The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Please be so kind as to flesh out what you are trying to say.

simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and
I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro

Please be so kind as to flesh out what you are trying to say.

simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)

You seem to have ignored this:
"Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?"

the basic mechanism occurs in Petri dishes all the time-----
that's how sensitivity to this or that antibiotic is determined
Please be so kind as to flesh out what you are trying to say.

simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and

Let's cut to the chase: there has never been any proof of speciation.

1. In 1997, evolutionary biologist Keith Stewart Thomson wrote: “A matter of unfinished business for biologists is the identification of evolution's smoking gun,” and “the smoking gun of evolution is speciation, not local adaptation and differentiation of populations.”
Before Darwin, the consensus was that species can vary only within certain limits; indeed, centuries of artificial selection had seemingly demonstrated such limits experimentally. “Darwin had to show that the limits could be broken,” wrote Thomson, “so do we.”
Keith Stewart Thomson, “Natural Selection and Evolution’s Smoking Gun,” American Scientist 85 (1997): 516-518.

2. "Speciation" is the cornerstone of Darwinian evolution. If it has been observed, then evolution is true and the Bible is false. Speciation is the crossing of one species into another species. The official definition is "A process whereby over time one species evolves into a different species (anagenesis) or whereby one species diverges to become two or more species (cladogenesis)."
speciation definition

3. The Encyclopedia Britannica simplifies it a little with "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution."
speciation | Causes, Process, & Types

What is the explanation if.....if......all of diversity is the myriad of organisms that....each and every one.....arrived like Topsy, fully formed and distinct.

Seems to me there is only one explanation.
Please be so kind as to flesh out what you are trying to say.

simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)

You seem to have ignored this:
"Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?"

the basic mechanism occurs in Petri dishes all the time-----
that's how sensitivity to this or that antibiotic is determined

...and nowhere else?

Then it doesn't hold as explanation for diversity on the planet.
Dr. Francis Crick does not endorse miracles or even the slightest belief in God as he declares in no uncertain terms in chapter fifteen of his book, "Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature."This co-discoverer of DNA instead puts forth what he considers to be a more plausible theory for the origin of life and man.

Crick explains...
Directed Panspermia - postulates that the roots of our form of life go back to another place in the universe, almost certainly another planet; that it had reached a very advanced form there before anything much had started here; and that life here was seeded by microorganisms sent on some form of spaceship by an advanced civilization. Crick, p.141

According to Crick, this is the only alternative that satisfactorily explains what Darwinism and punctuated equilibria do not - this planet's absence of transitional forms; transitional forms being the evidence for evolution which, "would only have existed on the sender planet, not on Earth,"
Dr. Crick then informs us what to expect of the fossil record: p.144

Since the introduction of Dr. Crick's version of Directed Panspermia, the theory has been modified slightly by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe.These two scientists discount the belief that any alien spacecraft brought life to this planet. They instead propose that complex genes, the genes that appear early and abruptly in earth's history, were manufactured by some intelligence and released into space. Those genes then were set adrift into space like dandelion seeds on windy spring day.
Sir Fred Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, "Evolution from Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism", Simon and Schuster, NY, 1981, p109

Why is Darwin taught as fact....and not these sterling examples of 'science'????

"sterling" ? manufactured gene complexes? phage
tossed into the cosmos like CONFETTI? ------why?
I was surprised to learn there was something God could not do and there was a place he could not go.
As a Christian, I believe that God's interface with the flow of time space to be the Logos, or Jesus Christ.

it is not so much that God does not go there, but what He emanates into Space Time is not the father Himself, who is Eternal and always outside the flow of time.

At least this is my comprehension of it, and a priest might brand me a heretic, but this is how I understand it.
I never understood the whole trinity myself. If just seemed to me a bunch of semantic silliness. A priest would certainly brand me a heretic.
The Trinity is difficult to grasp for everyone because it goes well beyond our ability to reconcile it with what we see and thus know.
simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and
I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro

That is FUNNY!!!

Remember when the Liberal were running around claiming HIV was going to be a hetero disease?
It seems like God's morality has changed dramatically over the ages. Any idea why that would be?
What changed?
The OT God was a god of the Jews, the NT God is a god of individuals. Just one example but the difference is striking that Gnostics believed they could not be the same god
Not quite correct. OT is about the establishment of a people so that all mankind may be redeemed. The NT is the fulfillment of that plan.
simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)

You seem to have ignored this:
"Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?"

the basic mechanism occurs in Petri dishes all the time-----
that's how sensitivity to this or that antibiotic is determined

...and nowhere else?

Then it doesn't hold as explanation for diversity on the planet.

everywhere else-------a petri dish is simply a PLACE ----new strains of TUBERCULOSIS arise all the time-----RIFAMPIN
resistant TB------APPEARED in my life-time
Dr. Francis Crick does not endorse miracles or even the slightest belief in God as he declares in no uncertain terms in chapter fifteen of his book, "Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature."This co-discoverer of DNA instead puts forth what he considers to be a more plausible theory for the origin of life and man.

Crick explains...
Directed Panspermia - postulates that the roots of our form of life go back to another place in the universe, almost certainly another planet; that it had reached a very advanced form there before anything much had started here; and that life here was seeded by microorganisms sent on some form of spaceship by an advanced civilization. Crick, p.141

According to Crick, this is the only alternative that satisfactorily explains what Darwinism and punctuated equilibria do not - this planet's absence of transitional forms; transitional forms being the evidence for evolution which, "would only have existed on the sender planet, not on Earth,"
Dr. Crick then informs us what to expect of the fossil record: p.144

Since the introduction of Dr. Crick's version of Directed Panspermia, the theory has been modified slightly by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe.These two scientists discount the belief that any alien spacecraft brought life to this planet. They instead propose that complex genes, the genes that appear early and abruptly in earth's history, were manufactured by some intelligence and released into space. Those genes then were set adrift into space like dandelion seeds on windy spring day.
Sir Fred Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, "Evolution from Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism", Simon and Schuster, NY, 1981, p109

Why is Darwin taught as fact....and not these sterling examples of 'science'????

"sterling" ? manufactured gene complexes? phage
tossed into the cosmos like CONFETTI? ------why?

1. adjective
Sterling means very good in quality; used to describe someone's work or character.
Sterling definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

I just provided two sterling examples of their explanations for diverse species....yet you've ignored them as well.
The OT God was a god of the Jews, the NT God is a god of individuals. Just one example but the difference is striking that Gnostics believed they could not be the same god
I dont think God changed so much as humanity matured a bit more to be capable of grasping the changes in what would be revealed about God and morality.

And certainly nothing has changed about God's relationship with the sons of Israel.
"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and
I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro

That is FUNNY!!!

Remember when the Liberal were running around claiming HIV was going to be a hetero disease?
Hetro HIV epidemic. On their long list of just around the corner doomsday rants.
"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)

You seem to have ignored this:
"Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?"

the basic mechanism occurs in Petri dishes all the time-----
that's how sensitivity to this or that antibiotic is determined

...and nowhere else?

Then it doesn't hold as explanation for diversity on the planet.

everywhere else-------a petri dish is simply a PLACE ----new strains of TUBERCULOSIS arise all the time-----RIFAMPIN
resistant TB------APPEARED in my life-time

You appear not to understand what an explanation for evolution requires.

I provided this:

2. "Speciation" is the cornerstone of Darwinian evolution. If it has been observed, then evolution is true and the Bible is false. Speciation is the crossing of one species into another species. The official definition is "A process whereby over time one species evolves into a different species (anagenesis) or whereby one species diverges to become two or more species (cladogenesis)."
speciation definition

3. The Encyclopedia Britannica simplifies it a little with "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution."
speciation | Causes, Process, & Types
I never understood the whole trinity myself. If just seemed to me a bunch of semantic silliness.

Most Christians dont either, and I am not sure I have the whole grasp of it.

It's complicated to discuss something so beyond our own experiences and environment as an Eternal Creator, but I think He has revealed enough of Himself to convey what He thinks is necessary for our spiritual edification.

A priest would certainly brand me a heretic.

Actually, no, not a Catholic priest anyway, as you were not raised a Catholic, right?

I think only a Catholic that leaves the church can be a heretic from the churches perspective.
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and
I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro

That is FUNNY!!!

Remember when the Liberal were running around claiming HIV was going to be a hetero disease?
Hetro HIV epidemic. On their long list of just around the corner doomsday rants.

How does that old saw go, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Is there a saying for ‘fool me a dozen times’?

1. Heterosexual Aids “A quarter of a century after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared.” Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

2. Killer African Bees “Killer bees” are nothing more than a hyped-up scam foisted on the public to milk federal research dollars, a group of southern Arizona” Beesource Beekeeping » Some Beekeepers Believe “Killer Bees” are Fraud

3. Swine Flu? “Richard Schabas, Ontario's former chief medical officer of health, said in an interview yesterday that the first wave of the virus this spring was not as dire as expected, and the number of people infected in the Southern Hemisphere, now in the middle of its regular flu season, is nowhere as bad as feared.” H5N1: Canadian health expert: Swine flu panic overblown

4. Mad Cow Disease [Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)] “However, a fair review of the evidence from Britain and France indicates that the threat to human health from BSE in the United States is minimal.” “Mad Cow”: Is the Media Milking an Overblown Threat? | CEI

5. Bird Flu was about to ‘jump’ from chickens to humans. “Doomsday predictions about bird flu seem to be spreading faster than the virus itself. But a small group of skeptics say the bird flu hype is overblown and ultimately harmful to the public’s health. There’s no guarantee bird flu will become a pandemic, and if it does there’s no guarantee it will kill millions of people.” Skeptics warn bird flu fears are overblown - Bird Flu-

6. "SARS is a media circus more than a medical crisis." Letter From Hong Kong - SARS Threat Overblown - NAM

7. “Silicone gel implants were taken off the market in 1992 amidst fears that they could be linked to cancer, autoimmune and connective tissue disorders (such as lupus). But since the FDA approved their use again in 2006 many women and their surgeons have opted to use them rather than the implants filled with saline (salt water)." Silicone breast implants: Are they safe? - Your Health

8. “Y2K taught us lessons that will always be applicable: Dont believe everything the experts tell you, and be especially skeptical of worst-case predictions for technology” . Some Perspective 5 Years After Y2K - Security from eWeek

9. “… during the early 1990s a massive cholera outbreak in Latin America caused 10,000 deaths as a result of countries refusing to use chlorine to disinfect water supplies because of the labeling of chlorine as a carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)” Milloy SJ. Junk Science Judo - Self-Defense Against Health Scares and Scams. The Cato Institute, Washington, DC, 2001, p. 1.

10.”… in 1975 research showed a cancer-causing effect of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in rats. The ensuing panic led to the 1976 federal law banning their production. In 1999, the same researcher found no association with human cancer. But the federal law remains in force.” Junk Science Judo by Steven J. Milloy

11. “According to Marjorie Mazel Hecht and [San Jose State University] professor J. Gordon Edwards at 21st Century Home Page, DDT is safe and indeed saved and can save human lives, and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is full of lies. According to them, the banning of DDT was politically motivated and went against the majority of scientific opinion…. No one has conclusively proved that DDT can give you cancer.” The Straight Dope: Was Rachel Carson a fraud and is DDT actually safe for humans?

12. Global Warming…"the sky is falling" with a political twist.

As H. L. Menken said,
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
I was an mom tried to "get rid of me"------she even went to a back alley abortionist------but he probably detected some reluctance on her part and refused to do it
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation

such an experiment CAN result in speciation if the NEW VEGGIE can reproduce itself---------and finds a niche-----and

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