The Black Benefits Administration


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I keep reading stuff from people talking about all these extra advantages favoritism blacks are supposed to be getting. I'm black and I appear to have missed all these extra things. So can I get the website of the Black Benefits Administration?
Apply to your state for free housing, free food, and free medical and you should be fine. States generally have Blacks running those freebies, for Blacks. There are numerous other benefits too, like free college, preferential treatment in regards to any government job, etc. :dunno:
As a musician I can tell you Blacks are great at responding to rhythm. They generally are not so good at generated rhythm though, or at least keeping time. :dunno: Which is maybe why most Black music is computer generated, soul less, quantized beats nowadays. :cry: Good Black musicians tend to play bass where the White guy on drums establishes the beat, etc. Of course back in the day, serious Black musicians studied from White guys as to how music theory works, etc.
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There are some blacks without rhythm.

I remember reading an interview back in the 1980's with a Polish entrepreneur trying to raise interest in creating a Polish Disco club like NY's Studio 54.

The investor complained that Poles, as a whole, were not very good disco dancers. He blamed that on the fact that Poland lacks the influence of ethnic minorities.

He said, "The only ethnic group we have in Poland are Jews and they only dance in circles".
I keep reading stuff from people talking about all these extra advantages favoritism blacks are supposed to be getting. I'm black and I appear to have missed all these extra things. So can I get the website of the Black Benefits Administration?
It's likely in the bookmark links on your government phone.
It's likely in the bookmark links on your government phone.

It's funny how members of the group that's been given the most from the government tries to talk stuff.
It's funny how members of the group that's been given the most from the government tries to talk stuff.
You race hustlers always leave out adjustment for group percent of population to lie about how half your black group are getting government assistance, while only 11% of my white group are getting government assistance.

You are so lucky someone bought your great ancestors from black African slave owners & paid for their transportation to America to work off their debts & be freed by whites. Now you live in the most prosperous country that subsidizes your group.

But Your RACISM has you hating those who have given you more than anyone ever has or will.
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Natural rhythm and a nice tan aren't enough?
Hey, come on.

Everybody knows that the best dancers are the ones with Shiksappeal.

I remember reading an interview back in the 1980's with a Polish entrepreneur trying to raise interest in creating a Polish Disco club like NY's Studio 54.

The investor complained that Poles, as a whole, were not very good disco dancers. He blamed that on the fact that Poland lacks the influence of ethnic minorities.

He said, "The only ethnic group we have in Poland are Jews and they only dance in circles".

They're bad dancers because they drink too much. I come from a Polish family and have attended many Polish weddings and even been to a few polka dances. The Polish are drinking before they even get there.
As a musician I can tell you Blacks are great at responding to rhythm. They generally are not so good at generated rhythm though, or at least keeping time. :dunno: Which is maybe why most Black music is computer generated, soul less, quantized beats nowadays. :cry: Good Black musicians tend to play bass where the White guy on drums establishes the beat, etc. Of course back in the day, serious Black musicians studied from White guys as to how music theory works, etc.

They're not even musicians. A lot of these clowns learn how to rhyme words together and that's the extent of their musical knowledge. I knew a guy that had his own studio. He made a killing off of young black guys who thought they had some sort of unique talent. Dopes.

I used to teach part-time at a music store. My first (and only) black student signed up. On his first day he told me his interest was rap. I told him rap is not music. Music is a group of notes that create a melody. Rap is a 70's expression that meant kissing or talking. I told him I don't teach talk. That's what English teachers do.

He lasted less than a month.
You race hustlers always leave out adjustment for group percent of population to lie about how half your black group are getting government assistance, while only 11% of my white group are getting government assistance.

You are so lucky someone bought your great ancestors from black African slave owners & paid for their transportation to America to work off their debts & be freed by whites. Now you live in the most prosperous country that subsidizes your group.

But Your RACISM has you hating those who have given you more than anyone ever has or will.
White have got government assistance for nearly 246 years. When you talk your shit understand that. Blacks have got little to none of the direct economic assistance that has built white wealth. When you talk about blacks getting public assistance its because many blacks are poor. And we are poor because of the racist beliefs of those like you.

We are not lucky to have been bought here to put up with neverending white racism. This government does not subsidize us, we have subsidized whites with our free labor for 247 years and our tax dollars for the last 109. But your RACISM has you making idiotic comments because you live in a delusion of white supremacy.
I keep reading about the FORTUNE I inherited because I am white------where do I go to get my inherited FORTUNE?
Lol! Nobody has said that but as a white female you try playing the victim and the racist even while being the number one beneficiary of AA. Numerous government policies have benefitted whites.
They're not even musicians. A lot of these clowns learn how to rhyme words together and that's the extent of their musical knowledge. I knew a guy that had his own studio. He made a killing off of young black guys who thought they had some sort of unique talent. Dopes.

I used to teach part-time at a music store. My first (and only) black student signed up. On his first day he told me his interest was rap. I told him rap is not music. Music is a group of notes that create a melody. Rap is a 70's expression that meant kissing or talking. I told him I don't teach talk. That's what English teachers do.

He lasted less than a month.
Yoir racism makes you talk stupid.
White have got government assistance for nearly 246 years. When you talk your shit understand that. Blacks have got little to none of the direct economic assistance that has built white wealth. When you talk about blacks getting public assistance its because many blacks are poor. And we are poor because of the racist beliefs of those like you.

We are not lucky to have been bought here to put up with neverending white racism. This government does not subsidize us, we have subsidized whites with our free labor for 247 years and our tax dollars for the last 109. But your RACISM has you making idiotic comments because you live in a delusion of white supremacy.
The US paid to send Blacks to Africa & set them up with $Billions in Liberia. If it's so bad here why do you stay here? Clearly because Liberia turned into a shithole & US Whites treat you better than Blacks.

My family came here in the 1900's escaping wars in Europe. Clearly this was long after Black slavery ended here in the US, but continues to this day in Africa.

Like most, we started here with nothing. Started very hard labor work as well diggers. Dug them by hand with a shovel & bucket. Saved to buy a mule to hoist dirt, tools & us up & down the wells. Saved to buy a Farm, worked hard labor, saved & expanded. Saved built houses.

All along my family built this place providing water, raising food, built homes & paying taxes to water, feed, house & educate Blacks who I have NEVER seen dig a well, work in a field or build a house. The few Black educators, mostly teach hatred of Whites.

We built Pruitt–Igoe to house & educate Blacks, but the Blacks rapidly destroyed everything.
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