The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

In fact, for 99.95% of the lifetime of our sun .
Not for its entire lifetime. You mean, for its lifetime so far.

You haven't heard? I have some bad news for you then ...

I suggest you take a science class sometime. Your understanding is very inadequate.
Vapid whining is no substitute for actual argument.

We don't know that. We suspect, but we don't know. There is no picture of it.
False. The image of the CMB map is,indeed, a picture of the first electromagnetic radiation of our universe, released during the decoupling event, itself brought on by and part of the rapid expansion of the early universe. I.E., the Big Bang.
I suggest you take a science class sometime. Your understanding is very inadequate.
Vapid whining is no substitute for actual argument.

We don't know that. We suspect, but we don't know. There is no picture of it.
False. The image of the CMB map is,indeed, a picture of the first electromagnetic radiation of our universe, released during the decoupling event, itself brought on by and part of the rapid expansion of the early universe. I.E., the Big Bang.

Please tell me more about the decoupling after the Big Bang. I'm very interested.
Incorrect, you can measure the wobble of stars the exoplanets orbit.

they are assuming those are planets, and they might be but we dont know for sure
If this is true then why not believe every point of light has people as smart as us circling them?
Well, it took nearly 4.5 billion years for our light bulb of sentience to wink on. That's about half the life of our star.
Hmmm, no, the Earth and the Sun are the same age. The universe is about 13 billion years old.
What? Everything in our solar system came from other stars that went super nova. When our sun was born the earth wasn’t here yet.
The earth and the sun formed at the same time. Like I said, its formation wasn't complete, but it existed in proto form.
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You have everything backwards. If humans move to Mars they will evolve to Mars and then the earth will be strange

Wake up we can go anywhere and be anything
You can't live on Mars or too long because they have no molten core and therefore no magnetic field and therefore no protection from solar radiation.
If we could plant life on mars we would. Not humans but dna or simple single cell organisms

Or if we could somehow create an ozone and plant oxygen or protein or fungus or anything that might take hold we would for sure.
There will be life on Mars, but it will take experimentation. Life does not need the conditions on Earth, the purpose for adaptation is for life to thrive in various places, as it does on Earth from 1000 degree sulfur based hydrothermal vents to cold mountaintops
If there is water. Water seems to be the one necessary ingredient.

I think there is water in mars.
Liquid water.
If you believe dust will write classical music given enough time, you’d have to believe all of them have life.

They're "anything but God" apologists so, yes, they would gleefully go along with that belief, so long as it doesn't involve "God".
If this is true then why not believe every point of light has people as smart as us circling them?
Well, it took nearly 4.5 billion years for our light bulb of sentience to wink on. That's about half the life of our star.
Hmmm, no, the Earth and the Sun are the same age. The universe is about 13 billion years old.

The Sun predates the Earth by at least a million years.
Everything in the universe is exactly the same age as matter can not be created thus it always was
So everything on earth and every other planet moon asteroids and comets are older than our star because we all came from stars that went super nova long before our sun was born.

Imagine the amount of time all that star stuff would have taken to get to us too.
All the elements in the universe are the same age, stars are not elements
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.
If you believe dust will write classical music given enough time, you’d have to believe all of them have life.

A thing broken down into it's constituent parts is no longer that thing (as anyone who owns a set of Lego can attest).


We may or may not be alone in the universe. If there is other life in the universe, then it too is a part of God's creation.
Hmmm, no, the Earth and the Sun are the same age. The universe is about 13 billion years old.

The Sun predates the Earth by at least a million years.
"A million years?" The Sun and the Earth are 4.5 billion years old. A million years is virtually an instant when measured against that. The Earth took a while to take it's final form, but that process began at the same time the Sun formed.

The Sun formed first, the planetary disc came later. How long it took for the disc to form planets is still open to conjecture.
I would love to see the proof of that,,,

The Sun had to form first for our current theory of planetary formation to work.
So the star stuff that was floating around when our sun formed came from previous generations of stars 4.5 billion years ago.

They say our sun came first and is a couple million years older but I think the elements that came from older stars and became everything on earth has to be much older. When did the stars that made us explode? I bet billions of years before our sun was born from gas.
You have everything backwards. If humans move to Mars they will evolve to Mars and then the earth will be strange

Wake up we can go anywhere and be anything
You can't live on Mars or too long because they have no molten core and therefore no magnetic field and therefore no protection from solar radiation.
If we could plant life on mars we would. Not humans but dna or simple single cell organisms

Or if we could somehow create an ozone and plant oxygen or protein or fungus or anything that might take hold we would for sure.
There will be life on Mars, but it will take experimentation. Life does not need the conditions on Earth, the purpose for adaptation is for life to thrive in various places, as it does on Earth from 1000 degree sulfur based hydrothermal vents to cold mountaintops
If there is water. Water seems to be the one necessary ingredient.

I think there is water in mars.
Sunlight was another ingredient needed for life, until hydrothermal vents were discovered. Water is needed for our type of life, no reason to assume all is like us
My home is made of brick. Those bricks are made of clay. That clay may be millions of years old.

My house isn't millions of years old.
I suggest you take a science class sometime. Your understanding is very inadequate.
Vapid whining is no substitute for actual argument.

We don't know that. We suspect, but we don't know. There is no picture of it.
False. The image of the CMB map is,indeed, a picture of the first electromagnetic radiation of our universe, released during the decoupling event, itself brought on by and part of the rapid expansion of the early universe. I.E., the Big Bang.

Please tell me more about the decoupling after the Big Bang. I'm very interested.
That is when the universe became "transparent", so to speak. As the universe expanded, it reached a point where hydrogen atoms could form (recombination). These atoms emitted photons, as their electrons tried to find lower energy states. This collection of hydrogen atoms, unlike its progenitor plasma state, was transparent to photons. So the photons could escape and then travel over distance. They reach us as radio waves, and we deem them the CMB.
I suggest you take a science class sometime. Your understanding is very inadequate.
Vapid whining is no substitute for actual argument.

We don't know that. We suspect, but we don't know. There is no picture of it.
False. The image of the CMB map is,indeed, a picture of the first electromagnetic radiation of our universe, released during the decoupling event, itself brought on by and part of the rapid expansion of the early universe. I.E., the Big Bang.

Please tell me more about the decoupling after the Big Bang. I'm very interested.
That is when the universe became "transparent", so to speak. As the universe expanded, it reached a point where hydrogen atoms could form (recombination). These atoms emitted photons, as their electrons tried to find lower energy states. This collection of hydrogen atoms, unlike its progenitor plasma state, was transparent to photons. So the photons could escape and then travel over distance. They reach us as radio waves, and we deem them the CMB.

Not nearly has hot as it sounded.
A basic principle of science is that the same laws exist everywhere. It would be nonsensical if they didn't.
Except when geniuses declare that the universe created itself from nothing because nothing got bored one day and decided to turn nothing into the universe
Who created God?
That is not answerable from out current perspective, at the very least God must be defined before such a question can be ask. A better question is what created us, and I assure you that no sterile pond created the most sophisticated code in the universe our DNA. And do not babble that RNA created itself either because the mathematical probability of that is null
Wrong. The proposition that everything needs a creator is a logical contradiction. If God doesn't require a creator, then neither does the universe. Your failure to answer the question I asked shows that even you know that.

Creationism is absurd.
No one has any idea what the universe is much less where it came from. This is why all the math that would explain what is observed in the universe fails as the math is not itself wrong but can not be applied to unknowns
Still it’s pretty amazing the universe itself created the earth and us. We were all forged in stars. You are related to the rocks.

And here we are. The universe created intelligent being able to ponder such thought?

Even the dinosaurs were amazing. But they may not have been smart enough to wonder such things. Who knows.

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