The best 2024 Democrat Superbowl commerical


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2024
The purpose of this commercial is to announce that Biden is stepping down and giving the reins to Newsom... in a truely spectacular fashion.

The stage is set when a black cloaked figure walks out of thick fog during the half-time show. The figure walks up to a podium, which has tiny steps and large flashing arrows pointing towards it, and removes their hood to reveal Joe Biden. He addresses everyone with a speech starting with "my fellow Americans" and it ends with him endorsing "someone" for president. Biden then says "you'll have to watch this commercial to find out who that someone is". The commercial starts playing:

Biden is sitting in the oval office and his phone rings. His receptionist tell him it's the Democratic nominee. Biden and Newsom are shown in a split screen:

Biden: Hello?
Newsom: Hey watchu doin' B?
Biden: Nothing, just watching the ceiling and being a dud.
Newsom: True, true.
A 3rd party gets on the line

Now it's your turn to say who the 3rd or 4th party are in the commercial and add any dialog you want. Personally, I think Xi Jinping and Dylan Mulvaney would be pretty funny.

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