The biggest challenge facing our country

DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?

In the 1970s I remember every "expert" saying that the earth would be out of oil by the year 2000. Didn't happen, not even close.

But yes, we need to find other sources of energy and the best way to do that is to let the free market operate. The profit motive will find the answers, not government.

For the present we should focus on using fossil fuels more efficiently and with less pollution, not ban them.

OK, so what are the new calculations?
Or do you think they are irrelevant because "we'll just find more?"

I don't know, but a few years ago no one was aware of the billions of barrels that fracking has produced. most of ANWR is still untapped. We are not going to run out of oil for many many years. But I agree fully that we need to be working on alternative energy sources. When was the last time the US brought a nuclear power plant on line?

And when we do - we spend about three times as much as we need to. You have NO IDEA how it pains me to say this, but the French are doing much better with nuclear technology than we are. HECK ... let that sink in .... the FRENCH have an advantage in ANY form of technology and engineering !!!!
DGS49, (and freewill as well)
Nothing you posted changes the facts that we WILL run out. You offer consolation is that it will take "MANY generations."

A generation is usually considered 25 years - so what is your number (the date we run out if consumption continues to increase at the current pace) for:
Liquid oil?
other oil?
natural gas?

In the 1970s I remember every "expert" saying that the earth would be out of oil by the year 2000. Didn't happen, not even close.

But yes, we need to find other sources of energy and the best way to do that is to let the free market operate. The profit motive will find the answers, not government.

For the present we should focus on using fossil fuels more efficiently and with less pollution, not ban them.

OK, so what are the new calculations?
Or do you think they are irrelevant because "we'll just find more?"

I don't know, but a few years ago no one was aware of the billions of barrels that fracking has produced. most of ANWR is still untapped. We are not going to run out of oil for many many years. But I agree fully that we need to be working on alternative energy sources. When was the last time the US brought a nuclear power plant on line?

And when we do - we spend about three times as much as we need to. You have NO IDEA how it pains me to say this, but the French are doing much better with nuclear technology than we are. HECK ... let that sink in .... the FRENCH have an advantage in ANY form of technology and engineering !!!!

Yes, the frogs are about 70% nuclear, and they have recognized radical islam as a threat-----------they are ahead of us on two fronts.
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

Climate change is more dangerous than muslim radical terrorists who want us all dead?
Climate change is more dangerous than 18 trillion in debt?
Climate change is more dangerous than ebola?
Climate change is more dangerous than high unemployment?
Climate change is more dangerous than Russian and Chinese agression?
Climate change is more dangerous than a nuclear Iran?

WTF is wrong with this guy?

Whether man made climate change is real is another topic, lets just focus on obama's priorities as he stated them.
Do you still listen to him? All the problem you listed are nothing in comparison with idiotic president at the hand of powerful veiled elites. However some of them are really catastrofic. Especially home policy problems.
Obama says its climate change---------------are you fricken kidding me?

Climate change is more dangerous than muslim radical terrorists who want us all dead?
Climate change is more dangerous than 18 trillion in debt?
Climate change is more dangerous than ebola?
Climate change is more dangerous than high unemployment?
Climate change is more dangerous than Russian and Chinese agression?
Climate change is more dangerous than a nuclear Iran?

WTF is wrong with this guy?

Whether man made climate change is real is another topic, lets just focus on obama's priorities as he stated them.
Do you still listen to him? All the problem you listed are nothing in comparison with idiotic president at the hand of powerful veiled elites. However some of them are really catastrofic. Especially home policy problems.

as long as the idiot is president we better listen to him, because its our future and our kids future that he is destroying.

Wait a minute, he said “The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security. We should act like it.”?

Haven't they been saying that for years?

Oh, I forgot, Fauxrage..............

yes we know the far left drones and their propaganda. So why not the military as well, why can they not have a piece of the "Climate Change" trillions of dollars pie?
OK back to the OP. Is there anyone out there in blog land who agrees with obozo that climate change is the biggest challenge facing this country?
OK back to the OP. Is there anyone out there in blog land who agrees with obozo that climate change is the biggest challenge facing this country?

Not imho simply because it's a global issue. I do believe energy is our biggest challenge and that could be related - but trying to zero in on AGW without regard to the bigger energy picture and how it affects all Americans is treating a symptom and not the disease.
OK back to the OP. Is there anyone out there in blog land who agrees with obozo that climate change is the biggest challenge facing this country?

Not imho simply because it's a global issue. I do believe energy is our biggest challenge and that could be related - but trying to zero in on AGW without regard to the bigger energy picture and how it affects all Americans is treating a symptom and not the disease.

I guess we agree on most of that. But there is absolutely no proof, first, that the climate is changing, and second, that man is causing it.

We should be focusing on pollution, not AGW. Pollution of the planet is bad for humanity. But pollution is not causing the climate to change.
OK back to the OP. Is there anyone out there in blog land who agrees with obozo that climate change is the biggest challenge facing this country?

Not me. It is probably inequality.

the idiots have landed ^^^^^^

I guess you haven't noticed all the protesting.

which ones? OWS? Ferguson? you do know that those protestors were paid to protest don't you?

Pretty sure everyone isn't being paid to protest. Do you want to back that claim up?
Can anyone quote our President saying exactly that? "Climate change is the biggest threat to our country?" I've tried to look it up on Google and they don't have the quote of him saying that on the results.
OK back to the OP. Is there anyone out there in blog land who agrees with obozo that climate change is the biggest challenge facing this country?

Not me. It is probably inequality.

the idiots have landed ^^^^^^

I guess you haven't noticed all the protesting.

which ones? OWS? Ferguson? you do know that those protestors were paid to protest don't you?

Pretty sure everyone isn't being paid to protest. Do you want to back that claim up?

no, not everyone, but many.
Not me. It is probably inequality.

the idiots have landed ^^^^^^

I guess you haven't noticed all the protesting.

which ones? OWS? Ferguson? you do know that those protestors were paid to protest don't you?

Pretty sure everyone isn't being paid to protest. Do you want to back that claim up?

no, not everyone, but many.

Ok you still aren't backing that up with anything.

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