The Big Lie

And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!

Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!


Right, and you've been parroting that back to me over and over and over. What part of that didn't you understand?

Yes, I've been mocking you and laughing my ass off at you not getting that.


That was clever. All you've ever done in the past were playground insults, and you just mocked me by hitting me with more playground insults. Wow. Nice one.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
Despite all the evidence I just showed you that Fox and other right wing media sources and politicians all tried pushing the narrative that ANTIFA was behind it and a fucking poll showed 50% of you dumb sons of bitches believed it?

Then I give up. You win.
Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement.

We need to invent a pill to counter stupidity. Political systems have to do with POLITICS, Honey, and have NOTHING to do with race! If the Nazi Germans used fascism, that doesn't mean that Italians, English, Blacks or Laotians can't also do the same, idiot!

Fascism isn't even confined to Right or Left, but rather, the SIZE OF GOVERNMENT.

Wherever Fascism is employed, you will always have BIG GOVERNMENT, like in America.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
The lie about Antifa and the Capitol has been promoted by a large roster of right-wing people and entities.

They include right-wing television networks Newsmax and One America News; Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump impeachment attorney Michael van der Veen; Republican members of Congress like Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ron Johnson; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Republican state legislators; former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; right-wing conspiracy websites like The Gateway Pundit; and popular right-wing commentators on social media and talk radio.
The peddlers of the lie have found a tiny nugget of truth to help their cause.

Of more than 260 Capitol defendants who have been revealed by the Department of Justice to date, one of them, John Sullivan, is a political oddball who has used the hashtag #antifa on social media. But left-wing activists have previously expressed suspicion about him, the FBI has never claimed that he is an actual Antifa activist and, regardless, the list of people charged over the riot is overwhelmingly composed of Trump supporters

I still said antifa was NOT BEHIND January 6 and I have heard no one on Fox or the right say they were.

You're pissing in the wind, stupid fuck

I posted an entire montage of people on FOX News claiming the insurrectionists were members of Anti-Fa. Guess you were too busy lying about what happened on January 6th to notice.

Here it is again, since you obviously missed it before

I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians

And we have told you that you need to check the definition of "totalitarians". You are absolutely NOT a libertarian. You are in thrall to an anti-democratic, fascist who recently tried to overthrow the government and is now running a slow rolling insurrection to delegitmize the sitting President.

We? Correct, , I can't hear the voices in your head. Thanks for letting me know what they are saying.

Yes, George, our site Chinese disinformation officer, you are totalitarians. You want government to control us. That is true.

So how am I not a libertarian again? Give me some of my non-libertarian positions. I just summarized my views. Funny how none of you leftists who say that can tell me that
Do you think you're getting your true message out?
I think I've been clear, yes. But I don't expect you to understand. That's ok.
FAUN loves you, there is no one more hate filled and for fascist government than him
Huh? How can the most hateful poster here also love?


Um ... what ??? Sorry, I can't even give you a pity rimshot for that one
No matter how wrong you are you keep insisting you are right. Time to give up on Kaz as a lost cause.
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
The lie about Antifa and the Capitol has been promoted by a large roster of right-wing people and entities.

They include right-wing television networks Newsmax and One America News; Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump impeachment attorney Michael van der Veen; Republican members of Congress like Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ron Johnson; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Republican state legislators; former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; right-wing conspiracy websites like The Gateway Pundit; and popular right-wing commentators on social media and talk radio.
The peddlers of the lie have found a tiny nugget of truth to help their cause.

Of more than 260 Capitol defendants who have been revealed by the Department of Justice to date, one of them, John Sullivan, is a political oddball who has used the hashtag #antifa on social media. But left-wing activists have previously expressed suspicion about him, the FBI has never claimed that he is an actual Antifa activist and, regardless, the list of people charged over the riot is overwhelmingly composed of Trump supporters

I still said antifa was NOT BEHIND January 6 and I have heard no one on Fox or the right say they were.

You're pissing in the wind, stupid fuck

I posted an entire montage of people on FOX News claiming the insurrectionists were members of Anti-Fa. Guess you were too busy lying about what happened on January 6th to notice.

Here it is again, since you obviously missed it before

Yes, George, our site Chinese disinformation officer, you did present that video.

The problem is no one on the video said that antifa was behind the protests. There were a couple of references to antifa, but even they didn't say antifa was behind the protests.

I already told you this, George. Try watching your own video this time. You didn't, did you? Be honest ...
Do you think you're getting your true message out?
I think I've been clear, yes. But I don't expect you to understand. That's ok.
FAUN loves you, there is no one more hate filled and for fascist government than him
Huh? How can the most hateful poster here also love?


Um ... what ??? Sorry, I can't even give you a pity rimshot for that one
No matter how wrong you are you keep insisting you are right. Time to give up on Kaz as a lost cause.

You are a total moron. You keep saying I believe lies when I keep telling you I do not think antifa was behind the January 6 protests.

I've never said that, not to you or anyone else and I never thought that. They've never said that on Fox or any other right wing media I've seen or read.

How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
Despite all the evidence I just showed you that Fox and other right wing media sources and politicians all tried pushing the narrative that ANTIFA was behind it and a fucking poll showed 50% of you dumb sons of bitches believed it?

Then I give up. You win.

Antifa was not being January 6. What don't you understand about that you stupid fuck???
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
The lie about Antifa and the Capitol has been promoted by a large roster of right-wing people and entities.

They include right-wing television networks Newsmax and One America News; Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump impeachment attorney Michael van der Veen; Republican members of Congress like Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ron Johnson; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Republican state legislators; former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; right-wing conspiracy websites like The Gateway Pundit; and popular right-wing commentators on social media and talk radio.
The peddlers of the lie have found a tiny nugget of truth to help their cause.

Of more than 260 Capitol defendants who have been revealed by the Department of Justice to date, one of them, John Sullivan, is a political oddball who has used the hashtag #antifa on social media. But left-wing activists have previously expressed suspicion about him, the FBI has never claimed that he is an actual Antifa activist and, regardless, the list of people charged over the riot is overwhelmingly composed of Trump supporters

I still said antifa was NOT BEHIND January 6 and I have heard no one on Fox or the right say they were.

You're pissing in the wind, stupid fuck

I posted an entire montage of people on FOX News claiming the insurrectionists were members of Anti-Fa. Guess you were too busy lying about what happened on January 6th to notice.

Here it is again, since you obviously missed it before

No matter what you show the stupid prick he will insist that Fox did not lie to them about ANTIFA. They also insist Trump didn't do anything wrong when he called Ukraine.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
Despite all the evidence I just showed you that Fox and other right wing media sources and politicians all tried pushing the narrative that ANTIFA was behind it and a fucking poll showed 50% of you dumb sons of bitches believed it?

Then I give up. You win.

Antifa was not being January 6. What don't you understand about that you stupid fuck???
I don't understand why 50% of Republicans believe they were.
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...


And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!

Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!


Right, and you've been parroting that back to me over and over and over. What part of that didn't you understand?

Yes, I've been mocking you and laughing my ass off at you not getting that.


That was clever. All you've ever done in the past were playground insults, and you just mocked me by hitting me with more playground insults. Wow. Nice one.

Umm, hitting your playground insults, to be exact.

And with every mock, you kept reminding the forum how you're the child of which you call others. Only you proved to be too stupid to recognize that.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
Despite all the evidence I just showed you that Fox and other right wing media sources and politicians all tried pushing the narrative that ANTIFA was behind it and a fucking poll showed 50% of you dumb sons of bitches believed it?

Then I give up. You win.

Antifa was not being January 6. What don't you understand about that you stupid fuck???
I don't understand why 50% of Republicans believe they were.

Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot?
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...

I already came up with an example.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!

Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!


Right, and you've been parroting that back to me over and over and over. What part of that didn't you understand?

Yes, I've been mocking you and laughing my ass off at you not getting that.


That was clever. All you've ever done in the past were playground insults, and you just mocked me by hitting me with more playground insults. Wow. Nice one.

Umm, hitting your playground insults, to be exact.

And with every mock, you kept reminding the forum how you're the child of which you call others. Only you proved to be too stupid to recognize that.


Faun says back to me what I said ... again ... Playground extrordinaire!
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...

Libertarians are just disenfranchised Republicans with a slight twist. Meh.
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...

I already came up with an example.

Do you ever stop kazzing?


Voting for Trump is not a position. So no, you don't know, you made it up again. I already knew that, now it's shown

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