The Big Lie

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
:lol: Look who is crying over capitalism and the free market. (It's also an empty whine.) You have plenty of media catering just to you and only you. You have ALL the radio stations, you have at least three TV broadcast channels and the internet is open to all.

It is not the free market. It is liberals abusing their positions and putting politics ahead of their professional responsibilities.

AND regardless, my point stands. It creates an environment that constantly and overwhelmingly allows people like you to wallow in easy self validation, with your preconceived notions and prejudices CONSTANTLY reinforced and magnified right back at you.

THus, no real market for liberal talk radio.

That is why liberal talk radio has not worked.

Like I said, perhaps as satellite radio.
Where, exactly, is it that you don't feel you have fair representation? You have ALL the radio stations (despite there absolutely being a demand for liberal talk radio) and you have more than a few television stations dedicated solely to spreading your propaganda. The internet is available to all equally. Where is it that your "voice" isn't being heard? No where. Empty whine.
Republicans want to control the narrative. So they've been saying for years the media is liberal even when in the 90's it got deregulated and gobbled up by 8 corporations. They believe the media is lying to them but they refuse to believe that maybe it's the rich and powerful who are lying to them. Not liberals.

We all know Republicans use racism god gays and guns to win votes right? So perhaps the corporate media is pushing a liberal social agenda to rile up it's base. Who's it's base? White racist conservative republicans.

God you're a flaming hypocrite. Fox presents BOTH SIDES and your fake news presents ONLY YOUR SIDE. And yet you won't stop with the talking points that Republicans want to control the narrative, while your side again presents ONE SIDE and Republicans present and listen to both
Fox presents both sides now?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The lies were allowed during the election season. It was only after Trumpybears failed "Hail Mary" Coup that drastic action was taken against him.

Still trying to conflate the Race Rioters with Hitler's well regulated Militia.

Your non sequitur response is noted.

My point stands.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The mean by which the rabid right gets it's information has not been interrupted. Your Nazi conflation is lame.

The "rabid right" might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you in the msm, but the tens of millions of more moderate voters, still think of you types as "people" and thus deserving of some level of credibility.

THis opened them up to your lies and misinformation and as your side's control is such that the vast majority of what they hear is teh same lies constantly bellowed,

they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate.

And the election is thus not legitimate.

Especially when you add in the brownshirt mobs of your people killing and intimidating in the streets, literally and figuratively.

They "Might" have, but they didn't. They just turn to Faux News, and when they didn't like the truth about the election victory for Biden, they moved on to OAN and NewMaxine.

Speaking of misinformed, the pizza guy is here with your order!

That "might" was me agreeing with your previous point. One of them. Sort of.

You are so full of partisan hate that you can't accept me granting you a debating point.

If fully rejecting the Neo-GOP's faithlessness in our elections and constitutional government is partisan hate, then count me in.
I don't see how. Unless they lie outright - ie they do something different than what they say.

Let me ask you this: do you think people, or businesses, should be allowed to promote political causes they believe in? Should people, or businesses, be allowed to shun people, or businesses, that they disagree with?

You hire someone to do a job, like be an ceo, or a reporter, you are expecting them to do those jobs to the best of their abilities, to make you money.

IF, they instead operate in favor of a different goal, say to advance their political agenda, without telling you, that is, AT BEST, a lie of omission, because you would have been assuming they were going to do the job they were hired to do.

What part of this are you having a problem with?

The part where you want to use the government to bully businesses who won't accommodate Trumpster trolling.

Once again the faux libertarian advocates companies being protected by government from lawsuits ...

Don't you have a Democrat to snuggle with? Mac1958 is always up for some squeeze, and you'll get a nice surprise down your pants ...
Where, exactly, is it that you don't feel you have fair representation? You have ALL the radio stations (despite there absolutely being a demand for liberal talk radio) and you have more than a few television stations dedicated solely to spreading your propaganda. The internet is available to all equally. Where is it that your "voice" isn't being heard? No where. Empty whine.
Republicans want to control the narrative. So they've been saying for years the media is liberal even when in the 90's it got deregulated and gobbled up by 8 corporations. They believe the media is lying to them but they refuse to believe that maybe it's the rich and powerful who are lying to them. Not liberals.

We all know Republicans use racism god gays and guns to win votes right? So perhaps the corporate media is pushing a liberal social agenda to rile up it's base. Who's it's base? White racist conservative republicans.

God you're a flaming hypocrite. Fox presents BOTH SIDES and your fake news presents ONLY YOUR SIDE. And yet you won't stop with the talking points that Republicans want to control the narrative, while your side again presents ONE SIDE and Republicans present and listen to both
Fox presents both sides now?

They always have. Leftists are on Fox all day. How do you possibly not know that? Do you ever watch anything but CNN and MSNBC?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
:lol: Look who is crying over capitalism and the free market. (It's also an empty whine.) You have plenty of media catering just to you and only you. You have ALL the radio stations, you have at least three TV broadcast channels and the internet is open to all.

It is not the free market. It is liberals abusing their positions and putting politics ahead of their professional responsibilities.

AND regardless, my point stands. It creates an environment that constantly and overwhelmingly allows people like you to wallow in easy self validation, with your preconceived notions and prejudices CONSTANTLY reinforced and magnified right back at you.

THus, no real market for liberal talk radio.

That is why liberal talk radio has not worked.

Like I said, perhaps as satellite radio.
I listened to liberal talk radio all the time. Don't see why liberals like me wouldn't listen when we are in our cars just like you nuts listen to that Rush station when you are in yours.

I loved Air America. Randi Rhodes, Ed Till, Thom Hartmann, the Young Turks, Stephanie (forgot her last name)

I used to drive 1 hour to Ann Arbor and back 1 hour every day 5 days a week a few years ago. I listened both ways. Actually, Air America had such a shitty channel that I could only pick it up when I was half way to work. I didn't come in clear here in Metro Detroit but closer to Ann Arbor it came in. That's bullshit. They purposely didn't want a liberal radio show being played in Metro Detroit. Why? Because we are a swing state. The difference could mean the difference between winning and losing an election.

Instead the only radio hosts we hear tell us how bad the Democratic Governor is. So much so that you right wingers try to kidnap her.
Where, exactly, is it that you don't feel you have fair representation? You have ALL the radio stations (despite there absolutely being a demand for liberal talk radio) and you have more than a few television stations dedicated solely to spreading your propaganda. The internet is available to all equally. Where is it that your "voice" isn't being heard? No where. Empty whine.
Republicans want to control the narrative. So they've been saying for years the media is liberal even when in the 90's it got deregulated and gobbled up by 8 corporations. They believe the media is lying to them but they refuse to believe that maybe it's the rich and powerful who are lying to them. Not liberals.

We all know Republicans use racism god gays and guns to win votes right? So perhaps the corporate media is pushing a liberal social agenda to rile up it's base. Who's it's base? White racist conservative republicans.

God you're a flaming hypocrite. Fox presents BOTH SIDES and your fake news presents ONLY YOUR SIDE. And yet you won't stop with the talking points that Republicans want to control the narrative, while your side again presents ONE SIDE and Republicans present and listen to both
Fox presents both sides now?

They always have. Leftists are on Fox all day. How do you possibly not know that? Do you ever watch anything but CNN and MSNBC?
I never see any liberals on Fox. Last time I did it was that one token.

Colms? Of Hannity and Colmes?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
The "Fairness Doctrine" was an abuse of government and a direct violation of the First Amendment. Most of what Trumpsters are clamoring for, regarding Trump's "revenge" on Big Tech, is the same.

A license permits broadcasting, but the licensee has no constitutional right to be the one who holds the license or to monopolize a…frequency to the exclusion of his fellow citizens. There is nothing in the First Amendment which prevents the Government from requiring a licensee to share his frequency with others…. It is the right of the viewers and listeners, not the right of the broadcasters, which is paramount.

— U.S. Supreme Court, upholding the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 1969.

In all honesty, I would lead a movement to strip FOX News of its broadcast license on the grounds of lying to the American people - about nearly everything.

I would say that the American people are entitled to the truth and that propanganda outlets like FOX which promotes lies about Iraq War, Benghazi, Caravans, Seth Rich, the Russia Investigation, the findings in the Mueller Report, and now the results of the 2020 election,, are harming the American people by lying to them.

Just look at the number of retractions and law suits they've had to pay out on for libel and defamation.
FOX has certainly been Bad News. (Opinion masquerading as news).
Most MISINFORMED people are Fox viewers and I'm sure Rush's listeners were the same way because that's all he spewed all day was right wing lies and half truths.

Do you know how right wing lies start? It might be a small radio guy in a small market. He makes some shit up and Fox News hears it and they report it as something they heard in the media when in reality it was just some lie a right wing talk show host made up.

I think the lie that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol insurrection is a good example of how right wingers are being lied to and brainwashed all over America. Next thing you know it's a fact in right wing world. They truly believe the election was stolen and that ANTIFA is behind the riot. LOL
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
But that is exactly what you are doing.
That's impossible.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
You guys have several news channels. We have MSNBC. CNN is not liberal. ABC and NBC and CBS are not liberal. You cons seem to believe if there is no con slant then it's liberal. That's just you trying to pull us to the right.

Don't talk stupid.
That's impossible.
Where, exactly, is it that you don't feel you have fair representation? You have ALL the radio stations (despite there absolutely being a demand for liberal talk radio) and you have more than a few television stations dedicated solely to spreading your propaganda. The internet is available to all equally. Where is it that your "voice" isn't being heard? No where. Empty whine.
Republicans want to control the narrative. So they've been saying for years the media is liberal even when in the 90's it got deregulated and gobbled up by 8 corporations. They believe the media is lying to them but they refuse to believe that maybe it's the rich and powerful who are lying to them. Not liberals.

We all know Republicans use racism god gays and guns to win votes right? So perhaps the corporate media is pushing a liberal social agenda to rile up it's base. Who's it's base? White racist conservative republicans.

God you're a flaming hypocrite. Fox presents BOTH SIDES and your fake news presents ONLY YOUR SIDE. And yet you won't stop with the talking points that Republicans want to control the narrative, while your side again presents ONE SIDE and Republicans present and listen to both
Fox presents both sides now?

They always have. Leftists are on Fox all day. How do you possibly not know that? Do you ever watch anything but CNN and MSNBC?
I never see any liberals on Fox. Last time I did it was that one token.

Colms? Of Hannity and Colmes?

Leftists are on Fox all day, you know that, liar

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

They were trying their best to discredit Trumpybear for sure, just like the Old GOP tried to do to Obama.

The NEO-GOP is trying to discredit our Constitution and our tradition of free Democratic elections.
The people in power have been shitting on our Constitution. Trump tried to stop that.
Trump was the most unconstitutional president we've had

During an evening news briefing on Monday night, President Trump declared that he, and not individual governors and mayors, would make the decision about when and how to reopen the country. Explaining his authority by stating that “[w]hen somebody’s president of the United States, the authority is total,” President Trump claimed vast executive powers in relation to the ongoing fight against COVID-19, including the power to reopen businesses, send children back to school, and end stay-at-home orders. Legal scholars across the ideological spectrum were quick to reject his arguments. Pointing out that under our federal structure the 10th Amendment reserves these powers to the states, these scholars explained that the constitutionally enumerated powers of the national government simply do not cover the powers that President Trump alleges to have.

Two days later, on Wednesday evening, President Trump was back with another remarkable claim, this time arguing that he could adjourn Congress. Bemoaning his inability to push through recess appointments during the COVID-19 crisis, President Trump took to Twitter saying that the “Senate’s practice of gaveling into so-called pro forma sessions where no one is even there has prevented me from using the constitutional authority that we’re given under the recess provisions.”

Although scholars were again quick to explain that President Trump’s claimed adjournment power is “empty, both formally and functionally,” it is important for us to read President Trump’s claims of executive power and disregard for constitutional norms and structure, in context.

From the beginning President Trump, aided first by Attorney General Sessions and now by Attorney General Barr, has held expansive views about what the president should be able to do. Under the guise of the so-called “unitary executive theory,” this administration has claimed the authority to fire the FBI director for any reason, argued that the president is immune from criminal investigation let alone prosecution, and bypassed the congressional appropriations process to use military funds to build a wall on the southern border. Recognizing that the federal judiciary might be unreceptive to these claims, the administration has been busy appointing a record number of judges who embrace their views on presidential authority, stacking the decks, so to speak, for when executive power cases inevitably come before our federal courts.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.
You mean like Benghazi and Hillary's emails?

Those actually happened, so no, not like that.

Conspiracies are what Democrats do every time you lie about what Trump said. Misquotes = lies
I just gave an example of a right wing lie. Some small right wing radio host somewhere in America suggested that ANTIFA was behind the riot. Soon all the nuts who believe the election was stolen, without any proof, also believe that ANTIFA was behind the Capitol riot. Fox News even reported it. And where did this lie come from? Some small time radio host somewhere in rural white conservative America.

And the next day all the Republicans on USMB were spreading that lie. And they don't know it's a lie. They truly believe what they were told.

I haven't heard anyone on Fox or on anything that I listen to or watch say that. There was at least one antifa person arrested, that's a fact. But that antifa is behind it is just some lame story of a nobody you read about on Crooks and Liars

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