The big victory republicans had in the last election says nothing about the validity of the party

So when Democrats win it's because they offer something people want and are in tune with the nation. When Republicans win it's because those same people suddenly turned stupid and fell for the bullshit.
Another fail troll thread from Billy Triple Zip.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

Let me correct you on, "Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers"

Republicans aren't Republicans anymore. They work for Industry. Money is in Industry, not people. Republicans don't care about the people. Same with all parties. Different parties profit from different industry (and yes, all parties, even you gold watchers that invest in gold want the minimal government politician to use force to create a different monetary system so you can profit).

Sadly, Parties were made to look out for US. Parties look out for $.

Yup and Democrats get elected for the same reasone. Only difference is the free shit.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.
i have never read so many lies and :bsflag: in one post as this one, the truth is that the demoscum party is the one who owns all this fucking :bsflag:

:fu: billy ZERO, ZERO, ZERO why do you lie so much you America hating :asshole:
Just let Democrats win and the nasty disgusting no Patriotism no decency no morals no Integrity wing nut scurvy rat chorus starts its whining about "Blacks in the Democrat Plantation" and start denigrating my fellow Americans as a greedy free shit army that is just lazy and good for nothing and wants free shit are you kidding me ,.....these people are just natural born and self made bastards hyena spawns...

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." - H. L. Mencken
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

You say that "Americans are stupid," and then you see that turnout is highest when Democrats win. So what are you saying here?
They are still stupid. We all just got lucky republicans were not elected. Thats all.

But Republicans were elected last year, more than Democrats.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

You say that "Americans are stupid," and then you see that turnout is highest when Democrats win. So what are you saying here?

Let me take a stab at this one......................

I'm guessing he's stating that American Educational standards and records are very low in the world statistically and show no signs of improvement since the REPUBLICANS keep cutting funding to schools.....

Where are these cuts to funding schools?


Education Spending History and Charts for US Governments -
So when Democrats win it's because they offer something people want and are in tune with the nation. When Republicans win it's because those same people suddenly turned stupid and fell for the bullshit.
Another fail troll thread from Billy Triple Zip.

That pretty much sums it up.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

When it comes to stupid Americans you take the trophy. But what can you expect form billy triple nothing? That's right, nothing of value.
You're welcome to counter my thread with factual information. I know that's a tall order for you repubs but it's how adults debate.

I'll reply to one point only just to show how full of crap you are. The ACA was shoved down Americans throats with a pack of lies when the majority of Americans didn't want it and 85% of Americans were satisfied with their health coverage. Even some commiecrats have come to the realization that it was a big mistake.

Your dear leader proved again tonight that all he wants is bigger government and to give away more free shit. Didn't bother to explain how he was going to PAY for all that free shit.
That really doesn't counter my point considering most of the people who have benefited from ObamaCare so far approve of it, That also includes 73% of republicans who have received it.

Anything else? Is that really all you have?
What's new about people approving of free shit they get...even if it is shit.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.
i have never read so many lies and :bsflag: in one post as this one, the truth is that the demoscum party is the one who owns all this fucking :bsflag:

:fu: billy ZERO, ZERO, ZERO why do you lie so much you America hating :asshole:
How about you just admit you have no argument to counter my thread?
Yes, the conservative response thus far is what I expected: all fluff and no facts.
Um anyone else have something to add?

Your party relies on the stupidity of people believing that we can increase taxes on only a few people and get endless benefits from it.

Your party relies on appeals to emotion, with policies that do nothing but cost people money, and increase an already bloated government, ON ALL LEVELS.

Your party takes the lead in creating the upcoming public sector pension explosion, passing the funding buck down the line, and the line is nearing an end.

Your party worships at the altar of AGW.

Your party evidently wants people OUT OF THEIR BEDROOMS, except when it comes to college males and females, and in that case the man is ALWAYS a potential rapist.

Your party is scare of offending muslims.

Should I go on?
Um anyone else have something to add?

Your party relies on the stupidity of people believing that we can increase taxes on only a few people and get endless benefits from it.

Your party relies on appeals to emotion, with policies that do nothing but cost people money, and increase an already bloated government, ON ALL LEVELS.

Your party takes the lead in creating the upcoming public sector pension explosion, passing the funding buck down the line, and the line is nearing an end.

Your party worships at the altar of AGW.

Your party evidently wants people OUT OF THEIR BEDROOMS, except when it comes to college males and females, and in that case the man is ALWAYS a potential rapist.

Your party is scare of offending muslims.

Should I go on?
Who the hell said taxing the rich creates "endless benefits"? Taxing the wealthy is about paying for our government's expenses.

All fluff. You can't even name specifics. What emotion? What bloated government?

Like what? Be specific?

AGW is hardly a US political issue. It is a scientific issue with a global a consensus. It is an issue of global implications. Wake the fuck up.

Who says this? Feminism doesn't speak for the leftwing in general.
Um anyone else have something to add?

Your party relies on the stupidity of people believing that we can increase taxes on only a few people and get endless benefits from it.

Your party relies on appeals to emotion, with policies that do nothing but cost people money, and increase an already bloated government, ON ALL LEVELS.

Your party takes the lead in creating the upcoming public sector pension explosion, passing the funding buck down the line, and the line is nearing an end.

Your party worships at the altar of AGW.

Your party evidently wants people OUT OF THEIR BEDROOMS, except when it comes to college males and females, and in that case the man is ALWAYS a potential rapist.

Your party is scare of offending muslims.

Should I go on?
Who the hell said taxing the rich creates "endless benefits"? Taxing the wealthy is about paying for our government's expenses.

All fluff. You can't even name specifics. What emotion? What bloated government?

Like what? Be specific?

AGW is hardly a US political issue. It is a scientific issue with a global a consensus. It is an issue of global implications. Wake the fuck up.

Who says this? Feminism doesn't speak for the leftwing in general.

Lol, no real responses as usual from Billycunt.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

When it comes to stupid Americans you take the trophy. But what can you expect form billy triple nothing? That's right, nothing of value.
You're welcome to counter my thread with factual information. I know that's a tall order for you repubs but it's how adults debate.

I'll reply to one point only just to show how full of crap you are. The ACA was shoved down Americans throats with a pack of lies when the majority of Americans didn't want it and 85% of Americans were satisfied with their health coverage. Even some commiecrats have come to the realization that it was a big mistake.

Your dear leader proved again tonight that all he wants is bigger government and to give away more free shit. Didn't bother to explain how he was going to PAY for all that free shit.

Well, that was a response, but it didn't really have much to do with disproving any points that were made. Repubes want to end healthcare and they have nothing to replace it with. Can you disprove that? Also, where is all that free stuff I keep hearing about? I know it is a right wing whining point, but exactly what is free?

Subsidies, birth control, immunizations, preventative test and more are exempt from copays, your dear leader claimed all were free. Of course we all know nothing is free.
What it meant is that American stupidity has not changed. Americans in general know very little about how our government is run. They barely know how it all works. Republicans get elected because they are good at bullshitting people into thinking they have a specific agenda. They don't. They are terrible policy makers.

So long as they repeat flowery phrases about freedom, the constitution, and good ole warm American apple pie, they get elected. In truth, in terms of policy they have nothing to offer this nation. Let's summarize what they exactly offer:

1) They cut taxes for the wealthy which has been proven over and over to be a poor economic stimulator. Rich white guys only care about their own interests - not the country, you doofs. Oh, and revenue as a percentage of GDP is already near the historic low.

2) Seeking to repeal ALL of ObamaCare and having millions go without health insurance. If they were actual adults, they would compromise with Obama over the law - not rid it all together. Afterall, Romney and the Heritage foundation were all for the core parts of the law before Obama came along. Remember that assclowns? Oh and let's not forget that republicans have NO PLAN of their own to replace ObamaCare and fix our broken healthcare system.

3) BENGHAZI and... (insert next fake scandal to whine about).

4) Deregulation: which again has proven to be a poor economic stimulator of actual jobs. If you actually looked at the BLS, you will see that regulations do very little to hinder job growth.

5) The party of NO! Gay marriage, raising the minimum wage, background checks on gun control, etc are all FORBIDDEN despite the fact polls show most Americans support those issues.

Yes, you see Americans are stupid.

When it comes to stupid Americans you take the trophy. But what can you expect form billy triple nothing? That's right, nothing of value.
You're welcome to counter my thread with factual information. I know that's a tall order for you repubs but it's how adults debate.

I'll reply to one point only just to show how full of crap you are. The ACA was shoved down Americans throats with a pack of lies when the majority of Americans didn't want it and 85% of Americans were satisfied with their health coverage. Even some commiecrats have come to the realization that it was a big mistake.

Your dear leader proved again tonight that all he wants is bigger government and to give away more free shit. Didn't bother to explain how he was going to PAY for all that free shit.

Well, that was a response, but it didn't really have much to do with disproving any points that were made. Repubes want to end healthcare and they have nothing to replace it with. Can you disprove that? Also, where is all that free stuff I keep hearing about? I know it is a right wing whining point, but exactly what is free?

Subsidies, birth control, immunizations, preventative test and more are exempt from copays, your dear leader claimed all were free. Of course we all know nothing is free.
Yes, all of those things should be free to the consumer. Birth control for women does more than just control reproduction. It is used for for other health complications. Immunizations help not only the person talking them, but the larger general public as well. Preventative tests save the industry from larger healthcare costs that could result had those tests not been free.

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