLY LADY OF THE MAGGIE SMITH ---variety

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That woman's face scares me.

Heehee, if you drink enough Stella Artois that woman's face is almost attractive. Almost.

she was very beautiful as a young actress------hubby could not bear to watch Downton abbey because much she CHANGED.--------I kinda like her face and her REPARTE
I do not do off-color-----I am a DEPLORABLE ELDERLY LADY OF THE MAGGIE SMITH ---variety

View attachment 89623
That woman's face scares me.

Heehee, if you drink enough Stella Artois that woman's face is almost attractive. Almost.

she was very beautiful as a young actress------hubby could not bear to watch Downton abbey because much she CHANGED.--------I kinda like her face and her REPARTE

I want to see Lady in the Van, her latest I think. Based on a true story.
Well, if Belgian beer does have a pipeline, I certainly hope it's my favorite: the apple-flavored Stella Artois I like to drink.

Wrong country. Stella Artois is Belgium not German

sticklers for FACT----do not make it at the bar------such interjections stimulate BRAWLS

I don't drink beer or go to a good wine with dinner or B&B with a demitasse after dinner

This brilliant brewery has installed an underground beer pipeline - Techly

I wonder if those American Indians protesting the oil pipeline being built through part of their reservation would protest a beer pipeline coming through the rez? My guess, No.

??? I don't get it........
Off color joke.... You have to have a sense of humor to get it. Indians are known for alcoholism.

Yeah- you know like blacks like watermelon and Jews all have big noses.

Hilarious stuff.
So aside from the bizarrely odd racism of the OP- the link is to two really cool things:
  1. The town of Brugges which is just almost to quaint for words- incredibly touristy but still wonderful to visit.
  2. And amazing Belgium beer- unlike beer anywhere else.
Germans have been pipelines. They make sense.
Australia has pipelines for wine so do areas in California
Well, if Belgian beer does have a pipeline, I certainly hope it's my favorite: the apple-flavored Stella Artois I like to drink.

Does it matter at all if your beer is not vegan?

I have no idea since I don't have the vegan mental disorder (as a mammal, I drink milk, which us mammals are designed to do). I'm not aware of any dairy products involved in any beer.
Well, if Belgian beer does have a pipeline, I certainly hope it's my favorite: the apple-flavored Stella Artois I like to drink.

Does it matter at all if your beer is not vegan?

I have no idea since I don't have the vegan mental disorder (as a mammal, I drink milk, which us mammals are designed to do). I'm not aware of any dairy products involved in any beer.

Most beers use fish bladders to make the beer more "clear" which is why I asked.
Stella is a chav drink that is known as wife beater in the UK.

The fact that you don't like my choice of beer pleases me to no end.
Just dont want you to show yourself up when you visit that Europe. Ordering Stella in any bar will see you stigmatised. Carlsberg is better and so is Heinekin. Kronenburg is ok but the best beer in the world is the famous Wrexham Lager. All the top people drink it.

Wrexham Lager - Feed me ‘til I want no more...
Well, if Belgian beer does have a pipeline, I certainly hope it's my favorite: the apple-flavored Stella Artois I like to drink.

Does it matter at all if your beer is not vegan?

I have no idea since I don't have the vegan mental disorder (as a mammal, I drink milk, which us mammals are designed to do). I'm not aware of any dairy products involved in any beer.

Most beers use fish bladders to make the beer more "clear" which is why I asked.

I had no idea about fish bladders beings involved. But I've never been a vegan so its irrelevant to me anyways.
Stella is a chav drink that is known as wife beater in the UK.

The fact that you don't like my choice of beer pleases me to no end.
Just dont want you to show yourself up when you visit that Europe. Ordering Stella in any bar will see you stigmatised. Carlsberg is better and so is Heinekin. Kronenburg is ok but the best beer in the world is the famous Wrexham Lager. All the top people drink it.

Wrexham Lager - Feed me ‘til I want no more...

I don't care, I make no apologies for enjoying the subtle apple flavor of Ms. Artois. Traces of fruit juice taste good with beer, such as Canada's Moosehead, which obviously has traces of grapefruit juice.

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