The BIGGEST beneficiaries of Americas first amendment suggest stifling it for others.

When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .
Delusional and Hilarious

Answer my question . Give me an example where cons are on the up side of free speech .

NFL kneelers come to mind...oh wait .
The NFL and MEDIA stopped showing their pre game tempertantrums not the right ya asshat.

Oh now you are saying righties weren’t out to have the players punished or fired ? Trump himself said so!
You just can't bring yourself to post ON TOPIC can you? This thread is about our SO CALLED PRESS ATTEMPTING TO CIRCUMVENT THE FIRST AMENDMENT. The very people who claim that right the most want to amend it to their liking.

You simply aren't man enough to admit how pathetic and hypocritical THE TOPIC IN THE OP IS.....

So you obfuscate like the little bitch you are
When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .
Delusional and Hilarious

Answer my question . Give me an example where cons are on the up side of free speech .

NFL kneelers come to mind...

The NFL kneelers issue wasn’t about free speech. The left tried to frame the debate as such, because they’re lie and hate America

You're right. It was about disrespecting the troops. Duh!
When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .
Delusional and Hilarious

Answer my question . Give me an example where cons are on the up side of free speech .

NFL kneelers come to mind...

The NFL kneelers issue wasn’t about free speech. The left tried to frame the debate as such, because they’re lie and hate America

You're right. It was about disrespecting the troops. Duh!

I thought I told you to stop quoting me
When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .
Delusional and Hilarious

Answer my question . Give me an example where cons are on the up side of free speech .

NFL kneelers come to mind...

The NFL kneelers issue wasn’t about free speech. The left tried to frame the debate as such, because they’re lie and hate America

You're right. It was about disrespecting the troops. Duh!

I thought I told you to stop quoting me

Say what? You told me? LOL!
When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .

I care for ALL the amendments ... except the 16th and the 18th ... not too keen on those.
When are Cons for free speech? Never!

All you care about is the 2nd amendment. Nothing else .
Delusional and Hilarious

Answer my question . Give me an example where cons are on the up side of free speech .

NFL kneelers come to mind...

The NFL kneelers issue wasn’t about free speech. The left tried to frame the debate as such, because they’re lie and hate America

That’s exactly what it was about !

Still no example of cons promoting speech they don’t agree with ?

Cause you won’t find any .

For the last time: The NFL is a corporation and not the government, they are well within their right to legislate free speech.

Conservatives are always up for a back and forth of different ideas exchanged. You don’t see conservative schools shutting down free speech that they disagree with like we see on liberal campuses.

Sure they do ! Notre Dame has an issue with pro choice speakers .

Religious school teachers are fired all the time when they speak out .

You can’t even give me a real example .

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