The biggest problem America faces? Obamacare? Terrorism? Politicians?

Liberalism and their hatred of the rule of law and their hatred of Democracy and The Constitution and all symbols of America and American Culture.

Liberalism and their love of lies, liars and false accusations and their hatred of justice and due process and all Individual Liberties! Their hatred of Natural Law and God Given Rights.

That is the Greatest Threat to America!
The smear & hate merchants reside on all sides and we endorse "our side" for the sake of defeating the other but in the end the only thing were defeating is ourselves.

We have become more dysfunctional that a family with a drunk mom, abusive father & child strung out on drugs.

How do we come back?
It all starts with you.

Are you ready to apologize to me?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
You should ask if you are helping the situation. You are not. You collude with our enemies by carrying their water for them.

Congratulations water boy.

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.
Is our current President helping or hurting the situation?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Are you ready to apologize to God and America?

The smear & hate merchants reside on all sides and we endorse "our side" for the sake of defeating the other but in the end the only thing were defeating is ourselves.

We have become more dysfunctional that a family with a drunk mom, abusive father & child strung out on drugs.

How do we come back?
It all starts with you.

Are you ready to apologize to me?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Liberalism and their hatred of the rule of law and their hatred of Democracy and The Constitution and all symbols of America and American Culture.

Liberalism and their love of lies, liars and false accusations and their hatred of justice and due process and all Individual Liberties! Their hatred of Natural Law and God Given Rights.

That is the Greatest Threat to America!
Y'all cannot tell the difference between the common Defense and the common Offense; why should the left take y'all, seriously.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....
Except we're not misinformed and don't hate anything but the incredible lies and bs character assassination you believe. Thanks Fox Rush Breitbart etc etc etc. See sig, last line.
are you telling me you are a far lefty franco?....
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He's saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.

You would think after countless times pointing out to dean that women's right is not a group of people, he would correct his cut and paste nonsense
Oh you will be taken seriously on judgement day and then you'll be taken away to The Lake of Fire for your just reward.

Liberalism and their hatred of the rule of law and their hatred of Democracy and The Constitution and all symbols of America and American Culture.

Liberalism and their love of lies, liars and false accusations and their hatred of justice and due process and all Individual Liberties! Their hatred of Natural Law and God Given Rights.

That is the Greatest Threat to America!
Y'all cannot tell the difference between the common Defense and the common Offense; why should the left take y'all, seriously.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

I don't hate Republicans. I pity them. Sure, most are probably evil. When you support someone who wants to terrorize children, assaults women, is a racist, lies, steals from children with cancer, runs a fake criminal foundation collecting other peoples money so you can use it to pay lawsuits and you manage to justify in you mind why you support such an individual, then you are either evil or sick. Ones that aren't evil have mental issues.

But, we still have to defeat such evil. Republicans know Trump is evil. They don't care. They think he will improve their lives until they finally realize he won't. They have been scammed. They are victims. It's hard to hate victims.

We can all see the train coming. How long before the wreck? There will be a wreck. Then Trump will be treated even worse than Bush. Even Trump hates Bush.
I don't hate Republicans
sure you dont stick anyone who disagrees with you in that huge tent of are and have always been one of the most hateful posters in this forum....and im pretty sure most posters here who know you would agree with that....
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

Maybe miss the Truth mattering.
she was a piece of work.....might have been deans mentor....

Is Hillary Clinton the smartest woman in the world?
whatever that has to do with truthmatters....

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.
Not really, Grandpa, not here. It was worse when Jimmy started this board because he gave people a lot more leeway to say what they pleased than the current admin does.

But I agree that the democrats, since president Trump won the election, these people have gone absolutely ape shit outer space insane. They were worried about the president and the republicans not accepting the election if Hitlery won, well holy flying sheep shit, I guess they forgot all about accepting the election since they didn't win. It's absolutely pathetic. I've never in my life seen a more vile, shrill, corrupt, two faced bunch of ass clowns than the modern day democrats. They're just disgusting any way you look at them. I also agree that we could be close to seeing this boil over. The American people are getting sick of the dems garbage, lying, double standards, rioting, ANTIFA and the like. One thing that escalates too fast for authorities to contain could easily turn into a full blown civil war. That would be the worst thing democrats could ever wish to happen, because they'd get their asses kicked back to the stone age, because they've pissed off so much of middle of America it's ridiculous.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....
Except we're not misinformed and don't hate anything but the incredible lies and bs character assassination you believe. Thanks Fox Rush Breitbart etc etc etc. See sig, last line.

I agree. You aren't misinformed. You just lie because you don't give a damn about anything but power.

Just look at all the hate on this board for our politicians, media & pundits.
We have posters who celebrate tragedies. We have posters who celebrate the deaths of others. We have posters who celebrate the illnesses of others. We have posters who literally wish death on others.
The list goes on & on. Poking fun is one thing but I have literally watched the moral decline of our society on this very board since I joined.
The level of hatred for fellow Americans is unsustainable and at some point the cork is going to pop. I believe we are seeing the fuse as it burns right now.

Washington is but a mere reflection of our society.
Is our current President helping or hurting the situation?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
A bit of both depending on the issue. His hyperbole us over the top most of the time tho.
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He's saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Yep. We've allowed ourselves to become more divided. This was our choice.

Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

If you will point out a right winger who doesn't claim the the Democrats want to destroy the country, and are all traitors, The Clintons literally had people murdered, Obama was born in Kenya, supporting the right to abortion is the same as wanting to kill babies, Giving tax breaks to the rich is more important than having affordable healthcare available to all, we are in danger of our legal system being taken over by Sharia. All Muslims are a threat, and could become mass murdering terrorists at any minute, and all the other crap that comes with being a RWNJ, I would love to have a rational discussion about the issues with them. So far, I haven't found any right wingers like that.
If you will point out a right winger who doesn't claim the the Democrats want to destroy the country, and are all traitors
far right yes like that dipshit shootspeeder,tipsey is another piece of shit....but a moderate righty no.....and i can say the same about the far left saying the same about republicans,the example is right here your buddy dean,and matthew is another, luddy calls anyone he doesnt like traitors,lakota calls people who disagrees with his bullshit Nazicons....your side aint exactly nicer than the right bulldog....
Oh you will be taken seriously on judgement day and then you'll be taken away to The Lake of Fire for your just reward.

Liberalism and their hatred of the rule of law and their hatred of Democracy and The Constitution and all symbols of America and American Culture.

Liberalism and their love of lies, liars and false accusations and their hatred of justice and due process and all Individual Liberties! Their hatred of Natural Law and God Given Rights.

That is the Greatest Threat to America!
Y'all cannot tell the difference between the common Defense and the common Offense; why should the left take y'all, seriously.
I have a good excuse for St. Peter. Nothing but repeal is not, a Good excuse.
agree about winding down the drug war, or at least put it in the hands of individual states
There is no drug war clause; there is a general welfare clause. Guess what the right wing has the most problem with.
well, the dems have been pretty good drug warriors throughout the years too; FDR signed the first fed cannibis law into effect, same year he signed the first fed infringement of the 2A into effect; 1934. In the absence of a constitutional amendment, drug policy should be strictly up to states and localities.
Why does Mr. Trump want to increase spending on the drug war and not health care?
that was one of my main problems with the sessions appointment. Lets not forget the Holder regime in the AG's office raided dispernseries in states with legal cannibis. Dem Or Repub, the drug war has done more to undermine the fourth(also second, 8th, and 5th and sixth) amendment rights of Americans than any other policy, including the so called war on terror.
The right claims they are for limited government and Individual Responsibility to go along with Individual Liberty.

We are. Problem is not everyone in the right is actually on the right.
Not WE. It was Republicans choice.
no it was the die hard party people on both sides who divided us and your good buddy dean is one of the best examples of a lefty we have in this forum who has been doing that since he first joined....
Republicans divided the country years ago when they demonized the word "liberal".

What is good about a Republican conservative?

They have an entire hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

They aren't for anything except tearing things down. They don't build, don't invent, they scare people, they are dishonest. And their single excuse is "Democrats do it". The mantra they use to justify their evil deeds.

Look at the GOP cutting food stamps for poor children, daycare, school lunches and children's healthcare. To justify that, they say, "You murder babies". I don't know a single Democrat who is for abortion. Democrats are for women's rights. And that includes the right of women to have self determination, something Republicans want to end. Clearly, Republicans don't care about babies once they are born. Their actions prove it.

Now come on right wingers, start crying, "He saying it again and it's not true". Only it is true. We all know it to be true.
many of the far right yes i lets talk about far lefties like you hate more than half the people in the country .....and why?.....they just have to not agree with your shit and they will be put into that big fucking tent you put everyone in.....YOU are no fucking different than those far righties who are on the other side of that coin all you assholes are prove me wrong.....

If you will point out a right winger who doesn't claim the the Democrats want to destroy the country, and are all traitors, The Clintons literally had people murdered, Obama was born in Kenya, supporting the right to abortion is the same as wanting to kill babies, Giving tax breaks to the rich is more important than having affordable healthcare available to all, we are in danger of our legal system being taken over by Sharia. All Muslims are a threat, and could become mass murdering terrorists at any minute, and all the other crap that comes with being a RWNJ, I would love to have a rational discussion about the issues with them. So far, I haven't found any right wingers like that.
If you will point out a right winger who doesn't claim the the Democrats want to destroy the country, and are all traitors
far right yes like that dipshit shootspeeder,tipsey is another piece of shit....but a moderate righty no.....and i can say the same about the far left saying the same about republicans,the example is right here your buddy dean,and matthew is another, luddy calls anyone he doesnt like traitors,lakota calls people who disagrees with his bullshit Nazicons....your side aint exactly nicer than the right bulldog....

So point him or her out. I know there are extremes on both sides, but point out one on the right that doesn't support the claims made in my post, and the other crazy right wing accusations and claims that are part and parcel of the right wing ideology. Can you disavow those crazy accusations and claims?
The smear & hate merchants reside on all sides and we endorse "our side" for the sake of defeating the other but in the end the only thing were defeating is ourselves.

We have become more dysfunctional that a family with a drunk mom, abusive father & child strung out on drugs.

How do we come back?
It all starts with you.

Are you ready to apologize to me?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
No, but I will admit my role in the grand scheme of things no matter how small it is.

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