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The Bible Tells Us When Jesus Returns - Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2029

The bible is the Word of God and true. Let every man be found a liar and the Word of God true - you are mistaken about the bible being a myth. The bible does not tell us the day or the hour of the LORD's return but according to Matthew 24 we know that he warned us NOT to be deceived about his having already come - 5 times he warns do not be deceived. In that one chapter.
Actually the Bible doesn't say you can't know the day or hour when Jesus returns. Rather, it says you can't know when the end of the world is (Matt. 24.35,36). So you misread that portion. Rev. 3.3 says you can know the day and hour when He returns but only if you are watchful as was already noted in the opening post: "If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee." So you are not watchful, thus, you will be disciplined accordingly.
The seven trumpets don't even have anything to do with the end of the world. It's a hypothetical situation God is presenting in response to the faithful asking why it is God is not taking action against the oppressors. God uses the seven trumpets to show what He could do and then at the end shows that doing that will do no good. It won't change anything. Hence John of Patmos is told to eat that prophecy because that is not what God is going to do. He is going to do something else and John must look to a different prophecy that will be given to him. Trying to equate all that nonsense to the seven trumpets simply demonstrates that you don't even understand the Revelation enough to draw a conclusion.
You misread the opening post. The 7 trumpets are not the end of the world but the final seven before Jesus steps down on earth to reign on earth for 1000 years. This is Daniel's 70th seven which pertains to His second coming whereas Jesus was cut off after the 69th seven when He died on the cross for the sins of the world. Revelation is not about what God can do but what is going to happen, just like Genesis 1 & 2 is what happened in creation not what God was going to do in creation. How silly.

Genesis 1 and 2 are two completely different accounts of creation from two completely different sources. On the whole, yes the Revelation is about what God will eventually do from the perspective of ancient Apocalyptic culture, but the seven trumpets is saying the exact opposite.

And the 70 sevens in Daniels is a modification of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah the prophecy was that Jerusalem would be conquered for 70 years. When it turned out to 490 Daniel references that and clarifies by 70 weeks of years to make the math work since Jeremiah's prophecy was wrong. Sweet Lord.
Genesis 1 and 2 are two completely different accounts of creation from two completely different sources. On the whole, yes the Revelation is about what God will eventually do from the perspective of ancient Apocalyptic culture, but the seven trumpets is saying the exact opposite.

And the 70 sevens in Daniels is a modification of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah the prophecy was that Jerusalem would be conquered for 70 years. When it turned out to 490 Daniel references that and clarifies by 70 weeks of years to make the math work since Jeremiah's prophecy was wrong. Sweet Lord.
Gen. 1 & 2 are not different accounts. Rather, Gen. 2 gives the details of Gen. 1 just like Rev. 12 to 19 give the details of 7 to 11. The 7 trumpets are apocalyptic. It says 1/3 of people on earth will die during the Great Tribulation. But more importantly than this, is salvation in Christ by what He did for you on the cross, that if you don't accept His atoning sacrifice you will go to Hell. God gives you that free choice. Daniel's prophecy said that after 7 sets of seven Jerusalem would be rebuilt, then after 69 sets of seven the Messiah would be cut, off then after the 70th seven all will be reconciled. This takes place all after Israel was enslaved. The prophecy of Daniel began March 5, 444 BC (Neh. 2.1ff). The reason why Israel was conquered for 70 years was because they did not keep the Sabbaths. You're confusing two prophecies unrelated with different features. There are exactly 173,880 days (7 x 360 x 69) from the declaration to rebuild Jerusalem to March 28, 33 AD (Gregorian), which was the 1st day of the 4 day inspection of the Lamb of Jesus before He was cut off April 1, 33 AD, Friday on Nisan 14, Passover. The 4 day inspection was Monday March 28, 29, 30, 31. NASA says there was even a lunar eclipse the day Jesus died. Great events related to Israel happen on lunar eclipses especially the Total Lunar Tetrad 1949/50, 1967/68, 2014/15.
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You don't know how greatly blessed you have been to have received this prophecy to read it in all its precise detail showing unequivocally when Jesus returns.
Genesis 1 and 2 are two completely different accounts of creation from two completely different sources. On the whole, yes the Revelation is about what God will eventually do from the perspective of ancient Apocalyptic culture, but the seven trumpets is saying the exact opposite.

And the 70 sevens in Daniels is a modification of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah the prophecy was that Jerusalem would be conquered for 70 years. When it turned out to 490 Daniel references that and clarifies by 70 weeks of years to make the math work since Jeremiah's prophecy was wrong. Sweet Lord.
Gen. 1 & 2 are not different accounts. Rather, Gen. 2 gives the details of Gen. 1 just like Rev. 12 to 19 give the details of 7 to 11. The 7 trumpets are apocalyptic. It says 1/3 of people on earth will die during the Great Tribulation. But more importantly than this, is salvation in Christ by what He did for you on the cross, that if you don't accept His atoning sacrifice you will go to Hell. God gives you that free choice. Daniel's prophecy said that after 7 sets of seven Jerusalem would be rebuilt, then after 69 sets of seven the Messiah would be cut, off then after the 70th seven all will be reconciled. This takes place all after Israel was enslaved. The prophecy of Daniel began March 5, 444 BC (Neh. 2.1ff). The reason why Israel was conquered for 70 years was because they did not keep the Sabbaths. You're confusing two prophecies unrelated with different features. There are exactly 173,880 days (7 x 360 x 69) from the declaration to rebuild Jerusalem to March 28, 33 AD (Gregorian), which was the 1st day of the 4 day inspection of the Lamb of Jesus before He was cut off April 1, 33 AD, Friday on Nisan 14, Passover. The 4 day inspection was Monday March 28, 29, 30, 31. NASA says there was even a lunar eclipse the day Jesus died. Great events related to Israel happen on lunar eclipses especially the Total Lunar Tetrad 1949/50, 1967/68, 2014/15.

Dude.....Genesis 1 is the Hebrew version of the Enuma Elis from ancient Sumeria. Genesis 2 is the Hebrew version of the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag from ancient Babylon. They are two totally different stories and completely contradict each other. Sigh....I have a football game to watch which is a far better use of my time. Enjoy your little fantasy world and I suggest ignoring the little voices in your head. They lie.
Dude.....Genesis 1 is the Hebrew version of the Enuma Elis from ancient Sumeria. Genesis 2 is the Hebrew version of the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag from ancient Babylon. They are two totally different stories and completely contradict each other. Sigh....I have a football game to watch which is a far better use of my time. Enjoy your little fantasy world and I suggest ignoring the little voices in your head. They lie.
Genesis 2 gives the details of Gen. 1. They are not two different stories. If you could find a difference then you would have by now. Creation stories will naturally share some similarities, but won't be quite the same. What is unique about Gen. 1 is that day 2 was not called a good day for very specific reasons. That's just one of many differences of God's account and men's account. Keep in mind also that Israel was the first nation God revealed Himself to, so other creation accounts were not privy to this revelation and some of the specifics you see in Gen. 1 & 2 and found nowhere else. So you have voices in your head do you? Well I can assure you that those voices in your head are evil spirits. Christians don't have voices in our heads, but we do have a conscience, communion and intuition of our spirit that gives us God-consciousness. You have a spirit also, but you shut your mind down like a zombie for Satan, and it is indwelt by the evil spirit. Watching football gives you even more opportunity to shut your mind down and be a zombie for Satan. God gave you a mind to discern, not run off and hide, watching a game run by people who make more money than you. Whereas Christians have the Holy Spirit in our spirit because we are born-again. You are going to Hell Jesus said as much!
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Part, welcome to the forum. I applaud the homework you have done, and believe you'll receive the blessing associated with Revelation. You are looking up.
While I believe it is impossible to predict the exact hour and day Christ will return, end time prophesy is being fulfilled at a rapid pace. His return is eminent. And yet He has been known to tarry for our sake. It is why Methuselah lived so long.
The last time Christ was here, He could have stayed. He completed His mission, and returned 3 days later. Instead He left to give the Gentiles an Age of their own, which we have reached the end of.
I find it easier to check off the prophesies as they file into the fulfilled category and anticipate His return based on the events we are watching unfold. The blood moons are a sign, the treaty is a sign, the Temple is another, the invasion of Israel by Russia. He definitely has His hand on the door.

Be very careful in damning anyone to hell. Christ died for the person you just condemned. Let Him judge. Paul wouldn't even judge himself. You have no idea what He has in store for that person. The Holy Spirit may convict that person tomorrow.
Glad you're here. Ignore Holly. ;)
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I believe it is impossible to predict the exact hour and day Christ will return. Be very careful in damning anyone to hell. Christ died for the person you just condemned. Let Him judge. Paul wouldn't even judge himself. You have no idea what He has in store for that person. The Holy Spirit may convict that person tomorrow.
Glad you're here. Ignore Holly.
Rev. 3.3 says "If therefore thou shalt not watch...thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" so you can know the hour, and thus the day, when Jesus returns if you are watchful. So reject that notion you can't know because that is from the Devil suggesting you can't know. To study to determine when Jesus returns requires one be watchful. If you are watchful and don't study (examining the data), then you still won't know when He returns. Imminency would be wrong because as you noted certain things must be fulfilled first. I don't damn anyone to Hell, but I do know who is going to Hell according to the Bible. Paul would say who is going to Hell also, those who reject the cross. How strange that would be if you don't know who is saved and who is not, so you don't know who your brother and sisters in Christ are. We are not to break bread with false Christians and other unregenerates.
Jesus doesn't even know the hour and day.
You have no idea who is going to Hell. Using your doctrine, Samson wouldn't stand a chance at entering Heaven. He was a drinking, womanizing, brawling, sour nasty butt hole that broke every commandment God gave Moses. And yet there he is, in Hebrews listed in God's Hall of Faith. Give Christ His judgement robe back and deal with your own arrogance instead. He would rather you love your brother than to boast of your own intelligence. Your priorities are skewed, pharisee.
Jesus doesn't even know the hour and day.
You have no idea who is going to Hell. Using your doctrine, Samson wouldn't stand a chance at entering Heaven. He was a drinking, womanizing, brawling, sour nasty butt hole that broke every commandment God gave Moses. And yet there he is, in Hebrews listed in God's Hall of Faith. Give Christ His judgement robe back and deal with your own arrogance instead. He would rather you love your brother than to boast of your own intelligence. Your priorities are skewed, pharisee.
Jesus said He would return after the sign of the Son of Man (Matt. 24.30). He said it. I do know who is going to Hell those who reject what Jesus did for them. That's what the Bible teaches. The question for Samson is when was he a believer? for then he was saved. In other words, if Jesus arrived in his day once believing he would accept the Messiah. Your problem is you are not accepting what the Bible says that those who are saved are only those who believe in Christ. Why do you believe in another gospel and a teach another Jesus? Why do you reject God's word for your own faith? Is that not the epitome of arrogance? Read John 3.15-21 that you must be born-again and would not be saved before being born-again. You're a Pharisee for that false judgment you have made comes back on you in spades (Matt. 7.1-2). Pharisees reject Christ, but I believe in Christ, so you can see you have condemned a Christian even when you claim you should not condemn (God hates doublestandards), so God condemns you. You are condemned as you are unwilling to repent. How you treat one of His "little flock" (Luke 12.32) so will you be treated. I would not wish upon my worse enemy where you are going.
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I am kind of partial to Daniel's timeline myself. I am expecting an economic crash in the early fall but that probably has more to do with greedy, godless bankers and a flawed system than prophecy. I see a second coming kind of problematic when I am not so sure about the first coming.
I am kind of partial to Daniel's timeline myself. I am expecting an economic crash in the early fall but that probably has more to do with greedy, godless bankers and a flawed system than prophecy. I see a second coming kind of problematic when I am not so sure about the first coming.
Jesus is the most documented person in antiquity in His first coming, so if you don't accept that evidence, there is nothing more God can do to convince you because He already provided you the best evidence there can be. So you are left without excuse on your way to Hell.

The DJIA will have another 7% decline on Elul 29 Sept. 13, 2015 like Elul 29 in 2001 and 2008.
Proved it with what, exactly?
Jesus is the most documented person antiquity so if He didn't exist, nor did Aristotle, Julius Caesar or Plato. No credible historian holds your view. You're on your own delusionally.
And yet the ONLY evidence of his Deity is The New Testament, a tale written between 30 and 70 years after the events by people with a political agenda.

Good luck with that! :thup:
And Jesus is NOT the most documented person of antiquity - outside of The New Testament he is barely mentioned.

Was Jesus of Nazareth a real boy? Probably. Was he The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, in flesh? Believe what you want - I find those ancient Arab stories to be mediocre fiction at best.

Your 'evidence' is your opinion and nothing more.
And yet the ONLY evidence of his Deity is The New Testament, a tale written between 30 and 70 years after the events by people with a political agenda.
Both the OT and the NT prove the existence of the uncreated Creator simply by observing nature. The OT looked to the Messiah, and the NT proved He arrived, since nobody can find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings. Jesus died 33 AD and the Apostles were martyred in the Neronian persecutions so they completed the NT long before 65 AD. For example, Luke wrote Acts and said it was part two of his former work of Luke, but he makes no mention of Paul's martyrdom which shows it was written before 65 AD perhaps around 55 AD. That places Luke around 45 AD. But Luke took from Mark so that places Mark just 2 years after the cross. Your mistaken assumptions are non-evidenced.
And Jesus is NOT the most documented person of antiquity - outside of The New Testament he is barely mentioned.
Was Jesus of Nazareth a real boy? Probably. Was he The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, in flesh? Believe what you want - I find those ancient Arab stories to be mediocre fiction at best.
Your 'evidence' is your opinion and nothing more.
Actually, Jesus is the most documented person in antiquity if you just take non-Christian sources too. There are 17 non-Christian sources within 150 years of His death. 12 of them speak of His death, 12 of His resurrection, and 7 of His deity. In fact, nobody in antiquity has sources for them anywhere near to the still surviving papyri we have for Jesus. The Apostles recorded Jesus the boy who knew him best and were friends with Mary the mother of Jesus. Yes Jesus is the God of Abraham as he looked for their coming Messiah. There are over 100 prophecies Jesus fulfilled to prove it which is mathematically impossible unless Jesus is God. I am glad you aren't able to overturn these facts so don't shut your mind down.
And yet the ONLY evidence of his Deity is The New Testament, a tale written between 30 and 70 years after the events by people with a political agenda.
Both the OT and the NT prove the existence of the uncreated Creator...

...Your mistaken assumptions are non-evidenced.

Prove it to you, maybe - but not to me. What we have here is a difference of opinion.

Now, we have two and only two choices:

We can go all Sunni -vs- Shiite and try to kill each other to 'prove' the superiority of one of those opinions, or we can agree to disagree.
And to the point of the thesis of your thread, you're the one making extraordinary claims - it's up to you to provide the evidence.

Thus far, I'm less than impressed.
Prove it to you, maybe - but not to me. What we have here is a difference of opinion.
Now, we have two and only two choices:

We can go all Sunni -vs- Shiite and try to kill each other to 'prove' the superiority of one of those opinions, or we can agree to disagree.
And to the point of the thesis of your thread, you're the one making extraordinary claims - it's up to you to provide the evidence.
The evidence was already given in the opening post. Why shut your mind down to that evidence? What is extraordinary is to claim Jesus didn't exist when he is the most documented person in antiquity. Islam is false since you can't come along six centuries later to claim Jesus never died on the cross. You and Islam share in common beliefs that have no evidence. What is also extraordinary is to claim the universe started up from nothing or always existed, but that is impossible. I am not impressed with anything you say. And so the Bible is clear you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Basically, in a nutshell, you're a bad guy. Jesus recognizes that about you and you will be in Hell soon enough with Hitler, Stalin, Mao, rapists, murderers, the popes, Muslims, Satan, fallen angels, the demons, Judas, Nero, False Prophet, Antichrist. Since you nor I are able to overturn the evidence to these facts, the difference between you and me is I give into reality, whereas you prefer to remain selfishly delusional.
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