The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

You on the other hand profess to have all the knowledge of God, even though as I have demonstrated time and time again all you do is copy and paste from other websites because you clearly lack the ability to think for yourself and almost everything you have been posted has been completely wrong, and you appear to think you have the authority to sit in judgement because I am pretty sure you have told everyone on this thread they are going to hell. So you appear to be assuming the authority of God in making that determination. So yeah you think you are God too.

So I am just going to sit back and watch "the battle of the Gods" because there's nothing I enjoy more than a good laugh
Have you noticed anyone who claims to be God has a bad memory, unable to remember all the things he did in the past? Funny.

God has already made the determination in His word. Since God is proven and Jesus is proven to be God and you reject what He did for you on the cross, you are going to Hell just as Jesus said you would. He even says why you reject the need to be reconciled and redeemed with God. See the bold letters. You're a bad guy going to Hell as fully proven.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Uh huh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me up when you say somethintg interesting
What could be better than being saved and not go to Hell?

Oh I don't know....maybe making your own arguments instead of copy and pasting websites and trying to pass it off as your own. That would be a start
There is nothing wrong with copying and pasting if it expresses what you are trying to say and you don't want to retype it out again.

Yes there is. It's called plagiarism...which is theft.
Have you noticed anyone who claims to be God has a bad memory, unable to remember all the things he did in the past? Funny.

God has already made the determination in His word. Since God is proven and Jesus is proven to be God and you reject what He did for you on the cross, you are going to Hell just as Jesus said you would. He even says why you reject the need to be reconciled and redeemed with God. See the bold letters. You're a bad guy going to Hell as fully proven.

[Jhn 3:15-21 KJV] 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Uh huh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me up when you say somethintg interesting
What could be better than being saved and not go to Hell?

Oh I don't know....maybe making your own arguments instead of copy and pasting websites and trying to pass it off as your own. That would be a start
There is nothing wrong with copying and pasting if it expresses what you are trying to say and you don't want to retype it out again.

Yes there is. It's called plagiarism...which is theft.
You're just sinning bearing false witness. You probably don't even realize why you are doing that, because you are trying to deflect from the topic of this thread and the fact that you are going to Hell because your eject Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You're a bad guy. Just like we have to lock up people in jail for life, you need to be locked up in Hell for eternity. Why so impatient? You will be there soon enough.
You're just sinning bearing false witness. You probably don't even realize why you are doing that, because you are trying to deflect from the topic of this thread and the fact that you are going to Hell because your eject Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You're a bad guy. Just like we have to lock up people in jail for life, you need to be locked up in Hell for eternity. Why so impatient? You will be there soon enough.

Uh huh. :cuckoo:

You also might want to read the posting guidelines where it says quite clearly:
  • "Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."
USMB Rules and Guidelines US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I will be moving on to different threads. I am done talking to a lunatic
You're just sinning bearing false witness. You probably don't even realize why you are doing that, because you are trying to deflect from the topic of this thread and the fact that you are going to Hell because your eject Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You're a bad guy. Just like we have to lock up people in jail for life, you need to be locked up in Hell for eternity. Why so impatient? You will be there soon enough.

Uh huh. :cuckoo:

You also might want to read the posting guidelines where it says quite clearly:
  • "Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."
USMB Rules and Guidelines US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I will be moving on to different threads. I am done talking to a lunatic
You're just sinning bearing false witness. You know that this is Satan's favorite pastime. The reason you do that, of course, because Satan wants you to deflect to shut your mind down to the fact you are going to Hell with him because you are too selfish to examine the proof for God and Jesus being God, when He returns and salvation in Christ in which no other name can one be saved.
This place doesn't really do it for me. I prefer being around spiritual Christians.
Parture, I see that you have not replied to any of the posts I have made. There are plenty of spiritual Christians here. I thank God that there wasn't (Al gore hadn't invented yet) the internet when I was first saved as I had many of the same feelings as you. I felt like there was no way that God would speak to anyone else like He was to me. since it didn't seem like anyone else was getting the same message. What held me back (thankfully) was the fact that the Bible told me I was still a child in Christ.

I am not sure this is scriptural, but I do believe there is such a thing as being drunk on the Holy Spirit; especially when one has first received it. It may go hand in hand with the first demon being cleaned out and then seven more come to roost. And of course the first thing those seven are going to do is to try to make a Christian look stupid. that is what the meat of the Gospel has taught me.

But if you want to leave here, well all I can say is:

Parture, I see that you have not replied to any of the posts I have made. There are plenty of spiritual Christians here. I thank God that there wasn't (Al gore hadn't invented yet) the internet when I was first saved as I had many of the same feelings as you. I felt like there was no way that God would speak to anyone else like He was to me. since it didn't seem like anyone else was getting the same message. What held me back (thankfully) was the fact that the Bible told me I was still a child in Christ.

I am not sure this is scriptural, but I do believe there is such a thing as being drunk on the Holy Spirit; especially when one has first received it. It may go hand in hand with the first demon being cleaned out and then seven more come to roost. And of course the first thing those seven are going to do is to try to make a Christian look stupid. that is what the meat of the Gospel has taught me.

But if you want to leave here, well all I can say is:

I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.
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I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
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Take for example those in this thread who claimed to be spiritual yet are not OSAS Arminian. They refuse to give their lives to God to be kept so "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). Not only is this not a spiritual Christian, it is not even Christian. To be once saved always saved is just the starting point, initial salvation. How about allowing a deeper consecration and keep the conduct of Matt. 5-7. Have you experienced the dividing of your spirit, soul and body? Obviously not.

The Spiritual Man - Watchman Nee
"The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029"


The bible doesn't 'tell' anyone anything – the bible is a collection of myths written by men.
The Bible is the word of God and you proved when Jesus returns because you can't overturn this proof.
You can't prove that the bible is the word of god.
The Bible is proven to be the word of God because you can't find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings. I love that. It's a majestic beautiful proof. In fact, I can't think of what God could do that would be a better proof than that, can you?
That's all hearsay, written several generations after the facts. God could have better proof, it could hold a press conference on the White House lawn to prove its existence.
That's all hearsay, written several generations after the facts. God could have better proof, it could hold a press conference on the White House lawn to prove its existence
Why would Jesus wait 2000 years when He could show up 2000 years ago as He did? He graciously comes at time under great torment under the Roman Empire and long before WWI and WWII. You fail to explain why it is better He enter His creation 2000 years later. It's better to come sooner than later don't you think?

The church fathers quote all the verses of the Bible except 11 verses; therefore, we have a very early recording of the NT. There is nothing in antiquity that has material written so close to their events as we have for the Bible, thus, holding to the highest of standards. We have a few still surviving papyri and parchments from the late first century and 15 from the 2nd century. This is unprecedented in antiquity.

Paul converted to Christianity (an outsider skeptic) and so did James (family skeptic) when they saw Jesus resurrected. Paul gives an account of the gospel in 1 Cor. 15 and said he spent 15 days with Peter in Gal. 1, and also spent time with James and John (Gal. 2). They recounted their eyewitness testimony with Paul and Paul's encounter with Jesus with them. The Creed that was recited in 1 Cor. 15 goes all the way back to the cross.

Luke wrote Acts and said it was part two of his former work of Luke. In Acts as a biography of Paul makes no mention of his death, but we know Paul died in the Neronian persecutions 65 AD. So Acts was written before then about 55 AD. But since Acts was part two of Luke's former work of Luke, that places Luke around 45 AD. But Luke also took in part from Mark, so that places Mark even earlier around 35 AD just 2 years after cross. Interestingly, Paul was converted 2 years after the cross. Mark was a close worker with Peter so that places 1 & 2 Peter quite early as well.

Almost all scholars, skeptics or not, agree at the very least the Apostles truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings, but of course group hallucinations are impossible.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests.
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I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests
What about them?
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests
What about them?
Do you know what time he will alit? And where?
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests
What about them?

There are at least some here that are Saints.

I agree that a lot self classified Christians are fucked and headed for hell.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests
What about them?

There are at least some here that are Saints.

I agree that a lot self classified Christians are fucked and headed for hell.
All Christians are saints and a royal priesthood, but not all saints are overcomers, that is, spiritual Christians.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here, otherwise there would not be such horrible false beliefs, at least in the thread that I started. I am looking for the opportunity to exit and not come back. The very fact that you say there are spiritual Christians here shows how unspiritual if any are Christians here. Humility does not claim itself spiritual, but seeks to overcometh and let God decide.

I can assure you that there are many spiritual Christians here, look for a thread started by ninja007 where he was struggling with sin. That thread is where Jesus Christ came in and dwelt. Beyond our spirits as we are only men of flesh.

I suggest that you look hard and fast in the mirror whilst reading your bible and ask yourself, "How would Jesus Christ do this?".

Your last sentence speaks volumes about you brother, as is mentions humility. I pray that you rethink and look into humility. Remember that Jesus said that the least are to be the greatest. You seem to think that with this 'knowledge' you are sitting on Jesus' judgement throne and now are playing with the sin of pride/vanity.

I know you have the spirit, I (we) pray that you see and learn further to know . . . . . (and this is my flesh) to not condemn everyone here to Hell. that is not your job.

Vengeance (which you seem to want to met out freely) is mine saith the Lord, so were you there when the Lord set up the foundations of the world?

I suggest you do some, no a lot more Bible study. In the meantime, if you wish to leave this site, well my picture above still stands as IMHO you have a lot to learn, brother.

God bless in Jesus name.
I can assure you there are no spiritual Christians here. I don't find ninja as any indication of being spiritual. And look at yourself accusing on your judgment throne. Hardly spiritual. Satan likes to accuse falsely as you do also. Would Jesus do that?

As the last line in my previous post pointed out, those who exalt themselves as spiritual are just the opposite. So come down from your mountain top and walk among the people. Let God decide who is spiritual and you simply seek to overcometh if you are a Christian. If...

When a Christian knows someone is going to Hell, don't accuse the Christian who can discern who his brother is in Christ. We have fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

You sound jealous that you don't have this spiritual discernment, and when a Christian has the gift of knowledge, you jealousy show your vengeance against him and reel away. Hardly spiritual. Hardly Christian. Unaware you are exalting self.

The reason you have lashed out is because I testified this place has no spiritual Christians; so you took that personally as an attack upon you. That's your fleshly reaction. Hardly spiritual. The statement there are no spiritual Christians here is a factual statement, your company included, assuming you are born-again. And that would be a big assumption!

The reason I know this because in this thread each person who said they were Christian exhibited a wrong attitude and a wrong spirit in addition to false beliefs that spiritual Christians simply would not have.

I have told you the truth. It is not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved. The flesh is singularly powerful in you.
Lol you forgot the lurkers and guests
What about them?
Do you know what time he will alit? And where?
Sorry, I only understand English. Do you know English?
This place doesn't really do it for me. I prefer being around spiritual Christians.

We have to fight and resist demons. It does get tiring so sometimes you need to take breaks.

Ephesians 6

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
This place doesn't really do it for me. I prefer being around spiritual Christians.

We have to fight and resist demons. It does get tiring so sometimes you need to take breaks.

Ephesians 6

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
That type of response you just gave is of a spiritual Christian. I can tell the Holy Spirit led you to say that. While others who claim to be Christian turn that on its head to accuse.

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