The Black Benefits Administration

The US paid to send Blacks to Africa & set them up with $Billions in Liberia. If it's so bad here why do you stay here? Clearly because Liberia turned into a shithole & US Whites treat you better than Blacks.

My family came here in the 1900's escaping wars in Europe. Clearly this was long after Black slavery ended here in the US, but continues to this day in Africa.

Like most, we started here with nothing. Started very hard labor work as well diggers. Dug them by hand with a shovel & bucket. Saved to buy a mule to hoist dirt, tools & us up & down the wells. Saved to buy a Farm, worked hard labor, saved & expanded. Saved built houses.

All along my family built this place providing water, raising food, built homes & paying taxes to water, feed, house & educate Blacks who I have NEVER seen dig a well, work in a field or build a house. The few Black educators, mostly teach hatred of Whites.

We built Pruitt–Igoe to house & educate Blacks, but the Blacks rapidly destroyed everything.
I was born here and as much as you whites bitch about the government that has given you everything, you have no right to ask me that question. With as much as you guys whine about the government, perhaps you should move back to Europe.

Spare me the white tale of misery. Your family benefitted from massive government help. And as for your last sentence, we descend from people who were forced to do the work whites were too lazy to do. Get out of your delusion. Because blacks paid for everything whites have been given.
I was born here and as much as you whites bitch about the government that has given you everything, you have no right to ask me that question. With as much as you guys whine about the government, perhaps you should move back to Europe.

Spare me the white tale of misery. Your family benefitted from massive government help. And as for your last sentence, we descend from people who were forced to do the work whites were too lazy to do. Get out of your delusion. Because blacks paid for everything whites have been given.
You correctly stated your ancestors did some work over 100 years ago & YOU were born into privilege & have never had to do a hard days work.

My family & I have never taken from government, the government takes from us is the reality. We have worked all our lives until our bodies have broken down.

You can't show any blacks in the USA doing hard work that isn't a staged photo-op. Most Blacks are to busy playing victims, slinging drugs, stealing, playing ball, singing, dancing & laughing to ever do hard work.
You correctly stated your ancestors did some work over 100 years ago & YOU were born into privilege & have never had to do a hard days work.

My family & I have never taken from government, the government takes from us is the reality. We have worked all our lives until our bodies have broken down.

You can't show any blacks in the USA doing hard work that isn't a staged photo-op. Most Blacks are to busy playing victims, slinging drugs, stealing, playing ball, singing, dancing & laughing to ever do hard work.

Your post is nothing but dumb ass racist jibberish. Your family has benefitted from government policy.
Your post is nothing but dumb ass racist jibberish. Your family has benefitted from government policy.
My post are FACT! You are Stupid.

I now own 8 rental properties I bought cheap after the housing crash. The number one complaint I get from city & neighbors on new Black tenants tall grass & trash from the Black tenants. Turns out that none of the many Black families ever mowed or maintained a yard before. They had never picked up trash, pushed a mower, weed-whacker, or even own one. They come from homes or apartments where everything was done for them.

Blacks let water run over a month without ever caring until I get a huge $5,000 water & sewer bill. Then they whine to every government agency to pay their bills. When I evict them I see all their paperwork they leave behind showing all their government support.

I work the polls in all Black area & sit all day by-side with a Black Woman who manages about 100 rentals. Her phone rings all day long while there about problems with Black tenants. I hear her talking with them about all the same problems I have with them. She tells me Blacks are the worst tenants. They are their own worst enemy.
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You correctly stated your ancestors did some work over 100 years ago & YOU were born into privilege & have never had to do a hard days work.

My family & I have never taken from government, the government takes from us is the reality. We have worked all our lives until our bodies have broken down.

You can't show any blacks in the USA doing hard work that isn't a staged photo-op. Most Blacks are to busy playing victims, slinging drugs, stealing, playing ball, singing, dancing & laughing to ever do hard work.
Many blacks work hard. Few do the grunt work anymore, it’s related to new immigrants from places like Eastern Europe and Latin America.
I keep reading stuff from people talking about all these extra advantages favoritism blacks are supposed to be getting. I'm black and I appear to have missed all these extra things. So can I get the website of the Black Benefits Administration?
Oh, like how I have benefitted from AA? I know that I haven’t, even though you lie and say I do. Why should you be believed when you are a proven liar?
I was born here and as much as you whites bitch about the government that has given you everything, you have no right to ask me that question. With as much as you guys whine about the government, perhaps you should move back to Europe.

We don't whine about government, we whine about liberal government.

The problem with moving back to Europe is that we'd be jumping out of the pot into the fire since most of Europe is liberal as well. On the flip side of that coin is the fact there are already countries that have what liberals want to turn our country into: free government healthcare, nobody has guns except government, nobody has money except government, everybody is equal--equally poor, no rich people to worry about, no property rights as government provides your shelter. It's just a wonder why nobody moves to any of these wonderful places they tell us about all the time, especially since one of those countries border us on the north.

Moving would be such an inconvenience, that's why I've been saying for the past couple of years we need to divide this country into two countries instead; one side for liberals and the other side for conservatives. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side that most closely has their interests.

I can't imagine anything better. No more liberal BS to worry about. And if we chose the side I live on for the conservative side and all the liberals had to move out, my property value would double or triple almost overnight.
We don't whine about government, we whine about liberal government.

The problem with moving back to Europe is that we'd be jumping out of the pot into the fire since most of Europe is liberal as well. On the flip side of that coin is the fact there are already countries that have what liberals want to turn our country into: free government healthcare, nobody has guns except government, nobody has money except government, everybody is equal--equally poor, no rich people to worry about, no property rights as government provides your shelter. It's just a wonder why nobody moves to any of these wonderful places they tell us about all the time, especially since one of those countries border us on the north.

Moving would be such an inconvenience, that's why I've been saying for the past couple of years we need to divide this country into two countries instead; one side for liberals and the other side for conservatives. Anybody in between would just have to pick a side that most closely has their interests.

I can't imagine anything better. No more liberal BS to worry about. And if we chose the side I live on for the conservative side and all the liberals had to move out, my property value would double or triple almost overnight.
You whine about government. A government that gave you preference that you wasted.
You whine about government. A government that gave you preference that you wasted.

What preference is that? Again I don't whine about government until the Communists are in charge of it like they are now.

Look at the mess this country is in, and it's intentional to force people to their ways. Gasoline is so expensive it's now a major part of most household budgets. That goes double for groceries. The commies are making sure babies of illegals are getting special formulas American mothers should be getting instead. We've been threatened by another nuclear country, something that hasn't happened since the end of the cold war. Inflation at a 40 year high, interest rates at a 13 year high, the border problem the worst it's been in 20 years, so yes, I do voice out when our country is going downhill.
I was born here and as much as you whites bitch about the government that has given you everything, you have no right to ask me that question. With as much as you guys whine about the government, perhaps you should move back to Europe.

Spare me the white tale of misery. Your family benefitted from massive government help. And as for your last sentence, we descend from people who were forced to do the work whites were too lazy to do. Get out of your delusion. Because blacks paid for everything whites have been given.

Still waiting for IM2 to post a video or picture of blacks actually laboring hard to building something.

I have searched the internet & cant find one. I have never seen a black person build anything in my entire life. I have only seen blacks destroy things built by Whites, Hispanics & Asians.

Blacks benefits are everything they have that Whites built for them, because Blacks don't build a dam thing.

Blacks can't even feed themselves. Less than 2% of farmers are Black, but Blacks eat 15% of the food. Blacks would starve to death if Whites didn't feed them every day.
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IM2 has abandoned his thread because he is embarrassed by his brainwashed stupidity. Some educator stole his money & filled his empty head with lies.

It's been 5 days now that IM2 has failed to post a video or a picture of blacks doing hard work. He now realizes they don't exist. The lies he believed about how blacks built America, shattered. I just hope he don't go on a shooting spree harming good hard working folks.

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