The BIG LIE that Clinton-era tax rates boosted the economy


VIP Member
Dec 8, 2012
Timmy "Doogie" Geithner, CPA, and Barry Obama, Organizer-in-Chief, keep telling us that tax rates should go up BECAUSE when they were at the higher level during Clinton's terms, the economy was booming...

Note to Doogie and Barry O: It was the tech boom and housing bubble growing that made the economy great, NOT the higher tax rates!

No one cared about the higher rates back then because folks were doing fine!

Are they REALLY that effing DUMB to think that raising taxes now will make the economy better???

Kill the ACA, keep tax rates where they are -- but cut the corp rate -- and DO NOT dare impose a carbon tax, and the economy would start back up immediately.

Unfortunately, a bunch of mindless, cooing Julias with Obamaphones re-elected Dear Leader and his plan to destroy America, so none of that will happen.
Like you have any business ridiculing anyone over starting stupid threads. :rofl:
The Libs throw this crap out there like they actually believe the higher the taxes the better the economy.

And the WH press corp (CBS,NBC,ABC,CNN,MSNBC,Washington Post NY Times) and all the rest push it as well.

And sadly the Democrat voter fell for it.
Timmy "Doogie" Geithner, CPA, and Barry Obama, Organizer-in-Chief, keep telling us that tax rates should go up BECAUSE when they were at the higher level during Clinton's terms, the economy was booming...

Note to Doogie and Barry O: It was the tech boom and housing bubble growing that made the economy great, NOT the higher tax rates!

No one cared about the higher rates back then because folks were doing fine!

Are they REALLY that effing DUMB to think that raising taxes now will make the economy better???

Kill the ACA, keep tax rates where they are -- but cut the corp rate -- and DO NOT dare impose a carbon tax, and the economy would start back up immediately.

Unfortunately, a bunch of mindless, cooing Julias with Obamaphones re-elected Dear Leader and his plan to destroy America, so none of that will happen.

Tip: Supply a link next time. Try searching the RWingnut websites.
I see the lefty responses here are every bit as lame and useless as I'm used to elsewhere.

No surprise, frankly.
We can thank Newt Gingrich for the economy during the 90's. He cut spending, and Clinton was dragged into it, kicking and screaming. The economy wasn't good because of the higher tax rates, it was good because WE CUT SPENDING!!!
Timmy "Doogie" Geithner, CPA, and Barry Obama, Organizer-in-Chief, keep telling us that tax rates should go up BECAUSE when they were at the higher level during Clinton's terms, the economy was booming...

Note to Doogie and Barry O: It was the tech boom and housing bubble growing that made the economy great, NOT the higher tax rates!

No one cared about the higher rates back then because folks were doing fine!

Are they REALLY that effing DUMB to think that raising taxes now will make the economy better???

Kill the ACA, keep tax rates where they are -- but cut the corp rate -- and DO NOT dare impose a carbon tax, and the economy would start back up immediately.

Unfortunately, a bunch of mindless, cooing Julias with Obamaphones re-elected Dear Leader and his plan to destroy America, so none of that will happen.

You are an idiot's idiot. No one is selling higher taxes on those making $250,000 or more at this point to "create jobs" you moron. It's about paying down the deficit. Remember the deficit? I fully expect you to answer any question that floats in that "bubble" you call a brain with BENGHAZI!!!!
And A growing economy bring higher tax receipts. What is your point?
Timmy "Doogie" Geithner, CPA, and Barry Obama, Organizer-in-Chief, keep telling us that tax rates should go up BECAUSE when they were at the higher level during Clinton's terms, the economy was booming...

Note to Doogie and Barry O: It was the tech boom and housing bubble growing that made the economy great, NOT the higher tax rates!

No one cared about the higher rates back then because folks were doing fine!

Are they REALLY that effing DUMB to think that raising taxes now will make the economy better???

Kill the ACA, keep tax rates where they are -- but cut the corp rate -- and DO NOT dare impose a carbon tax, and the economy would start back up immediately.

Unfortunately, a bunch of mindless, cooing Julias with Obamaphones re-elected Dear Leader and his plan to destroy America, so none of that will happen.

You are an idiot's idiot. No one is selling higher taxes on those making $250,000 or more at this point to "create jobs" you moron. It's about paying down the deficit. Remember the deficit? I fully expect you to answer any question that floats in that "bubble" you call a brain with BENGHAZI!!!!

The taxes collected by raising the rates on over $250K families and small bisinesses won't amount to a hill of beans. Enough to run the federal gov't for just over a week. And eventually folks will adjust (as they always do to higher rates) to new tax shelters, by laying off, moving offshore, and it will be a net loss in revenue.

Meanwhile, you envious class warfare losers on the Left won't gain a penny, the national debt will continue to bloat, and businesses will be even less likely to hire. Especially once the MESS called the "Affordable Care Act" kicks in fully.

Then to cap it off, BO will try to impose carbon taxes and fees, which will skyrocket energy costs (his stated aim btw) harming the poor and middle class the most, driving up the costs of EVERYTHING, but doing ZERO to change natural climate cycles.

Yes indeed, nothing much to look forward to UNDER this inept socialist Regime.
Timmy "Doogie" Geithner, CPA, and Barry Obama, Organizer-in-Chief, keep telling us that tax rates should go up BECAUSE when they were at the higher level during Clinton's terms, the economy was booming...

Note to Doogie and Barry O: It was the tech boom and housing bubble growing that made the economy great, NOT the higher tax rates!

No one cared about the higher rates back then because folks were doing fine!

Are they REALLY that effing DUMB to think that raising taxes now will make the economy better???

Kill the ACA, keep tax rates where they are -- but cut the corp rate -- and DO NOT dare impose a carbon tax, and the economy would start back up immediately.

Unfortunately, a bunch of mindless, cooing Julias with Obamaphones re-elected Dear Leader and his plan to destroy America, so none of that will happen.

You are an idiot's idiot. No one is selling higher taxes on those making $250,000 or more at this point to "create jobs" you moron. It's about paying down the deficit. Remember the deficit? I fully expect you to answer any question that floats in that "bubble" you call a brain with BENGHAZI!!!!

The taxes collected by raising the rates on over $250K families and small bisinesses won't amount to a hill of beans. Enough to run the federal gov't for just over a week. And eventually folks will adjust (as they always do to higher rates) to new tax shelters, by laying off, moving offshore, and it will be a net loss in revenue.

Meanwhile, you envious class warfare losers on the Left won't gain a penny, the national debt will continue to bloat, and businesses will be even less likely to hire. Especially once the MESS called the "Affordable Care Act" kicks in fully.

Then to cap it off, BO will try to impose carbon taxes and fees, which will skyrocket energy costs (his stated aim btw) harming the poor and middle class the most, driving up the costs of EVERYTHING, but doing ZERO to change natural climate cycles.

Yes indeed, nothing much to look forward to UNDER this inept socialist Regime.

Fine...then leave. There are many among us that are interested in making this a better country. You are only interested in whining and insulting. Go away.
And A growing economy bring higher tax receipts. What is your point?

A growing economy with tax rates too low ends up adding to the debt.

We don't have a growing economy.

We have a very stale economy that's about to get hit with all kinds of new ACA taxes and fees, and a marginal tax rate increase for over $250K families and businesses, or maybe everyone. And now we also have the threat of idiotic carbon taxes driving up gasoline and electricity bills, and the cost of manufacturing and delivery of all consumer goods and groceries.

You don't create a growing economy by taking more cash out of the private sector and growing gov't, the number of folks dependent on gov't, and driving up the cost of energy and groceries. That's a recipe for deep and certain malaise, and debt!
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No one is suggesting that tax increases will help the economy. What's being said is that the difference between a 35% top marginal rate and a 39.6% top marginal rate won't cause economic calamity. And guess what? That's absolutely true. Republicans were making the very same dire predictions in 1993. They weren't right then, and they're not right now.
No one is suggesting that tax increases will help the economy. What's being said is that the difference between a 35% top marginal rate and a 39.6% top marginal rate won't cause economic calamity. And guess what? That's absolutely true. Republicans were making the very same dire predictions in 1993. They weren't right then, and they're not right now.

No, it won't help (thanks for admitting), and in fact may have a negative effect over time. If you look back in history when marginal tax rates are raised, folks always adjust, and it all levels out eventually.

So... I guess all it amounts to is BO appeasing his angry class warfare base by "sticking it" to the productive folks? Sort of a Pyhrric victory, if you ask me, and very non-productive... like the Obama voter base.
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The problem is the increase will not address the projected deficit shortfall by $400B, and that the tax base will need to be broadened to include those earning $48K. Remember Clinton, his peace dividend, and promise to cut and contain the growth in government spending? never happened. If for one moment you think this Messiah will do otherwise is mistaken. We will go over the cliff, regardless if taxes are raised and spending will not be cut. It's unfortunate we don't have a bubble, other than the dollar, to bail us out this time.
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We need growth and the requires spending.
Liberals don't seem to understand that when government spends, they spend somebody ELSE'S money, and they're not exactly known for their efficiency. Do you really feel you can't do anything on your own? Most people rely on their own talents, can't you?
No one is suggesting that tax increases will help the economy. What's being said is that the difference between a 35% top marginal rate and a 39.6% top marginal rate won't cause economic calamity. And guess what? That's absolutely true. Republicans were making the very same dire predictions in 1993. They weren't right then, and they're not right now.

It's just more for the Democrats to waste...where's the good in that?

Freeze the national debt.. let government spend within it's means...cut government, public union/political class wages and retirement benefits until it does..

Their not working for us anymore.. time for an ass kicking...
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