The Biden administration has no choice but to pursue accountability for Trump and all his associates

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, so far I am correct and with the results of the last few years, Trump won't be charged. I am not saying he should, or should, I am not saying he is guilty of anything, I am going by history.

Trump won't be charged nor will any other President. If Trump is charged, then we can expect every President from here on out being scrutinized while in office and after office. It won't happen.
You are going on a history of corruption that has no place in our future, and certainly has nothing to do when Trump leaves office.

The OLC opinion was the beginning of what Trump is today. It paralyzed Mueller from doing anything. Had he been freed from that crazy nonsense, Trump would have been charged with obstruction. After January 20th he can.

So you get your info on Trump’s taxes from that Madcow dude?

Not a good idea, Chowderhead.

You lose. No counter argument. Next?

You have no argument to counter, Dummy.

Man, you just keep losing.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, so far I am correct and with the results of the last few years, Trump won't be charged. I am not saying he should, or should, I am not saying he is guilty of anything, I am going by history.

Trump won't be charged nor will any other President. If Trump is charged, then we can expect every President from here on out being scrutinized while in office and after office. It won't happen.
You are going on a history of corruption that has no place in our future, and certainly has nothing to do when Trump leaves office.

The OLC opinion was the beginning of what Trump is today. It paralyzed Mueller from doing anything. Had he been freed from that crazy nonsense, Trump would have been charged with obstruction. After January 20th he can.

Did you seriously use the biggest conspiracy nutjob on TV as a source?

Hysterically laughable

It is, especially when you have nothing to counter offer. Which is even funnier. Next?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
You didn't answer my question.

Linking to Rachel Maddow as a source should have you laughed off the internet.
She is BY FAR the biggest Nut Job on tv.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, so far I am correct and with the results of the last few years, Trump won't be charged. I am not saying he should, or should, I am not saying he is guilty of anything, I am going by history.

Trump won't be charged nor will any other President. If Trump is charged, then we can expect every President from here on out being scrutinized while in office and after office. It won't happen.
You are going on a history of corruption that has no place in our future, and certainly has nothing to do when Trump leaves office.

The OLC opinion was the beginning of what Trump is today. It paralyzed Mueller from doing anything. Had he been freed from that crazy nonsense, Trump would have been charged with obstruction. After January 20th he can.

So you get your info on Trump’s taxes from that Madcow dude?

Not a good idea, Chowderhead.

You lose. No counter argument. Next?

You have no argument to counter, Dummy.

Man, you just keep losing.

If you weren't stupid enough before you started posting about Maddow, look how stupid she made you now. Lol! She put it on you son. You're sitting there with pants down now trying to figure out how to destroy her argument, and you know you aren't smart enough or informed enough to do it. Damn you're a joke.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
You didn't answer my question.

Linking to Rachel Maddow as a source should have you laughed off the internet.
She is BY FAR the biggest Nut Job on tv.
Not for her it isn't. She has the source. What do you have besides your own stupidity, and a non-existent argument? Nothing! You made a fool of yourself.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
Where is the accountability for the filthy Biden family taking so much money from foreign governments?

Where is the accountability for the massive Democrat mismanagement of the big city shitholes and states where they are in charge?

Where is the accountability of the Obama administration for giving guns to the Mexican cartels, using the IRS to disenfranchise an American grassroots political movement, allowing millions of Illegals to flood in or for giving Obama's Mullah buddies billions of dollars for terrorism?

Where is the accountability for Biden boasting about using the power of the US government to punish a country for investigating the corruption of his bag boy son?

Where is the accountability for the attempted coup against Trump by the Deep State and the Democrat Operatives?

Where is the accountability for the massive voter fraud that allowed the Democrat Dirty tricks Department to steal the election from the American people?

Where is the accountability for allowing the asshole Democrats to steal our Republic?

Where is the accountability for allowing the government to steal our money and give it away to foreign governments that kickback to members of Congress?

Where is the accountability to the shitheads that destroy our Constitutional liberties?

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
You didn't answer my question.

Linking to Rachel Maddow as a source should have you laughed off the internet.
She is BY FAR the biggest Nut Job on tv.
Not for her it isn't. She has the source. What do you have besides your own stupidity, and a non-existent argument? Nothing! You made a fool of yourself.
I never claimed to have anything lol.

I simply told you she is not a credible source. Like at all.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
You didn't answer my question.

Linking to Rachel Maddow as a source should have you laughed off the internet.
She is BY FAR the biggest Nut Job on tv.
Not for her it isn't. She has the source. What do you have besides your own stupidity, and a non-existent argument? Nothing! You made a fool of yourself.
I never claimed to have anything lol.

I simply told you she is not a credible source. Like at all.
Absent any credible arguments that she is not, still makes a big fool out of you. Blowing smoke is worth nothing. Therefore, you are saying and debating nothing. Do you understand that? If you do, you must also understand that you are willfully making a fool of yourself. Which is exactly why the Right can never win any of these arguments. Everything comes straight out of their asses.
Where is the accountability for the filthy Biden family taking so much money from foreign governments?

Where is the accountability for the massive Democrat mismanagement of the big city shitholes and states where they are in charge?

Where is the accountability of the Obama administration for giving guns to the Mexican cartels, using the IRS to disenfranchise an American grassroots political movement, allowing millions of Illegals to flood in or for giving Obama's Mullah buddies billions of dollars for terrorism?

Where is the accountability for Biden boasting about using the power of the US government to punish a country for investigating the corruption of his bag boy son?

Where is the accountability for the attempted coup against Trump by the Deep State and the Democrat Operatives?

Where is the accountability for the massive voter fraud that allowed the Democrat Dirty tricks Department to steal the election from the American people?

Where is the accountability for allowing the asshole Democrats to steal our Republic?

Where is the accountability for allowing the government to steal our money and give it away to foreign governments that kickback to members of Congress?

Where is the accountability to the shitheads that destroy our Constitutional liberties?
Answer, there is no accountability, because there is nothing to be accountable for, which has nothing to do with Trump. You are a coward. And, you are a liar.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
They don't want to dig-up all that success, it would make them look bad.
There are a number of such pardons that could be considered witness tampering, since the were predicated upon witnesses to crimes keeping their mouths shut--or as in the case of Flynn--lying to investigators on Traitor Tot's behalf.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, so far I am correct and with the results of the last few years, Trump won't be charged. I am not saying he should, or should, I am not saying he is guilty of anything, I am going by history.

Trump won't be charged nor will any other President. If Trump is charged, then we can expect every President from here on out being scrutinized while in office and after office. It won't happen.
You are going on a history of corruption that has no place in our future, and certainly has nothing to do when Trump leaves office.

The OLC opinion was the beginning of what Trump is today. It paralyzed Mueller from doing anything. Had he been freed from that crazy nonsense, Trump would have been charged with obstruction. After January 20th he can.

So you get your info on Trump’s taxes from that Madcow dude?

Not a good idea, Chowderhead.

You lose. No counter argument. Next?

You have no argument to counter, Dummy.

Man, you just keep losing.

If you weren't stupid enough before you started posting about Maddow, look how stupid she made you now. Lol! She put it on you son. You're sitting there with pants down now trying to figure out how to destroy her argument, and you know you aren't smart enough or informed enough to do it. Damn you're a joke.

I didn’t watch the video, Stupid. Can’t stand to listen to it‘s voice.....sounds like it has two Buttplugs stuck up it‘s nose.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.
Do you lie most of the time, or all of the time? Cohen made an emotional apology to U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, taking responsibility for what the judge called a “veritable smorgasbord of criminal conduct” — crimes that included tax violations, lying to a bank and, during the 2016 campaign, buying the silence of women who claimed that they once had affairs with the future president.
Blowing smoke is worth nothing
That is literally all she did for FOUR YEARS. She could be the biggest fake news source on tv.

Either way I'm done with this. She is a political hack and you're clearly too blind to see it so there's nothing else to say.
You are weak, a loser, a coward, and a quitter. You never had any skin in this game to begin with.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
When it doesn't happen will you condemn the Biden administration as corrupt?
The Biden administration aren't the one's who are going to be investigated for crimes Trump has already committed. Stupid question! Trump is going to be investigated and charged. We already know about his tax liability of $400 plus million. We already know about the court filing for campaign finance crimes.
1. Any tax issue would be handled by the IRS.

2. Any campaign finance violations are dealt with by fines, not jail time, Dummy. See Barry Hussein’s record fines for reference.
Tell that to Michael Cohen. They committed the crime together at Trumps direction. Next?
He pled to several offenses, Dummy. Jail was for real crimes, the fine was for campaign finance violations, Idiot.
Do you lie most of the time, or all of the time? Cohen made an emotional apology to U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, taking responsibility for what the judge called a “veritable smorgasbord of criminal conduct” — crimes that included tax violations, lying to a bank and, during the 2016 campaign, buying the silence of women who claimed that they once had affairs with the future president.
Nothing you posted changes the facts in my post.

Man, you just keep losing in your own thread.

Must suck.

Laurence Tribe, the foremost authority on Constitutional law, makes the case, that if the Biden administration does not pursue Trump and his associates activities, along with family members for crimes they most surely committed right in front of us, it opens the door for future lawless presidents, their family members, and associates, to participate in multiple criminal activities, sitting right in the oval office, with no consequences. This will definitely have to be the number one priority for the next administration to pursue, and if not, we will most assuredly be viewing this Constitutional Republic in the rear view mirror from now on.
The President has the power to pardon as set forth in the Constitution.

It can't be a crime for a President to exercise a power set forth in the Constitution.

This Tribe guy is a fucking moron.

You're a moron too for posing this.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon.

Yeah, I also hear Clinton is going to jail any day! LOL!!!
Heard from who? Your own echoes? Lol!

I noticed you presented no intelligent counter rebuttal to my argument. How come? Because you have no argument. That's why you ran like a coward to some Clinton nonsense.

Because your argument is based on feelings and not facts. Nothing will come of this, just as nothing has become of any other administration and their crimes. Biden is not going to pursue anything that will rock future presidencies.

From Reagan to Trump and every President in between, the hammer was going to drop on a president and never did. Until it actually happens, this is a big nothing. You go on on how it will work, in the end, it won't work.
You are wrong. It can be a crime if the pardons were used to protect Trump from his own criminal liability. We are going to find that out real soon. Explain to me exactly in legal terms, why this fact is not a fact. I know of no statute that protects any president from pardoning criminals just to protect yourself against your own criminal liability. Show us where that exists.
As for it not working, it has to work. Democracy depends on it working, or we will have presidents who are above the law, who will be able to do anything they want, with no consequence. That is your argument.

Lots of things can be crimes and lots of things you can investigate, hell how many years have they been after Clinton and nothing. Democrats said Scott Walker would be arrested and we have not seen that either.

You can claim there is a crime, you can claim whatever you want however until someone is prosecuted you have nothing. Biden is not going to push it and neither will any other federal Democrat, the best chance would be the state of New York and that could be tied up for many many years to come.
There you go again. You are running. "Clinton?" Lol! You just can't keep it in the road can you?

It is public knowledge that Trump has avoided paying taxes. He owes in excess of over $400 million dollars, which he tried to hide from the public until he couldn't. I would be in jail right now if I owed that much money to the IRS.

Biden might not push it, but the country has to. We lose our Democracy if we don't. Every president is above the law if it isn't pursued. We have no other choice.

Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, so far I am correct and with the results of the last few years, Trump won't be charged. I am not saying he should, or should, I am not saying he is guilty of anything, I am going by history.

Trump won't be charged nor will any other President. If Trump is charged, then we can expect every President from here on out being scrutinized while in office and after office. It won't happen.
You are going on a history of corruption that has no place in our future, and certainly has nothing to do when Trump leaves office.

The OLC opinion was the beginning of what Trump is today. It paralyzed Mueller from doing anything. Had he been freed from that crazy nonsense, Trump would have been charged with obstruction. After January 20th he can.

So you get your info on Trump’s taxes from that Madcow dude?

Not a good idea, Chowderhead.

You lose. No counter argument. Next?

You have no argument to counter, Dummy.

Man, you just keep losing.

If you weren't stupid enough before you started posting about Maddow, look how stupid she made you now. Lol! She put it on you son. You're sitting there with pants down now trying to figure out how to destroy her argument, and you know you aren't smart enough or informed enough to do it. Damn you're a joke.

I didn’t watch the video, Stupid. Can’t stand to listen to it‘s voice.....sounds like it has two Buttplugs stuck up it‘s nose.

Then you're a loser and a quitter. You can't keep up. You only accomplished making a fool of yourself.

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