The Beltway Media Is Spreading Debt Limit Misinformation


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘…this might be a good occasion to point out the other big mistakes that have brought us to this point. Namely, those of the political media, who can rightly be said to have spent the last decade botching their coverage of the debt ceiling, mainly by failing to speak one plain truth: We keep getting dragged to the brink of default because the GOP has become a gang of extremists. This is villainy—their villainy—and the media has let them off the hook by treating this psychosis as all part of the natural order.


That the media cannot keep what is and what isn’t a “norm” straight in their head is the venial sin embedded within their debt ceiling coverage. The mortal sin is that the media has essentially conferred on the Republican Party the right to regularly stage these extortions. Imagine what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot—that a Democratic-controlled House majority was threatening to push the country into default unless a Republican president consented to a massive increase of the welfare state. It’s hard to imagine journalists referring to liberal hostage-taking as merely “the ordinary stuff of politics.”’

And of course, the Republican Party only stages these extortions when a Democrat occupies the WH.
Yeah, per the article "The political press bears a share of the blame for the fact we are once again on the precipice of default." I agree


and then the CRAP HITS THE FAN and then

Democrats, who maintained control of the House until the end of 2022, intentionally punted this issue to Republicans in 2023. If Democrats are going to bitch about it .. perhaps they should have managed the problem when they held control.

Leaders Back Away From Raising Debt Ceiling, Punting Clash to New Congress

Some Democrats had hoped to act on the issue before their party loses unified control of Congress, but a lack of political will and time appears to have sapped momentum for doing so.

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders have all but abandoned the idea of acting to raise the debt ceiling this month before Democrats lose control of the House, punting the issue to a new Congress when Republicans have vowed to fight the move, and setting up a clash next year that could bring the American economy to the brink of crisis.
What a dope

Biden declares himself 'blameless' if US defaults on debt: 'I've done my part'

There will be no default, no matter what happens....This is just more scaremongering by the power elite (on both sides) and their faithful media toadies.

The feds will take in over $4 trillion this year...More than enough to "pay our bills"...There will, however, need to be a prioritization of payments, and numerous bureaucracies will need to take a big haircut.
Imagine what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot—that a Democratic-controlled House majority was threatening to push the country into default unless a Republican president consented to a massive increase of the welfare state
The media would blame Republicans.

The MSM if the positions were reversed...

"Listen John... the Democrats have passed a bill that raises the debt ceiling...and the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate are refusing to bring that measure to the floor!"

"I hear you Janet, if there is a default, it can be blamed squarely in the obstinance and stubbornness of the Republicans. Do they want the US to default?!?"

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