The Bible reveals that the Triune God is the one and only true God.

A Grief Observed is the subject for the next few entries. It’s a short book of four chapters and it’s a notebook of sorts as Lewis wrestles with his wife’s death. The Problem of Pain was written years earlier (1940) but this account, as Douglas Gresham references in its introduction, is, “a stark recounting of one man’s studied attempts to come to grips with and in the end defeat the emotional paralysis of the most shattering grief of his life.”

In chapter one the loaded question is, “Where is God?” Lewis feels abandoned, like a door slammed in his face and bolted shut. “Not that I am (I think) in much danger of ceasing to believe in God,” he surmises. “The real danger is of coming to believe such dreadful things about Him.”

Because, if God allows such horrendous things to occur here, under his watch, where is the confidence that such a God can be relied on once the end comes? That’s another question that Lewis circles round and round in this first chapter. Now that grief has touched him so closely, theology seems a distant neighbor to its reality.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"? that what you think? No, its more like playing musical chairs. When the music is over and you don't have a chair to sit on, you're out of the game, end of story.

Or maybe I was just joking..... Who can say?
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I'm going through some CS Lewis moments.

“Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”

Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letter

It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.,,,,

Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
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Hob:your post on Fri 1:02 You brought up the names of Jesus thus the Yeshu name, however you are so lacking that you also used Yashu without realising the correct transliteration is Y=H sound thus using my name Hashev.
Of course your giant ego will never apologise for lying and being caught being dishonest again.
People like you can only kill off people who make you look bad instead of working on getting yourself right it's easier to remove or avoid the messenger then using it for self evaluation.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.

Albert Camus.
What difference would it make? Any?

I suppose that if you lived your life not believing in God because what believers claim about him smells a lot like bullshit, and then you died and found out there is a God, he would probably congratulate you.

On the other hand if what you believe about God is false and you spend your entire life perpetuating falsehood and then die and find out that you were right and there is a God, but he is not at all like the imaginary being that you spent your entire life devoted to, you might have a lot of 'splaining to do..

Why? Do you actually think God plays "Gotcha!"? that what you think? No, its more like playing musical chairs. When the music is over and you don't have a chair to sit on, you're out of the game, end of story.

Or maybe I was just joking..... Who can say?

You may be joking, but I assume people say what they think. I do not think God plays games with us, or uses us for entertainment, or punishes us for thinking the wrong thoughts. Then idea we are here to sing God's praises really does make God petty and glorifies our own importance. In the universe our galaxy is a tiny dot. We don't like to think how small that makes us.
Hob:your post on Fri 1:02 You brought up the names of Jesus thus the Yeshu name, however you are so lacking that you also used Yashu without realising the correct transliteration is Y=H sound thus using my name Hashev.
Of course your giant ego will never apologise for lying and being caught being dishonest again.
People like you can only kill off people who make you look bad instead of working on getting yourself right it's easier to remove or avoid the messenger then using it for self evaluation.

LOL.. I was right, you were deprived of a real education...when I brought up the name yeshua, not yashu, it was in response to your objection to me using the name Jesus. (see below) Apparently you thought that by diverting my attention towards his actual historical name, as if it matters, you might bury what I said about religious hypocrites or ignorant Pharisaic teachings about the divine commands, based on the oral law that Jesus argued against and persist to this day, something that does matter.

Funny how you suddenly appeared as if on cue to prove my point, to lie, manipulate deceive, falsely accuse and then argue about irrelevant, Y=H, bullshit because your own massive ego was deflated.

Now people, believers and unbelievers alike, Jewish or gentile, atheist or otherwise, might finally understand what the argument was all about, the righteous interpretation and application of the divine commands, and can even study in the wilderness, its natural habitat, the strange and elusive species of so called 'orthodox' religious vipers, banned on the divine menu, that Jesus had to deal with on a daily basis, thanks to you.

You have even helped to prove that Jesus was right in full view of everyone here, whether you realize it or not.

Perfect! Well done!


Sorry there is no real Jesus, when referring to historical people away from images formed of many you must use historical names and factual accounts.

Don't be silly. If that's what you believe you might as well throw the entire Torah, mishnah, and gemara in the trash. Jesus, yeshua, jesu, whatever you want to call him, was an actual Jewish person.
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you just admitted you lied, because your prior post said you never brought up the name Yeshu, and now you posted that you admit you used the name Yeshu.
By displacement behavior and refusal to apologise then you prove my points, your ego to save face is more important then doing what is right. Which is why Christianity and it's affiliation pride has done such evil in the world through the ages including influencing radicals/jihaadis.
Hob don't feel bad about saying my name, even your pastors, evangelist, priests, and Jesus charachter says anointed Hashev (messiah returns).
When he and they say his body is the Shew (HaShev) bread and blood is the Man/is/Shevitz the say it, so don't feel alone.
you just admitted you lied, because your prior post said you never brought up the name Yeshu, and now you posted that you admit you used the name Yeshu.


Damn, with every post you are exposing more and more similarities between you and the nachach in the fairy tale. See how that works?


That's a shame.

But by all means, don't let your inability to feel embarrassed stop you from making more of a schmuck out of yourself than you already have.

You are a lying fraud and an actor, just not a very good one.

Maybe you should find another hobby?
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I'm going through some CS Lewis moments.

“Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”

Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letter

It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.,,,,

Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Good way of putting it.
From a Christian's perspective, and clearly in the minority here, the Holy Trinity is not just a creation of the Catholic Church. There is a simple way to understand the Holy Trinity, and that is:

God the Father: I Am, I Am / God OF man

God the Son: Jesus Christ / God AS man

God the Holy Ghost: The Comforter / God WITHIN man.

Man is a triune being. Body, soul, why would people believe God, who created man, would not be?

People have every right to believe as they wish, and that does include Christians. I often hear non believers talk about how they are intellectually superior to believers and Christians are just a bunch of dumb rednecks or such, and I have to wonder, if they are actually so superior. Seems to me that the intellectually superior would know that extending common courtesy to others reveals their wisdom, and acknowledging the rights of others to believe as they choose is also a sign of wisdom. Yet, it seems these intellectual giants are the first to attack Christianity and Christians. I just find that odd.
From a Christian's perspective, and clearly in the minority here, the Holy Trinity is not just a creation of the Catholic Church. There is a simple way to understand the Holy Trinity, and that is:

God the Father: I Am, I Am / God OF man

God the Son: Jesus Christ / God AS man

God the Holy Ghost: The Comforter / God WITHIN man.

Man is a triune being. Body, soul, why would people believe God, who created man, would not be?

People have every right to believe as they wish, and that does include Christians. I often hear non believers talk about how they are intellectually superior to believers and Christians are just a bunch of dumb rednecks or such, and I have to wonder, if they are actually so superior. Seems to me that the intellectually superior would know that extending common courtesy to others reveals their wisdom, and acknowledging the rights of others to believe as they choose is also a sign of wisdom. Yet, it seems these intellectual giants are the first to attack Christianity and Christians. I just find that odd.

If you say "this is the way it is" and I respond "no, it isn't", is that an attack?
From a Christian's perspective, and clearly in the minority here, the Holy Trinity is not just a creation of the Catholic Church. There is a simple way to understand the Holy Trinity, and that is:

God the Father: I Am, I Am / God OF man

God the Son: Jesus Christ / God AS man

God the Holy Ghost: The Comforter / God WITHIN man.

Man is a triune being. Body, soul, why would people believe God, who created man, would not be?

People have every right to believe as they wish, and that does include Christians. I often hear non believers talk about how they are intellectually superior to believers and Christians are just a bunch of dumb rednecks or such, and I have to wonder, if they are actually so superior. Seems to me that the intellectually superior would know that extending common courtesy to others reveals their wisdom, and acknowledging the rights of others to believe as they choose is also a sign of wisdom. Yet, it seems these intellectual giants are the first to attack Christianity and Christians. I just find that odd.

If you say "this is the way it is" and I respond "no, it isn't", is that an attack?

No, it would not be. I stated that people have a right to believe as they wish, and I will respect that right...............point being, shouldn't Christians be shown the same courtesy?
From a Christian's perspective, and clearly in the minority here, the Holy Trinity is not just a creation of the Catholic Church. There is a simple way to understand the Holy Trinity, and that is:

God the Father: I Am, I Am / God OF man

God the Son: Jesus Christ / God AS man

God the Holy Ghost: The Comforter / God WITHIN man.

Man is a triune being. Body, soul, why would people believe God, who created man, would not be?

People have every right to believe as they wish, and that does include Christians. I often hear non believers talk about how they are intellectually superior to believers and Christians are just a bunch of dumb rednecks or such, and I have to wonder, if they are actually so superior. Seems to me that the intellectually superior would know that extending common courtesy to others reveals their wisdom, and acknowledging the rights of others to believe as they choose is also a sign of wisdom. Yet, it seems these intellectual giants are the first to attack Christianity and Christians. I just find that odd.

If you say "this is the way it is" and I respond "no, it isn't", is that an attack?

No, it would not be. I stated that people have a right to believe as they wish, and I will respect that right...............point being, shouldn't Christians be shown the same courtesy?

Certainly. If I ever say a Christian is an idiot for believing what they believe, or evil, or misguided, then I would be discourteous. I hope I never do that. Yet I have been called all of those things by Christians, right here. There are any number of threads, by Christians, on this board about how evil Muslims are. Have you ever chided them for being discourteous? Just a thought.
1 Corinthians 8 (ESV)

we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God but one.” For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.


ἀλλ’ ἡμῖν εἷς θεὸς ὁ πατήρ, ἐξ οὗ τὰ πάντα καὶ ἡμεῖς εἰς αὐτόν, καὶ εἷς κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, δι’ οὗ τὰ πάντα καὶ ἡμεῖς δι’ αὐτοῦ.

yet for us there is one God (θεὸς / Theos), the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord (κύριος / Curios), Jesus Christ (Χριστός / Christos), through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

Yup!!! Matthew 28:19, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
By the way

Isn't the KJV also an english translation of Texts controlled by the Roman Catholic church?

Come to think about it, all Protestant texts and translations come through Rome.

No. The Catholics did not use the Textus Receptus. They used corrupted texts and to this day avoid using the Textus Receptus.
Haven't seen the threads ....... :) you do realize you just did? :) Yes, I understand your statement. Honestly, I haven't seen that many Christians posting here. That being said, yes I would. Christians, more than any other peoples, must conduct themselves in a Christ like manner.
Haven't seen the threads ....... :) you do realize you just did? :) Yes, I understand your statement. Honestly, I haven't seen that many Christians posting here. That being said, yes I would. Christians, more than any other peoples, must conduct themselves in a Christ like manner.

We are in the Religion and Ethics section which is probably 90% Christian, 8% Atheist and the remaining 2% other religions, but you haven't seen that many Christians here? That's an interesting statement. You don't spend much time in this particular forum then?
Given the problems with the operation of the Forums I have experienced since I've been here, it's hard to keep up with all the comments..........but I really haven't seen that many pro Christian comments. Maybe they are on another thread? It has taken about 6 minutes to get this much typed. Sort of frustrating to say the least.
Given the problems with the operation of the Forums I have experienced since I've been here, it's hard to keep up with all the comments..........but I really haven't seen that many pro Christian comments. Maybe they are on another thread? It has taken about 6 minutes to get this much typed. Sort of frustrating to say the least.

What you said was you haven't seen that many Christians posting here. You don't consider the OP in this thread to be pro Christian?
Given the problems with the operation of the Forums I have experienced since I've been here, it's hard to keep up with all the comments..........but I really haven't seen that many pro Christian comments. Maybe they are on another thread? It has taken about 6 minutes to get this much typed. Sort of frustrating to say the least.

What you said was you haven't seen that many Christians posting here. You don't consider the OP in this thread to be pro Christian?

From reading the OP, sure, why not? Doesn't change the fact that I said "that many." I did not say I had not seen "any." Given the number of comments referencing mine, how many pro Christians do you see? In my experience, the most active persons on pro Christian threads are non believers.........not sure why they feel the need to try and dispute something/someone they deny believing in. Seems like a waste of time and energy to me...........but, they certainly have that right. Are you certain about that 90% number? How did you arrive at it? Just wondering. I would love to see 90% of the comments here be pro Christian. I will have to go through and read some more threads and see what I find.

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