The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation

such an experiment CAN result in speciation if the NEW VEGGIE can reproduce itself---------and finds a niche-----and

Don't be silly.
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.

just existing does not make it--------the new ones have to both be able to REPRODUCE themselves and DO SO --copiously-------like da bible says-----MULTIPLY and be
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation

such an experiment CAN result in speciation if the NEW VEGGIE can reproduce itself---------and finds a niche-----and

Don't be silly.

I have to try------the vodka has run out
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.

just existing does not make it--------the new ones have to both be able to REPRODUCE themselves and DO SO --copiously-------like da bible says-----MULTIPLY and be
I’ll send you the seeds next summer.
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.

just existing does not make it--------the new ones have to both be able to REPRODUCE themselves and DO SO --copiously-------like da bible says-----MULTIPLY and be
I’ll send you the seeds next summer.

I need both top soil and compost. -----lots.
yeah-----it happened

No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.

just existing does not make it--------the new ones have to both be able to REPRODUCE themselves and DO SO --copiously-------like da bible says-----MULTIPLY and be
I’ll send you the seeds next summer.

I need both top soil and compost. -----lots.
I’ll send you lots of young compost too.
I was an mom tried to "get rid of me"------she even went to a back alley abortionist------but he probably detected some reluctance on her part and refused to do it

If that's a joke, it's not funny.

If you are serious, all of us are blessed in it not happening.
No it hasn't.

"The Russian cytologist Karpchenko (1927, 1928) crossed the radish, Raphanus sativus, with the cabbage, Brassica oleracea."5The scientist crossed a radish with a cabbage. He crossed two vegetables. This is given as an example of observed speciation of one species evolving into another species. No wonder the author disassociates himself with this "evidence."

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Crossing different types of vegetables is common and is done with fruit, dogs, beetles, worms, bacteria, and cats. Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of "speciation" is "the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution." There is no new species when a vegetable produces a vegetable. There is no speciation. This is just another example of evolutionary smoke and mirrors to deceive the simple."
Observed Instances of Speciation
I have trees that are genetic crosses between plums and peaches, plums and apricots. All that proves is we can cross the two.

just existing does not make it--------the new ones have to both be able to REPRODUCE themselves and DO SO --copiously-------like da bible says-----MULTIPLY and be
I’ll send you the seeds next summer.

I need both top soil and compost. -----lots.
I’ll send you lots of young compost too.

uhm------could you not------let it mature a bit???
What I'd settle for was some evidence of God.
The universe. Your existence.
Since we don't know how the universe began a creator is possible but nothing points to a God of the Bible. Certainly not me.
We do know how the universe began, the BigBang.

And your ability to shift your mental focus from one sensation to another is proof of your ability to choose which is proof of the soul.
"And your ability to shift your mental focus from one sensation to another is proof of your ability to choose which is proof of the soul."

Ridiculous. In fact, we know free will, as you are obviously thinking of it, does not exist. You make your choices before you are aware you have made them.
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
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So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.

You are doing it all wrong

You don't start with a human right away. You start with some primordial slime containing the correct hydrocarbons at a reasonable temperature with plenty of water. Maybe a lightning bolt or solar energy and a living organism is created. Wait a billion years and let evolution take its course
OK, why no new life forms in the past 500 million years? All life is traced back to a single lump of goo.
"OK, why no new life forms in the past 500 million years?"

What is this nonsense? Plenty of species have emerged in the last 500 million years.

As far as new types of life, ut's a simple answer....the biomass already existent on this planet dominates.
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.

Exactly it. We should be able to reanimate life, all the right atoms are present.

"We should be able to reanimate life, all the right atoms are present."

. It doesnt matter what atoms are present, it matters how they are arranged.
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simple-------many mechanisms of evolution-----even including SUDDEN spurts and bumps which produce---DE NOVO entirely novel organisms------vs the traditional ----slow---one gene at at time,,,,,actually one base pair at a time. -----just no Lamarck-----the MAGICAL-----*life strives to perfection" thing

"many mechanisms of evolution"


Aside from inhabitants of Petri Dishes....can you name any that have been proven in the laboratory?[/QUOTE

simple evolution is proven by the fact that viruses MUTATE--------and bacteria mutations can exhibit resistance to this or that anti-biotic<<<<< evolution in the tube, in the peoples, in the toilet --------everywhere------various levels of gradual
evolution. ------JUST MULTIPLY tiny steps by something relatively CATACLYSMIC------which is usually lethal----but rared DOES SURVIVE -----and rarer still---reproduce
(cancer cells is another "good" example)
Call us when your virus mutates into something that is not a virus.

A hamster would be nice.

do not trivialize the potential of a virus------remember
your little friend HIV
For ADVANCED organisms-----think of the ever active and
I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro
"I will never get HIV. I’m a faithful hetro."

Dang this is stupid. When was the last time you said ANYTHING even remotely intelligent or factual about any scientific topic? HIV affects mostly heterosexuals in the world. You should feel embarrassed of yourself.
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This is who we are. Just a pile of elements from the Periodic Table.
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Same elements you will find all around you. When you die, those elements will continue to exist with no effect upon them. Carbon atoms will still be carbon atoms after you die.
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No matter how accurate you are in combing all of the ratios of atoms in a living being, it is not going to become animated.

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Atoms are not going to write Beethoven, they does not want to listen to Beethoven, nor does the pile of atoms care if it a living being lives or dies, because the elements have nothing to gain or lose either way. Atoms have no interest in talking to each other, laughing at funny cat videos, or even reading and responding on USMB. Atoms just do not care.

How anyone can delude themselves to believe atoms do have sentient life is beyond me.
Scientists are the first to admit that they don't have The Answer to the origin of our existence. Yet.

Such egotistical beliefs have the exclusive domain of the various religions of the world for thousands of years.
Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Fascism... responsible for over 100 million slaughtered since its origin.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.
Actually their existence would require they were created by your God and therefore YOUR religion of hate is animated by that Godly evil.

1. You don't know my religion.

2. America's basis, Judeo-Christian doctrine is based on free will.
Hence, if some are evil it is there choice, just as being stupid is your choice.
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

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