The biggest problem America faces? Obamacare? Terrorism? Politicians?

How do we come back?
My guess is that, since it's now infected the culture, it has to be fixed through the culture.

That means having "leaders" from all walks of life to be brave and start calling their own side, and start sincerely reaching out to the other. Then perhaps some kind of momentum can be reached, some kind of escape velocity.

And no, I don't see that happening any time soon.
The divisions are too great. There is no middle ground, no point of compromise. How can you compromise on gay marriage or abortion? What's the middle ground on the oversexualization of children?

This is a battle to the death.

Gay marriage? Abortion? No need to find middle ground as both are settled law. What citizens can do is grow the fuck up and realize gay folks will marry and women will get abortions legally. Polititions need to learn to be honest. Don't say you intend to do one thing in Washington then just not do it. Everyone needs to give up on the "middle ground ". That stupid wet dream is just code for "even though you are in the majority, you still have to do what I say until I'm in the majority. Americans are sick of all the political drama. They keep on at their own risk to their prospects in 2018.

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.
The right wing is too willing to ditch capitalism for their socialism on a national basis.

We should be winding down the drug war to pay for health care.
agree about winding down the drug war, or at least put it in the hands of individual states
There is no drug war clause; there is a general welfare clause. Guess what the right wing has the most problem with.
well, the dems have been pretty good drug warriors throughout the years too; FDR signed the first fed cannibis law into effect, same year he signed the first fed infringement of the 2A into effect; 1934. In the absence of a constitutional amendment, drug policy should be strictly up to states and localities.
Why does Mr. Trump want to increase spending on the drug war and not health care?
that was one of my main problems with the sessions appointment. Lets not forget the Holder regime in the AG's office raided dispernseries in states with legal cannibis. Dem Or Repub, the drug war has done more to undermine the fourth(also second, 8th, and 5th and sixth) amendment rights of Americans than any other policy, including the so called war on terror.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

Maybe miss the Truth mattering.

Should have made this thread into a poll there Grampa Murked U


OP- The bs/hate GOP propaganda machine that produces all these misinformed hater zombies...Our RW has a whole other planet.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

Maybe miss the Truth mattering.
she was a piece of work.....might have been deans mentor....
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....
Except we're not misinformed and don't hate anything but the incredible lies and bs character assassination you believe. Thanks Fox Rush Breitbart etc etc etc. See sig, last line.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

I don't hate Republicans. I pity them. Sure, most are probably evil. When you support someone who wants to terrorize children, assaults women, is a racist, lies, steals from children with cancer, runs a fake criminal foundation collecting other peoples money so you can use it to pay lawsuits and you manage to justify in you mind why you support such an individual, then you are either evil or sick. Ones that aren't evil have mental issues.

But, we still have to defeat such evil. Republicans know Trump is evil. They don't care. They think he will improve their lives until they finally realize he won't. They have been scammed. They are victims. It's hard to hate victims.

We can all see the train coming. How long before the wreck? There will be a wreck. Then Trump will be treated even worse than Bush. Even Trump hates Bush.
Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

Maybe miss the Truth mattering.
she was a piece of work.....might have been deans mentor....

Is Hillary Clinton the smartest woman in the world?

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.

Been saying that for years. We need to fix ourselves
What is the biggest problem currently facing America?

The Imperial Cheeto.
The right wing is too willing to ditch capitalism for their socialism on a national basis.

We should be winding down the drug war to pay for health care.
agree about winding down the drug war, or at least put it in the hands of individual states
There is no drug war clause; there is a general welfare clause. Guess what the right wing has the most problem with.
well, the dems have been pretty good drug warriors throughout the years too; FDR signed the first fed cannibis law into effect, same year he signed the first fed infringement of the 2A into effect; 1934. In the absence of a constitutional amendment, drug policy should be strictly up to states and localities.
Why does Mr. Trump want to increase spending on the drug war and not health care?
that was one of my main problems with the sessions appointment. Lets not forget the Holder regime in the AG's office raided dispernseries in states with legal cannibis. Dem Or Repub, the drug war has done more to undermine the fourth(also second, 8th, and 5th and sixth) amendment rights of Americans than any other policy, including the so called war on terror.
The right claims they are for limited government and Individual Responsibility to go along with Individual Liberty.
How do we come back?
My guess is that, since it's now infected the culture, it has to be fixed through the culture.

That means having "leaders" from all walks of life to be brave and start calling their own side, and start sincerely reaching out to the other. Then perhaps some kind of momentum can be reached, some kind of escape velocity.

And no, I don't see that happening any time soon.

If we can't find leaders doing that we have to become leaders doing that
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. There is a reason for that.
Your shtick is tiresome. Please for the love of god find some new material
Until Republicans get over their racism, getting new material is difficult.

Fortunately, the new leader of the GOP, serial adulterer and Russian minion, Donald Trump, has been providing new material every day.

We did that in the 1860s. We can't, however, get over yours. You are the only one who can do that
I think that a major correction is the only way that we can do it-----restore some sanity, that is. Maybe not all out civil war, but some large scale meanness and deprivation. Maybe then we will realize how good we really have it, and maybe, just maybe, try to be grown folks about things again.

Problem is when we fall the world falls. If we don't fix ourselves the world will be in chaos.

Imagine the dark ages with nuclear weapons
Fear and hate. I began noticing after 9/11 how it had changed us.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

If you will point out a right winger who doesn't claim the the Democrats want to destroy the country, and are all traitors, The Clintons literally had people murdered, Obama was born in Kenya, supporting the right to abortion is the same as wanting to kill babies, Giving tax breaks to the rich is more important than having affordable healthcare available to all, we are in danger of our legal system being taken over by Sharia. All Muslims are a threat, and could become mass murdering terrorists at any minute, and all the other crap that comes with being a RWNJ, I would love to have a rational discussion about the issues with them. So far, I haven't found any right wingers like that.

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.
Is our current President helping or hurting the situation?

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