The Biden administration has no choice but to pursue accountability for Trump and all his associates

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be. You are calling progressives criminals. What is the crime?

You have yet to prove a swindled election. You are just a pos liar.
The crime is swindling an election - fraud.
No proof. You lie and you are loser. Next?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth know that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Sorry dumbfuck. I’m paying no price for telling the truth. Note you dodge the entire post and rant about your usual idiocy. So go fuck yourself and go back underneath the rock you crawled from under.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.

Boy are you gullible - Cy Vance is on your criminal clown like a very cheap suit! :)
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Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

I can't agree with him more.

The reason why we have presidents and politicians who commit crimes and usually worse than the last president or politician, is because we don't prosecute them for their crimes.

They know they will get away with it.

The best thing Biden can do for democracy and our nation is to prosecute the trump criminals to the fullest extent of the law.
He won't, because that would open him up to prosecution from the next president. And there will be prosecutable things he will do, guaranteed. Every administration does things that would send you to your fainting couch if you knew.
What prosecutable crimes did Obama commit? Bush? Clinton?

The same as Trump. None. Well people did tend to die around the Clinton's but accidents happen. LOL
Another wingnut fantasy. Funny how wingnuts keep accusing and never prove anything.

You keep accusing and nothing will ever be proven cause its all in your sick head.

As for the people dying around the Clintons?? Over 200 have. Hell even Bills Arkansas body guards when he was Governor are all dead. People die around the Clintons.
He was Governor in the 1980s, 35 years ago. Yes, people die.


Sure they do. But his whole body guard died?? Along with many others.
How many of Reagan’s presidential body guard are still alive? Same 1980s. I’d bet none, maybe one.

Most were Clinton's age, some younger. People seem to die around the Clinton's. Natural?? Who knows but it is very strange.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.

Lol, Marc Rich was a "standard"?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.
Slick pardoned a guy on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List because he was a huge campaign donor and you have no concerns about that.

Your hypocrisy is showing, Hack.
Many of us did not like this. It is the Trump people who back any despicable things he does.

No, what we are doing is calling out hacks like you that pretend what Trump does has never been done before.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.
Every President tests the laws and what they can and can't do. The Supreme Court slaps their hand, Trump is no different than any other politician. Which Presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards and what are these agreed upon standards?

I disagree that Trump is no different. How often are political cronies pardoned? Clinton did and it was contentious. Has another president actively interfered in the military justice system and pardoned men convicted of killing civilians?
There is a first time for everything. The military is very political. It has been since WWII. really isn't. And yes, there is a first time for everything.

Does that make it right? If a president disregards norms that normally act as guardrails to excess - then what?

Trump has shown no inclination to abide by any norms, conventions or standards of ethical behavior and his supporters won't hold him to any. Clinton pushed the bounds with his sexual infidelity, and his one contentious pardon. I think Trump has gone far beyond.

Because the left had decided to attack him outside of any norms, conventions or Standards.

CNN ran a piece about him and Melina disagreeing over redecorating over Mar-a-Lago....That is what the MSM has devolved into.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.
Every President tests the laws and what they can and can't do. The Supreme Court slaps their hand, Trump is no different than any other politician. Which Presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards and what are these agreed upon standards?

I disagree that Trump is no different. How often are political cronies pardoned? Clinton did and it was contentious. Has another president actively interfered in the military justice system and pardoned men convicted of killing civilians?

Political cronies are pardoned all the time. Washington pardoned a guy that was guilty of treason. Andrew Johnson pardoned every confederate soldier that fought in the civil war. Carter pardoned a pedophile and pardoned Hearst. Clinton pardoned his brother, Roger and Marc Rich. Ford pardoned Nixon. Bush Sr., pardoned six people involved in the Iran-Contra scandal. Obama pardoned Manning for his espionage work. So I am not seeing much difference in Trump's pardons and other Presidents, I'm not seeing this unwritten but agreed upon standards.

I asked earlier, which Presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards and what are these agreed upon standards?

For a start, let's take the peaceful transfer of power. Trump is willfully refusing it, well beyond legitimate challenge - and he is damaging our democratic institutions in the process and affecting national security, and a host of other normal transition processes with his refusals (and yes, they are still being blocked) to work with the transition team.

Why should he? You want him to be the "bigger man" when between progressives and Never Trump Quislings you have a movement that from day one has ignored all conventions on how you treat a president.

It's a two was street, Mr. Seyss-Inquart.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.
Every President tests the laws and what they can and can't do. The Supreme Court slaps their hand, Trump is no different than any other politician. Which Presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards and what are these agreed upon standards?

I disagree that Trump is no different. How often are political cronies pardoned? Clinton did and it was contentious. Has another president actively interfered in the military justice system and pardoned men convicted of killing civilians?
There is a first time for everything. The military is very political. It has been since WWII. really isn't. And yes, there is a first time for everything.

Does that make it right? If a president disregards norms that normally act as guardrails to excess - then what?

Trump has shown no inclination to abide by any norms, conventions or standards of ethical behavior and his supporters won't hold him to any. Clinton pushed the bounds with his sexual infidelity, and his one contentious pardon. I think Trump has gone far beyond.
standards of ethical behavior
How can you say that without choking?

Easily. Why, is it problematic for you?
What was ethical about a Russia hoax? What was ethical in Kavanaugh's treatment? What was ethical in the sham impeachment? What is ethical about Comey and Mc Cabe not being indicted for lying to Congress. If it comes easy to you then are simply as morally bankrupt as the party you support.

There was nothing unethical about the Russian investigation or the impeachment. On Kavanaugh? Badly done. Shame on the Dems. (But so was Merrick Garland).

Garland's reputation wasn't tarnished, and he wasn't accused of being a fucking sexual assaulter.

To compare the two just shows how much of a mewly cuck you are.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.

Unfortunately yes. I may not (and in some of them was not) right, but it's legal in so far as this has ever been tested. But I think he is right to - Trump has pushed this to such an extreme we are forced examine it in a way we didn't before, because presidents followed unwritten but agreed upon standards.
Slick pardoned a guy on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List because he was a huge campaign donor and you have no concerns about that.

Your hypocrisy is showing, Hack.

Yes he did, unfortunately you have no idea how I felt about that, so you're just going to sling mud.

Here's a clue - it was a very controversial pardon.

Now, what about Trump?
But we know how Republicans felt about it - they were OUTRAGED over Marc Rich’s pardon.

What changed?

Did we scream about Changing the Rules? Did we make up shit about it being unconstitutional? Did we say we would hold Clinton "Accountable" like that Harvard twit wrote?

We called it for what it was, payback, and that's it.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

So a constitutional scholar wants to ignore the constitution?

Typical prog.
What's being ignored?

If Ford was able to Pardon Nixon out of being prosecuted, a Pardon can be pretty much be given for any reason.

Making up some "obstruction of justice" excuse is just that, an excuse for what progs like you really want to do, punish ThoughtCrime.
If it were given for any reason, any president could do the same for one's self, therefore making him or her above the law. If, for example, which is likely the case with Trump, he pardoned his buddies to stay quiet about him, and they lost their fifth amendment rights after words, told on Trump to save their own skins, and you still couldn't prosecute Trump, them Trump is immune to the law. You can't have it both ways. Get a clue.
lol. How naive.

Lets take a look.

Nixon resigned before he was removed from office. Therefore Ford had to pardon him.

Trump was impeached and not removed from office, he did not resign, he had no charges levied against him....just accusations.

If he needed to be pardoned he would have resigned and have pence pardon him.

You are naive and acting silly with this thread.
Your post has nothing to do with me being naive, because your post has nothing to do with my post. My post concerns itself with a potential crime by Trump for pardoning criminals who kept their mouths shut.

Here's how all this is going to play out sonny boy. Trumps butt boys who he pardoned, no longer have fifth amendment rights. And when Trump is investigated, while his butt boys go on trial in front of a grand jury, they will either tell the truth and stay out of jail, or go back to jail for perjuring themselves. Where in they go back to jail, and Trump will join them for the criminal evidence they have on him.

And another thing, the fact that Trump pardoned his buddies, did prove one very important thing, so remember this later on. Pardoning is admission of guilt.

So, who's the one being naive and silly? Take a wild guess.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth know that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Sorry dumbfuck. I’m paying no price for telling the truth. Note you dodge the entire post and rant about your usual idiocy. So go fuck yourself and go back underneath the rock you crawled from under.
Shall I bring popcorn January 6th to your make believe celebration of Trump winning the election, which in fact, will come with a price with more mental instability, once you find out the opposite is "true?"

And once that "truth" has been exposed, minus your own make believe "truths", January 20th will be a reckoning for Trump. He will have a lot of dates with his lawyers after that.

So, after all that celebrating, please, don't eat all my popcorn. :auiqs.jpg:

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be. You are calling progressives criminals. What is the crime?

You have yet to prove a swindled election. You are just a pos liar.
The crime is swindling an election - fraud.
No proof. You lie and you are loser. Next?
Yep! No evidence! What's in the boxes, coloring books? :auiqs.jpg:

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.

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