The Biden Crisis Threatening the Republic - Illegal Aliens Entering at Rate of 4.6 Million a Year


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A deliberate policy of a cruel nature. And a crisis deliberately imposed on America by Biden and his corrupt administration.

All the BS from the Democrats, Biden, and the MSM regarding President Trump is designed to take our eyes off the Biden crises, because the border is but one Biden crisis tearing at America.

It keeps getting worse.

A year ago, I wrote that I expected the number of illegal immigrants who entered the United States to be about 8 million in Biden’s first term. An average of 2 million a year.

That number seemed inconceivably high to me. A shock. A scandal. A crisis of unprecedented proportions in such matters.

Yeah, well, I underestimated just how bad things could get.

If these numbers can be extrapolated out–and there is no reason to believe that the 12,600-a-day number will be as high as it gets, given its trajectory–that means more than 5 million illegal immigrants will enter the country by the time the next president is inaugurated on January 20th, 2025.

Five million in a little more than a year. That is like adding a new Alabama in a year. A single year.

Biden keeps talking about Republican obstructionism on funding “border security,” but what he means is that he wants more funding to process illegal immigrants as he lets them into the country and gives them a bunch of free stuff. It’s not security that he wants to fund, but rather, he wants to regularize the process of moving people from around the world into this country.

And the MSM is pounding hard on the issue, supporting Biden’s policies and attacking anybody who disagrees as being just like Hitler.

It is insane by any normal standard, and while Biden himself may be suffering from dementia, clearly, this is a strategy that has wide support in his administration. The US funds many of the activities south of the border that guide migrants from Central America to the US border, and Left-wing nonprofits provide support to migrants along the way.

Money is being funneled indirectly by the US government and nonprofits into the coffers of drug cartels, and human trafficking is big business. Unaccompanied children are being flown around the country being used as child labor, and the government has “lost track” of them. As of April of this year, more than 85,000 migrant children have been lost track of by the feds.

85,000. Gone. Poof.


A deliberate policy of a cruel nature. And a crisis deliberately imposed on America by Biden and his corrupt administration.

All the BS from the Democrats, Biden, and the MSM regarding President Trump is designed to take our eyes off the Biden crises, because the border is but one Biden crisis tearing at America.

It keeps getting worse.
A year ago, I wrote that I expected the number of illegal immigrants who entered the United States to be about 8 million in Biden’s first term. An average of 2 million a year.
That number seemed inconceivably high to me. A shock. A scandal. A crisis of unprecedented proportions in such matters.
Yeah, well, I underestimated just how bad things could get.

If these numbers can be extrapolated out–and there is no reason to believe that the 12,600-a-day number will be as high as it gets, given its trajectory–that means more than 5 million illegal immigrants will enter the country by the time the next president is inaugurated on January 20th, 2025.
Five million in a little more than a year. That is like adding a new Alabama in a year. A single year.

Biden keeps talking about Republican obstructionism on funding “border security,” but what he means is that he wants more funding to process illegal immigrants as he lets them into the country and gives them a bunch of free stuff. It’s not security that he wants to fund, but rather, he wants to regularize the process of moving people from around the world into this country.
And the MSM is pounding hard on the issue, supporting Biden’s policies and attacking anybody who disagrees as being just like Hitler.

It is insane by any normal standard, and while Biden himself may be suffering from dementia, clearly, this is a strategy that has wide support in his administration. The US funds many of the activities south of the border that guide migrants from Central America to the US border, and Left-wing nonprofits provide support to migrants along the way.

Money is being funneled indirectly by the US government and nonprofits into the coffers of drug cartels, and human trafficking is big business. Unaccompanied children are being flown around the country being used as child labor, and the government has “lost track” of them. As of April of this year, more than 85,000 migrant children have been lost track of by the feds.

The statist left's dream of a one world without borders under control of their "evolved" leadership has & is their most cherished fantasy of fantasies. The god complex or in this latest endeavor of theirs more aptly titled the "nimrod complex"(numbskull complex???) will, if actually attempted just end up in another world war. Of course with increased technical knowledge regarding weaponry, this time it will be Billions of humanity exterminated instead of just millions exterminated. The culprit in this latest endeavor of the statist left is of course so so obvious to the well informed. That obvious arrives as a complete lack of knowledge of human history, zero to less understanding of the human condition(human nature), as well as an ideology built upon self induced pride mixed with a pinch of god complex & seasoned with the most abundant lack of overall knowledge about human needs/desires ever accumulated by the statist left "numbies"!
Treasonous malfeasance from the Biden administration (or whoever is running it now) right down to a congress (both sides) that refuses to address the issue.....Swing them all from the Key Bridge.
Americans know this is being done on purpose by the WEF/Democrats.

If Xi came to visit the border, democrats would suddenly lock it down and clean it up for the time he was there.
In a perfect world, we could impeach Biden, Harris and Mayorkas for their total failure on the border. That would sure get rid of some serious dead wood. Back to MAGA

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