Zone1 The Bible, the first book


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Kind of sums up why the Bible is so influential in the world today. In fact, it is pretty much the only religious text talked about here.
the only religious text talked about here.
Because everything forecast / promised is increasingly seen as rubbish and unsurprisingly nothing has come true . All that is left for Cultists is Faith . It is like believing in the MSM -- all evidence points to misinformation and lies , whether deliberate or not .

Kind of sums up why the Bible is so influential in the world today. In fact, it is pretty much the only religious text talked about here.

Well, it was originally scrolls, not books, and there were no numbered verses, but otherwise it is far more sophisticated and intelligent as a text and teaching method than any other before it and and after. Hegel thought it was the most advanced theology in existence, and he was an atheist. It speaks to a wide gamut of human experience and contains a lot of excellent advice and traditions. Of course that's also why it's so hated by assorted sociopaths and deviants on both the left and right wing.
Because everything forecast / promised is increasingly seen as rubbish and unsurprisingly nothing has come true . All that is left for Cultists is Faith . It is like believing in the MSM -- all evidence points to misinformation and lies , whether deliberate or not .

The entire book forecasts the fate of the Jewish nation as well as its past with the hope of a Messiah in the mix.

Just think about this for a second. How many ancient religions survive today? Off the top of my head, you have Hinduism and the Biblical based faiths. That's it.

Now let's consider how many ancient nations still exist. How many Hittites do you know? How many Amorites? How many Babylonians? None? The hell you say!

The Bible forecasted, not only the survival of the ancient religion, but the fact that the nation of Israel would return to the scene, and at some point be the focus of international attention of the world.

So, the odds of the faith surviving, as well as the odd of their state returning like it did in 1948, are extremely high, let alone also having the attention of the entire international world like it does today. In fact, the UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than it has any other state, like North Korea, Syria, and the Sudan where there was mass genocide. We have all heard of TDS, Trump derangement syndrome, but there is also ZDS, Zionist derangement syndrome we see today around the world as antisemitism is just as alive and well as ever.

As for the Messiah, he has come and will come again with startling accuracy of Daniel 9:24-27 predicting 500 years into the future when Christ would come.

Try again.
Well, it was originally scrolls, not books, and there were no numbered verses, but otherwise it is far more sophisticated and intelligent as a text and teaching method than any other before it and and after. Hegel thought it was the most advanced theology in existence, and he was an atheist. It speaks to a wide gamut of human experience and contains a lot of excellent advice and traditions. Of course that's also why it's so hated by assorted sociopaths and deviants on both the left and right wing.
Most religious texts I have seen have absurd creation stories, like a pink elephant gives birth to a blue unicorn and it becomes planet earth, etc.

However, the creation account given in the Bible is amazingly similar to how things actually happened, like stars forming first, then planet, then on earth vegetation, then life in the sea, and then land animals, and then man, etc.

In fact, the Bible even states man was formed from the dust of the earth, again, accurate.

As for the past events, the Bible is the only religious text I know of that formed a scientific field which is Biblical Archeology. Again, this field is full of scientists, not all of whom believe the entire Bible, rather, they simply understand that it is accurate enough to find digs and reveal history that is not recorded anywhere else.

For example, this is how thew world found the Philistine people. No where else are they recorded. They simply began to dig where the Bible said they were located and found them.
Like plants before the sun? Or light before the sun?
Good points

I don't think that the original, "Let there be light" was the creation of our sun, rather, it was the creation of sun-like bodies with our sun coming later.

As for plant life, I was once told that all life on earth was dependent on the sun in school, but they later found life on the bottom of the oceans that lived apart from the sun.

Gerald Schroeder, who wrote Genesis and the Big Bang, also had some interesting theories as to how plant life could have lived before the sun's existence via radiation if you are interested.

But yea, that seems to be the biggest possible flaw in the whole account.

Not bad for ancient desert nomads.

In fact, Schoeder came up with a theory on the passage of time that is interesting. He calculated that with each day of creation, if time halved it fits perfectly into the scientific calendar of when sea creatures arrived, and land creatures, etc.
I don't think that the original, "Let there be light" was the creation of our sun, rather, it was the creation of sun-like bodies with our sun coming later.
Agreed. It was also different "days," specifically. But light comes from the sun..
Also, the bible says the earth was without form. So how could there be light, without form of the planet and without the sun? As in, if there was nothing to reflect light, there would be any. Like in space.
Agreed. It was also different "days," specifically. But light comes from the sun..
Also, the bible says the earth was without form. So how could there be light, without form of the planet and without the sun? As in, if there was nothing to reflect light, there would be any. Like in space.
Light comes from stars, the sun being one of many.

But it is obvious that days are not literal days. After all, how can you have day one and two before the earth rotates on it's axis once while going around the sun?

Schroeder, in his book, reveals that ancient rabbinical texts agree, i.e. pre modern science, that the days in Genesis were not literal days, but only because of the Hebrew verbiage and passed down information we are not privy to that the King James version butchers.

It is a good read.

The reason I enjoyed the book so much is you finally have someone who is both a scientist, and theologian who has expertise in both fields and has respect for both. Usually you have either an expert in one field or the other mocking and deriding the other they don't understand in the least and care nothing about.

Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Generations? Really?

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