The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Once again, some sorry little liberal giving out the democrat handbook. There really are very few adults who don't realize that democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Once again, some sorry little liberal giving out the democrat handbook. There really are very few adults who don't realize that democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
Once again, some sorry little liberal giving out the democrat handbook. There really are very few adults who don't realize that democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.

Hey Obama was such an obvious NOT American, that it was easy to imagine that he was not born here.

Much like you.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.

Hey Obama was such an obvious NOT American, that it was easy to imagine that he was not born here.

Much like you.
Hush Qannon believer. You were ripe for Dumps lies because you have a feeble mind and bad genetics.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.

Hey Obama was such an obvious NOT American, that it was easy to imagine that he was not born here.

Much like you.
Hush Qannon believer. You were ripe for Dumps lies because you have a feeble mind and bad genetics.

What so upset? After all, you hate America. Does it really bother you to be told you don't sound like an American?
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

I'll read it in full when there's a shorter version... but what little I read was a lot like the ravings of a lunatic in full denial of the facts.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.
Excuse me? The Democrats ACTUALY drove race riots and civil unrest for a almost year... but some amorphous debatable thing Trump may or may not have done you focus on...are for real? Explain that to me.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

I'll read it in full when there's a shorter version... but what little I read was a lot like the ravings of a lunatic in full denial of the facts.

i got a paragraph and a half in, and just started skimming, because, yeah, it seemed like nothing but the ravings of deluded asshole.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.
Excuse me? The Democrats ACTUALY drove race riots and civil unrest for a almost year... but some amorphous debatable thing Trump may or may not have done you focus on...are for real? Explain that to me.
Dems didnt drive anything. Black people witnessed too many killings by racist cops and inbred white boys in too short a period. Black people rioted over racial issues. Dumplings conducted a terrorist attack on congress because they were too stupid to know Dump was lying. Thats one helluva big difference.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.

Hey Obama was such an obvious NOT American, that it was easy to imagine that he was not born here.

Much like you.
Hush Qannon believer. You were ripe for Dumps lies because you have a feeble mind and bad genetics.

What so upset? After all, you hate America. Does it really bother you to be told you don't sound like an American?
Not sure what that has to do with you being an idiot Qannon believer or the fact that Dump is a fucking liar and you fell for his lies?
They want to talk about this "big lie" deflect Corrupt Joe keeps mumbling. But this is exactly how the Trump Russia Hoax kept dragging the country down. Although, it could help President Trump win again in 24'.
The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬and trump’s Biggest Lie

When he began his first presidential campaign in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬anyone with little more than a nodding acquaintance with twentieth century history and literature could see trump had stolen pages from George Orwell and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his use of‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬communications.‭ ‬Journalists throughout his presidency have,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬pointed out his similarities with Orwell,‭ ‬Goebbels,‭ ‬and Hitler.

The‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬is a propaganda technique explained by Adolph Hitler in his‭ ‬1925‭ ‬book‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭” ‬about the use of a lie so‭ “‬colossal‭” ‬that no one would believe that someone‭ “‬could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.‭” ‬A famous example would be Hitler blaming Germany’s loss of World War I on the Jews.‭

Candidate trump’s continual campaign promise of building a wall with Mexico and having Mexico pay for the wall,‭ ‬coupled with his insults calling Mexicans‭ ‬animals,‭ ‬drug dealers,‭ ‬criminals,‭ ‬and‭ ‬rapists is somewhat comparable.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried him through his campaign and‭ ‬made him loved his supporters.

As grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬his‭ (‬mis)management of COVID-19‭ ‬was one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.‭ ‬By mid-summer,‭ ‬data from the University of Washington predicted more than‭ ‬300,000‭ ‬deaths by year end.‭ ‬From the outset of the pandemic,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s information to the American public was wrong,‭ ‬and one lie led to another lie,‭ ‬to another lie...‭

As Germany’s Führer,‭ ‬Hitler was never hesitant to employ the‭ “‬Big Lie‭”‬.‭ ‬One of the core lies of the Nazi regime was the assertion that the Jews blamed Germany’s World War I defeat on General Erich Ludendorff.‭ ‬According to a translation of‭ “‬Mein Kampf‭”‬:‭ “‬But it remained for the Jews,‭ ‬with their unqualified capacity for falsehood,‭ ‬and their fighting comrades,‭ ‬the Marxists,‭ ‬to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man‭ (‬Ludendorff‭) ‬who alone has shown a superhuman will and energy in his efforts to prevent the catastrophe‭ (‬loss of the war‭)‬.‭”

An obvious lie,‭ ‬but welcomed by many in post WW I Germany.‭ ‬Ludendorff was a German World War I hero,‭ ‬although he was an anti-Semite,‭ ‬who was later exploited by Hitler and the Nazis.‭ ‬Many of the reasons offered by Hitler to kill German democracy,‭ ‬which resulted in fascism,‭ ‬were based on one‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬after another.

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik commented:‭ “‬There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior.‭ ‬He lies,‭ ‬he repeats the lie,‭ ‬and his listeners either cower in fear,‭ ‬stammer in disbelief,‭ ‬or try to see if they can turn the lie to their own benefit.‭” ‬George Orwell in‭ “‬1984‭” ‬wrote of a brutal,‭ ‬primitive futuristic society.‭ ‬Gopnik points out how the Orwell book,‭ ‬written in‭ ‬1949,‭ ‬suddenly became a best-seller after Trump’s inauguration.‭ ‬He writes:‭ “‬When Trump repeats the ridiculous story about the three million illegal voters—a story that no one who knows,‭ ‬that not a single White House‭ “‬staffer,‭” ‬not a single Republican congressman actually believes to be true—he does not really care if anyone believes it,‭ ‬even if,‭ ‬at some crazy level,‭ ‬he does,‭ ‬sort of.‭ ‬People aren’t meant to believe it‭; ‬they’re meant to be intimidated by it.‭ ‬The lie is not a claim about specific facts‭; ‬the lunacy is a deliberate challenge to the whole larger idea of sanity.‭ ‬Once a lie that big is in circulation,‭ ‬trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes impossible.‭”

In an article published in Real Clear Politics,‭ ‬author Tim Hains quoted Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter’s comments after trump’s‭ ‬2020‭ ‬State of the Union address:‭ “‬It’s one thing to lie in tweets,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the people are absorbing them at different times and it goes through the news cycle.‭ ‬But when you’re doing it repeatedly,‭ ‬in real time,‭ ‬part of it is Goebbels‭’ ‘‬Big Lie.‭’ ‬If you’re saying you’re protecting people with pre-existing conditions when you’re in court trying to strip them of those protections at the same moment,‭ ‬that’s not just a lie.‭ ‬That’s a‭ ‘‬Big Lie‭’‬.‭”

A‭ ‬1990‭ ‬Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana,‭ ‬said‭ “‬her husband owned a copy of‭ ‘‬My New Order‭’ ‬-‭ ‬a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.‭”

Marie Brenner,‭ ‬the article’s author,‭ ‬wrote:‭ “‬Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches,‭ '‬My New Order‭'‬,‭ ‬which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

‭“‘‬Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office,‭ ‬as if it were a grenade.‭ ‬Hitler's speeches,‭ ‬from his earliest days up through the Phony War of‭ ‬1939,‭ ‬reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.‭’”

In a Buzz Flash article,‭ ‬James Rogers Bush wrote:‭ “‬We don’t know if Trump has read‭ “‬Mein Kampf,‭” ‬but he did read a book of Hitler’s speeches,‭ ‬according to his first wife,‭ ‬Ivana.‭ ‬Now we hear Trump repeating things like‭ ‘‬There was no collusion‭!’ ‬and‭ ‘‬Mueller’s probe was a witch hunt‭!’ ‬He calls the Ukraine fiasco the‭ ‘‬impeachment hoax‭!’ ‬He repeats these statements incessantly,‭ ‬every chance he gets,‭ ‬and those who know they are lies can’t understand why so many Americans still believe him.‭”

Candidate trump’s‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬that’s been repeated since‭ ‬2015‭ ‬is that the coming election is rigged against trump.‭ ‬That‭ “‬Big Lie‭” ‬carried through four years,‭ ‬but gained increased urgency during the months before November‭ ‬3rd.‭ ‬After Election Day‭ ‬the‭ ‬“Biggest Lie‭” ‬for the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬was started:‭ ‬multi-state election fraud.‭ ‬repeated,‭ ‬endlessly by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬the congressional Republicans‭ ‬(that are scared sh!tless‭ ‬of the weasel-in-chief‭)‬,‭ ‬and every RWNJ across the nation.‭ ‬Election Fraud/Stop the Steal.‭ ‬During the following two months,‭ ‬and many failed lawsuits when no credible‭ ‬evidence‭ ‬could be presented,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬was constant.‭ ‬On January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬still shouting the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭”‬:‭ ‬Stop the Steal,‭ ‬the wannabe führer trump‭ ‬sent his Brownshirts‭ ‬to the United States Capitol‭ ‬in an attempted coup.

Our democracy was saved by the overwhelming incompetence of trump’s Brownshirts,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬trump’s own incompetence due to his overinflated ego.‭ ‬But the American people cannot‭ ‬continue to‭ ‬rely on the sheer stupidity of the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief’s devoted RWNJs/Brownshirts.

Also,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Biggest Lie‭” ‬is still going strong.‭ ‬It’s all over these message boards,‭ ‬and as everyone can see,‭ ‬the RWNJs will never admit or face the truth.‭

The‭ ‬decades of Republican brainwashing have made these‭ ‬people‭ ‬a danger‭ ‬to themselves‭ ‬and‭ ‬to others.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the a$$hole Republicans in the Senate‭ ‬just days ago,‭ ‬made it clear they want the twice impeached,‭ ‬former weasel-in-chief free to send these fvcking RWNJs on another attack.‭ ‬And maybe,‭ ‬maybe next time,‭ ‬their blind stupidity will work in their favor.‭

The legitimately elected President Biden and members of his party,‭ ‬must dig deeply into the fabric of our government and cut out this fascist/Nazi cancer left behind by the weasel-in-chief,‭ ‬before it spreads further.‭

February 5, 2020 Archives newsweek_writer_jonathan_alter_trumps_state_of_the_union_address_used_nazi_propaganda_tactics_the_big_lie.html‭‭

Dump signaled that he was an incompetent fuckup and a liar when he first raised the Birther conspiracy. He had the would be insurrectionists in a tizzy when he claimed he would be releasing "something big". That day came and went without anything being revealed but it was enough to whet his appetite for more lies. I bet he was amazed so many under educated people believed his lies.

Hey Obama was such an obvious NOT American, that it was easy to imagine that he was not born here.

Much like you.
Hush Qannon believer. You were ripe for Dumps lies because you have a feeble mind and bad genetics.

What so upset? After all, you hate America. Does it really bother you to be told you don't sound like an American?
Not sure what that has to do with you being an idiot Qannon believer or the fact that Dump is a fucking liar and you fell for his lies?

I try to dumb it down for you, but there are limits to how much I can do.

YOu and Obama. You are obviously anti-American racist assholes, both of you. So, I ask you, a question.

Why are you pretending to be upset at being thought of as NOT American?

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