The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

Jesus doesn't even know the hour and day.
You have no idea who is going to Hell. Using your doctrine, Samson wouldn't stand a chance at entering Heaven. He was a drinking, womanizing, brawling, sour nasty butt hole that broke every commandment God gave Moses. And yet there he is, in Hebrews listed in God's Hall of Faith. Give Christ His judgement robe back and deal with your own arrogance instead. He would rather you love your brother than to boast of your own intelligence. Your priorities are skewed, pharisee.

I like that Samson is listed in the hall of fall of faith, Irish Ram. I have never heard it called the Hall of Faith! What a great description! I love it. I love that Samson finally knew his own heart at the end and realized his great love for God. The grace of God on Sampson's life was tremendous. God knew Samson loved him all along. Amen.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).
I am the witness of the seventh angle and have written and prepared mankind's confession to God. I sold it with my soul in a small short silly cry baby cry for help nobody seems to want to hear. lol. I think I'm supposed to get signers and get the hell out of the hell we were heading for. ? Temporary Insanity call in the Calvary. Sign it and lets get busy fixing shit.
p.s. I got a buck 38 cents for my soul. That's about right I suppose

Your soul is worth far more than 38 cents, Haissem. Your soul is priceless. You were created in the image of God. Never forget that. The LORD loves you.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).
I am the witness of the seventh angle and have written and prepared mankind's confession to God. I sold it with my soul in a small short silly cry baby cry for help nobody seems to want to hear. lol. I think I'm supposed to get signers and get the hell out of the hell we were heading for. ? Temporary Insanity call in the Calvary. Sign it and lets get busy fixing shit.
p.s. I got a buck 38 cents for my soul. That's about right I suppose

Your soul is worth far more than 38 cents, Haissem. Your soul is priceless. You were created in the image of God. Never forget that. The LORD loves you.

After God kills off all the flesh of His people and beasts, we will understand how much our Creator loves us all.
Hi word honey, how's saving the world going? And thanks for that......

Part, it's entirely possible to start over. Why not set this thread aside, and welcome you to the forum. There is an eclectic bunch here. We voice various positions on things Christian, and others topics as well, and don't always agree. But that's ok, because the Bible tells us not to quibble over doctrine. It also tells us not to take anyone's word for something, but study to prove it.
I'll bet you have a lot to offer, on a variety of subjects, so why not stick around and discuss things with us? Like, do you believe there is a Bible code embedded in the Torah and NT? Remarkable prophecy has been found. What do you think?

Jere, Guess what we had for Christmas! Duck. Shy girl started laying around Thanksgiving, in the corner of the barn, and I thought no chance. It was unusually cold and those eggs have to stay at 88 degrees. Until I saw a shift change. Shy girl, Mouthy and Shy Girl's little daughter were taking turns. I knew which ever one was on the nest when they hatched would be the mom. The prize went to the daughter. She has 10 tiny babies. Good Lord, what to do with all these ducks, and the bald eagle that has declared war on them, right up here in the yard, inches from the front door. They're scared to death to go down in the creek. And I don't know how to keep them safe.
And the pissing contest continues.
This is why people turn away from "christians".
To you it is a pissing contest which is a vain pursuit on your part. But I am here to share the gospel of salvation that whosoever believes in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life. If that also involves needing for some to prove God's existence as well as the resurrection of Jesus for those such as yourself who are oblivious then I am delighted to do so.

While people are turned away from Christians because of your own own selfish proclivities, don't blame the Christian for your evil nature. You ought to be reasonable and recognize that if God is proven, Jesus is proven to be God, and salvation is only through Him by which no other name under heaven can one be saved, then to turn away from the evidence of the historical Jesus places you in judgment and thus, delivers you to Hell to be eternally separated from God. The irony is you actually will lock yourself in Hell from the inside because that is your eternal choice. You're a bad guy! Just like we have to lock people up in prison for life you need to be locked up in Hell for eternity and so you shall be in due time.

Even now you separate yourself for faith in and the love of Christ by what He did for you on the cross. So instead of receiving forgiveness, you are under eternal damnation, to be blotted out of the Book of Life and heading to the Lake of Fire. I would not wish upon my worse enemy to be in your state of mind you are in that you would prefer this over Jesus who created you.
Do you believe in YWHW, the God who spoke to Moses?
Of course. God spoke to Moses intuitively, same as at the burning bush incident. Lots of naysayers overlook that God is Spirit and communicates intuitively by the Spirit as spirit communicates with spirit of our innerman.

The 3 main functions of your spirit which give you God-consciousness are intuition, communion and conscience. Whereas the 3 main functions of your outer man, that is, your soul, are mind, will and emotion. Your mind, of course, reasons; your will is your volition; and your emotion has its 3 main functions of affection (love and hate, etc.), desires, and sensing/feeling. Your soul, thus, gives you self-consciousness. And your body has the functions of world-consciousness which makes direct contact with the world with its 5 senses.

If you would like to learn about the dividing of your spirit, soul and body in Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23, read the greatest book ever written on the subject to help you active your intuitive spirit to receive messages from God.

The Spiritual Man - Watchman Nee

Right now you don't receive any such registrations in the organ of your spirit, because your spirit is dead to God. In other words, it has lost communication with its environment and is disassociated from life. That is what is meant when we say your spirit is dead or that you spiritually dead.

Your conscience still exists and still operates to some extent as it is needed in this world, but it has lost its vitality God desires you to have to communicate with Him. So it has very little sensitivity which it could have if you were born-again.

I have had a great many wonderful, distinctive, intuitive experiences I realize I could never have had if I were not born-again. Don't knock it till you try it.
Sounds like one of those books that after one reads it they say, "Wow, that was brilliant." Until one learns a little more about the topic and says, "Wait, what a load of bs that was." Apparently you have not learned much more than what you got from one source.

God spoke "mouth to mouth" with Moses. I will take your word that God speaks to your innerman. I hope you will take my word that he also speaks to the conscious, at least that is my experience. (I am not trying to be vain with such comments. What I am trying to do, with* screaming the obvious, is say you might not know as much as you think and it might be time to rethink. So many people think they believe but have not yet crossed that threshold. Or they have grabbed the first thing they found and are clinging for dear life. They will not reach out their hand to the real hand when it should be offered.)

Numbers 12 King James Version (KJV)
5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
*edit: without
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Part, it's entirely possible to start over. Why not set this thread aside, and welcome you to the forum. There is an eclectic bunch here. We voice various positions on things Christian, and others topics as well, and don't always agree. But that's ok, because the Bible tells us not to quibble over doctrine. It also tells us not to take anyone's word for something, but study to prove it.
I'll bet you have a lot to offer, on a variety of subjects, so why not stick around and discuss things with us? Like, do you believe there is a Bible code embedded in the Torah and NT? Remarkable prophecy has been found. What do you think?

Ram, an honorable gesture but I am pretty sure parture didn't come here to have a conversation so much as to explain to everyone why he is right and the rest of us are evil Satanists who are doomed to the eternal pits of hell. Thumbs up for trying though. ;)
are you serious? I DO NOT REJECT IT. YOU DO, as noted in your reply to Irish Ram.
Why do you reject OSAS? Don't you believe?

do you have a reading comprehension issue? I do believe in OSAS, but YOU do not. Proved by your reply to Irish Ram in Post #107. How do you believe in OSAS comparing it to your post in 107?
You obviously have a reading comprehension problem since I believe in OSAS and you do not.

re-read your post 107. Your proposal in the reply to her is not possible if you believe in OSAS. You cannot lose your salvation, then get it back as you referred to. I.R. also believes in OSAS like me.
Your reading skills are very poor, and to be honest, you're not too bright. Citing someone else's position is not an endorsement of it which the rest of the post confirms.

You're an idiot. Some people really are idiots, and you happen to be one of them of your volition.
You claim to be a Christian yet call others bad names? Shame on you.
God spoke "mouth to mouth" with Moses. I will take your word that God speaks to your innerman. I hope you will take my word that he also speaks to the conscious, at least that is my experience.
That really doesn't make much sense what you just said when said God speaks to the conscious. Consciousness is awareness. But what kind of awareness? In our spirit we have God-consciousness with its functions of intuition, communion and conscience which run much deeper than soul and body. Our soul gives us self-consciousness with its mind, will and emotion. And our body gives us world-consciousness for it makes contact with the world. The Bible says spirit speaks with spirit. Spirit communicates with spirit. The Holy Spirit that indwells believers communicates with the regenerated spirit of a Christian. You don't have this relationship with Jesus that allows you to have this intuitive guidance in your spirit, because your spirit is dead to God.
Numbers 12 King James Version (KJV)
5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?​
God is spirit. No man can see God because God is spirit. You can't see the spirit of your intuition, communion and conscience. So when Moses sees God "face to face" it is in the spiritual sense in a deeper way than Aaron or Miriam do. God does not need to speak to Moses in visions and dreams as much because Moses is the most humble person alive at the time. To be humble is to be unassuming: to have no mistaken assumptions, and reserving judgment if you have to, because you lack adequate information. He can see God face to face: that is, far more intimately. The pillar of smoke is the common appearance of a fire blazing from the altar of the Tent of Meeting. In that appearance people see outlines that can represent God and receive intuitive communications as His conscience touches our conscience. Words are manifested as we read this dialogue in Numbers 12 as words are put to the intuitive conscience of God's spirit to our spirit, working from inner to outer. What is received in the inner spirit then is communicated outwardly to one's soul and from the soul enacted in the body with the permission of the soul.
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God spoke "mouth to mouth" with Moses. I will take your word that God speaks to your innerman. I hope you will take my word that he also speaks to the conscious, at least that is my experience.
That really doesn't make much sense what you just said when said God speaks to the conscious. Consciousness is awareness. But what kind of awareness? In our spirit we have God-consciousness with its functions of intuition, communion and conscience which run much deeper than soul and body. Our soul gives us self-consciousness with its mind, will and emotion. And our body gives us world-consciousness for it makes contact with the world. The Bible says spirit speaks with spirit. Spirit communicates with spirit. The Holy Spirit that indwells believers communicates with the regenerated spirit of a Christian. You don't have this relationship with Jesus that allows you to have this intuitive guidance in your spirit, because your spirit is dead to God.
Numbers 12 King James Version (KJV)
5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?​
God is spirit. No man can see God because God is spirit. You can't see the spirit of your intuition, communion and conscience. So when Moses sees God "face to face" it is in the spiritual sense in a deeper way than Aaron or Miriam do. God does not need to speak to Moses in visions and dreams as much because Moses is the most humble person alive at the time. He can see God face to face: that is, far more intimately. The pillar of smoke is the common appearance of a fire blazing from the altar of the Tent of Meeting. In that appearance people see outlines that can represent God and receive intuitive communications from His as God's conscience touches our conscience. Words are manifested from this to know God's will. Miriam's skin became white as leprosy for her sinning against Moses.
How is it you know all these 'truths'.
God spoke "mouth to mouth" with Moses. I will take your word that God speaks to your innerman. I hope you will take my word that he also speaks to the conscious, at least that is my experience.
That really doesn't make much sense what you just said when said God speaks to the conscious. Consciousness is awareness. But what kind of awareness? In our spirit we have God-consciousness with its functions of intuition, communion and conscience which run much deeper than soul and body. Our soul gives us self-consciousness with its mind, will and emotion. And our body gives us world-consciousness for it makes contact with the world. The Bible says spirit speaks with spirit. Spirit communicates with spirit. The Holy Spirit that indwells believers communicates with the regenerated spirit of a Christian. You don't have this relationship with Jesus that allows you to have this intuitive guidance in your spirit, because your spirit is dead to God.
Numbers 12 King James Version (KJV)
5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?​
God is spirit. No man can see God because God is spirit. You can't see the spirit of your intuition, communion and conscience. So when Moses sees God "face to face" it is in the spiritual sense in a deeper way than Aaron or Miriam do. God does not need to speak to Moses in visions and dreams as much because Moses is the most humble person alive at the time. He can see God face to face: that is, far more intimately. The pillar of smoke is the common appearance of a fire blazing from the altar of the Tent of Meeting. In that appearance people see outlines that can represent God and receive intuitive communications from His as God's conscience touches our conscience. Words are manifested from this to know God's will. Miriam's skin became white as leprosy for her sinning against Moses.
How is it you know all these 'truths'.

Haven't you realized by now that he is the chosen one?
How is it you know all these 'truths'.
"But the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him" (1 John 2.27).

In order for this to be true for you too, you need to be born-again. Jesus replied, “You don’t understand these things? I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen, and yet you won’t believe our testimony. But if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?" (John 3.10-12)

"And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit" (1 Cor. 2.13).
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Haven't you realized by now that he is the chosen one?
"For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt. 22.14).

Everyone called is saved, but not everyone saved is chosen to receive the reward of returning with Christ to reign over the nations for 1000 years. It depends on the believers overcoming. All believers eventually overcome, but not necessarily at the same time. Hence, the reward!
Haven't you realized by now that he is the chosen one?
"For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt. 22.14).

Everyone called is saved, but not everyone saved is chosen to receive the reward of returning with Christ to reign over the nations for 1000 years. It depends on the believers overcoming.

Well I think from now on we should capitalize pronouns when referring to you....oh sorry...You. Perhaps we should refer to You without vowels as Hebrews that would make You PRTR. ALL HAIL PRTR!!! ALL HAIL PRTR!!!!
Here PRTR, let me suggest a new avatar for You:

Let me know if you need me to explain
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Nothing to see here.

Yeah I am not surprised that you are trying to direct people away from the thread now that you have been totally exposed for trying to pass other people's work, research, and ideas off as you own.
Anything I post whether from me or others is for the purpose of making the point. What is the point?

The point is you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to come to the cross to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior.
Anything I post whether from me or others is for the purpose of making the point. What is the point?

The point is you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to come to the cross to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior.

No what you have done is whenever someone makes a point you can't dispute from your own experience and study is to search the web, find something that disputes that point, copy and paste it and then post it as if it was your own idea. In the other thread (here Minimal Facts Approach Proves Jesus is God Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum) you posted a rebuttal to one of my points, but your mistake was that I was able to find the website you flat out copy and pasted from and I posted the link showing that you copied word for word what someone else had worked on and written and tried to present it as your own. Then you proceeded to cast judgement upon others using your superior knowledge and inspiration as a measuring stick. But it wasn't your superior knowledge and was someone else's and you were just ripping them off.

In other words you lied and engaged in deception while at the same time telling everyone else that they were going to hell for doing things such as lying and being deceitful.

I think you are pretty much done here. I doubt anyone is going to take you seriously at this point
Anything I post whether from me or others is for the purpose of making the point. What is the point?

The point is you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to come to the cross to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior.

No what you have done is whenever someone makes a point you can't dispute from your own experience and study is to search the web, find something that disputes that point, copy and paste it and then post it as if it was your own idea. In the other thread (here Minimal Facts Approach Proves Jesus is God Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum) you posted a rebuttal to one of my points, but your mistake was that I was able to find the website you flat out copy and pasted from and I posted the link showing that you copied word for word what someone else had worked on and written and tried to present it as your own. Then you proceeded to cast judgement upon others using your superior knowledge and inspiration as a measuring stick. But it wasn't your superior knowledge and was someone else's and you were just ripping them off.

In other words you lied and engaged in deception while at the same time telling everyone else that they were going to hell for doing things such as lying and being deceitful.

I think you are pretty much done here. I doubt anyone is going to take you seriously at this point
You're just shutting your mind down like a zombie for Satan and sinning bearing false witness with nothing to back your accusations, but the evidence is given and stands unchallenged.
Anything I post whether from me or others is for the purpose of making the point. What is the point?

The point is you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to come to the cross to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior.

No what you have done is whenever someone makes a point you can't dispute from your own experience and study is to search the web, find something that disputes that point, copy and paste it and then post it as if it was your own idea. In the other thread (here Minimal Facts Approach Proves Jesus is God Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum) you posted a rebuttal to one of my points, but your mistake was that I was able to find the website you flat out copy and pasted from and I posted the link showing that you copied word for word what someone else had worked on and written and tried to present it as your own. Then you proceeded to cast judgement upon others using your superior knowledge and inspiration as a measuring stick. But it wasn't your superior knowledge and was someone else's and you were just ripping them off.

In other words you lied and engaged in deception while at the same time telling everyone else that they were going to hell for doing things such as lying and being deceitful.

I think you are pretty much done here. I doubt anyone is going to take you seriously at this point
You're just shutting your mind down like a zombie for Satan and sinning bearing false witness with nothing to back your accusations, but the evidence is given and stands unchallenged.

I am bearing false witness? You are the jack ass who got caught red handed trying to pass other people's idea off as you own. I think I have a lot to back my accusation. I provided link after link to the websites that you copy and pasted from word for word and tried to pass off as your own. And I am bearing false witness?

Let me give you some advice....while there is no medication that treats psychopathy specifically, I understand that Xanax can have some positive effects. Look into it.

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