The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Not a building ...


But that of which buildings are made ...

I think accurate to say that abiogenesis has still not been recreated by man using random processes.

Amino acids are the building blocks of life ... universally regarded as the simplest of organic molecules.

To be fair, scientists have only been working on this for a few decades. Nature has been doing it for several Billion years.
I think accurate to say that abiogenesis has still not been recreated by man using random processes.

Amino acids are the building blocks of life ... universally regarded as the simplest of organic molecules.

To be fair, scientists have only been working on this for a few decades. Nature has been doing it for several Billion years.
Amino acid is not life.
Again, which atoms and in what combination are posting on USMB right now and why?
Why did evolution just start life at one single point in time? Why are we not seeing new life forms emerge from the mud today?
If you kill because someone doesn't believe as you believe I think that is criminal. Doesn't matter if it's the Church or NKVD. The Catholic Church was no better or worse than other theocracies.

Well there is part of your problem, you dont understand why these people were put to death.

Plenty of Jews lived in Europe with no problem with the church.

You should unlearn what you think you have learned on this topic if you want to grasp the Truth of the matter.

I'm no historian but my understanding is that the Inquisition was the judicial arm of the Catholic Church run by local Church officials. As such there was large variation as to how the edicts of the Pope were carried out. In Spain, the monarchy persecuted and expelled Jews and forced their conversion.

"The history of the Jews [after 1492] in Spain is that of the conversos, whose numbers, as has been shown, had been increased by no less than 50,000 during the period of expulsion to a total of maybe 300,000. For three centuries after expulsion, Spanish Conversos were subject to suspicion by the Spanish Inquisition which executed over 3000 people in the 1570-1700 period on charges of heresy (including Judaism among other). They were also subject to more general discriminatory laws of known as "limpieza de sangre" which required Spaniards to demonstrate "old Christian" background in order to access certain positions of authority."

The people were executed by civil authorities for violations of civil law, which at that time were not very tolerant.

Spain was a problem more because the civil government rulers sere strident 'Triumphalists' who believed that they were serving God by purging Spain of all nonChristians, to include expelling Muslims as well as Jews. The Inquisition was brought in to determine if the convert had 'relapsed' and returned to their prior faith in secret. But it was the secular government that executed them.

And I think the execution of 3000 over more than a century demonstrates a clear substantial difference between Spain and Stalins reign in which as many as 30 to 50 million were slaughtered or starved to death.

When you have logarithmic difference in scale that always points to a difference in quality/substance and not merely quantity.

My goal is to make one person think critically about what they believe and why they believe it.

I have no goals really than to make people aware of the disruptive effects of the coming Robotics Revolution. Mostly I just want to have some good conversations about interesting topics.
Why did evolution just start life at one single point in time? Why are we not seeing new life forms emerge from the mud today?

Are you being serious? Did you sleep through twelve semesters of science classes?
I think accurate to say that abiogenesis has still not been recreated by man using random processes.

Amino acids are the building blocks of life ... universally regarded as the simplest of organic molecules.

To be fair, scientists have only been working on this for a few decades. Nature has been doing it for several Billion years.

I think one day science will discover a process to replicate abiogenesis, as I think the Creator used natural processes to do everything He has done.

But I do not think the OP's point can or will ever be replicated and that is the creation of sentient life through random processes.
How anyone can delude themselves to believe atoms do have sentient life is beyond me.

Soooo... just to be clear ... we're NOT made of atoms?
You think atoms are sentient?
I'm sentient, and I'm made of atoms.
So again, atoms are sentient?
You're trying to make a point that is too stupid for me to bother refuting.
I think accurate to say that abiogenesis has still not been recreated by man using random processes.

Amino acids are the building blocks of life ... universally regarded as the simplest of organic molecules.

To be fair, scientists have only been working on this for a few decades. Nature has been doing it for several Billion years.
Amino acid is not life.
Again, which atoms and in what combination are posting on USMB right now and why?
Why did evolution just start life at one single point in time? Why are we not seeing new life forms emerge from the mud today?
View attachment 152655
There very well may be new forms of life emerging every day

Single cell life
Life that may only survive for a short period of time
Life that merges with existing forms of life

We have not catalogued every single cell organism that exists. There may very well be new life forms that have emerged over the last million years
But I do not think the OP's point can or will ever be replicated and that is the creation of sentient life through random processes.

The OP is very confused about the nature of atoms and molecules and can't quite grip onto the fact that one is built upon the other.

Abiogenesis is the spontaneous creation of organic molecules from inorganic elements and it's been amply demonstrated that it occurs spontaneously under very primitive conditions.

Creation of life isn't random, it's the nature of some elements like carbon and silicon to bond naturally with other elements and that bonding leads to organic molecules. Repeated bondings create more and more complex molecules and those molecules perform functions based on their chemistry.

What put this chain of causality in motion could easily be called G-d as it is something that is outside of our three-dimensional space-time.
Why did evolution just start life at one single point in time? Why are we not seeing new life forms emerge from the mud today?

Are you being serious? Did you sleep through twelve semesters of science classes?
Yes, I must have been sleeping. So educate me on which atoms like watching sunsets and why life only started at one single point in time.
The people were executed by civil authorities for violations of civil law, which at that time were not very tolerant.

Just to be clear. Are you arguing in favour of the Spanish Inquisition and the expelling and forced conversions of a million Jews from Spain?

The OP is very confused about the nature of atoms and molecules and can't quite grip onto the fact that one is built upon the other.

He is using a humorous phrasing to illustrate the limits of materialistic causes and effects.

Abiogenesis is the spontaneous creation of organic molecules from inorganic elements and it's been amply demonstrated that it occurs spontaneously under very primitive conditions.

And yet not even a virus has been shown to have been brewed in any of these primitive broths.

Creation of life isn't random, it's the nature of some elements like carbon and silicon to bond naturally with other elements and that bonding leads to organic molecules. Repeated bondings create more and more complex molecules and those molecules perform functions based on their chemistry.

Yes, CREATION of life is not random but the circumstances that give rise to it are. If there is a magic formula to create a virus, and I think there is, then the circumstances by which that formula came into effect was obviously random, but not the formula itself.

What put this chain of causality in motion could easily be called G-d as it is something that is outside of our three-dimensional space-time.

Well, true, but the Big Bang kind of makes the formation of a virus kids play by comparison, dont you think?
But I do not think the OP's point can or will ever be replicated and that is the creation of sentient life through random processes.

The OP is very confused about the nature of atoms and molecules and can't quite grip onto the fact that one is built upon the other.

Abiogenesis is the spontaneous creation of organic molecules from inorganic elements and it's been amply demonstrated that it occurs spontaneously under very primitive conditions.

Creation of life isn't random, it's the nature of some elements like carbon and silicon to bond naturally with other elements and that bonding leads to organic molecules. Repeated bondings create more and more complex molecules and those molecules perform functions based on their chemistry.

What put this chain of causality in motion could easily be called G-d as it is something that is outside of our three-dimensional space-time.
Sorry, but we already know what molecules are in our bodies.
So which ones like funny cat videos?
Well, true, but the Big Bang kind of makes the formation of a virus kids play by comparison, dont you think?

The Big Bang explains the development of our Universe. But doesn't attempt to explain the conditions that created a universal singularity.

It's very safe to assume there is some very 'next-level' stuff going on that clearly defies our current understanding of physics.
Basic question why you believe a carbon atom is interested in writing poetry.

The fact you have no answer for your belief is an answer in itself.

Of course, you've hit the nail on the head.

Science, currently, is used as a weapon by the atheistic Left.
Not only has science never done anything but the most pedestrian work...joining elements in an Ehrenmeyer Flask to form amino acids.....

...not life by any stretch...

...but they love to pretend that Darwin's theory is a fact.

It isn't.

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.
Well, true, but the Big Bang kind of makes the formation of a virus kids play by comparison, dont you think?

The Big Bang explains the development of our Universe. But doesn't attempt to explain the conditions that created a universal singularity.

It's very safe to assume there is some very 'next-level' stuff going on that clearly defies our current understanding of physics.
I just want to know why you think the debris from this explosion likes to listen to Beethoven.
He is using a humorous phrasing to illustrate the limits of materialistic causes and effects.

I think you're wrong about that. A single posting, or ever a couple, about sentient atoms might have been meant as a joke. But, his repeated parroting of the idea indicates he really believes he is making a point. It's not a point at all, it's a spurious argument that is divorced from all logic.

It's kind of like watching a dog chew on a rubber bone. Just won't believe it's not real.

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