The Biden Administration is Making America Great Again!

Oddball said:

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"I don't just live in their otherwise unoccupied noggins!
I crap in them, and make them worship


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You are clearly in a tizzy over Biden's approval at home and abroad.

You can wish that the United States ill, but no more attacks on Congress!

That display of rabid trumpery was repulsive!
You are clearly in a tizzy over Biden's approval at home and abroad.

You can wish that the United States ill, but no more attacks on Congress!

That display of rabid trumpery was repulsive!
You need to get a gripe on yourself. You’re losing it.

Don’t let Trump break your brain. He’s not worth it.
I just dispassionately note the concurrence of the empirical data in the plethora of independent surveys that triggers the hysterical abuse from those who are in a snit over it but have no credible alternatives to offer.
You are clearly in a tizzy over Biden's approval at home and abroad.

You can wish that the United States ill, but no more attacks on Congress!

That display of rabid trumpery was repulsive!
You need to get a gripe on yourself. You’re losing it.

Don’t let Trump break your brain. He’s not worth it.
Trump didn't break their brains....He revealed how broken they are, and have been for a long tome
I just dispassionately note the concurrence of the empirical data in the plethora of independent surveys that triggers the hysterical abuse from those who are in a snit over it but have no credible alternatives to offer.
I just dispassionately...

You do absolutely nothing dispassionately....You are an emotionally overwrought hysterical mental case.
What's obvious is schmedlak and rightwinger are the same. The same kind of avi, the same brainless OP's, the same tone to their posts.

So sad that we have to put up with so many sock puppets.

But their arguments and propaganda are so stupid this is the only way they can get support.
Besides the President's popularity at home as he revives the nation's economy and creates jobs, in a dramatic break from the Former Guy, he is restoring respect for the United States abroad, assuming a leadership role in keeping China in check, where the Former Guy, ineffectually, blew gas.

Biden (promoting American values) played the role of a national symbol more than U.S. presidents usually do: A long-lost friend returned to the global stage, just as he promised his country would do. And who could ignore the expressions of relief—even joy—on the faces of global leaders. It was the return of the prodigal superpower...
Biden made a coordinated and consistent push on some key policy objectives... dealing with the challenges to democratic values, economic fairness, peace, and security that increasingly emanate from China —how to handle China was the most politically sensitive and likely the most difficult to negotiate with partners...
Trump had launched a unilateral trade war and frequently indulged in fiery rhetoric about China. In addition to warning about the economic consequences of a tit-for-tat tariff war, many who shared concerns about China’s increasing assertiveness and unfair trade practices pointed out that Trump’s approach was doomed to be ineffective. If the United States wants to put pressure on China, the critics said, it needs to work with partners and allies rather than going it alone. But instead, Trump alienated many of them
At NATO, 30 allies agreed that “[we] will engage China with a view to defending the security interests of the Alliance. … China’s stated ambitions and assertive behaviour present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to Alliance security.” The alliance’s members also called on NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to develop a new strategic concept for adoption at the next year’s summit in Madrid. For Washington, it was a win to have NATO, the cornerstone of the United States’ network of alliances, acknowledge the challenge posed by China and expand its predominantly trans-Atlantic focus.
This followed the G-7’s focus on China’s human rights failures, in addition to the challenges from Beijing on security and rule of law: “we will promote our values, including by calling on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law,” the summit’s communique reads.
Besides the President's popularity at home as he revives the nation's economy and creates jobs, in a dramatic break from the Former Guy, he is restoring respect for the United States abroad, assuming a leadership role in keeping China in check, where the Former Guy, ineffectually, blew gas.

Biden (promoting American values) played the role of a national symbol more than U.S. presidents usually do: A long-lost friend returned to the global stage, just as he promised his country would do. And who could ignore the expressions of relief—even joy—on the faces of global leaders. It was the return of the prodigal superpower...
Biden made a coordinated and consistent push on some key policy objectives... dealing with the challenges to democratic values, economic fairness, peace, and security that increasingly emanate from China —how to handle China was the most politically sensitive and likely the most difficult to negotiate with partners...
Trump had launched a unilateral trade war and frequently indulged in fiery rhetoric about China. In addition to warning about the economic consequences of a tit-for-tat tariff war, many who shared concerns about China’s increasing assertiveness and unfair trade practices pointed out that Trump’s approach was doomed to be ineffective. If the United States wants to put pressure on China, the critics said, it needs to work with partners and allies rather than going it alone. But instead, Trump alienated many of them
At NATO, 30 allies agreed that “[we] will engage China with a view to defending the security interests of the Alliance. … China’s stated ambitions and assertive behaviour present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to Alliance security.” The alliance’s members also called on NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to develop a new strategic concept for adoption at the next year’s summit in Madrid. For Washington, it was a win to have NATO, the cornerstone of the United States’ network of alliances, acknowledge the challenge posed by China and expand its predominantly trans-Atlantic focus.
This followed the G-7’s focus on China’s human rights failures, in addition to the challenges from Beijing on security and rule of law: “we will promote our values, including by calling on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law,” the summit’s communique reads.

So, selling the country out to China is good, huh.

Yup, you people are morons.
Polls and surveys aren't credible, objective, empirical data.....They're propaganda and you are a bloody cultist, with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.
Exactly. Polls are contrived public relations expositions that can show whatever the sponsor wants it to
Show me anywhere at any time that Joe Biden has ever inspired wild approval among the public.
Beside being a perennial member of Congress from tiny Delaware what has he every actually
accomplished in four decades in Washington DC (besides enriching himself and his family considerably)?

The claim that Joe is suddenly and magically drawing enthusiastic support for his tax and spend
lunacy is insulting and patently false.

Ironically as a backer of Robert Byrd and a racist himself (as Kamala Harris pointed out during the democrat
primary debates) he has come out now in favor of critical race theory
which just shows his only real motivating conviction in life is looking out for number one!
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What's obvious is schmedlak and rightwinger are the same. The same kind of avi, the same brainless OP's, the same tone to their posts.

So sad that we have to put up with so many sock puppets.

But their arguments and propaganda are so stupid this is the only way they can get support.
Nope....Schmendrick is a poster who was permabanned long ago, for making physical threats.

He's had a couple socks over the years, which got promptly banned when we had a competent staff, but has never changed his posting style or loony far left moonbat politics.
What's obvious is schmedlak and rightwinger are the same. The same kind of avi, the same brainless OP's, the same tone to their posts.

So sad that we have to put up with so many sock puppets.

But their arguments and propaganda are so stupid this is the only way they can get support.
Nope....Schmendrick is a poster who was permabanned long ago, for making physical threats.

He's had a couple socks over the years, which got promptly banned when we had a competent staff, but has never changed his posting style or loony far left moonbat politics.

I still think it's a dumbwinger sock. They post too much alike. Dumbwinger obviously is running an army of socks. That's how they drum up support for their ridiculous notions. No thinking person will have anything to do with these loons.
Funny how Biden is far underwater on his handling of the economy, the border, China, pretty much everything, yet the same people claim he has an approval rating over 50%. Those numbers don’t seem to match up.

Yup, you people are morons.
You must have missed it. There have been some major changes made.

After Americans elected Joe Biden, the Trump goons failed to hang Mike Pence on January 6:

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After democracy had prevailed, President Biden was inaugurated on January 20:

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There is no more kowtowing to China:

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Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

Boris Johnson praises Joe Biden as ‘breath of fresh air’​

US is 'definitely' back as Europe's partner:​

French President Emmanuel Macron praises Biden​

[US is 'definitely' back as Europe's partner: French President Emmanuel Macron praises Biden]

Merkel to Biden: Europe ready to ‘take on more responsibility’

The President is leading America's allies in restraining China:

Biden Pushes G-7 Allies To Take A Tougher Stance On China

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Funny how Biden is far underwater on his handling of the economy, the border, China, pretty much everything, yet the same people claim he has an approval rating over 50%. Those numbers don’t seem to match up.
The popularly elected President's persistent popularity has some folks in a tizzy.

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Immigration is definitely an anomaly that the Former Guy had failed to deal with in his four years.

Biden's creating so many jobs does not excuse him from the need to form and implement a rational immigration policy.



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