The Biden administration has no choice but to pursue accountability for Trump and all his associates

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
If Dims get away with prosecuting Trump after the election, then the only avenue left open for patriots is to start using violence against Dims.
So justice for committing crimes warrants violence? LOL! Knock yourself out buddy. You really are a fucking idiot.
That's what you douchebags are paving the way for. When a faction steals elections and prevents citizens from choosing their government, violence is the only alternative. What else can they do?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
If Dims get away with prosecuting Trump after the election, then the only avenue left open for patriots is to start using violence against Dims.
So justice for committing crimes warrants violence? LOL! Knock yourself out buddy. You really are a fucking idiot.
That's what you douchebags are paving the way for. When a faction steals elections and prevents citizens from choosing their government, violence is the only alternative. What else can they do?
Wait a minute, you are like the chicken with the head cut off. You were calling for violence if Trump is prosecuted for crimes he committed, and now you switch to stealing elections that you were asked to prove and couldn't, but let's turn to violence since you got caught lying about that too. In other words, everything that Trump did illegally wrong and got for and prosecuted, while you got caught lying about, warrants violence against others and it's someone else's fault? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Do you have any idea how insane that is? Everything the Right did or got caught doing, is someone else's fault. That is what you have been saying. You are full on, bat shit crazy boss. You need to get some serious help. Have you been talking to the Nashville bomber, because you have totally lost it?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
It's called persecuting your political opponents.

It's no surprise that you make excuses for it.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth know that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
It's called persecuting your political opponents.

It's no surprise that you make excuses for it.
Who are going to murder? Me? Do you know me? You were the one who said my head was on the chopping block right?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
It's called persecuting your political opponents.

It's no surprise that you make excuses for it.
Who are going to murder? Me? Do you know me? You were the one who said my head was on the chopping block right?
You just got telling lantern "living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast." That proves that you're a douchebag and a moron. Your threats are about as credible as Biden's campaign promises.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be. You are calling progressives criminals. What is the crime?

You have yet to prove a swindled election. You are just a pos liar.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be. You are calling progressives criminals. What is the crime?

You have yet to prove a swindled election. You are just a pos liar.
The crime is swindling an election - fraud.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What law has Trump violated?
Money laundering
bank fraud
insurance fraud

That’s for starters, and they have him dead to rights. In short order add treason to the list.
Ok, you listed some crimes.

Now show us exactly what actions Trump took that violated those crimes.

He undervalued his properties to insurance companies while simultaneously overvaluing the same properties to banks in order to get loans.

That’s bank fraud and insurance fraud.

AG James has all the evidence, supplied by DeutcheBank, insurers, and Mary Trump.

He also undervalued real estate for tax purposes to pay lower taxes.

Which is tax fraud and very illegal.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The pardons are a matter of record and not subject to second guessing. Whether I or you like it or not. Other than who he pardons, as long as not selling pardons (I'm a Tennessean, we been there done that), his other decisions, actions and transgressions must be looked and and held to account. He should be punished for his crimes as anyone else. He is owed no special consideration after he leaves office.
You can't pardon someone to dismiss your own criminal liability however. And if the very people he pardons commit perjury in front of a grand jury, it's back to jail for them.
If Dims get away with prosecuting Trump after the election, then the only avenue left open for patriots is to start using violence against Dims.
So justice for committing crimes warrants violence? LOL! Knock yourself out buddy. You really are a fucking idiot.
That's what you douchebags are paving the way for. When a faction steals elections and prevents citizens from choosing their government, violence is the only alternative. What else can they do?
Wait a minute, you are like the chicken with the head cut off. You were calling for violence if Trump is prosecuted for crimes he committed, and now you switch to stealing elections that you were asked to prove and couldn't, but let's turn to violence since you got caught lying about that too. In other words, everything that Trump did illegally wrong and got for and prosecuted, while you got caught lying about, warrants violence against others and it's someone else's fault? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Do you have any idea how insane that is? Everything the Right did or got caught doing, is someone else's fault. That is what you have been saying. You are full on, bat shit crazy boss. You need to get some serious help. Have you been talking to the Nashville bomber, because you have totally lost it?
Still waiting for evidence of these crimes.....

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
What crimes Did these criminals commit?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.

You filthy fucks have spent 5 years sniffing Trump's shit stained skivvies. You've come up with NOTHING.

What we know is that if you traitor vermin can do this to Trump, you can do it to us.
Horseshit. Half his mates have been convicted of shit directly tied to him, from hush money to Stormy Daniels, to Flynn lying about who he spoke to. Trump is a shit stain on society. And you along with him.
Ok, I have asked several times where is the evidence of crimes by Trump.

the idiot Dimwingers can only bring lefty opinion pieces saying “the possible consequences if......”.

I think we are done with that let’s move on the the crimes of “ALL OF HIS ASSOCIATES”.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
What crimes idiot?

You are simply advocating abusing the governments power again to harass political enemies including railroading Trumps people on trumped on charges. It's immoral and destructive.
Not at all. All the one's Trump pardoned were those who kept quiet about Trumps own obstruction of justice activities while interfering in the Mueller investigation, while Russia was getting Trump elected.

Trump is also on the hook for campaign finance violations in the 2016 election.

As for crimes already committed, he paid fines for illegally stealing money from charities that were supposed to go to children with cancer and creating a bogus university, stealing millions of dollars there.

So there, those are the crimes.

He is also on the hook for tax crimes of over 400 million dollars in tax evasion charges waiting for him, along with investigations into bank fraud and money laundering.

Trump is a career criminal.
FIRST OFF, lets start off with MSNBC source........they are propagandists and have been snagged repeatedly lying. You shouldn't believe shit that they put up. It's meant to manipulate the weak minded.

Campaign violations are bs charges-nothing trump did was illegal and at worse even if fully true would be nothing more than minor paperwork infarctions but watch you try to spin nonsense.

trump did not create a bogus university. He got into trouble for the horrible crime of using the word "UNIVERSITY" in Trump University. No one really thought that Trump university was a real bonafide university ...he was simply in trouble for a word choice but watch you spin chit.

Not crimes---trump up harassment again nothing more than paperwork infarctions.

NY dems plan on abusing their offices to harass trump over taxes over nonsense that they would not be doing if he had not dared to become president. sounds like the dems are again abusing their government powers but watch you spin chit either not understanding what you are reading or worse hoping that no one else does.
You are lying. MSNBC has not repeatedly been snagged for lying. That's your first lie.

Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should. You and the rest of Trumps ilk claimed cheating with no evidence. Lol! What a joke. Michael Cohen got three years in prison helping Trump commit campaign finance violations. Nothing bs about that.

Your third lie is about Trump's university. He created a bogus illegal university where he stole $40 million dollars from students who got nothing. The judge ordered him to pay a $25 million dollar fine; Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement You really are a real pos liar.

Trump avoided paying over $400 million dollars in taxes and now it's time to pay; Pushed on taxes at town hall, President Donald Trump doesn't deny $400 million in debt Trump is a tax cheat. Pay up mf.
Your second lie is about campaign finance violations being bs. Campaign finance violations are cheating. Remember cheating? You should.

Yep, I remember cheating..........

. As Politico reported back in 2013, “President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.”
Good! That would be Trump. The time he leaves office he will be in court.
ROFL! Look at these morons threatening their political opposition with government persecution. That says just about all we need to know about your kind.

Your head will be one of the first on the chopping block when the revolution starts.
"Threatening?" :auiqs.jpg: It's called going after criminals.

And who's going to do the murdering? You?
You are a liar. And a grade one ass. Lawrence Tribe is considered a joke by actual constitutional scholars (even by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal). Trump will not be pursued for anything. One, there’s nothing to pursue him for. Two, then Biden can be prosecuted alongside Obozo for their crimes while in office, which were real, unlike your fantasies about Trump. Shove your “campaign finance” bullshit. That’s already been declared legitimate. As in no wrong doing. See John Edwards. Keep pushing the bullshit and watch what happens to you and the left. Here’s a hint, it won’t be pretty for you.
There comes a time when folks like you who live in this alternate universe, will, and already are finding out the hard way, that living as you all do, comes with a price. That time to pay up is closing fast. Trump is in deep shit, and the folks who live on planet earth now that. So please, keep your fantasies going. You only hurt yourself.
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be.

What is it we need to "pay" for, asshole?
What is the proven crime liar?

You will pay with the truth you don't want. It's going to hit all you Trump Toads like a ton of bricks. Stay tuned. Don't like our Democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution? Then do what you said you would do. Don't talk about it ass hole.
Where did I make any claims about "proven crime?" What kind of drugs are you doing?

Don't pretend you didn't threaten me.

What "rule of law?" Since when are swindle elections a feature of "the rule of law?" The Constitution?

What do you imagine I said I would do?
Trump lost an election. That isn't "deep shit" unless you fucking prog douchebags are even sleazier and more criminal than you claim to be. You are calling progressives criminals. What is the crime?

You have yet to prove a swindled election. You are just a pos liar.
The crime is swindling an election - fraud.
No proof. You lie and you are loser. Next?

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