The Biden Administration is Making America Great Again!

you come off as just another die hard party person....
Actually, I'm a pragmatist, and the empirical data confirming America's resurgence as well as restored respect abroad accrue to the nations's benefit. There is nothing partisan about celebrating the reality.

The President is generating headlines any conservative free marketeer should love:

‘Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism’:

Biden issues order to boost competition, crack down on big business​

You are a bullshit spreading parrot of lies, but you do use a lot of big words to help cover for it....
you come off as just another die hard party person....
Actually, I'm a pragmatist, and the empirical data confirming America's resurgence as well as restored respect abroad accrue to the nations's benefit. There is nothing partisan about celebrating the reality.

The President is generating headlines any conservative free marketeer should love:

‘Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism’:

Biden issues order to boost competition, crack down on big business​

doesnt matter.....your posts come off just like you are just another die hard party person......
Yes. I’ve told him he’s exactly like an ardent Trumper.
same kind of person just different ideals....
Obviously, this is a satire post. ... :lol: :lol:
Obviously, some are upset by the United States doing so well as indicated by the empirical data.

I suspect they are the cultists that America rejected, causing them to attack our Congress.
Biden is bankrupting us fool. The MONEY that he is having printed up for stimulus is creating a temporary demand for workers while Biden pays workers not to work...................its lunacy. At some point, the printed money will have to stop as INFLATION is going to destroy other words MASSIVE crash coming. And you better remember your idiotic post supporting this stupidity.
The American electorate chose well in November. Democracy, despite its mewling detractors, is working.

The Biden economy is surging; the nation is again respected by our allies; the President has been receiving high marks for his management of a pandemic that had been ravaging the nation.

The Associated Press July 7, 2021 3:45 pm
WASHINGTON — U.S. employers posted a record-high number of open jobs for the second straight month as a rapidly rebounding economy generates intense demand for workers.The number of available jobs on the last day of May rose slightly to 9.21 million, from 9.19 million in April, the Labor Department said Wednesday. That is the highest since records began in December 2000.

Joe Biden's COVID Response Wins Bipartisan Support: Poll

The United States' popularity among its allies has surged since Biden became President

Biden’s Approval Remains Unusually Steady

July 6, 2021​

Let's all hope his welcome success continues!

Amidst all the mewling and kvetching, and attacks on democracy, let Americans give a patriotic cheer!

Look at the forum and youll see 3x as many threads (yes with actual links and stats exactly like you) that all say the exact opposite. So if you provide "evidence" and even more people provide "evidence" showing the opposite then who is correct?
Look at the forum and youll see 3x as many threads (yes with actual links and stats exactly like you) that all say the exact opposite. So if you provide "evidence" and even more people provide "evidence" showing the opposite then who is correct?
I rely on the relative satisfaction of Americans with the president they elect. The only empirical data I find - compilations of multiple independent surveys - is as objective a source I know of. Of course, if anyone has alternative findings from some other legitimate multiple independent surveys, that would alter the conclusion.

The only actual, inclusive poll on a given day is the election itself. The Presudent was preferred to the Former Guy by the American electorate 51.33% to 46.96% - 81,009,496 to 74,111,419.

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Biden is bankrupting us fool. The MONEY that he is having printed up for stimulus is creating a temporary demand for workers while Biden pays workers not to work...................its lunacy. At some point, the printed money will have to stop as INFLATION is going to destroy other words MASSIVE crash coming. And you better remember your idiotic post supporting this stupidity.
These people who are singing the praises of the old pedo will never admit they were wrong, even in the face of true, total economic collapse. They have that whole "Liberal" utopian outlook and facts be damned. Well, when the shit INEVITABLY finds its way up into the fan, what they believe about who is to blame won't matter a single Iota. Their states, cities, LIVES, will be just as devastated as the rest of ours.

I live in lower back woods coastal Alabama several hours driving time from any city with a population over 750K. I suspect I will be better off than 95% of these oh so wise Blue Sages. If they're trapped in a major city they will quickly realize they've made a major miscalculation.

When the PTB decides it's time for the dollar to go the way of all other Fiat currencies in history, I believe we'll see a near-instantaneous fall into a WROL reality. 90+ percent of our population will be out of food and fuel in a matter of a few days. That's when the shooting will kick off in earnest. The ignorant, hateful Leftists are going to finally understand that their god of government was a very poor bet.
They'll also finally grasp the reality that blaming others for all of their personal problems isn't going to heat or cool them, feed them, or protect them from the other animals.
Hmmm...well this thread didn't age well.

"(CNN)The debacle of the US defeat and chaotic retreat in Afghanistan is a political disaster for Joe Biden, whose failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit will further rock a presidency plagued by crises and stain his legacy.
But a stunning Taliban blitzkrieg followed more than 20 years of US and allied policy failures, misunderstandings of Afghan politics and culture, public war fatigue and the culpability and corruption of the failed state's leaders.
And while Biden's political and geopolitical rivals rush to exploit his mistakes, the true magnitude of the crisis can only be judged in the human tragedy of a people again subject to Taliban persecution. And a failure to fulfill the now apparently near-impossible tasks of evacuating all the Afghan translators, workers and fixers on whom the US relied and who now face Taliban retribution would besmirch America's conscience and global reputation.

"It is a stain on our nation's integrity and honor that even just a few months ago, we were not meeting our obligation to the men and women, our Afghan allies who served alongside us," Jake Wood, a former US Marine and Afghan war veteran, told CNN's Pamela Brown on Sunday. "We owe them the special immigrant visas. We owe them safety, every bit as much as we owe safety to our embassy workers in Kabul."

Joe continues his holiday.

The American electorate chose well in November. Democracy, despite its mewling detractors, is working.

The Biden economy is surging; the nation is again respected by our allies; the President has been receiving high marks for his management of a pandemic that had been ravaging the nation.

The Associated Press July 7, 2021 3:45 pm
WASHINGTON — U.S. employers posted a record-high number of open jobs for the second straight month as a rapidly rebounding economy generates intense demand for workers.The number of available jobs on the last day of May rose slightly to 9.21 million, from 9.19 million in April, the Labor Department said Wednesday. That is the highest since records began in December 2000.

Joe Biden's COVID Response Wins Bipartisan Support: Poll

The United States' popularity among its allies has surged since Biden became President

Biden’s Approval Remains Unusually Steady

July 6, 2021​

Let's all hope his welcome success continues!

Amidst all the mewling and kvetching, and attacks on democracy, let Americans give a patriotic cheer!

As always...time reveals the immense depth of stupidity among these clueless rabid Leftists
Hmmm...well this thread didn't age well.

"(CNN)The debacle of the US defeat and chaotic retreat in Afghanistan is a political disaster for Joe Biden, whose failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit will further rock a presidency plagued by crises and stain his legacy.
But a stunning Taliban blitzkrieg followed more than 20 years of US and allied policy failures, misunderstandings of Afghan politics and culture, public war fatigue and the culpability and corruption of the failed state's leaders.
And while Biden's political and geopolitical rivals rush to exploit his mistakes, the true magnitude of the crisis can only be judged in the human tragedy of a people again subject to Taliban persecution. And a failure to fulfill the now apparently near-impossible tasks of evacuating all the Afghan translators, workers and fixers on whom the US relied and who now face Taliban retribution would besmirch America's conscience and global reputation.

"It is a stain on our nation's integrity and honor that even just a few months ago, we were not meeting our obligation to the men and women, our Afghan allies who served alongside us," Jake Wood, a former US Marine and Afghan war veteran, told CNN's Pamela Brown on Sunday. "We owe them the special immigrant visas. We owe them safety, every bit as much as we owe safety to our embassy workers in Kabul."

Joe continues his holiday.


Don't forget.....
This massive failure in Afghanistan sets up America for a new wave of terror attacks. Possibly on a scale never before endured in the homeland.

Of course, in true Leftists tradition....let no good crisis go to waste.

As the Taliban surges it's attacks on American soil, the Left will use it as the defacto reason for further gun control against Americans
The goal of course being to tie Americans helplessly on the railroads tracks in front of harms way to the fullest extent possible
The American electorate chose well in November. Democracy, despite its mewling detractors, is working.

The Biden economy is surging; the nation is again respected by our allies; the President has been receiving high marks for his management of a pandemic that had been ravaging the nation.

The Associated Press July 7, 2021 3:45 pm
WASHINGTON — U.S. employers posted a record-high number of open jobs for the second straight month as a rapidly rebounding economy generates intense demand for workers.The number of available jobs on the last day of May rose slightly to 9.21 million, from 9.19 million in April, the Labor Department said Wednesday. That is the highest since records began in December 2000.

Joe Biden's COVID Response Wins Bipartisan Support: Poll

The United States' popularity among its allies has surged since Biden became President

Biden’s Approval Remains Unusually Steady

July 6, 2021​

Let's all hope his welcome success continues!

Amidst all the mewling and kvetching, and attacks on democracy, let Americans give a patriotic cheer!

Yet another "Let's Go Brandon" post that didn't age well.
As always...time reveals the immense depth of stupidity among these clueless rabid Leftists
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude, and sniveling that 51.3% of the American electorate are "rabid leftists" is an unseemly contempt for democracy and reveals an insidious alienation from America.
Obviously, some are upset by the United States doing so well as indicated by the empirical data.

I suspect they are the cultists that America rejected, causing them to attack our Congress.
I have seen democrat LUNACY that is so far detached from reality, that is so DUPED by leftist media, universities, etc, that their everyday talk is worse than what you might hear from people in an insane asylum.

That's what we see here. Unfortunately, many of these people are so far gone, that there is no chance of them ever being sane again. I have a friend who is so warped about guns, that she walks around unarmed, constantly defenseless and in danger, and the mere mention of the word gun or firearm, sets her into throwing a fit, and hanging up the phone.

If these nuts would watch conservative TV (Newsmax, the First, etc) they would quickly come to realize how sick they are, but they are brainwashed into avoiding these shows, and thus never get the remedy they need.

The US has never been in worse condition than it is now. Even in world War 2 and the depression, at least we had leaders who cared about the country, whereas Biden, a pure globalist, HAS NO COUNTRY, and his elimination of the Mexican border is (in many ways) destroying what country we had before he came along. As a pure opportunist, who cares about nothing but himself and his family, we can expect more ruin to come to our states and localities, as everything this madman does is centered around enriching and empowering himself and his family.
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude, and sniveling that 51.3% of the American electorate are "rabid leftists" is an unseemly contempt for democracy and reveals an insidious alienation from America.
Does this nut actually believe that 51% of Americans are leftists ?
Recovering from the ravages of the Cry Baby Loser is not instantaneous, but the nation is recovering:US October Employment Rate Dropped To 4.6%, 531,000 News Jobs Added: Report

Trump's inability to stop lying and whining is quite annoying.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
tell that to your buddy jim......
The American electorate chose well in November. Democracy, despite its mewling detractors, is working.

The Biden economy is surging; the nation is again respected by our allies; the President has been receiving high marks for his management of a pandemic that had been ravaging the nation.

The Associated Press July 7, 2021 3:45 pm
WASHINGTON — U.S. employers posted a record-high number of open jobs for the second straight month as a rapidly rebounding economy generates intense demand for workers.The number of available jobs on the last day of May rose slightly to 9.21 million, from 9.19 million in April, the Labor Department said Wednesday. That is the highest since records began in December 2000.

The United States' popularity among its allies has surged since Biden became President

Biden’s Approval Remains Unusually Steady

July 6, 2021​

Why wouldn't Biden's approval surge ?....among countries who pretend to be allies, but who consistently take advantage of us, and raid our economy (ex, Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, Guatemala) for Billions$$$ every year (modern day imperialism) through remittances$$$$$$. >>> When Biden facilitates this imperialism upon us, by bringing the international burglars into our house.

On a smaller scale, it's like inviting burglars into your house, they stay for weeks or months, and while they're there, they steal your TV set, your computers, cell phones, guitars, and transfer all these things to their other house.

And Biden can be relied upon to keep letting this happen, as he invites more & more international burglars into the US. And he can be relied upon to not deport them, which encourages them to vote for him (the only ones who will).

And yeah, that approval from all those illegal aliens will remain "steady", as long as Trump and other Biden opponents, concerned about the USA, will be looking to deport as many of these international thieves as possible.

At last count > Mexico was taking in $30 Billion/year in remittances (all sales $$ US businesses are being deprived of)

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