The Biden Administration Will Be The Most Dishonest And Most Unethical In United States History If His Nominees Are Any Indictation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

The list of degenerates that Biden has selected for cabinet positions is horrifying. Seems the best way to get noticed by President by cussing out Trump the loudest. You don't even have to have any expertise in the department you will be in charge of to be nominated by President Xiden.

Imagine the worst possible person for a department.....and that's the person Biden nominated. It's like they're trolling the American People.

The AG is guy that claims he never thought about illegal immigration in a legal why should this dunderhead be even considered to be the top lawyer in the country.

The HHC nominee won't say whether or not he thinks abortions by sex or after birth are something he can voice an opinion on. He also is currently the AG of California and wants to bring California insanity to the rest of the US. His assistant is a transgender who thinks he's a woman.

The Sec of the Interior is a professional protester.

The Sec of Commerce's only claim to fame seems to be that she's a smart-ass who trashed Trump alot.

The Sec of Labor is a big guy in the Union....which means he's anti-business.

The Sec of Urban Development was a leader in the Congressional Black Caucus......enough said.

The Sec of Transportation is openly Gay.......he has no transportation experience.

The Sec of Energy used to be governor of Michigan and worked with the auto of course Biden thinks she knows something about energy. She's gonna try to freeze us out next Winter by switching the fleet to all electric vehicles.

The Sec of Veteran Affairs seems to only have communications experience. Nothing about his background says he understands veterans or the military.

The Homeland Security Director is a Hispanic....nuff said...Open Borders. Millions of new COVID cases popping up all over the US.

The Office of Management and Budget Director is a pure unadulterated asshole according to just about everyone in Washington. She is destined to be rejected. However she will find another job somewhere because what she was really good at was trashing Trump and white people in general.

The Trade Representative is of Asian descent. Nuff said here too. China will be in charge of our trade negotiations.

The Sec of Defense is black which is his best qualification (in this administration)....but according to regulations...not qualified to hold the position because you must be out of active duty for 7 years before you can be considered for the position...and he has only been out 4 years.

The Sec of Treasury used to be in charge of the Federal Reserve which is like putting the Fox in charge of the hen house.

The Climate Director used to be for the $87 billion dollars before he was against it.

How many were found to be corrupt in a court of law with the last administration?
All you are doing here is projecting they have not done anything wrong(as of yet) in this current administration.
View attachment 461502

The list of degenerates that Biden has selected for cabinet positions is horrifying. Seems the best way to get noticed by President by cussing out Trump the loudest. You don't even have to have any expertise in the department you will be in charge of to be nominated by President Xiden.

Imagine the worst possible person for a department.....and that's the person Biden nominated. It's like they're trolling the American People.

The AG is guy that claims he never thought about illegal immigration in a legal why should this dunderhead be even considered to be the top lawyer in the country.

The HHC nominee won't say whether or not he thinks abortions by sex or after birth are something he can voice an opinion on. He also is currently the AG of California and wants to bring California insanity to the rest of the US. His assistant is a transgender who thinks he's a woman.

The Sec of the Interior is a professional protester.

The Sec of Commerce's only claim to fame seems to be that she's a smart-ass who trashed Trump alot.

The Sec of Labor is a big guy in the Union....which means he's anti-business.

The Sec of Urban Development was a leader in the Congressional Black Caucus......enough said.

The Sec of Transportation is openly Gay.......he has no transportation experience.

The Sec of Energy used to be governor of Michigan and worked with the auto of course Biden thinks she knows something about energy. She's gonna try to freeze us out next Winter by switching the fleet to all electric vehicles.

The Sec of Veteran Affairs seems to only have communications experience. Nothing about his background says he understands veterans or the military.

The Homeland Security Director is a Hispanic....nuff said...Open Borders. Millions of new COVID cases popping up all over the US.

The Office of Management and Budget Director is a pure unadulterated asshole according to just about everyone in Washington. She is destined to be rejected. However she will find another job somewhere because what she was really good at was trashing Trump and white people in general.

The Trade Representative is of Asian descent. Nuff said here too. China will be in charge of our trade negotiations.

The Sec of Defense is black which is his best qualification (in this administration)....but according to regulations...not qualified to hold the position because you must be out of active duty for 7 years before you can be considered for the position...and he has only been out 4 years.

The Sec of Treasury used to be in charge of the Federal Reserve which is like putting the Fox in charge of the hen house.

The Climate Director used to be for the $87 billion dollars before he was against it.

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Excellent. Trump cultists are required to hate decency and competence, so if they hate Biden's picks, normal people see that as an indicator of how good those picks are.
Good only if your goal is to piss your opponents off.
It seems that Biden only does things he knows people will be repulsed by.
That's not rational, and it doesn't foster unity in any shape or form.
It's like our worst enemies have taken over our government.
View attachment 461502

The list of degenerates that Biden has selected for cabinet positions is horrifying. Seems the best way to get noticed by President by cussing out Trump the loudest. You don't even have to have any expertise in the department you will be in charge of to be nominated by President Xiden.

Imagine the worst possible person for a department.....and that's the person Biden nominated. It's like they're trolling the American People.

The AG is guy that claims he never thought about illegal immigration in a legal why should this dunderhead be even considered to be the top lawyer in the country.

The HHC nominee won't say whether or not he thinks abortions by sex or after birth are something he can voice an opinion on. He also is currently the AG of California and wants to bring California insanity to the rest of the US. His assistant is a transgender who thinks he's a woman.

The Sec of the Interior is a professional protester.

The Sec of Commerce's only claim to fame seems to be that she's a smart-ass who trashed Trump alot.

The Sec of Labor is a big guy in the Union....which means he's anti-business.

The Sec of Urban Development was a leader in the Congressional Black Caucus......enough said.

The Sec of Transportation is openly Gay.......he has no transportation experience.

The Sec of Energy used to be governor of Michigan and worked with the auto of course Biden thinks she knows something about energy. She's gonna try to freeze us out next Winter by switching the fleet to all electric vehicles.

The Sec of Veteran Affairs seems to only have communications experience. Nothing about his background says he understands veterans or the military.

The Homeland Security Director is a Hispanic....nuff said...Open Borders. Millions of new COVID cases popping up all over the US.

The Office of Management and Budget Director is a pure unadulterated asshole according to just about everyone in Washington. She is destined to be rejected. However she will find another job somewhere because what she was really good at was trashing Trump and white people in general.

The Trade Representative is of Asian descent. Nuff said here too. China will be in charge of our trade negotiations.

The Sec of Defense is black which is his best qualification (in this administration)....but according to regulations...not qualified to hold the position because you must be out of active duty for 7 years before you can be considered for the position...and he has only been out 4 years.

The Sec of Treasury used to be in charge of the Federal Reserve which is like putting the Fox in charge of the hen house.

The Climate Director used to be for the $87 billion dollars before he was against it.

Yeah, right. Spoken like a typical trump radical. I will most likely wait until multiple trials, convictions and sentence before passing that judgment, like last time. Gets a lot easier to be accurate when the President's approved justice system declare the truth of the administration's corrupt nature.
View attachment 461502

The list of degenerates that Biden has selected for cabinet positions is horrifying. Seems the best way to get noticed by President by cussing out Trump the loudest. You don't even have to have any expertise in the department you will be in charge of to be nominated by President Xiden.

Imagine the worst possible person for a department.....and that's the person Biden nominated. It's like they're trolling the American People.

The AG is guy that claims he never thought about illegal immigration in a legal why should this dunderhead be even considered to be the top lawyer in the country.

The HHC nominee won't say whether or not he thinks abortions by sex or after birth are something he can voice an opinion on. He also is currently the AG of California and wants to bring California insanity to the rest of the US. His assistant is a transgender who thinks he's a woman.

The Sec of the Interior is a professional protester.

The Sec of Commerce's only claim to fame seems to be that she's a smart-ass who trashed Trump alot.

The Sec of Labor is a big guy in the Union....which means he's anti-business.

The Sec of Urban Development was a leader in the Congressional Black Caucus......enough said.

The Sec of Transportation is openly Gay.......he has no transportation experience.

The Sec of Energy used to be governor of Michigan and worked with the auto of course Biden thinks she knows something about energy. She's gonna try to freeze us out next Winter by switching the fleet to all electric vehicles.

The Sec of Veteran Affairs seems to only have communications experience. Nothing about his background says he understands veterans or the military.

The Homeland Security Director is a Hispanic....nuff said...Open Borders. Millions of new COVID cases popping up all over the US.

The Office of Management and Budget Director is a pure unadulterated asshole according to just about everyone in Washington. She is destined to be rejected. However she will find another job somewhere because what she was really good at was trashing Trump and white people in general.

The Trade Representative is of Asian descent. Nuff said here too. China will be in charge of our trade negotiations.

The Sec of Defense is black which is his best qualification (in this administration)....but according to regulations...not qualified to hold the position because you must be out of active duty for 7 years before you can be considered for the position...and he has only been out 4 years.

The Sec of Treasury used to be in charge of the Federal Reserve which is like putting the Fox in charge of the hen house.

The Climate Director used to be for the $87 billion dollars before he was against it.

For 50 years Evil Joe has made him self rich. He has done so putting America second. As he does now with China. I just hope these leftist feel the full effect of his stupidity, greed, treason, and criminal actions.
Yeah, right. Spoken like a typical trump radical. I will most likely wait until multiple trials, convictions and sentence before passing that judgment, like last time. Gets a lot easier to be accurate when the President's approved justice system declare the truth of the administration's corrupt nature.
You don't have to be Nostradamus to look at Biden's appointees and see they are wholly unqualified
and incompetent. As usual Biden's fans (if there truly are any) think attacking Donald Trump somehow
exculpates and exonerates Joe Biden and his God awful Cabinet selections.
It does not!
Yeah, right. Spoken like a typical trump radical. I will most likely wait until multiple trials, convictions and sentence before passing that judgment, like last time. Gets a lot easier to be accurate when the President's approved justice system declare the truth of the administration's corrupt nature.
You don't have to be Nostradamus to look at Biden's appointees and see they are wholly unqualified
and incompetent. As usual Biden's fans (if there truly are any) think attacking Donald Trump somehow
exculpates and exonerates Joe Biden and his God awful Cabinet selections.
It does not!
Who did he appoint that is not qualified? Quite an accuasation to not give even one name or posting.
Out going ED secretary had never taught school or even served on a school board. We all remember to guys for coal and oil industry trump put over EPA, not to mention the list of crooks he hired. Heck, he hired Flynn, knowing he was under investigation, dropped him like a hot rock when it hit the papers and we all watched as Flynn pleaded guilty, promising not to appeal on paper and in front of a judge, only to try to weazle out while waiting sentencing until trump had to pardon his ass. Then the traitorous S.O.B. has the nerve to suggest a military coup to take over the country.
Biden is doing fine. That is why his approval rating is higher from day one and holding than anybody in last 30 years.
Who did he appoint that is not qualified? Quite an accuasation to not give even one name or posting.
Out going ED secretary had never taught school or even served on a school board. We all remember to guys for coal and oil industry trump put over EPA, not to mention the list of crooks he hired. Heck, he hired Flynn, knowing he was under investigation, dropped him like a hot rock when it hit the papers and we all watched as Flynn pleaded guilty, promising not to appeal on paper and in front of a judge, only to try to weazle out while waiting sentencing until trump had to pardon his ass. Then the traitorous S.O.B. has the nerve to suggest a military coup to take over the country.
Biden is doing fine. That is why his approval rating is higher from day one and holding than anybody in last 30 years.
This "Biden is so loved" bullshit doesn't fly. It's absurd and childish, actually.

And don't complain about Trump's cabinet when trying
to deflect attention away from the Bozos Biden appointed.

It's so hypocritical and transparently a lie. That you won't actually defend the collection of losers
Biden appointed says everything. If your post was a term paper I'd give it a D-.
Good only if your goal is to piss your opponents off.
Politics is a zero sum game. Pissing off your opponents is the frosting.
It seems that Biden only does things he knows people will be repulsed by.
That's not rational, and it doesn't foster unity in any shape or form.
Same exact thing can be said about the entire Cult45 administration.
It's like our worst enemies have taken over our government.
Oh, the irony.
Good only if your goal is to piss your opponents off.
Politics is a zero sum game. Pissing off your opponents is the frosting.
It seems that Biden only does things he knows people will be repulsed by.
That's not rational, and it doesn't foster unity in any shape or form.
Same exact thing can be said about the entire Cult45 administration.
It's like our worst enemies have taken over our government.
Oh, the irony.
Your responses are shit.
Try coming up with something better than "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?"
Your responses are shit.
My responses are dead fucking on. You just can't handle being shit on. Too bad. Maybe try not being an idiot for once in your life and understand how politics work.
Try coming up with something better than "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?"
Nah, don't think I will, because fuck you, your opinions suck, and I don't respect opinions that suck. :dunno: Sorry.
Your responses are shit.
My responses are dead fucking on. You just can't handle being shit on. Too bad. Maybe try not being an idiot for once in your life and understand how politics work.
Try coming up with something better than "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?"
Nah, don't think I will, because fuck you, your opinions suck, and I don't respect opinions that suck. :dunno: Sorry.
Well...opinions are like assholes....and yours is rather large.....and spews nothing but bovine scatology.
Your responses are shit.
My responses are dead fucking on. You just can't handle being shit on. Too bad. Maybe try not being an idiot for once in your life and understand how politics work.
Try coming up with something better than "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?"
Nah, don't think I will, because fuck you, your opinions suck, and I don't respect opinions that suck. :dunno: Sorry.
Well...opinions are like assholes....and yours is rather large.....and spews nothing but bovine scatology.
Then, we have something in common, don't we, bud? You're basically a walking bag of political extremist shit, no?
Your responses are shit.
My responses are dead fucking on. You just can't handle being shit on. Too bad. Maybe try not being an idiot for once in your life and understand how politics work.
Try coming up with something better than "I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?"
Nah, don't think I will, because fuck you, your opinions suck, and I don't respect opinions that suck. :dunno: Sorry.
Well...opinions are like assholes....and yours is rather large.....and spews nothing but bovine scatology.
Then, we have something in common, don't we, bud? You're basically a walking bag of political extremist shit, no?
No...just reported you. I hope you get banned.
Who did he appoint that is not qualified? Quite an accuasation to not give even one name or posting.
Out going ED secretary had never taught school or even served on a school board. We all remember to guys for coal and oil industry trump put over EPA, not to mention the list of crooks he hired. Heck, he hired Flynn, knowing he was under investigation, dropped him like a hot rock when it hit the papers and we all watched as Flynn pleaded guilty, promising not to appeal on paper and in front of a judge, only to try to weazle out while waiting sentencing until trump had to pardon his ass. Then the traitorous S.O.B. has the nerve to suggest a military coup to take over the country.
Biden is doing fine. That is why his approval rating is higher from day one and holding than anybody in last 30 years.
This "Biden is so loved" bullshit doesn't fly. It's absurd and childish, actually.

And don't complain about Trump's cabinet when trying
to deflect attention away from the Bozos Biden appointed.

It's so hypocritical and transparently a lie. That you won't actually defend the collection of losers
Biden appointed says everything. If your post was a term paper I'd give it a D-.
I see you could not name a single Biden Appointee that was not qualified, would not have the department, the position, and the country's best interest in mind as they served this country to the best of their ability, which is more than you can say for a lot of trump appointees. Hell, the traitor Flynn (who should lose his military retirement for Conduct unbecoming, at the very least) advocated publicly for a coup d'etat within the last 5 days. Not new for him (though he swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic) as he suggested before January 6th that the military step in, take over and hold new elections, since the couldn't get a "do-over" and trump had lost and there was no legal way to keep him in power.
Did you see the AP article today? Trump’s grip on GOP sparks fears about democratic process
"To democracy advocates, Democrats and others, the persistence of the GOP’s election denial shows how the Republican Party is increasingly open to bucking democratic norms, particularly the bipartisan respect traditionally afforded to election results even after a bitter campaign. That’s raising the prospect that if the GOP gains power in next year’s midterms, the party may take the extraordinary step of refusing to certify future elections." Trump's grip on GOP sparks fears about democratic process

People are waking up, starting to realize people like me are right. The trumpians represent a clear and present danger to the United States (as we know it), the rule of law, and The Constitution this country was founded on.
This turned from a mild BDS thread into a full-blown BDS meltdown.

Excellent. If Biden is triggering the losers and traitors, good things must be happening.
People are waking up, starting to realize people like me are right. The trumpians represent a clear and present danger to the United States (as we know it), the rule of law, and The Constitution this country was founded on.
You mean the AP hack who wrote the piece is starting to realize something.
This guy was probably sharing a desk with some Hamas killer not long ago.

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