The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

Yes, pray for me publically and rip your robe a little so everyone can see your piousness. ;)
I have followed Christ all of my life. I have complete confidence in where I am going.
All your life you have worshiped a false Christ. I have complete confidence you are going to Hell according to the Bible and the Holy Spirit. The reason you are going to Hell is because you did not give your life to Jesus to be kept. You said, "We can lose our salvation." Those born-again cannot lose salvation so you worship a false Christ. Again, you said, "I can certainly lose my salvation by removing myself from His hand." Christians can't remove themselves from God's hand, because God keeps us who gave our lives to be kept. We may fall, but we can't fall all the way to remove our hand. Again, you said, "We absolutely can lose our salvation." Nope. Christians can't lose salvation. That you think we can only shows you were never born-again. You have never entered into a relationship with Jesus because Jesus always keeps those who were saved. He never lets them go. "They shall never perish" (John 10.28). So you are going to Hell. As the Bible warns not to worship a false Christ, you failed to heed this because you exalt self.
I read the first 4 pages but skimmed after that, then gave up. You, Parture, are browbeating. You, Parture, are why people run the other way.
You aren't getting very far, are ya? its time for you to go on ignore along with the other smart ass bible thumpers that have a hissy when not kowtowed to.
Yes, pray for me publically and rip your robe a little so everyone can see your piousness. ;)
That's not a very friendly thing to say.

You're not a very easy person to be friendly with. You sentence me to Hell in every post. Never the less, I consider you an immature zealot for the Lord, and there are worse things to be. And since I am secure in my future, I'm not easily offended by some pup usurping Christ's role and sentencing me in His stead.
If I worship a false Christ them I am in good company. It is the same one that the most prominent Bible scholars and preaches, past and present refer to, so....

My Christ is this one:
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12

But thanks again for your concern. ;)
2ndpillar;932608 said:
Dear parture,
You need to be a little more consistent. In your first note, the 7 trumpets are "tribulation", and in your second note the Feast of Trumpets is an imaginary"rapture" of Pauline "Christians".
Don't conflagrate the last 3 feasts of Israel with the 7 Trumpets of the Tribulation, just as you should not conflagrate the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy with the 7 Trumpets of 7 years of the Tribulation. The number of times the shofar is blown (100 times) for the Feast of Trumpets is not 7 times.

The 7 Trumpets from Rev. 8 to 11 are the major points of the 7 year Tribulation (chapters 12 to 19 give the details). Why Trumpets? Because like the Tribulation they are loud. Rev. 6 are the past 20 centuries. Rev. 5 recounts the cross and ascension of Jesus concurrent with the 1st Seal which is a bow and arrow that look like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly would when Jesus died on the cross. Rev. 4 is the picture of the universe from heaven. Rev. 2 & 3 are the 7 church periods which is concurrent with the Seals of Rev. 6. The 7th Seal opens the 7 Trumpets of the Tribulation, and the 7th Trumpet pours out the 7 Bowls of Wrath. The Bowls of Wrath take 24 months since the 1st woe is 5 months and the 2nd woe is 13 months. Bowls are bigger than cups and poured silently because so much is happening so fast in those final 24 months. Rev. 20 is the millennial kingdom. Rev. 21 is the New City and New Earth. Rev. 22 is the Last Warning.

The Feast of Trumpets (1st of the last 3 feasts representing Jesus' 2nd coming) represents rapture, particularly the first rapture before the 1st Trumpet of the Tribulation. Notice the rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) to 3rd heaven takes place before the 1st Trumpet is blown (8.7). The general rapture and resurrection of those who are alive and left (1 Cor. 15.23,50-52; 1 Thess. 4.14-18) takes place at the start of the 7th trumpet (see those in 3rd heaven in Rev. 11.15) and is pre-wrath since the Bowls of Wrath are contained in the 7th Trumpet, whereas the first rapture is according to readiness to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world if you keep the word of His patience (Rev. 3.10) and escape all these things that shall come upon the earth if you are watchful and prayerful (Luke 21.36) so that if you are watchful you will be taken and not left (Matt. 24.40-42) to be raptured at the 7th Trumpet instead. Notice the rapture at the start of the Tribulation is to the throne, whereas the rapture and resurrection at the 7th Trumpet is to the meet the Lord in the air. Two different places, two different times.

This is called partial rapture: it brings together the dissension between pre-, post- and pre-wrath views. All are partially true, but lacking some important truth. Pretribbers don't realize the first rapture is according to readiness so they lose this reward and must enter the Tribulation period time of testing. Posttribbers don't realize they take away the hope of the Church by removing the first rapture. And prewrath believers also take away the hope of the first rapture according to readiness.

Here then is an important truth. All those raptured alive before the Tribulation (and martyrs the past 20 centuries in the 5th Seal) because they were ready to be received necessarily will return with Christ (Rev. 19, Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) to reign over the nations (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6), but not everyone who returns with Christ to reign for 1000 years, necessarily are raptured before the Tribulation, because not all Saints are martyrs, nor all Saints alive at the first rapture. They would wait to the general rapture and resurrection be raptured with those who are alive and left and asleep. What's more, those left in the Tribulation still have time to be overcomers to receive the reward of reigning if they get their spirit, soul and body right before God and maintain the conduct of Matt. 5-7. If they are martyred in the Tribulation -- as we are told in the 5th Seal for the martyrs who have been resurrected to wait a little longer for the rest of the brethren to come in during the Tribulation period -- then they will receive their reward. Like the Two Witnesses Enoch and Elijah they will be resurrected 3.5 days after they go to rest. 3 is the number of God. 4 is the number of man. 3.5 is something in between as a result of resurrection.

This is a chart of how to partition Revelation.


And this is a picture of the breakdown of partial rapture.

1 is the 1st rapture to the throne according to readiness; 2a is Christ coming to meet in the air at the 7th trumpet; 2b is the general rapture and resurrection; 3 is Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives.


And this is how to read Matt. 24 & 25 properly.

I read the first 4 pages but skimmed after that, then gave up. You, Parture, are browbeating. You, Parture, are why people run the other way.
You aren't getting very far, are ya? its time for you to go on ignore along with the other smart ass bible thumpers that have a hissy when not kowtowed to.
No, you are simply not recognizing reality so naturally you falsely accuse. That will never do. You're just being a smart ass and browbeating yourself. It's a form of projecting onto others your condition. Lots of people are appreciating this information, sharing the gospel of salvation that leads people to Christ. Why does the truth offend you? Jesus died for you. He gave His life and this is how you treat Him? Jesus said how He was treated so will His elect be treated then people like you killed the Apostles. You're a bad people.
You're not a very easy person to be friendly with. You sentence me to Hell in every post. Never the less, I consider you an immature zealot for the Lord, and there are worse things to be. And since I am secure in my future, I'm not easily offended by some pup usurping Christ's role and sentencing me in His stead.
If I worship a false Christ them I am in good company. It is the same one that the most prominent Bible scholars and preaches, past and present refer to, so....

My Christ is this one:
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12
His yoke is easy to get along with, but not so easy if you are a heretic and belong to the great harlot of religious Rome. Your organization killed Christians and accuses the brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10).

You sentence yourself to Hell so you are the problem not me. Since you refuse to give your life to Christ to be kept, that is a big problem. None are secure in their future who claim tomorrow they could lose salvation. How insecure and unsecure a faith that is. That's Satanic grace, not God's grace. Whereas those who are truly born-again can never perish. Prominent Bible scholars reject your view that is part of the great harlot of religious Rome the Roman Catholic Church that will soon be destroyed in Rev. 17.16. Christians are OSAS Arminian, not Remonstrants. Remember how many of your brethren killed us in the Spanish Inquisition because we are OSAS Arminian. You are a bad people!

Sadly you reject John 1.12 because a child of God remains so forever, whereas you say he can lose being a child of God tomorrow. How evil of you! How prideful you must be in your own strength to decide tomorrow you might not want to be saved so that you are not kept. You're simply to selfish to give your life to the Jesus who always keeps, sealed with a guarantee.
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Well I unsubscribed from this thread on page 3 after it became painfully obvious to me that I was talking to someone who would very likely be clinically diagnosed as "insane". Just for shits and giggles, and because I was bored to death, I popped back on to see if anyone else had better luck. My takeaway..heaven is going to be a very lonely place since Parture is going to be the only one there. I hope there is a nice padded room waiting for him too...he needs a comfortable place to be while he scratches his head uncontrollably and sucks on his toe. :lol: what a jack ass.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).

Go eat a pork treat, dumb goy
I'm sorry bud, but you cannot know, no one can. You have already mentioned Matthew 24:36, but ignore it.

I am in the camp of those who do not. It is Jesus himself that says it, "but
concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."

If we cannot know the day, then how can we predict when the tribulation (if there is one) starts? Especially since everyone has this seven year thing stuck in their head. Or two sets of three and one half years.

I believe you have some good points, and I believe in Jesus Christ and the fact that he is coming back. I even believe that the gift of prophesy is still alive today.

But nobody is going to know when the end is. Not me. Not you. Not any one to come. Not even Jesus. Only the Father. Period.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).

The word of the Lord has been heard since June 16th, 2008, but only by God's chosen believers. It's only the Word that transcends from one age to the next, not visible deities.
I'm sorry bud, but you cannot know, no one can. You have already mentioned Matthew 24:36, but ignore it.

I am in the camp of those who do not. It is Jesus himself that says it, "but
concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."

If we cannot know the day, then how can we predict when the tribulation (if there is one) starts? Especially since everyone has this seven year thing stuck in their head. Or two sets of three and one half years.

I believe you have some good points, and I believe in Jesus Christ and the fact that he is coming back. I even believe that the gift of prophesy is still alive today.

But nobody is going to know when the end is. Not me. Not you. Not any one to come. Not even Jesus. Only the Father. Period.

You are correct. I AM the only one who knows the moment the whole earth will begin to shake violently.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).
I am the witness of the seventh angle and have written and prepared mankind's confession to God. I sold it with my soul in a small short silly cry baby cry for help nobody seems to want to hear. lol. I think I'm supposed to get signers and get the hell out of the hell we were heading for. ? Temporary Insanity call in the Calvary. Sign it and lets get busy fixing shit.
The 7 Trumpets in Revelation are the Tribulation. Trumpets are loud as the Tribulation will be. Whereas the 7th Trumpet with its 7 Bowls of Wrath are larger than cups, poured silently, because so much happens so quickly as if time stands still in the last trumpet of the 7 year Tribulation, this being Daniel's final seven -- the 70th seven of Daniel's prophecy. The 70th seven (which hasn't happened yet because Dan. 9.24 is unfulfilled) encompasses the parousia of Christ from the first rapture "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven to meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4.14-18) at the last trumpet (cf. 1 Cor. 15.23,50-52) to Jesus stepping down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7) at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation (7 years x 360 Jewish calendar days). Note: the rapture before the throne for Christians who are prayerful and watchful is before the 1st trumpet is blown (8.7).

We are told to look for signs before Jesus' 2nd coming. Before the first trumpet is blown 3 things happen in very precise order (Rev. 6.12):

1) Great earthquake. We know in 2010 Haiti experienced an earthquake where 320,000 people died which is the 2nd most deaths of any earthquake recorded in human history. In 2011 Japan had an earthquake that was the 4th greatest in magnitude ever recorded anywhere on planet earth. Back to back, year over year, this has never happened before. It was a first for the record books. Truly this is a great earthquake that meets the criteria.

2) Black sackcloth sun. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses. The rarest is the Hybrid occurring 5% of the time. And there are 3 kinds of hybrids of which the H3 is the rarest occurring 5% of that 5%. The H3 completes itself as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. They are even more rare according to NASA when they last 1 minute and 30 seconds or more. Just such a solar eclipse occurred on Nov. 3, 2013. It was the 4th since Christ and won't happen again till 2172.

3) Red blood moon. NASA records red blood moons as Tetrads when there are two in a single year then two the following year. There were no Tetrads in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They are even more rare when they land on the 1st feast of Passover and the 7th feast of Tabernacles and again the following year. This is called a Total Lunar Tetrad or Feast Tetrad. The 6th time this happened since Christ was 1949/50. Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. The Armistice treaty was signed in 1949. The 7th since Christ was 1967/68 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem on June 7, 1967. The 8th is 2014/15 when the construction of the 3rd Temple is coming into view. And it won't happen again till 2582/83 but has no unique solar eclipse attached to it at that time, so the time is now.

At the end of the Tribulation will be the "sign of the Son of Man" (Matt. 24.30) in the year Jesus steps down on the mount of olives. This would occur a few months before He steps down. One thing in church history is we have never been able to find a convincing sign of the Son of Man until now. On April 13, 2029 asteroid Apophis will come within 25,000 miles of earth which is satellite distance range and most definitely will interrupt some satellite communications. This asteroid is about 3 football fields in length. The last time an asteroid of this size hit earth was about 80,000 years ago. If it entered our atmosphere it would kill tens of millions of people. There will be much fanfare surrounding this event preceding Christ's return.

The temple in Brazil took 4 years to build at a cost of $300 million. The Tribulation 2022-29 would require the 3rd Temple be completed by Passover so that there would be 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from Passover 2023 to Tisha B'Av 2029. Construction must begin no later than 2020. Look for this sign that draws you to Christ. Tisha B'Av is vital because that was when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed and where Jesus will reign from in the 3rd Temple over the nations with His overcomers (Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6) for 1000 years before we move to the New City (Rev. 21).

After the 2014/15 Tetrad there will be 7 years of plenty (due to extremely low interest rates). Joseph was told that there would be seven years of abundance to prepare Egypt for the seven years of famine that would follow (Gen. 41.25-49). This is a prophetic type of a seven year period of abundance that will precede the Tribulation as a time for the Church and Israel to prepare. This principal of Divine warning to make preparation for a specified period of tribulation is seen in other Biblical examples.

Every 7 out of 19 years, there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The other 12 out of 19 years there are 1260 + 1290 (Dan. 12.11) days from Feast of Trumpets to Day of Atonement. 2015-22 meets the 2,520 days, and the 2022-29 matches the 2,550 days.

"If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" (Rev. 3.3). So the reason you may not perceive this when Jesus returns is because why? Not being a watchful "repentant" Christian (v.3a).
I am the witness of the seventh angle and have written and prepared mankind's confession to God. I sold it with my soul in a small short silly cry baby cry for help nobody seems to want to hear. lol. I think I'm supposed to get signers and get the hell out of the hell we were heading for. ? Temporary Insanity call in the Calvary. Sign it and lets get busy fixing shit.
p.s. I got a buck 38 cents for my soul. That's about right I suppose
Parture signed up on Saturday and wow, what a thread. I think the F5 key ought to be worn out on that person's keyboard by now. ...

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