'The Bike Wanderer' Iohan Gueorguiev, Dies at 33


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Dude rode a bike from the top of the Yukon Territory to Patagonia. Dead from suicide.

Fuck you. Blaming people who act responsibly for someone's suicide? And with absolutely no evidence at all?

First of all, several articles I found mention insomnia as the main cause for his mental deterioration. But, I guess you know better.

I have followed Iohan Gueorguiev off an on for a few years. He was an inspiration for many. And now you want to use his suffering and death to make disparaging remarks based solely on politics? That is the lowest of the low.
It wasn't insomnia...it was the Covid fags pushing their narrative that locked this man down to his adopted country, his province, and finally, his home, where he ate the shotgun.

People like YOU killed Bulgarian bicycle man.

Congratulations, at least your efforts produced something, because it sure as fuck wasn't the eradication of the virus.
It is assholes like you who will take a genuinely tragic event and try to whore it for your own political purposes. Do you have any actual evidence of your claim? Because his friends are not saying anything like that. Yes, it was hard for him not to be able to travel. But not sleeping was the main cause of his mental state. Not your claims of us being pussies. In fact, if you knew what he did when he was on the road, you would probably have called him a "pussy" too, or a "fag". That is your nature.

You are an ignorant wretch. Now how about leaving this thread alone so that other can discuss a great guy?
Look I am not whoring anything. I am reading a sgory that clearly states that he was depressed, and depression often leads to suicide.

Why was he depressed?

For the afore reasons i stated.

Reasons that YOU, and many other posters on this board, to include the OP were openly in support of.

Suicide rates are through the roof across the world.

Good job.
And the people who actually KNEW him talked about his insomnia (due to sleep apnea). That was the cause of his mental state.
Yeah...it was insomnia...anything to maintain your denial.

It was you...and those like you.

Many many many are dead...not from a virus.

From you.
You know nothing except for your agenda.

Only a scum sucking piece of shit would try to turn this tragedy into something it is not. Yes, it was insomnia. That comes from the people who KNEW him. Your bullshit comes from reading a post on a political website. You are a low-life piece of shit for your baseless claims and for ignoring the tragedy and loss so many people are feeling.

Me and those like me? Have I called for any covid isolations and closed borders? Have I? Or do you just paint it with a broad brush to try and make your point?

You are a worthless piece of garbage.
I completely disagree and I find it equally as insulting that you would attempt to slough off responsibility (in small part) for this tragedy to something as benign as insomnia.

I should not have dignified the ignorant remarks with a response. But having suffered with insomnia, I know the dark times it can bring.

My apologies for making a mess of this thread. Iohan Gueorguiev was an amazing guy. I recommend his YouTube videos wholeheartedly. His outlook on life was refreshing.
I should not have dignified the ignorant remarks with a response. But having suffered with insomnia, I know the dark times it can bring.

My apologies for making a mess of this thread. Iohan Gueorguiev was an amazing guy. I recommend his YouTube videos wholeheartedly. His outlook on life was refreshing.

You're are spot on though, Gabe Lackman is a worthless piece of garbage. He is best just ignored, like most trolls.

Iohan inspired many people with his rides. He most certainly will be missed by everyone who came into contact with him, and many more who never met him.
You're are spot on though, Gabe Lackman is a worthless piece of garbage. He is best just ignored, like most trolls.

Iohan inspired many people with his rides. He most certainly will be missed by everyone who came into contact with him, and many more who never met him.
Two evil peas in a pod. Luckily there are many others on this board, and in this world who are just like you...

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