The Bible reveals that the Triune God is the one and only true God.

Ad hominem attacks do not validate your assumptions, nor justify your lack of honesty and integrity.
Lets make this even simpler...
Esurance commercial gets it:
saying; "sort of you, isn't you."

Maybe discussing historical Yeshu would make you understand the mistakes in your assertions, and how those errors can bring extreme harm in understanding.
Ad hominem attacks do not validate your assumptions, nor justify your lack of honesty and integrity.

Ahem, You accused me of intellectual dishonesty because I used the name Jesus instead of yeshua, and then you accuse me of dishonesty for giving Jesus a Jewish name. What a maroon!.

You did this. It is the epitome of hypocrisy. by accusing me of ad hominem attacks, because I pointed out your dishonesty and lack of integrity, you have only embarrassed yourself further.

nicely done!
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Maybe discussing historical Yeshu would make you understand the mistakes in your assertions, and how those errors can bring extreme harm in understanding.

I would rather find out more about your accusation that I am, "trying to deceive Jews into Baal worship." Carelessly throwing around accusations like that could get someone crucified you know.

but first, go ahead and enlighten me about how my errors could bring about extreme harm in understanding....

On second thought,.... go to hell.
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Ahem, You accused me of intellectual dishonesty because I used the name Jesus instead of yeshua

No kinda the opposite, you used the name Yeshu as a historical reference to the idol Jesus, which is dishonest.
If Yeshu is 1/10-1/1000 of the persona then he is not the real figure behind the myth, he's merely a minute fraction of the image used to make a deceptive character in which you are merely helping to delude people into thinking is real. Right Limwud?
Your comments about the real figure behind the mask are more about the other 2Christ figures and one predated Rabbi in the O.T. then it is Yeshu which is why my comments remain true and yours end up displacement behavior, avoidance, and denial. You can dress up Lucifer anyway you want, but he's still the first fallen and failed imposter messiah. Ezekiel 28 says the son of perdition is an image of a man, an image deemed perfect/sinless and called anointed(christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew-Nazarene).
There is your answer then. The Bible is wrong.

No, The Bible is a book. It is about one thing or another. If you fail to understand the teachings conveyed through figurative language and fantastical stories you might want to consider the remote possibility that it is not the book that is wrong but that you have failed to comprehend it because the hidden subjects only alluded to by what is written remain above your grasp.

So many atheist love to claim the Bible is wrong because science discoveries and facts about reality have proven what is written to be false according to the most ignorant superficial reading of the book possible.

Hate to break the news to you but science has only proven false that which scripture is not about.


I'm not an Atheist. I was referring to the title of the thread. If the reveals that, the Bible is wrong.

My apologies...

but no, the title of the thread reveals that the churches who teach people to worship a trinity are wrong and in brazen contradiction to the teachings of the entire Bible including what Jesus himself taught.

There is no biblical basis for such a teaching, in fact, the entire bible teaches the exact opposite, that there is only one unequaled God who has no visible shape or material form and there never was or will be a human being who was God or became God either before, during or after their human existence.

The Bible teaches that Idolatry is wrong and the consequence is death, the death so perfectly displayed by those who cannot perceive the degrading nature of seeking spiritual life from that which has no life and is not God, which in fact, proves the Bible right.

If you fill your mind with the teachings of people who do not ruminate rationally, your mind will become defiled and contaminated and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate rationally.


Then the Bible continues to be wrong. Applying a number to God is itself irrational. You might as well try to explain what a color sounds like.

God does not have laws. God does not need laws. Laws are entirely human.
Then the Bible continues to be wrong. Applying a number to God is itself irrational. You might as well try to explain what a color sounds like.

God does not have laws. God does not need laws. Laws are entirely human.

Everything in existence is subject to law, including humans, who have only just begun to perceive the reality of cause and effect, a law in existence since before the beginning....

The laws of God are not human in origin, they were given as a light to teach people to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death in a world that has been for billions of years "without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep."

As I said, "If you fill your mind with the teachings of people who do not ruminate rationally, your mind will become defiled and contaminated and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate rationally."

Human have nothing whatever to do with law, except that they will forever remain subject to it.

and btw, sounds do have shape and color.
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What part of Jesus did not exist do you not grasp? Thus is why you have to discuss the historical figure you personally choose from the list of many used for the image Jesus that even you admit is not Jesus. Example, by using the name Yeshu you are now bound by that figures accounts only and not the other Christs you converge into a new image. That's when all your exertions become problematic. It's called being historically correct and honest.

No kinda the opposite, you used the name Yeshu as a historical reference to the idol Jesus, which is dishonest.

As I said, YOU are the one who introduced the name Yeshu...... as if it matters.

First you lied, and then when I showed you the lie you continue to lie by accusing me of being responsible for your lie...

Nice trick, but pretty stupid since everything has been written down.

One thing I agree with you about is that the descendents of the Nachash look sound, crawl, and smell exactly like the original Nachash.

Hows your head feeling this fine morning?
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..
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I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out there is a God, but he is nothing like what you spent your life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

The first paragraph sounds like you are anthropomorphising God.
And in the second, who would I be explaining to?


The first paragraph sounds like you are anthropomorphising God.
And in the second, who would I be explaining to?

Read the first paragraph more closely.

and the second? If God exists but what you believe about God is false then when you died you would be explaining to God why you spent your entire life perpetuating falsehood, perjuring yourself in his name, and misleading others to their destruction.

As your attorney I would advise you to plead no contest and pray for mercy.
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The first paragraph sounds like you are anthropomorphising God.
And in the second, who would I be explaining to?

Read the first paragraph more closely.

and the second? If God exists but what you believe about God is false then when you died you would be explaining to God why you spent your entire life perpetuating falsehood, perjuring yourself in his name, and misleading others to their destruction.

As your attorney I would advise you to plead no contest and pray for mercy.

Then the Bible continues to be wrong. Applying a number to God is itself irrational. You might as well try to explain what a color sounds like.

God does not have laws. God does not need laws. Laws are entirely human.

Everything in existence is subject to law, including humans, who have only just begun to perceive the reality of cause and effect, a law in existence since before the beginning....

The laws of God are not human in origin, they were given as a light to teach people to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death in a world that has been for billions of years "without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep."

As I said, "If you fill your mind with the teachings of people who do not ruminate rationally, your mind will become defiled and contaminated and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate rationally."

Human have nothing whatever to do with law, except that they will forever remain subject to it.

and btw, sounds do have shape and color.

What does blue sound like?

As I said, "Then the Bible continues to be wrong."
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"?
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"?

Oh yes. He certainly does. lol
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"?

Oh yes. He certainly does. lol

Uh huh. On the surface, that would make God extremely petty. But what it really is is a glorification of us. We are so important to God that it cares what we think. Nothing but hubris.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"?

Oh yes. He certainly does. lol

Uh huh. On the surface, that would make God extremely petty. But what it really is is a glorification of us. We are so important to God that it cares what we think. Nothing but hubris.

I'm going through some CS Lewis moments.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"?

Oh yes. He certainly does. lol

Uh huh. On the surface, that would make God extremely petty. But what it really is is a glorification of us. We are so important to God that it cares what we think. Nothing but hubris.

I'm going through some CS Lewis moments.

Never really read his stuff so I admit to not getting the reference.

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