The Big Lie

It is not our people that are rioting and burning and looting and killing in the streets, for 4 and a half years and counting now.

Seems your side might be the hate side.

Still trying to conflate the recent race riots over police conduct with the Trumpyberra foul on his final "Hail Mary" pass. "Pence for the Win!".

Haven't race riots been happening at least as long as we've had peaceful transfers of power?

No, conflating the looting, rioting, fires and violence you supported with January 6 which we condemned the ones who went into the capital and those things didn't even happen.

You're a fascist and a racist. And looting and setting fires has nothing to do with race

Phony fucking Trumpters, reminds me of Jake!

You said you should only hear news you agree with. To hear multiple sides is scary and frankly dangerous. It's "faux" news for you to hear news you disagree with. Fox News presents more than one side. It has to be stopped.

You only want the leftist fascist and racist news. And yes, that makes you a fascist and a racist. You were totally clear about your standards. You agree with it or you demand to not hear it

Never said anything remotely like that.

Why do the rabid righties have to resort to shit like that?

Kaz "kazzes," i.e., lies. It's what he does. It's who he is.

And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!


Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

That's true, but it's not the left wing media sources that are corrupted. They're all publically owned corporations who have to answer to their boards and their shareholders. They didn't pay out multi-million dollar settlements for sexual harassment claims to dozens of women.

FOX has had to pay out multiple settlements for defamation, lying about Seth Rich, and others. All while Rupert Murdoch pockets multi-million dollar tax cuts from successive Republican Presidents.

The "Caravans funded by George Soros" story lead directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting to stop Jews from helping these illegals come to the USA. Now Republican voters are being lead to believe that the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the legal and rightful President of the United States. These are dangerous lies.

And the "brown shirt mobs" you speak of were actually the uniformed police officers in their blue uniforms, who attacked peaceful protestors relentlessly. American police forces have a long sad history of attacking black people marching for their rights. And of allowing those who oppose rights for minorities to attack these protests without consequences.

Remember the Edmund Pettis Bridge? The Freedom Riders? All were violently attacked by American police fighting on the side of the elites to keep black and brown people from have an equal voice, and equal education, an equal opportunity. The American economy has always depended on sources of cheap labor, starting with slaves, then "guest workers" and finally illegal immigrants.

The right wing media is all billionaire owned and controlled. Their boards are composed of family members, employees and other loyalists who rubber stamp anything the billionaire boss wants or does. Pay out millions in sexual harassment claims and libel suits would NEVER be tollerated in a publically owned network, and ALL of the MSM media news outlets are publically owned with the exception of the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns, but which he truly does seem to be taking a hands off approach with.

WAPO clearly states that ownership, and the potential for conflict of interest, in any article regarding Bezos, Amazon or Big Tech. Not once ever has FOX, or any Sinclair owned station disclosed their bias.

Do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?

It depends what you mean not like you. I'm not a fan, I agree with that. If you think I have any negative view of you personally that's your projection.

I don't like what you do. Using libertarian principles to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic.

As for your changing my quote, yes I have an issue with that. When you misrepresent my views in your posts it's clear that's your opinion, so Democrats love you and everyone else disagrees like everything else you say.

When you change my quote, you are saying that "I" said that and not you. Which is truly a lie. Just don't do that

Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement. By definition, that would make the Republican Party the fascist party in this scenario. Republicans are also lying and saying they won the election and trying to over the results and install their authoritarian leader back in the White House.

That makes every you posted completely false. You need to look in the dictionary, for the words "fascist", "racist" and "totalitarianism". Every time you post you reveal your abject ignorance on all things political, and economic.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The lies were allowed during the election season. It was only after Trumpybears failed "Hail Mary" Coup that drastic action was taken against him.

Still trying to conflate the Race Rioters with Hitler's well regulated Militia.

Your non sequitur response is noted.

My point stands.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The mean by which the rabid right gets it's information has not been interrupted. Your Nazi conflation is lame.

The "rabid right" might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you in the msm, but the tens of millions of more moderate voters, still think of you types as "people" and thus deserving of some level of credibility.

THis opened them up to your lies and misinformation and as your side's control is such that the vast majority of what they hear is teh same lies constantly bellowed,

they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate.

And the election is thus not legitimate.

Especially when you add in the brownshirt mobs of your people killing and intimidating in the streets, literally and figuratively.

They "Might" have, but they didn't. They just turn to Faux News, and when they didn't like the truth about the election victory for Biden, they moved on to OAN and NewMaxine.

Speaking of misinformed, the pizza guy is here with your order!

That "might" was me agreeing with your previous point. One of them. Sort of.

You are so full of partisan hate that you can't accept me granting you a debating point.

If fully rejecting the Neo-GOP's faithlessness in our elections and constitutional government is partisan hate, then count me in.

I was pointing out how you are so full of partisan hate, that you attacked me when I agreed with you.

You respond by ignoring what I said, again, and attacked me again.

Are you trying to demonstrate my point? Because if so, you are doing a masterful job.


Quite pretending that your so called agreement with me wasn't a backhanded insult.

You said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

BUT, it is interesting that you attacked me for agreeing with you.

That shows what kind of knee jerk hater you are.

And that is not me attacking you, that is me trying to help you.

YOu need to be LESS LIKE THAT. Get a grip man.

It is not our people that are rioting and burning and looting and killing in the streets, for 4 and a half years and counting now.

Seems your side might be the hate side.

Still trying to conflate the recent race riots over police conduct with the Trumpyberra foul on his final "Hail Mary" pass. "Pence for the Win!".

Haven't race riots been happening at least as long as we've had peaceful transfers of power?

No, conflating the looting, rioting, fires and violence you supported with January 6 which we condemned the ones who went into the capital and those things didn't even happen.

You're a fascist and a racist. And looting and setting fires has nothing to do with race

Phony fucking Trumpters, reminds me of Jake!

You said you should only hear news you agree with. To hear multiple sides is scary and frankly dangerous. It's "faux" news for you to hear news you disagree with. Fox News presents more than one side. It has to be stopped.

You only want the leftist fascist and racist news. And yes, that makes you a fascist and a racist. You were totally clear about your standards. You agree with it or you demand to not hear it

Never said anything remotely like that.

Why do the rabid righties have to resort to shit like that?

Kaz "kazzes," i.e., lies. It's what he does. It's who he is.

And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!


Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!


Right, and you've been parroting that back to me over and over and over. What part of that didn't you understand?

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?

It depends what you mean not like you. I'm not a fan, I agree with that. If you think I have any negative view of you personally that's your projection.

I don't like what you do. Using libertarian principles to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic.

As for your changing my quote, yes I have an issue with that. When you misrepresent my views in your posts it's clear that's your opinion, so Democrats love you and everyone else disagrees like everything else you say.

When you change my quote, you are saying that "I" said that and not you. Which is truly a lie. Just don't do that

Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement. By definition, that would make the Republican Party the fascist party in this scenario. Republicans are also lying and saying they won the election and trying to over the results and install their authoritarian leader back in the White House.

That makes every you posted completely false. You need to look in the dictionary, for the words "fascist", "racist" and "totalitarianism". Every time you post you reveal your abject ignorance on all things political, and economic.

Except your side is the one using brown shirt tactics. Right up to arresting the victims of attacks and imprisoning them for defending themselves.
  • Thanks
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Do you think you're getting your true message out?
I think I've been clear, yes. But I don't expect you to understand. That's ok.

So dblack.

My views at a high level are that I'm a classic liberal. I'm not an anarchist, I want government minimized. I describe it as government should do nothing other than those things that not having would reduce our freedom, but there can be only one. There can be only one police, military, roads, civil and criminal courts, management of limited resources (e.g., airwaves, water), and recognition of property rights. That would be 90% plus of my ideal government.

What is it you support? I would like to know how it makes sense that only totalitarian leftists like you and agree with you. Can you explain?

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?

It depends what you mean not like you. I'm not a fan, I agree with that. If you think I have any negative view of you personally that's your projection.

I don't like what you do. Using libertarian principles to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic.

As for your changing my quote, yes I have an issue with that. When you misrepresent my views in your posts it's clear that's your opinion, so Democrats love you and everyone else disagrees like everything else you say.

When you change my quote, you are saying that "I" said that and not you. Which is truly a lie. Just don't do that

Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement. By definition, that would make the Republican Party the fascist party in this scenario. Republicans are also lying and saying they won the election and trying to over the results and install their authoritarian leader back in the White House.

That makes every you posted completely false. You need to look in the dictionary, for the words "fascist", "racist" and "totalitarianism". Every time you post you reveal your abject ignorance on all things political, and economic.

Nice one, George, our site Chinese disinformation officer. Copy this one and send it to your boss so he knows what a fine job you're doing. You should get extra points for throwing in racism there, nice one.

God Democrats make your job of spreading Chinese lies easy, don't they?
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
The lie about Antifa and the Capitol has been promoted by a large roster of right-wing people and entities.

They include right-wing television networks Newsmax and One America News; Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump impeachment attorney Michael van der Veen; Republican members of Congress like Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ron Johnson; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Republican state legislators; former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; right-wing conspiracy websites like The Gateway Pundit; and popular right-wing commentators on social media and talk radio.
The peddlers of the lie have found a tiny nugget of truth to help their cause.

Of more than 260 Capitol defendants who have been revealed by the Department of Justice to date, one of them, John Sullivan, is a political oddball who has used the hashtag #antifa on social media. But left-wing activists have previously expressed suspicion about him, the FBI has never claimed that he is an actual Antifa activist and, regardless, the list of people charged over the riot is overwhelmingly composed of Trump supporters
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

That's true, but it's not the left wing media sources that are corrupted. They're all publically owned corporations who have to answer to their boards and their shareholders. They didn't pay out multi-million dollar settlements for sexual harassment claims to dozens of women.

FOX has had to pay out multiple settlements for defamation, lying about Seth Rich, and others. All while Rupert Murdoch pockets multi-million dollar tax cuts from successive Republican Presidents.

The "Caravans funded by George Soros" story lead directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting to stop Jews from helping these illegals come to the USA. Now Republican voters are being lead to believe that the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the legal and rightful President of the United States. These are dangerous lies.

And the "brown shirt mobs" you speak of were actually the uniformed police officers in their blue uniforms, who attacked peaceful protestors relentlessly. American police forces have a long sad history of attacking black people marching for their rights. And of allowing those who oppose rights for minorities to attack these protests without consequences.

Remember the Edmund Pettis Bridge? The Freedom Riders? All were violently attacked by American police fighting on the side of the elites to keep black and brown people from have an equal voice, and equal education, an equal opportunity. The American economy has always depended on sources of cheap labor, starting with slaves, then "guest workers" and finally illegal immigrants.

The right wing media is all billionaire owned and controlled. Their boards are composed of family members, employees and other loyalists who rubber stamp anything the billionaire boss wants or does. Pay out millions in sexual harassment claims and libel suits would NEVER be tollerated in a publically owned network, and ALL of the MSM media news outlets are publically owned with the exception of the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns, but which he truly does seem to be taking a hands off approach with.

WAPO clearly states that ownership, and the potential for conflict of interest, in any article regarding Bezos, Amazon or Big Tech. Not once ever has FOX, or any Sinclair owned station disclosed their bias.

Do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

In what way does your question respond to my post? I have given you chapter and verse on how and why billionaire owned right wing media has become a propaganda outlet to ensure the election of a Republican Senate to block American progress, and thwart the will of the American people.

Try talking about that instead of trying to lay "gotcha traps".
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
It doesn't surprise me that a person like you who is being lied to can't wrap your brain around it despite the evidence

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters — they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," Gaetz said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was live on CNN and MSNBC when he told a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday morning that the FBI had not yet found any evidence that subscribers to the Antifa movement were involved in the January attack on the US Capitol.
At that moment, Fox News was in a commercial break from its regular programming. It had just urged viewers to stay tuned for a segment about educators "canceling" Dr. Seuss.
And so America's most popular right-wing television network again missed a chance -- or, perhaps, again chose to miss a chance -- to confront its viewers with the debunking of a lie that has become a widespread belief among right-wing Americans.
In part because of Fox, the conspiracy theory has become pervasive in conservative circles. Opinion polls suggest that a large percentage of Republicans baselessly think that Antifa was primarily responsible for the insurrection that was actually perpetrated by supporters of former President Donald Trump, some of whom have allegedly expressed irritation that Antifa has been given the credit for their own behavior.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

That's true, but it's not the left wing media sources that are corrupted. They're all publically owned corporations who have to answer to their boards and their shareholders. They didn't pay out multi-million dollar settlements for sexual harassment claims to dozens of women.

FOX has had to pay out multiple settlements for defamation, lying about Seth Rich, and others. All while Rupert Murdoch pockets multi-million dollar tax cuts from successive Republican Presidents.

The "Caravans funded by George Soros" story lead directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting to stop Jews from helping these illegals come to the USA. Now Republican voters are being lead to believe that the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the legal and rightful President of the United States. These are dangerous lies.

And the "brown shirt mobs" you speak of were actually the uniformed police officers in their blue uniforms, who attacked peaceful protestors relentlessly. American police forces have a long sad history of attacking black people marching for their rights. And of allowing those who oppose rights for minorities to attack these protests without consequences.

Remember the Edmund Pettis Bridge? The Freedom Riders? All were violently attacked by American police fighting on the side of the elites to keep black and brown people from have an equal voice, and equal education, an equal opportunity. The American economy has always depended on sources of cheap labor, starting with slaves, then "guest workers" and finally illegal immigrants.

The right wing media is all billionaire owned and controlled. Their boards are composed of family members, employees and other loyalists who rubber stamp anything the billionaire boss wants or does. Pay out millions in sexual harassment claims and libel suits would NEVER be tollerated in a publically owned network, and ALL of the MSM media news outlets are publically owned with the exception of the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns, but which he truly does seem to be taking a hands off approach with.

WAPO clearly states that ownership, and the potential for conflict of interest, in any article regarding Bezos, Amazon or Big Tech. Not once ever has FOX, or any Sinclair owned station disclosed their bias.

Do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

In what way does your question respond to my post? I have given you chapter and verse on how and why billionaire owned right wing media has become a propaganda outlet to ensure the election of a Republican Senate to block American progress, and thwart the will of the American people.

Try talking about that instead of trying to lay "gotcha traps".

Please, your government in China is run by billionaires, George the site Chinese propagandist. Get over yourself

It is not our people that are rioting and burning and looting and killing in the streets, for 4 and a half years and counting now.

Seems your side might be the hate side.

Still trying to conflate the recent race riots over police conduct with the Trumpyberra foul on his final "Hail Mary" pass. "Pence for the Win!".

Haven't race riots been happening at least as long as we've had peaceful transfers of power?

No, conflating the looting, rioting, fires and violence you supported with January 6 which we condemned the ones who went into the capital and those things didn't even happen.

You're a fascist and a racist. And looting and setting fires has nothing to do with race

Phony fucking Trumpters, reminds me of Jake!

You said you should only hear news you agree with. To hear multiple sides is scary and frankly dangerous. It's "faux" news for you to hear news you disagree with. Fox News presents more than one side. It has to be stopped.

You only want the leftist fascist and racist news. And yes, that makes you a fascist and a racist. You were totally clear about your standards. You agree with it or you demand to not hear it

Never said anything remotely like that.

Why do the rabid righties have to resort to shit like that?

Kaz "kazzes," i.e., lies. It's what he does. It's who he is.

And you're a little kid who posts like a little kid, read your post. One day you'll be all gwown up!


Spits the idiot who really did post...

Smokin: OMG! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!


Right, and you've been parroting that back to me over and over and over. What part of that didn't you understand?


Yes, I've been mocking you and laughing my ass off at you not getting that.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars
The lie about Antifa and the Capitol has been promoted by a large roster of right-wing people and entities.

They include right-wing television networks Newsmax and One America News; Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump impeachment attorney Michael van der Veen; Republican members of Congress like Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ron Johnson; Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Republican state legislators; former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; right-wing conspiracy websites like The Gateway Pundit; and popular right-wing commentators on social media and talk radio.
The peddlers of the lie have found a tiny nugget of truth to help their cause.

Of more than 260 Capitol defendants who have been revealed by the Department of Justice to date, one of them, John Sullivan, is a political oddball who has used the hashtag #antifa on social media. But left-wing activists have previously expressed suspicion about him, the FBI has never claimed that he is an actual Antifa activist and, regardless, the list of people charged over the riot is overwhelmingly composed of Trump supporters

I still said antifa was NOT BEHIND January 6 and I have heard no one on Fox or the right say they were.

You're pissing in the wind, stupid fuck
I don't like what you do Using libertarian to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic

I'm not really using the term "libertarian" any more. Not on this board. I still think the word has meaning - a radically different meaning than your conception - but words mean what people mean when they use them. And what you mean when you say "libertarian" has, apparently, utterly nothing to do with what I mean when I use the term.

So, to avoid confusion, let me state clearly that whatever it is you mean by "libertarian" - I'm not it. Clear? I want exactly nothing to do with your Trumpster statist idiocy.

What a bunch of useless hot air. And again you disagree with EVERY libertarian on the board and are saying they aren't libertarians and leftists love you. You slap each other on the butt, high five each other and grove all the time. Even Faun, who is one of the most hate filled leftists on the board. He walks up and is like you're great. Mac. The list goes on. They love the Democrat party, they love you.

So, what do I believe that you think isn't small government libertarian? Be specific.

Dayum, it really bothers you that I find some common ground with some libertarians.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

You're not the only totalitarian leftist who likes him. And he doesn't get along either with a single libertarian on the board.

Let him answer the question, I really would like to know how it makes sense that someone formerly called a libertarian resonates only with totalitarians

And we have told you that you need to check the definition of "totalitarians". You are absolutely NOT a libertarian. You are in thrall to an anti-democratic, fascist who recently tried to overthrow the government and is now running a slow rolling insurrection to delegitmize the sitting President.

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