The Big Anti-Cop Lie.

I'm wondering why the article cites a source for their 42% statistic, that does not list that statistic. I guess the author counted on the laziness of her readers, and judging by the OP she was correct.
Mildly OT but I find this really sad:

"In 2013, of the 49,851 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 29.2 percent were injured."
and further following links to here ~ FBI Officers Feloniously Killed

"In 2013, 27 law enforcement officers died from injuries incurred in the line of duty during felonious incidents.
  • Of the officers feloniously killed, 16 were employed by city police departments, including 4 who were members of law enforcement agencies in cities with 250,000 or more inhabitants.
  • Line-of-duty deaths occurred in 16 states.
  • By region, 15 officers were feloniously killed in the South, 6 officers in the West, 4 officers in the Midwest, and 2 officers in the Northeast.
More information about these topics is provided in Tables 1, 2, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30.

Victim profile
  • The average age of the officers who died in 2013 was 39 years old.
  • The slain officers’ average length of law enforcement service was 13 years.
  • Of the officers who died due to felonious incidents in 2013, 25 were male and 2 were female.
  • By race, 25 of the victim officers were white and 2 were black.
More information about this topic is provided in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

  • 6 officers died as a result of arrest situations.
  • 5 officers were involved in ambush situations.
  • 5 officers died as a result of investigating suspicious persons or circumstances.
  • 4 officers who died had responded to disturbance calls.
  • 4 officers were killed as a result of tactical situations (barricaded offender, hostage taking, high-risk entry, etc.).
  • 2 officers were fatally injured during traffic pursuits or stops.
  • 1 officer was conducting investigative activity (surveillance, search, interview, etc.).
More information about this topic is provided in Tables 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33, and 34.

  • 16 officers were on assigned vehicle patrol when the felonious incidents occurred.
  • 9 officers were assigned to other duties, such as detectives, officers on special assignments, undercover officers, or officers on other types of assignments not listed.
  • 2 of the slain officers were off duty, but acting in an official capacity, at the times of the incidents.
  • 16 on-duty officers who died in 2013 were assisted at the time of the attacks.
  • 9 on-duty officers were alone and unassisted at the time of the attacks.
More information about this topic is provided in Tables 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, and 26.

Of the officers killed in 2013, most (26) were killed with firearms. Of these, 18 were killed with handguns. (A breakdown of the types of weapons used in these slayings is provided in Table 27.)

  • 2 officers had their weapons stolen.
  • 6 officers fired their weapons; 3 officers attempted to use their weapons.
  • 9 officers were slain with firearms when they were 0-5 feet from the offenders.
More information about this topic is provided in Tables 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, and 41.

Body armor
In 2013, 19 of the officers feloniously killed were wearing body armor at the time of the incidents.

  • Of these officers, 18 were killed with firearms, incurring the following wounds:
    • 5 were wounded in the side of the head.
    • 5 were shot in the front upper torso/chest.
    • 4 suffered wounds to the front of the head.
    • 3 were shot in the neck/throat.
    • 1 was shot in the rear lower torso/back.
More information about this topic is provided in Tables 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41.

Months, days, and times of incidents
  • More officers (5 in each month) died from felonious assaults that occurred in February and December than in any other month in 2013.
  • More officers (6) were involved in fatal assaults that occurred on Thursdays than on any other day of the week.
  • 13 officers were fatally injured in assaults that happened between 12:01 a.m. and noon.
  • 14 officers were fatally injured in assaults that happened between 12:01 p.m. and midnight.
More information about these topics is provided in Tables 3, 4, 5, 17, and 18.

Profile of alleged known assailants
In 2013, 28 alleged offenders were identified in connection with the 27 law enforcement officers feloniously killed. Of those offenders, the following characteristics are known:

  • The average age of the alleged offenders was 30 years old.
  • The average height was 5 feet 9 inches tall, and the average weight was 177 pounds.
  • 26 of the alleged offenders were male, 1 was female, and gender was not reported for 1 offender.
  • 15 of the alleged offenders were white, 11 were black, and race was not reported for 2 offenders.
  • 20 of the alleged offenders had prior criminal arrests.
  • 6 of the alleged offenders were under judicial supervision at the time of the incidents.
  • 1 of the alleged offenders was under the influence of a controlled substance at the time of the fatal incident.
  • 3 of the alleged offenders were under the influence of alcohol or were intoxicated at the time of the fatal incidents."
We really need to change the Constitution to take the right of due process away from blacks.

I mean, its de facto changed to that anyway and there are many anti-America, anti-constitution RW nutters here who would support that.
The Constitution is fucking dead anyways because of both parties who don't give two shits about it. But stop pretending blacks have a constitutional right to assault cops and commit an absurdly disproportionate of crime. This has nothing to do with "due process".
" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

Wow... that conservative math :eusa_doh:
It's actually not even advanced math, yet it seems to be completely beyond progressive nutbags. No wonder you guys think communism is a viable economic plan.
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

Speaka da English.
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

Speaka da English.
i will try to translate for the primitive hebrew bitches among us. if blacks kill less then half the cops killed, why don't we see the other 58 percent of cop killers being killed as much as blacks are being killed? follow that my fat old dog? or do I have to blow the dog whistle to get your attention? who's killing the other 58 percent of cops anyway?
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.
Cops are often assholes. That's why I teach my children, particularly my boys, to avoid them. Cops exist to deal with big trouble, and if you aren't in big trouble, it's wise to avoid them, or you might find yourself in big trouble, since IT'S WHAT THEY DEAL IN.

BTW...are you aware that "Pogo" is the name of John Gacy's clown persona????? WTH!
Pogo is also a cartoon character from a Newspaper comic strip...
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

Speaka da English.
i will try to translate for the primitive hebrew bitches among us. if blacks kill less then half the cops killed, why don't we see the other 58 percent of cop killers being killed as much as blacks are being killed? follow that my fat old dog? or do I have to blow the dog whistle to get your attention? who's killing the other 58 percent of cops anyway?
That's still not English, but I'll try to dumb down the answer. Which has already been explained multiple times.

This is math.

If 13 percent of the population is killing 42 percent of the cops being killed, then that population is a LOT more likely to be a threat to the people being killed than the 87 percent of the population, who is only killing 58 percent of the cops killed. You see that 29 now? No? Yes? No? Yes?

You're seeing blacks being killed more often because they are demonstrably much more violent towards cops.

Get it? Huh? Get it? This is..well, not advanced stuff..but middle school stuff...which is undoubtedly too advanced for you.
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

Speaka da English.
i will try to translate for the primitive hebrew bitches among us. if blacks kill less then half the cops killed, why don't we see the other 58 percent of cop killers being killed as much as blacks are being killed? follow that my fat old dog? or do I have to blow the dog whistle to get your attention? who's killing the other 58 percent of cops anyway?
That's still not English, but I'll try to dumb down the answer. Which has already been explained multiple times.

This is math.

If 13 percent of the population is killing 42 percent of the cops being killed, then that population is a LOT more likely to be a threat to the people being killed.

You're seeing blacks being killed more often because they are demonstrably much more violent towards cops.

Get it? Huh? Get it? This is..well, not advanced stuff..but middle school stuff...which is undoubtedly too advanced for you.
yeah it all comes down to statistics that are made up on the spot. if jews are always at the core of most world wars, either starting them by financial crimes against humanity with wall street bankers robbing us all or are starting them for some bullshit lie of holy land, the jews are the world's largest problem and should be killed much more often then anybody else. in fact some would say if the jews were genocided like they did to caninites and others, the world would be saved from their vanity, greed and evil foolish pride ways as some chosen people lies they follow to their own and all our demise.
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

There was no 42% figure in the data cited, AT ALL. In fact, the data set cited had NO DATA AT ALL regarding race of offender. The author COMPLETELY MADE UP the figure, likely assuming that everyone reading such fascist nonsense would completely trust the authority of the author, even though such trust is always misplaced.
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.

It's funny, John Gacy. I'm not white or black and no cop has ever pulled a gun on me and you say it happened to you repeatedly. Did it ever occur to you that the cops might not be the problem?
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.

It's funny, John Gacy. I'm not white or black and no cop has ever pulled a gun on me and you say it happened to you repeatedly. Did it ever occur to you that the cops might not be the problem?

No, but when I lived abroad and found all that shit disappeared -- even while I was an "undocumented worker" --- it did occur to me what the actual root of the problem was. You're welcome.
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.
Cops are often assholes. That's why I teach my children, particularly my boys, to avoid them. Cops exist to deal with big trouble, and if you aren't in big trouble, it's wise to avoid them, or you might find yourself in big trouble, since IT'S WHAT THEY DEAL IN.

BTW...are you aware that "Pogo" is the name of John Gacy's clown persona????? WTH!
Pogo is also a cartoon character from a Newspaper comic strip...

That's the only Pogo I ever heard of, my intentional namesake here and one of my influential cartoon mentors.
Along with Zippy the Pinhead.
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.

It's funny, John Gacy. I'm not white or black and no cop has ever pulled a gun on me and you say it happened to you repeatedly. Did it ever occur to you that the cops might not be the problem?

No, but when I lived abroad and found all that shit disappeared -- even while I was an "undocumented worker" --- it did occur to me what the actual root of the problem was. You're welcome.

I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.
" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

Wow... that conservative math :eusa_doh:
It's actually not even advanced math, yet it seems to be completely beyond progressive nutbags. No wonder you guys think communism is a viable economic plan.

It isn't any sort of math. She takes a figure of 42% (which as noted earlier, is NOWHERE in the data cited) which if true would amount to 11.34 total police officers (!!!) and subtracts 13% of US population, or 42,108,000 total persons (!!!) and somehow comes to the conclusion that the difference between 11.34 and 42,108,000 somehow equals 29% (!!!!!)

Either she is completely mentally challenged, OR she is deliberately trying to deceive an obviously gullible readership.

In actuality, there were 14 high-profile shootings of unarmed African Americans in 2014 alone, which is 2.66 total persons more than the figure 11.34 total persons cited (perhaps erroneously) in the OP for number of police killed by African Americans.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police 1999-2014
Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.

It's funny, John Gacy. I'm not white or black and no cop has ever pulled a gun on me and you say it happened to you repeatedly. Did it ever occur to you that the cops might not be the problem?

No, but when I lived abroad and found all that shit disappeared -- even while I was an "undocumented worker" --- it did occur to me what the actual root of the problem was. You're welcome.

I've lived in this country and never had a cop pull a gun on me. I've also never been arrested or committed an offense worthy of arrest. I wonder if there might be a connection here....


Methinks there is!

Stop breaking the law and acting like a criminal and the cops will stop pulling guns on you.

Sir, we'll have none of that logic and common sense round here, mmmkay?
It's not racism on the part of cops that results in dead blacks. It's racism and anti-cop sentiment being whipped up by the press, and acted upon by black criminals who resent any restrictions on their criminal lifestyles:

" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

"The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians."

“What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.
"The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar."

" The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops."

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal by Heather Mac Donald City Journal December 22 2014
if they are 42 percent of those that kill cops whose the other half and some? why isn't the other majority of cop killers kill as much as blacks are being apparently?

There was no 42% figure in the data cited, AT ALL. In fact, the data set cited had NO DATA AT ALL regarding race of offender. The author COMPLETELY MADE UP the figure, likely assuming that everyone reading such fascist nonsense would completely trust the authority of the author, even though such trust is always misplaced.

Ive tried showing them the actual stats and truth behind this lie. Its hopeless.

Cop hate is their new cause. No matter what. They've decided that there are basically three symbols that will be demonized relentlessly:

- White male cops
- White CEOs
- White conservative Christian males

Their entire agenda revolves around demonizing those three things in some way or another.

Just watch. Almost every single thing they do is directly or indirectly tied to one of those three.

I've never been black but I can't remember a time in my entire life when cops in general were not a constant adversarial source of conflict who have often harassed without cause and even pulled guns on me.

Oh wait, I take that back, I can remember such times -- whenever I left the country.
Cops are often assholes. That's why I teach my children, particularly my boys, to avoid them. Cops exist to deal with big trouble, and if you aren't in big trouble, it's wise to avoid them, or you might find yourself in big trouble, since IT'S WHAT THEY DEAL IN.

BTW...are you aware that "Pogo" is the name of John Gacy's clown persona????? WTH!
Pogo is also a cartoon character from a Newspaper comic strip...

That's the only Pogo I ever heard of, my intentional namesake here and one of my influential cartoon mentors.
Along with Zippy the Pinhead.

OMG! Zippy is the name of a serial killer too!
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" In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them."

Wow... that conservative math :eusa_doh:
It's actually not even advanced math, yet it seems to be completely beyond progressive nutbags. No wonder you guys think communism is a viable economic plan.

It isn't any sort of math. She takes a figure of 42% (which as noted earlier, is NOWHERE in the data cited) which if true would amount to 11.34 total police officers (!!!) and subtracts 13% of US population, or 42,108,000 total persons (!!!) and somehow comes to the conclusion that the difference between 11.34 and 42,108,000 somehow equals 29% (!!!!!)

Either she is completely mentally challenged, OR she is deliberately trying to deceive an obviously gullible readership.

In actuality, there were 14 high-profile shootings of unarmed African Americans in 2014 alone, which is 2.66 total persons more than the figure 11.34 total persons cited (perhaps erroneously) in the OP for number of police killed by African Americans.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police 1999-2014 math. It's funny to even think of it.

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