The biggest challenge facing our country


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

Climate change is more dangerous than muslim radical terrorists who want us all dead?
Climate change is more dangerous than 18 trillion in debt?
Climate change is more dangerous than ebola?
Climate change is more dangerous than high unemployment?
Climate change is more dangerous than Russian and Chinese agression?
Climate change is more dangerous than a nuclear Iran?

WTF is wrong with this guy?

Whether man made climate change is real is another topic, lets just focus on obama's priorities as he stated them.
come on dems and libs, do you agree with obama about the biggest challenge facing our country?
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

He might have a point. Climate change killed the dinosaurs. Maybe mother nature will kill us off too. Humans have never existed in a world that wasn't in an ice age. We might not be able to adapt. But hey, you can't control mother nature. She's gonna do whatever she wants.
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

He might have a point. Climate change killed the dinosaurs. Maybe mother nature will kill us off too. Humans have never existed in a world that wasn't in an ice age. We might not be able to adapt. But hey, you can't control mother nature. She's gonna do whatever she wants.
Funny, I thought God killed the dinosaurs for being ghey???
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

He might have a point. Climate change killed the dinosaurs. Maybe mother nature will kill us off too. Humans have never existed in a world that wasn't in an ice age. We might not be able to adapt. But hey, you can't control mother nature. She's gonna do whatever she wants.

exactly, man has never had anything to do with the climate of our planet, and never will.

But we gotta get rid of that evil CO2, ya know. Its evil, the prophet algore said so.
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

He might have a point. Climate change killed the dinosaurs. Maybe mother nature will kill us off too. Humans have never existed in a world that wasn't in an ice age. We might not be able to adapt. But hey, you can't control mother nature. She's gonna do whatever she wants.
Funny, I thought God killed the dinosaurs for being ghey???

no, it was for being grey. :beer:
1) Energy
2) Everything else

Even without the AGW debate, the earth isn't producing fossil fuels fast enough to come anywhere close to our demand. They WILL run out. We WILL need to replace that or shift our standard of living back to somewhere along the early to mid-1800s.

Fighting over these dwindling resources is only going to increase as the supplies wane. More war, more civil unrest ... not good.

Just MHO
1) Energy
2) Everything else

Even without the AGW debate, the earth isn't producing fossil fuels fast enough to come anywhere close to our demand. They WILL run out. We WILL need to replace that or shift our standard of living back to somewhere along the early to mid-1800s.

Fighting over these dwindling resources is only going to increase as the supplies wane. More war, more civil unrest ... not good.

Just MHO

good points, wonder why the obama-libs don't agree on those priorities.
Anything done by the United States to "combat climate change" will be meaningless, pointless, and self-destructive. The rest of the world - mainly China, India, countries in Africa and even Germany) is building coal-fired power plants and buying cars with reckless abandon because their citizens desire the conveniences and luxuries that Americans have come to take for granted. If the U.S. cuts its carbon emissions by, say, 20% in the next fifty years - which is more than anyone can reasonably hope for - it will have such a microscopic effect on the world's total greenhouse gas emissions that its effect will be un-measurable.

There is nothing wrong with taking reasonable steps to minimize pollution and our burning of carbon fuels, but beyond that, we are harming ourselves for no good reason.

For the President to make such a ridiculous statement would be incredible if he were not such a blatant whore. But given who he is and his prior history it was no surprise at all.
Dear "no dog":

Are you aware that the world's proven oil and natural gas reserves are multiples of what they were 50 years ago. Not "more." "Multiples." Many times more. Proven reserves.

The world will not run out of fossil fuels for MANY generations, and if the AGW crowd is right our ancestors will be uncomfortably warm by then.
1) Energy
2) Everything else

Even without the AGW debate, the earth isn't producing fossil fuels fast enough to come anywhere close to our demand. They WILL run out. We WILL need to replace that or shift our standard of living back to somewhere along the early to mid-1800s.

Fighting over these dwindling resources is only going to increase as the supplies wane. More war, more civil unrest ... not good.

Just MHO

good points, wonder why the obama-libs don't agree on those priorities.

Oddly enough - you've called ME "Obamabot" and "Libtard" many times.

But we are agreeing here, why through cold water on that?

But I think the left has a flawed approach. THEIR idea is to make energy much more expensive so the common folks are FORCED to conserve and use less of the dwindling resources.

But I have seen the hardships that causes and I can't support that approach.
1) Energy
2) Everything else

Even without the AGW debate, the earth isn't producing fossil fuels fast enough to come anywhere close to our demand. They WILL run out. We WILL need to replace that or shift our standard of living back to somewhere along the early to mid-1800s.

Fighting over these dwindling resources is only going to increase as the supplies wane. More war, more civil unrest ... not good.

Just MHO

good points, wonder why the obama-libs don't agree on those priorities.

Oddly enough - you've called ME "Obamabot" and "Libtard" many times.

But we are agreeing here, why through cold water on that?

But I think the left has a flawed approach. THEIR idea is to make energy much more expensive so the common folks are FORCED to conserve and use less of the dwindling resources.

But I have seen the hardships that causes and I can't support that approach.

the sad reality is that obama and many libs are determined to bring the USA to its knees and punish it for its past successes that they believe were at the expense of the rest of the world. Driving energy costs up is just one form of punishment, and it hurts obama voters more than anyone--------strange irony.
Funny, I thought God killed the dinosaurs for being ghey???

God doesn't care if anyone is gay. What really pisses him of is transsexuals. God made you as you are for a reason, don't go changing it! If you're a man, be a man. If you're a gay man, be a gay man. If God wanted you to have a vagina he would have given you one! When those dinosaurs starting spontaneously changing gender, that was God's last straw.
1) Energy
2) Everything else

Even without the AGW debate, the earth isn't producing fossil fuels fast enough to come anywhere close to our demand. They WILL run out. We WILL need to replace that or shift our standard of living back to somewhere along the early to mid-1800s.

Fighting over these dwindling resources is only going to increase as the supplies wane. More war, more civil unrest ... not good.

Just MHO

What you have posted has been being said for 50 years and we now have a glut of oil. Either there is a whole lot of oil we keep discovering or oil is somehow renewable.
DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?
DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?

In the 1970s I remember every "expert" saying that the earth would be out of oil by the year 2000. Didn't happen, not even close.

But yes, we need to find other sources of energy and the best way to do that is to let the free market operate. The profit motive will find the answers, not government.

For the present we should focus on using fossil fuels more efficiently and with less pollution, not ban them.
In addition to the dwindling resources, I think it is generally bad policy to enrich the people who are funding terrorists who are trying to kill us.

Instead of sending all those $$$$ to people who are going to turn that money against us, why not having the world send the U.S. their money to buy the NEXT great energy break-through?

I want to see a public-private partnership (much like NASA) to make that break-through for the U.S. When we committed to go to the moon, we didn't have the technology to get that done. But we did it anyway.

I could support the same type of commitment now, on energy.
DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?

In the 1970s I remember every "expert" saying that the earth would be out of oil by the year 2000. Didn't happen, not even close.

But yes, we need to find other sources of energy and the best way to do that is to let the free market operate. The profit motive will find the answers, not government.

For the present we should focus on using fossil fuels more efficiently and with less pollution, not ban them.

OK, so what are the new calculations?
Or do you think they are irrelevant because "we'll just find more?"
DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?

In the 1970s I remember every "expert" saying that the earth would be out of oil by the year 2000. Didn't happen, not even close.

But yes, we need to find other sources of energy and the best way to do that is to let the free market operate. The profit motive will find the answers, not government.

For the present we should focus on using fossil fuels more efficiently and with less pollution, not ban them.

OK, so what are the new calculations?
Or do you think they are irrelevant because "we'll just find more?"

I don't know, but a few years ago no one was aware of the billions of barrels that fracking has produced. most of ANWR is still untapped. We are not going to run out of oil for many many years. But I agree fully that we need to be working on alternative energy sources. When was the last time the US brought a nuclear power plant on line?

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