The Best Way to Spend Your $1200 Stimulus


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
According to experts, and what the current state of affairs reminds us, build a rainy day fund, one which should cover between 3 and 6 months of expenses. I started one when the crash occurred, and only have $500 in it, but am adding another $600 when stimulus arrives, and will be putting in anywhere from $200 to $400 a month moving forward.

this is good advice....

having the 6 months of salary saved and in a kitty for emergencies, or layoffs or any left hook that comes along, relieves a lot of stress, when sh*t hits the fan.......

it does take time to build it up to that level though......

when I was young, they used to say have a 3 month fund.... but after the 2008 crash and great recession, the finance gurus were recommending 6 months.
my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
My Dad taught me the importance of managing money in a very different way. He was awful at it! But it made such an impression on me, even as a kid that I was determined to not to repeat his mistakes. I'm glad your Dad taught you the right way. I figured it out having witnessed what not to do.
How hard is it?

Pay your damn bills with it.
Agreed. Get rid of it.

With the amount of money the government and FED is pushing into the system. . . things are not going back to normal. Saving or investing is dumb at this point.

Folks don't save or invest in communist states. Folks need to wake up and realize, freedom and liberty are gone right now.

Spend it while the government is destroying purchasing power and destroying the market.

Only start saving again if they ever decide to liberalize the economy ever again.

Everything is closed down and stagnating with uncertainty, best guesses, etc. Trusting the government or corporate media about anything is a fools game at this point.
my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
My Dad taught me the importance of managing money in a very different way. He was awful at it! But it made such an impression on me, even as a kid that I was determined to not to repeat his mistakes. I'm glad your Dad taught you the right way. I figured it out having witnessed what not to do.
I'm guessing your dad didn't live in a communist regime that told folks they couldn't go to work or leave their house though.

The rules have changed. Wake up buddy.
my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
My Dad taught me the importance of managing money in a very different way. He was awful at it! But it made such an impression on me, even as a kid that I was determined to not to repeat his mistakes. I'm glad your Dad taught you the right way. I figured it out having witnessed what not to do.
I'm guessing your dad didn't live in a communist regime that told folks they couldn't go to work or leave their house though.

The rules have changed. Wake up buddy.
The concepts of managing your money and yourself never change. There are some who will need every dollar of the stimulus to survive. Most would do well to save part of it.
How hard is it?

Pay your damn bills with it.
Agreed. Get rid of it.

With the amount of money the government and FED is pushing into the system. . . things are not going back to normal. Saving or investing is dumb at this point.

Great, another welfare deadbeat that my future tax dollars will go towards supporting.

Here is my advice to you: GET A JOB!
According to experts, and what the current state of affairs reminds us, build a rainy day fund, one which should cover between 3 and 6 months of expenses. I started one when the crash occurred, and only have $500 in it, but am adding another $600 when stimulus arrives, and will be putting in anywhere from $200 to $400 a month moving forward.

Very smart. Also only spend what you have. Don’t borrow and put on credit. I was able to retire in my 50’s with those two rules.
According to experts, and what the current state of affairs reminds us, build a rainy day fund, one which should cover between 3 and 6 months of expenses. I started one when the crash occurred, and only have $500 in it, but am adding another $600 when stimulus arrives, and will be putting in anywhere from $200 to $400 a month moving forward.

Usually Democrat Voters are very shallow people who live for the moment and don't save their money. They won't save their corona check money.
How hard is it?

Pay your damn bills with it.
Agreed. Get rid of it.

With the amount of money the government and FED is pushing into the system. . . things are not going back to normal. Saving or investing is dumb at this point.

Great, another welfare deadbeat that my future tax dollars will go towards supporting.

Here is my advice to you: GET A JOB!
Good lord, are you really this stupid?

We are living under a tyranny now. The government has told even able body people they are not able to work, let alone disable folks like me.

It is time to stop with your ultra-conservative free market crap. It is no longer applicable when the free market no longer exists, one can't just go out and, "get a job."

If the the government can just, "cut checks" to everyone, why doesn't it just stop taxing folks?

Here is my advice you to you, stop watching TEE VEE, and start reading.

Statist fuck.

fucked by government.jpg

my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
My Dad taught me the importance of managing money in a very different way. He was awful at it! But it made such an impression on me, even as a kid that I was determined to not to repeat his mistakes. I'm glad your Dad taught you the right way. I figured it out having witnessed what not to do.
I'm guessing your dad didn't live in a communist regime that told folks they couldn't go to work or leave their house though.

The rules have changed. Wake up buddy.
The concepts of managing your money and yourself never change. There are some who will need every dollar of the stimulus to survive. Most would do well to save part of it.

Tell that to Weimar republic or the Venezuelan economy or any other economy where the government seized control of the economy.

According to experts, and what the current state of affairs reminds us, build a rainy day fund, one which should cover between 3 and 6 months of expenses. I started one when the crash occurred, and only have $500 in it, but am adding another $600 when stimulus arrives, and will be putting in anywhere from $200 to $400 a month moving forward.

Very smart. Also only spend what you have. Don’t borrow and put on credit. I was able to retire in my 50’s with those two rules.

That's awesome man, I am retiring at 56 in three more years, and I'm glad the crash occurred now and markets can hopefully recover by 2023, if this happened three years from now, I might have to wait to retire.
my father used to tell me when I was first starting out in my career,

''Pay yourself first'' basically, take 10% of your salary, and save it, before you pay your first bill.... budget yourself so that 10% of what you make, is not in your budget at all, but in a savings account, or CD that can be cracked in emergency....
My Dad taught me the importance of managing money in a very different way. He was awful at it! But it made such an impression on me, even as a kid that I was determined to not to repeat his mistakes. I'm glad your Dad taught you the right way. I figured it out having witnessed what not to do.
I'm guessing your dad didn't live in a communist regime that told folks they couldn't go to work or leave their house though.

The rules have changed. Wake up buddy.
The concepts of managing your money and yourself never change. There are some who will need every dollar of the stimulus to survive. Most would do well to save part of it.

Tell that to Weimar republic or the Venezuelan economy or any other economy where the government seized control of the economy.

Quit overreacting, we have not had a global pandemic in a century, and it has put 17 million people out of work. Before the pandemic it was less than a million, I believe. These are unprecedented times and the challenge is very real. Quit with the histrionics.

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