The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
That simply involves a creator utilizing the dust.
Oh wait.
Genesis says dust.
Facts are elements of evidence that support a theory... period.

Does not change the common parlance and use of the scientific term theory.

The problem is that non scientists use terms incorrectly. They also make assertions with far too much certainty. That leads to problems such as confirmation bias etc.

My purpose in this thread is to act as a referee. To try and contain the assertions to their proper level and rein in the hyperbole.
whats a non scientist???

wouldnt you agree that a scientist is someone that observes and studies in a specific area,,,

A scientist looks at the world differently than a non scientist. However, there are dilettantes who bridge that gap and do significant work.

They may not have a degree in science, but their minds work the same way.

As a geologist I use physics, chemistry and
biochem in my work. Any scientific paper is very readable to me.

so not all people can be a scientist??

Nope. You have to be at least average intelligence.
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.
False. Another option is that the conditions never produce dust that writes a sonata, and there is no creator.

You are clinging to a fallacy dubbed "the 747 fallacy". This fallacy is fodder for college students first leanring about logic, philosophy, and science. Your postings are a pop quiz exercise for college sophomores on Thursday of week 3 of the first semester.
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
That simply involves a creator utilizing the dust.
Oh wait.
Genesis says dust.

A creator and evolution aren't exclusive. It's a matter of, "Does G-d work hard or does G-d work smart?".

Given his copious amount of spare time, I'm thinking he would get mightily bored sculpting every earthworm from scratch.

... fun fact, in Hebrew scripture, man was created from "Adamah", which translates to earth or ground ... not dust.
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
And that's another option...
How long after I buy a bag of legos does it look like Einstein?
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
That simply involves a creator utilizing the dust.
Oh wait.
Genesis says dust.

A creator and evolution aren't exclusive. It's a matter of, "Does G-d work hard or does G-d work smart?".

Given his copious amount of spare time, I'm thinking he would get mightily bored sculpting every earthworm from scratch.

... fun fact, in Hebrew scripture, man was created from "Adamah", which translates to earth or ground ... not dust.
The issue of how God did it is separate from was God the catalyst or will dirt eventually write poetry given enough time.
Genesis says dust.
Which, of course, is a stupid, irrelevant declaration. You will simply say dust means "any matter", defeating your own silly point.
Stupid? Why do you call your belief stupid?
Aaaaaand and the hissy fit begins. Go throw your fit in the religious section,shaman.
You’re not bright enough to understand your own position.
The laws of our universe play "designer", "arbiter", "judge and jury", "policeman", and even "mommy".

The laws of the universe select for the presence and shapes of stars. Why are they spheroids? Because that's the shape "selected for" by natural laws. Who would call this random? Nobody. A universe where stars come in all shapes and sizes? Now THAT would be random and would entail randomly changing natural laws. This is the opposite of the deterministic, uniformitarian universe in which scientists operate and to which all observation points.

The laws of the universe "select for" the shape of water molecules, for the properties of liquid water, and for the shapes of the animals that move through water. Convergent evolution brings us two fusiform animals with vastly different ancestry (sharks and whales), just as we would expect, as the "selection for" this shape is not random.

If someone wants to point at all of that together and say it is the design of gods...go right ahead! That's not going to bring you into any conflict with science.
Everything in the universe is exactly the same age

Demonstrably not true ...


Again the elements composing those two people are exactly the same age
Wrong. The hydrogen atoms are as old as the universe. The other atoms are a lot younger.

There is zero evidence of that...………………

Grow up, no one was there or knows anyone who was, and the people blurting out that nonsense are now saying that there are no Hydrogen atoms because we are all a computer simulation.

No one can explain why the universe is expanding as fast as it is you do know that right
So you believe new hydrogen atoms are spurting into existence? Where is this happening? What is the process?

We know new Oxygen and Carbon atoms are being created. It's done in the core of every star.
an intelligent species would know that gas giant planets are not good planets for life. It would also know that a solar system, in addition to gas giants, would contain smaller planets that are good candidates for life.
That is a stupid question that belies total misunderstanding of the material. For one, physical laws are not "selecting for" legos to form the face of Einstein, as they are "selecting for" the fomation of the structures found in life as we know it (Example: hydrophilic and hydrophbic ends of the lipids which can form cell membranes). This selection is not "random". Your misunderstanding of this is your first error.

Your second error is your implicit assumption that anyone says or thinks that selection here on earth would produce the same result in every universe with identical initial conditions (you can choose any arbitrary time for this, be it 13 or 5 billion years ago). Nobody is saying or implying that life on Earth had to have turned out a certain way (the way we find it today), or even at all. "Einstein's face" places this arbitrary constraint.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
That simply involves a creator utilizing the dust.
Oh wait.
Genesis says dust.

A creator and evolution aren't exclusive. It's a matter of, "Does G-d work hard or does G-d work smart?".

Given his copious amount of spare time, I'm thinking he would get mightily bored sculpting every earthworm from scratch.

... fun fact, in Hebrew scripture, man was created from "Adamah", which translates to earth or ground ... not dust.
The issue of how God did it is separate from was God the catalyst or will dirt eventually write poetry given enough time.

We have zero evidence of how our Universe existed prior to the Big Bang or what could have created the singularity from where the Big Bag originated came into being.

We live in an infinite universe but our physical dimensional doesn't allow for infinity. So, obviously, there's a lot going on here that we don't get.

I prefer to think that our infinite creator was wise enough to know that given a specific set of physical rules, life (ultimately poetry-writing life) is inevitable given molecular bonding and the right conditions.

Scripture, is bronze-age man's attempt explain the processes as revealed by G-d. G-d couldn't explain the processes in detail any more than a physicist could explain quantum physics to a toddler. Bronze-age man didn't have the foundation in science to be able to grasp it.

However, G-d is wise, he knew that, given enough time (something G-d has a lot of), the events he put into motion all those Billions of years ago would come to one day understand his design. G-d's ultimate plan for our Universe is ineffable, but, based on what I see, I believe he's placed us in a play pen with trillions of puzzles to solve and our early childhood education will be to solve these puzzles and remove our ourselves from the playpen to the next step in our intellectual evolution.

I can't even imagine what G-d's middle school will look like ... but I'm guessing it will be awesome.
an intelligent species would know that gas giant planets are not good planets for life. It would also know that a solar system, in addition to gas giants, would contain smaller planets that are good candidates for life.
Maybe the lifeform requires gas.
There are only two options possible:
1. A creator

2. Given enough time dust will write a Sonata.

3... all of the above.
That simply involves a creator utilizing the dust.
Oh wait.
Genesis says dust.

A creator and evolution aren't exclusive. It's a matter of, "Does G-d work hard or does G-d work smart?".

Given his copious amount of spare time, I'm thinking he would get mightily bored sculpting every earthworm from scratch.

... fun fact, in Hebrew scripture, man was created from "Adamah", which translates to earth or ground ... not dust.
The issue of how God did it is separate from was God the catalyst or will dirt eventually write poetry given enough time.

We have zero evidence of how our Universe existed prior to the Big Bang or what could have created the singularity from where the Big Bag originated came into being.

We live in an infinite universe but our physical dimensional doesn't allow for infinity. So, obviously, there's a lot going on here that we don't get.

I prefer to think that our infinite creator was wise enough to know that given a specific set of physical rules, life (ultimately poetry-writing life) is inevitable given molecular bonding and the right conditions.

Scripture, is bronze-age man's attempt explain the processes as revealed by G-d. G-d couldn't explain the processes in detail any more than a physicist could explain quantum physics to a toddler. Bronze-age man didn't have the foundation in science to be able to grasp it.

However, G-d is wise, he knew that, given enough time (something G-d has a lot of), the events he put into motion all those Billions of years ago would come to one day understand his design. G-d's ultimate plan for our Universe is ineffable, but, based on what I see, I believe he's placed us in a play pen with trillions of puzzles to solve and our early childhood education will be to solve these puzzles and remove our ourselves from the playpen to the next step in our intellectual evolution.

I can't even imagine what G-d's middle school will look like ... but I'm guessing it will be awesome.
I like the way you think.

Why do you suppose god hides himself like this?

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