The biggest Self-Hating Racist of All.


Jul 6, 2009
Barack Obama allows the media to protray him as the First African-American President. The informed will point out he is the first Bi-Racial President. His father is a native African, His mother a White. The media likes to forget about his multicultural background and promote him as a 100 percent African American. Barack does not correct the media. Barack , as far as I can tell hates his white heritage or else he would correct the media. Obama alienates his white supporters. Let us remember Obama carried 99 percent of the Black vote and 45 percent of the white vote. Looking at those numbers, what group is most racist? My word is this, To Barack: Correct YOUR media. You are a BiRacial not African American. Be the Unifier you campaigned to be. Let us come together.
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Let us face facts:

Obama can not hold the Jockstrap of Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught us , we are all equal regardless of our color.
Obama, the coward, will not correct HIS media.
Obama is the first Bi Racial President not the first African-American President.
Let us come forth a simple truth:
African Americans do not respect white Americans. They do not respect our culture. Prove me otherwise. They have Hate for us. I promise you.
They do not even follow the teachings of their only true leader: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King put forth a message of love. He said all are equal, without regard to skin color.

I believe in Dr. King's message. I just feel too many African Americans have hate toward us and no respect for white American culture.

They simply have no respect for white culture and I see no African American leader teaching otherwise. They are misled.
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I disagree with you regarding African Americans "hating" whites

they do, instead, demonstrate tremendous amounts of self hatred and jealous towards those of ANY other race excluding some more marginalized groups such as arab-americans, East Indians and filipinos.

They ridicule whites not because they dislike them, but because they emulate them in the way a school bully emulates his abusive step-father.

You see here, for example, the "black racists" who are probably frustrated, relatively intelligent black men who are taking out their jealous fantasy of being able to experience racism from the racist's point of view.

This is sad and unnecessary. The resentment caused by this feeling of jealousy is deep and makes no rational sense. Look at, for example, successful minority groups in the United States. Asian Americans demanded respect through economic (to this day they're even wealthier than white americans as group), educational, and philanthropic pursuits. Jewish americans proved that they could produce scientists rivaling and surpassing Darwin and Newton in significance.

Yet here you have a group of people, who is told to resent whites for actions which occurred generations ago. A group of people who is told to demand high minimum wages, more social services, more of anything that will impede them in their goal to attain wealth. Instead of being reminded of Abram Lincoln Harris or Arthur Lewis, whose significance is wiped off the school books, they are told that big government will protect them and nurture them.

So I disagree with the idea that they "hate" whites. Any african american with a brain would opt to be white this instant if it was possible without Michael Jackson-like effects.
"Any african american with a brain would opt to be white this instant if it was possible without Michael Jackson-like effects."

This has got to be one of the single most idiotic things I've seen posted on this board yet. You can't be serious.
"Any african american with a brain would opt to be white this instant if it was possible without Michael Jackson-like effects."

This has got to be one of the single most idiotic things I've seen posted on this board yet. You can't be serious.

if you were to have your loved one treated like a black person in the US, or like a white person... which would you choose?

like a popular comedian said: it's not that I think white people are better. It's that white people have it better, who could even argue that?
"Any african american with a brain would opt to be white this instant if it was possible without Michael Jackson-like effects."

This has got to be one of the single most idiotic things I've seen posted on this board yet. You can't be serious.

They obviously would like caucasian hair.....:lol::lol::lol: Black men certainly want white women, that's the first thing they buy when they get successful.:razz::lol::lol::lol:
this is just stupid..the op is from la...a state that really breaks it down into racial aspects with quardroons etc...and you and i know that for decades if you have black blood you have been classified as cant rewrite them rules now.
Barack Obama allows the media to protray him as the First African-American President. The informed will point out he is the first Bi-Racial President. His father is a native African, His mother a White. The media likes to forget about his multicultural background and promote him as a 100 percent African American. Barack does not correct the media. Barack , as far as I can tell hates his white heritage or else he would correct the media. Obama alienates his white supporters. Let us remember Obama carried 99 percent of the Black vote and 45 percent of the white vote. Looking at those numbers, what group is most racist? My word is this, To Barack: Correct YOUR media. You are a BiRacial not African American. Be the Unifier you campaigned to be. Let us come together.

Scotty, correct yourself for your stupid analysis. Let's move on.
this is just stupid..the op is from la...a state that really breaks it down into racial aspects with quardroons etc...and you and i know that for decades if you have black blood you have been classified as cant rewrite them rules now.

Really, is that the rule........ how ridiculous is that. What's even more ridiculous is that anyone would pay any attention to it.

I'm from South Louisiana, I'm sure there is some black blood somewhere in my ancestry, I have French, English, Spanish and American Indian....... and now that's exciting, do I get to use that rule?
My proud Bi-Racial friends have told me they are hurt by President Barack Obama's silence. They view him as a "Race Traitor".
Barack Obama isn't really black. He knows nothing of the struggles of the black man. He grew up privileged and has no concept of being black. The blackest things in his life are his "junk in the trunk" wife and their two little pickaninnys. He alone is not black and cannot relate.
Barack Obama isn't really black. He knows nothing of the struggles of the black man. He grew up privileged and has no concept of being black. The blackest things in his life are his "junk in the trunk" wife and their two little pickaninnys. He alone is not black and cannot relate.

I wonder how Gunny is going to react to someone using his old avatar???
Barack Obama isn't really black. He knows nothing of the struggles of the black man. He grew up privileged and has no concept of being black. The blackest things in his life are his "junk in the trunk" wife and their two little pickaninnys. He alone is not black and cannot relate.
and you just proved what a bigot you are and that he has obviously had to deal with racism in his life asshole.
I would have thought Obama's biggest challenge was not having a father around.

I would bet my mortgage (please win my mortgage) that he feels that was the toughest thing he had to learn to transcend.

It is why, by all accounts, he is just a great Dad.
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