The Big Gender Divide Will Bring Down The Govt ... ABC news poll !!

Still waiting.

See that domino

The one that just fell?

Not a single republican voted for the inquiry

That means the men have awakened to stop foolish unwise like you from voting and trying to debate.

Foolish losers are people trying to do an ability they don’t have like you have proved over and over here which lowers productivity of the nation and hurts everyone. .. so your voting rights and debate rights will be taken away
Still waiting.

And you are still losing because you cannot debate
You're the only person on this board who thinks the way you do.

Not even the nuttiest Trumpsters believe this crap. And that's saying something.

No need to debate with that.
He's one of those black pill/MGTOW/Incel losers. Someone started a thread about these guys a while back. In a nutshell, they are misogynists who hate women and then go through mental gymnastics to convince themselves that the reason they are involuntarily celibate is because all women are evil irrational beings. They cannot fathom the idea that generally, women don't want to have sex with creepy guys who hate them, for a damn good reason.

He likely identifies with Republicans because he is so stupid and gullible that he actually believes the Democrat canard that there is some sort of Republican war on women.

And in his fucked up delusional mind the fact that there was party line vote on a frivolous impeachment dog and pony show, it is somehow a harbinger of the much prophesied "incel uprising" where all the incels collectively commit mass violence in a rage caused by their sexual frustration on a grand scale. And in the aftermath of the bloodbath, women will repent from their evil ways and start distributing sex more equitably to all men and enthusiastically redistribute pussy and the incels will finally get the fair share of sex that they are entitled to.

Another incel loser on this board is danielpelos, a Democrat with an irrational overblown sense of entitlement who thinks that if a woman is friendly to him, it is unfair and cruel if she refuses to have sex with him. What a nutjob. If you want to see a Democrat and a Republican get along swimmingly, try introducing them.

me thinx he is a roooooskie incelski.

trump was upset at women for giving their interests to Rock stars instead of husbands and real hero patriots

Trump was telling billy bush on the bus. If you are star you can do anything to them including grabbing their private parts

And now we see women voting for mass murder of babies

And voting to bring in their worst nightmare the Muslims !!

wait again, what? that's a whole lotta crazy intersections you go goin on there, serg.
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