The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

You're sinning bearing false witness

Wow that line, AGAIN?

for where did I say I am the only person on the planet that knows something?

Again, twisting my words. I said you came into this thread with some infinite revelation and do not accept any one else's opinion. And then you:

Don't accuse Christians of condemning you to Hell. You condemn yourself.

You have condemned many to Hell in this thread. It will be interesting to see you on the other side. And now I am really done:


Because honestly, that is all you want to do here. Cause trouble. You are not here to have any discourse, nor discussion. You are here to tell us that 'it is going to be like this and if you do not believe Me, "you 're sinning bearing false witness" and not Christian and going to Hell.

If you want proof, just re read your posts in this thread.
10. Do you believe God is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent and has infinite foreknowledge?

God is all knowing means that God has all knowledge. Actually, if you want to be technical, God is knowledge.

Foreknowledge means what? To know before knowing?
God is a being, but knowledge is an attribute of that being. Foreknowledge foreknows once knowing.

It's a bad term for describing God's attribute of perfect knowledge. God is eternal (without time) and therefore he's always there in every moment of time.

The term Providence should be used instead to describe the concept.

The word comes from Latin providentia "foresight, prudence", from pro- "ahead" and videre "to see". The current use of the word has the sense of "knowledge of the future" or omniscience, understood as an attribute of God.

Divine providence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.
You're sinning bearing false witness

Wow that line, AGAIN?

for where did I say I am the only person on the planet that knows something?

Again, twisting my words. I said you came into this thread with some infinite revelation and do not accept any one else's opinion. And then you:

Don't accuse Christians of condemning you to Hell. You condemn yourself.

You have condemned many to Hell in this thread. It will be interesting to see you on the other side. And now I am really done:


Because honestly, that is all you want to do here. Cause trouble. You are not here to have any discourse, nor discussion. You are here to tell us that 'it is going to be like this and if you do not believe Me, "you 're sinning bearing false witness" and not Christian and going to Hell.

If you want proof, just re read your posts in this thread.
Don't accuse Christians of condemning you to Hell. You condemn yourself.
10. Do you believe God is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent and has infinite foreknowledge?

God is all knowing means that God has all knowledge. Actually, if you want to be technical, God is knowledge.

Foreknowledge means what? To know before knowing?
God is a being, but knowledge is an attribute of that being. Foreknowledge foreknows once knowing.

It's a bad term for describing God's knowledge. God is eternal (without time) and therefore he's always there in every moment of time.
From our perspective we can't see what is to happen in 10 minutes from now, but God existing outside of time and space can so He has infinite foreknowledge. It is a fair term.
WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.

I was thinking about Pellagians. Sorry.

Easy answer: Arminians are wrong.
10. Do you believe God is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent and has infinite foreknowledge?

God is all knowing means that God has all knowledge. Actually, if you want to be technical, God is knowledge.

Foreknowledge means what? To know before knowing?
God is a being, but knowledge is an attribute of that being. Foreknowledge foreknows once knowing.

It's a bad term for describing God's knowledge. God is eternal (without time) and therefore he's always there in every moment of time.
From our perspective we can't see what is to happen in 10 minutes from now, but God existing outside of time and space can so He has infinite foreknowledge. It is a fair term.

Use providence.

This is similar to you saying heart attack, and I point out that it's better to say STEMI.
WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.

I was thinking about Pellagians. Sorry.

Easy answer: Arminians are wrong.
Calvinists are pelagians since they deny original sin for original sin doesn't make you totally depraved. Nobody is totally depraved, for God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice and we are all made in God's image. Is God's image totally depraved? Man is fallen but not totally depraved. Calvinists are not Christians so of course, they are going to Hell.

The reason John MacArthur is going to Hell because he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated.
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10. Do you believe God is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent and has infinite foreknowledge?

God is all knowing means that God has all knowledge. Actually, if you want to be technical, God is knowledge.

Foreknowledge means what? To know before knowing?
God is a being, but knowledge is an attribute of that being. Foreknowledge foreknows once knowing.

It's a bad term for describing God's knowledge. God is eternal (without time) and therefore he's always there in every moment of time.
From our perspective we can't see what is to happen in 10 minutes from now, but God existing outside of time and space can so He has infinite foreknowledge. It is a fair term.

Use providence.

This is similar to you saying heart attack, and I point out that it's better to say STEMI.
God predestinates or ordains or calls or His providence or approves by foreknowing our free choice.
WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.

Long answer:

Calvinism Soteriology Topics

The cardinal doctrines of the everlasting gospel which Arminians wrest to their own destruction are:

Cautions Against a Wrong Use of the Doctrine of Election


Saving Faith
Man's Inability and Responsibility

The Universal Call of the Gospel and a Definite Atonement
The Sinner's Warrant to Believe in Christ

The Need for an Uncompromising and Vigilant Witness Against Arminianism


God could have justly left all mankind to perish in their sin and misery, as He left the angels which kept not their first estate, but according to the good pleasure of His will, He chose in Christ, before the foundation of the world, all whom He purposed to save. "According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love; having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will" (Ephesians 1: 4,5). "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren. Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called; and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom He justified them He also glorified" (Romans 8: 28-30). These verses from among many which could be quoted, and the whole scheme of redemption from Genesis to Revelation, afford infallible and unqualified proof that salvation is of free and sovereign grace.

WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.

I was thinking about Pellagians. Sorry.

Easy answer: Arminians are wrong.
Calvinists are pelagians since they deny original sin for original sin doesn't make you totally depraved. Nobody is totally depraved, for God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice and we are all made in God's image. Is God's image totally depraved? Man is fallen but not totally depraved. Calvinists are not Christians so of course, they are going to Hell.

The reason John MacArthur is going to Hell because he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated.

T.U.L.I.P. Reformed Theology James Montgomery Boice The Reformed Reader

Rreformed theology
James Montgomery Boice

Reformed theology gets its name from the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation, with its distinct theological emphases, but it is theology solidly based on the Bible itself. Believers in the reformed tradition regard highly the specific contributions of such people as Martin Luther, John Knox, and particularly John Calvin, but they also find their strong distinctives in the giants of the faith before them, such as Anselm and Augustine, and ultimately in the letters of Paul and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Reformed Christians hold to the doctrines characteristic of all Christians, including the Trinity, the true deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ, the necessity of Jesus' atonement for sin, the church as a divinely ordained institution, the inspiration of the Bible, the requirement that Christians live moral lives, and the resurrection of the body. They hold other doctrines in common with evangelical Christians, such as justification by faith alone, the need for the new birth, the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ, and the Great Commission. What, then, is distinctive about reformed theology

1. The Doctrine of Scripture.

The reformed commitment to Scripture stresses the Bible's inspiration, authority, and sufficiency. Since the Bible is the Word of God and so has the authority of God Himself, reformed people affirm that this authority is superior to that of all governments and all church hierarchies. This conviction has given reformed believers the courage to stand against tyranny and has made reformed theology a revolutionary force in society. The sufficiency of Scripture means that it does not need to be supplemented by new or ongoing special revelation. The Bible is the entirely sufficient guide for what we are to believe and how we are to live as Christians.

The Reformers, and particularly John Calvin, stressed the way the objective, written Word and the inner, supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit work together, the Holy Spirit illuminating the Word to God's people. The Word without the illumination of the Holy Spirit remains a closed book. The supposed leading of the Spirit without the Word leads to errors and excess. The Reformers also insisted upon the believers' right to study the Scripture for themselves. Though not denying the value of trained teachers, they understood that the clarity of Scripture on matters essential for salvation makes the Bible the property of every believer. With this right of access always comes the responsibility of careful and accurate interpretation

2. The Sovereignty of God.

For most reformed people the chief and most distinctive article of the creed is God's sovereignty. Sovereignty means rule, and the sovereignty of God means that God rules over His creation with absolute power and authority. He determines what is going to happen, and it does happen. God is not alarmed, frustrated, or defeated by circumstances, by sin, or by the rebellion of His creatures.

3. The Doctrines of Grace.

Reformed theology emphasizes the doctrines of grace, best known by the acronym TULIP, though this does not correspond to the best possible names for the five doctrines.

T stands for total depravity. This does not mean that all persons are as bad as they could possibly be. It means rather that all human beings are affected by sin in every area of thought and conduct so that nothing that comes out of anyone apart from the regenerating grace of God can please God. As far as our relationships to God are concerned, we are all so ruined by sin that no one can properly understand either God or God's ways. Nor do we seek God, unless He is first at work within us to lead us to do so

U stands for unconditional election. An emphasis on election bothers many people, but the problem they feel is not actually with election; it is with depravity. If sinners are as helpless in their depravity as the Bible says they are, unable to know and unwilling to seek God, then the only way they could possibly be saved is for God to take the initiative to change and save them. This is what election means. It is God choosing to save those who, apart from His sovereign choice and subsequent action, certainly would perish.

L stands for limited atonement. The name is potentially misleading, for it seems to suggest that reformed people want somehow to restrict the value of Christ's death. This is not the case. The value of Jesus' death is infinite. The question rather is what is the purpose of Christ's death, and what He accomplished in it. Did Christ intend to make salvation no more than possible? Or did He actually save those for whom He died? Reformed theology stresses that Jesus actually atoned for the sins of those the Father had chosen. He actually propitiated the wrath of God toward His people by taking their judgment upon Himself, actually redeemed them, and actually reconciled those specific persons to God. A better name for "limited" atonement would be "particular" or "specific" redemption.

I stands for irresistible grace. Left to ourselves we resist the grace of God. But when God works in our hearts, regenerating us and creating a renewed will within, then what was undesirable before becomes highly desirable, and we run to Jesus just as previously we ran away from Him. Fallen sinners do resist God's grace, but His regenerating grace is effectual. It overcomes sin and accomplishes God's purpose.

P stands for perseverance of the saints. A better name might be "the perseverance of God with the saints," but both ideas are actually involved. God perseveres with us, keeping us from falling away, as we would certainly do if He were not with us. But because He perseveres we also persevere. In fact, perseverance is the ultimate proof of election. We persevere because God preserves us from full and final falling away from Him.
WTF is OSAS Arminian?

BTW, I'm not Calvinist or whatever.

It's most accurate to say that I am like Paul.
The opposite of the 5 points of Calvinism is the 5 points of OSAS Arminian by Jacob Arminius.

Calvinists teach a person is irresistibly regenerated and others are passed over (given no opportunity to be saved--called preterition), given no opportunity to have the free choice. Whereas OSAS Arminians believe God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice.

I was thinking about Pellagians. Sorry.

Easy answer: Arminians are wrong.
Calvinists are pelagians since they deny original sin for original sin doesn't make you totally depraved. Nobody is totally depraved, for God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice and we are all made in God's image. Is God's image totally depraved? Man is fallen but not totally depraved. Calvinists are not Christians so of course, they are going to Hell.

The reason John MacArthur is going to Hell because he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated.

T.U.L.I.P. Reformed Theology James Montgomery Boice The Reformed Reader

Rreformed theology
James Montgomery Boice

Reformed theology gets its name from the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation, with its distinct theological emphases, but it is theology solidly based on the Bible itself. Believers in the reformed tradition regard highly the specific contributions of such people as Martin Luther, John Knox, and particularly John Calvin, but they also find their strong distinctives in the giants of the faith before them, such as Anselm and Augustine, and ultimately in the letters of Paul and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Reformed Christians hold to the doctrines characteristic of all Christians, including the Trinity, the true deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ, the necessity of Jesus' atonement for sin, the church as a divinely ordained institution, the inspiration of the Bible, the requirement that Christians live moral lives, and the resurrection of the body. They hold other doctrines in common with evangelical Christians, such as justification by faith alone, the need for the new birth, the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ, and the Great Commission. What, then, is distinctive about reformed theology

1. The Doctrine of Scripture.

The reformed commitment to Scripture stresses the Bible's inspiration, authority, and sufficiency. Since the Bible is the Word of God and so has the authority of God Himself, reformed people affirm that this authority is superior to that of all governments and all church hierarchies. This conviction has given reformed believers the courage to stand against tyranny and has made reformed theology a revolutionary force in society. The sufficiency of Scripture means that it does not need to be supplemented by new or ongoing special revelation. The Bible is the entirely sufficient guide for what we are to believe and how we are to live as Christians.

The Reformers, and particularly John Calvin, stressed the way the objective, written Word and the inner, supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit work together, the Holy Spirit illuminating the Word to God's people. The Word without the illumination of the Holy Spirit remains a closed book. The supposed leading of the Spirit without the Word leads to errors and excess. The Reformers also insisted upon the believers' right to study the Scripture for themselves. Though not denying the value of trained teachers, they understood that the clarity of Scripture on matters essential for salvation makes the Bible the property of every believer. With this right of access always comes the responsibility of careful and accurate interpretation

2. The Sovereignty of God.

For most reformed people the chief and most distinctive article of the creed is God's sovereignty. Sovereignty means rule, and the sovereignty of God means that God rules over His creation with absolute power and authority. He determines what is going to happen, and it does happen. God is not alarmed, frustrated, or defeated by circumstances, by sin, or by the rebellion of His creatures.

3. The Doctrines of Grace.

Reformed theology emphasizes the doctrines of grace, best known by the acronym TULIP, though this does not correspond to the best possible names for the five doctrines.

T stands for total depravity. This does not mean that all persons are as bad as they could possibly be. It means rather that all human beings are affected by sin in every area of thought and conduct so that nothing that comes out of anyone apart from the regenerating grace of God can please God. As far as our relationships to God are concerned, we are all so ruined by sin that no one can properly understand either God or God's ways. Nor do we seek God, unless He is first at work within us to lead us to do so

U stands for unconditional election. An emphasis on election bothers many people, but the problem they feel is not actually with election; it is with depravity. If sinners are as helpless in their depravity as the Bible says they are, unable to know and unwilling to seek God, then the only way they could possibly be saved is for God to take the initiative to change and save them. This is what election means. It is God choosing to save those who, apart from His sovereign choice and subsequent action, certainly would perish.

L stands for limited atonement. The name is potentially misleading, for it seems to suggest that reformed people want somehow to restrict the value of Christ's death. This is not the case. The value of Jesus' death is infinite. The question rather is what is the purpose of Christ's death, and what He accomplished in it. Did Christ intend to make salvation no more than possible? Or did He actually save those for whom He died? Reformed theology stresses that Jesus actually atoned for the sins of those the Father had chosen. He actually propitiated the wrath of God toward His people by taking their judgment upon Himself, actually redeemed them, and actually reconciled those specific persons to God. A better name for "limited" atonement would be "particular" or "specific" redemption.

I stands for irresistible grace. Left to ourselves we resist the grace of God. But when God works in our hearts, regenerating us and creating a renewed will within, then what was undesirable before becomes highly desirable, and we run to Jesus just as previously we ran away from Him. Fallen sinners do resist God's grace, but His regenerating grace is effectual. It overcomes sin and accomplishes God's purpose.

P stands for perseverance of the saints. A better name might be "the perseverance of God with the saints," but both ideas are actually involved. God perseveres with us, keeping us from falling away, as we would certainly do if He were not with us. But because He perseveres we also persevere. In fact, perseverance is the ultimate proof of election. We persevere because God preserves us from full and final falling away from Him.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. All 5 points of OSAS Arminian are true.
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

What Is Reformed Theology Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul from Ligonier Ministries
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

What Is Reformed Theology Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul from Ligonier Ministries
The Holy Spirit in agreement with the word of God says Sproul and you are going to Hell, but my prayer for you is one day you come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior be regenerated.
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

OSAS Arminians believe that anyone can choose to have faith in Christ, repent, and be saved forever.

Therefore, let us have some fun with this.

Right now, as you are reading this, I am praying to God, asking for forgiveness of my sins, and asking to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. I fully have faith in Jesus Christ for my salvation. I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

I'm saved. Thank you Jesus Christ. You're the best. I love you Jesus.

It is finished. DONE. For sure I'm not going to Hell. Whoohoo.

Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

What Is Reformed Theology Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul from Ligonier Ministries
The Holy Spirit in agreement with the word of God says Sproul and you are going to Hell, but my prayer for you is one day you come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior be regenerated.

Thank you for your prayers. :)
Thank you God. I love you God.
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

OSAS Arminians believe that anyone can choose to have faith in Christ, repent, and be saved forever.

Therefore, let us have some fun with this.

Right now, as you are reading this, I am praying to God, asking for forgiveness of my sins, and asking to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. I fully have faith in Jesus Christ for my salvation. I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

I'm saved. Thank you Jesus Christ. You're the best. I love you Jesus.

It is finished. DONE. For sure I'm not going to Hell. Whoohoo.

Why are you asking for forgiveness if you already have it through faith in Christ? This shows you don't have Christ but worship a false Christ. So the Bible says unless you confess who He truly is to others, He will deny you before the Father in heaven, thus, sending you to Hell. Moreover, since you are a Calvinist you admit you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated as you have been defending all 5 points of Calvinism. The gift of repentance and faith come to a person who searches God out with all their heart and soul. This is the free choice afforded to us all to be once saved always saved. So my prayers continue to reach out to you to receive Christ then you will be saved. But you are not saved as long as you continue to think you are irresistibly selected. You call that Satanic grace.
Reformed Theology is excellent on the accuracy of its doctrines.
All 5 points of Calvinism are false. Did you know they stole the word "reformed" which is the reformation of justification by faith. There is nothing needing to be reformed in Christianity.

I see how you are not a Christian because you are a Calvinist unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; for this reason you are going to Hell.

OSAS Arminians believe that anyone can choose to have faith in Christ, repent, and be saved forever.

Therefore, let us have some fun with this.

Right now, as you are reading this, I am praying to God, asking for forgiveness of my sins, and asking to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. I fully have faith in Jesus Christ for my salvation. I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

I'm saved. Thank you Jesus Christ. You're the best. I love you Jesus.

It is finished. DONE. For sure I'm not going to Hell. Whoohoo.

Why are you asking for forgiveness if you already have it through faith in Christ? This shows you don't have Christ but worship a false Christ. So the Bible says unless you confess who He truly is to others, He will deny you before the Father in heaven, thus, sending you to Hell. Moreover, since you are a Calvinist you admit you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated as you have been defending all 5 points of Calvinism. The gift of repentance and faith come to a person who searches God out with all their heart and soul. This is the free choice afforded to us all to be once saved always saved. So my prayers continue to reach out to you to receive Christ then you will be saved. But you are not saved as long as you continue to think you are irresistibly selected. You call that Satanic grace.

OSAS Arminians sure are confusing. What more should I do to be saved?

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