The BLAZE Editor: Further Analysis Finds Deceptive Editing In NPR Sting Tape

The video and audio have not been "debunked." No matter how many times you repeat it.

WOW, you can't accept the truth if you suck it down your throat can you.

I just watched what was said and saw that the slimy republican blogger did in fact doctor the tapes and made it to look like what was being said, was actually what people like you wanted to hear when it wasn't.


So NPR is going to re-hire him when? doyathink?
Fox & Friends Whitewashes Problems With O'Keefe's NPR Video

But The Video Was Deceptively Edited "To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead"

The Blaze: "Undercover Reporting" Can Be "Acceptable," But "It Is Another Thing To Approve Of Editing Tactics That Seemed Designed To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead." On March 10, Glenn Beck's website The Blaze published a report comparing segments of the edited video with the original raw footage. The analysis found that many of the segments presented Schiller's comments misleadingly or out of context.

But in the shorter tape, Schiller is also presented as saying the GOP has been "hijacked" by Tea Partiers and xenophobes.

In the longer tape, it's evident Schiller is not giving his own views but instead quoting two influential Republicans -- one an ambassador, another a senior Republican donor. Schiller notably does not take issue with their conclusions -- but they are not his own. [NPR, 3/14/11]


Something too dirty, even Glenn Beck couldn't stand by and watch right wingers do their dirty evil AGAIN.

Right wingers on this very board still talk about O'Keefe's other ACORN tapes as if they were true. Once you plant a seed in one of those tiny minds, it sprouts and that's all they know. They will repeat it endlessly.

Worse, Fox is still pushing these edited tapes as the "real deal".

What exactly is the foreign owned Fox agenda? Owned by Australians and Arabians and they print lies and doctor tapes and photos. What is their goal and why does the right cling to every lie? I don't get it.

I thought that maybe you were talking about this:

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Japan Quake Refugees (VIDEO)

And look where the Vid came from? Media Matters and totally outta context as usual.
The video and audio have not been "debunked." No matter how many times you repeat it.

WOW, you can't accept the truth if you suck it down your throat can you.

I just watched what was said and saw that the slimy republican blogger did in fact doctor the tapes and made it to look like what was being said, was actually what people like you wanted to hear when it wasn't.


Parsing words isn't Debunking...*NewsFlash*
The video and audio have not been "debunked." No matter how many times you repeat it.

WOW, you can't accept the truth if you suck it down your throat can you.

I just watched what was said and saw that the slimy republican blogger did in fact doctor the tapes and made it to look like what was being said, was actually what people like you wanted to hear when it wasn't.


So NPR is going to re-hire him when? doyathink?

Notta chance in HELL...but it's OK to let these idiots dream...
He asks "Where are the jobs Mr. Boehner?"

Did you not pay attention to us in the tea party when we spoke? STOP looking to the government for your well being.

If you wonder why you don't have a job, ask your former employer. Ask your mom. Ask your teacher. Ask yourself. Don't ask politicians whom you've never even been in the same building with.

Boehner said the American people want jobs. The GOP ran on jobs and the economy in 2010. Since the GOP has focused on conservative ideals instead of jobs, my question is a relevant one.

By the way, ass wipe, I have a job. I've had the same job for over 10 years. And I don't even live in my mother's basement. Now what, asshole?

I'll answer both your posts. One, NO, I don't read everything. Have spent the week closing on buying a home. Missed this story.

Next, no need to lose your temper with profanity. It's an internet message board. You don't know me. I don't know you. Calm down.

Yes, the GOP ran on jobs. But you don't grasp the right wings idea of what that means. It means getting the government out of the people's way so companies and individuals can freely operate in the market. Cut taxes. Cut spending. Get out of the way. We did promise to do that, and are trying to do just that. We don't promise you a job, we just promise not to get in your way looking for one.

"Now what?" you ask? I say what time is your shift at Noodles over?
Fox & Friends Whitewashes Problems With O'Keefe's NPR Video

But The Video Was Deceptively Edited "To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead"

The Blaze: "Undercover Reporting" Can Be "Acceptable," But "It Is Another Thing To Approve Of Editing Tactics That Seemed Designed To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead." On March 10, Glenn Beck's website The Blaze published a report comparing segments of the edited video with the original raw footage. The analysis found that many of the segments presented Schiller's comments misleadingly or out of context.

But in the shorter tape, Schiller is also presented as saying the GOP has been "hijacked" by Tea Partiers and xenophobes.

In the longer tape, it's evident Schiller is not giving his own views but instead quoting two influential Republicans -- one an ambassador, another a senior Republican donor. Schiller notably does not take issue with their conclusions -- but they are not his own. [NPR, 3/14/11]


Something too dirty, even Glenn Beck couldn't stand by and watch right wingers do their dirty evil AGAIN.

Right wingers on this very board still talk about O'Keefe's other ACORN tapes as if they were true. Once you plant a seed in one of those tiny minds, it sprouts and that's all they know. They will repeat it endlessly.

Worse, Fox is still pushing these edited tapes as the "real deal".

What exactly is the foreign owned Fox agenda? Owned by Australians and Arabians and they print lies and doctor tapes and photos. What is their goal and why does the right cling to every lie? I don't get it.

I thought that maybe you were talking about this:

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Japan Quake Refugees (VIDEO)

And look where the Vid came from? Media Matters and totally outta context as usual.

I would LOVE to hear the exact context in which laughing at refugees who are currently suffering severe privation in the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake, a tsunami, bad weather, and high levels of nuclear radiation is actually something that normal people laugh about. Instead, I think it just reveals what a vile human being Rush is.
Fox & Friends Whitewashes Problems With O'Keefe's NPR Video

But The Video Was Deceptively Edited "To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead"

The Blaze: "Undercover Reporting" Can Be "Acceptable," But "It Is Another Thing To Approve Of Editing Tactics That Seemed Designed To Intentionally Lie Or Mislead." On March 10, Glenn Beck's website The Blaze published a report comparing segments of the edited video with the original raw footage. The analysis found that many of the segments presented Schiller's comments misleadingly or out of context.

But in the shorter tape, Schiller is also presented as saying the GOP has been "hijacked" by Tea Partiers and xenophobes.

In the longer tape, it's evident Schiller is not giving his own views but instead quoting two influential Republicans -- one an ambassador, another a senior Republican donor. Schiller notably does not take issue with their conclusions -- but they are not his own. [NPR, 3/14/11]


Something too dirty, even Glenn Beck couldn't stand by and watch right wingers do their dirty evil AGAIN.

Right wingers on this very board still talk about O'Keefe's other ACORN tapes as if they were true. Once you plant a seed in one of those tiny minds, it sprouts and that's all they know. They will repeat it endlessly.

Worse, Fox is still pushing these edited tapes as the "real deal".

What exactly is the foreign owned Fox agenda? Owned by Australians and Arabians and they print lies and doctor tapes and photos. What is their goal and why does the right cling to every lie? I don't get it.

I thought that maybe you were talking about this:

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Japan Quake Refugees (VIDEO)

And look where the Vid came from? Media Matters and totally outta context as usual.

meowenstien is a kool aid inhaling moron.
I am sure they will survive but many small country located station will probably have a very hard time staying afloat if it does happen.
That would be great for many from the right as they wipe out any different opinion then what most of them get from people like Rush and Hannity and the boys. Go out into any small community in the Midwest or far west and try and find anything but right wing radio and music.

The real story is this clown that sold the right a bill of shit after he doctored it is held to be a hero in the rights's view. They know hes been a slime ball like this many times but they still took what he put out and YOU ALL as they say in the south took the hook and ran with it because it's what you wanted to believe.
I thought that maybe you were talking about this:

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Japan Quake Refugees (VIDEO)

And look where the Vid came from? Media Matters and totally outta context as usual.

I would LOVE to hear the exact context in which laughing at refugees who are currently suffering severe privation in the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake, a tsunami, bad weather, and high levels of nuclear radiation is actually something that normal people laugh about. Instead, I think it just reveals what a vile human being Rush is.

READ THE Transcript...verbatim and in context. The comment was of the RECYCLING...and the emphasis of the reporter and the tone...

Go READ IT...put it in context...He's highlighting the LOONEY LEFT here in this Country and their FOCUS on recycling in the midst of a disaster...:eusa_hand:


The Japan Nuke Stack of Stuff
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He asks "Where are the jobs Mr. Boehner?"

Did you not pay attention to us in the tea party when we spoke? STOP looking to the government for your well being.

If you wonder why you don't have a job, ask your former employer. Ask your mom. Ask your teacher. Ask yourself. Don't ask politicians whom you've never even been in the same building with.

Boehner said the American people want jobs. The GOP ran on jobs and the economy in 2010. Since the GOP has focused on conservative ideals instead of jobs, my question is a relevant one.

By the way, ass wipe, I have a job. I've had the same job for over 10 years. And I don't even live in my mother's basement. Now what, asshole?

I'll answer both your posts. One, NO, I don't read everything. Have spent the week closing on buying a home. Missed this story.

Next, no need to lose your temper with profanity. It's an internet message board. You don't know me. I don't know you. Calm down.

Yes, the GOP ran on jobs. But you don't grasp the right wings idea of what that means. It means getting the government out of the people's way so companies and individuals can freely operate in the market. Cut taxes. Cut spending. Get out of the way. We did promise to do that, and are trying to do just that. We don't promise you a job, we just promise not to get in your way looking for one.

"Now what?" you ask? I say what time is your shift at Noodles over?

Wait. You talk shit to me, implying that I'm a lazy ass with no job (even though, as I pointed out, I have had the same job for over ten years) and get offended when I call you an asshole for making assumptions. Then you end your post with more assumptions about where I'm employed. You're not too consistent.

How about you just go fuck yourself, you piece of stale shit? I am a self-employed carpenter who could work circles around your dumb ass. Try again, assface.

By the way, what does cutting funding for NPR (based on a doctored tape) have to do with creating jobs?
And let thois be an OBJECT lesson NOT to swallow every PILL Media Matters hands to you.
Anyone notice when there is a tape THAT MAKES THEM LOOK BAD, the good ole standard come out, it was HEAVILY EDITED and they go after the person who made it.

nothing new.

all who cares, CALL your Reps and ask they get behind DEFUNDING this George Soros supported ugly BIASED organization.

Make them eat their words when they said they DON'T NEED GOVERMENT FUNDING, which of course is OUR TAX MONIES they are using AGAINST US.
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meowenstien is a kool aid inhaling moron.

And you're a donkey-cum-gurgling-whore. Now get back to fucking your rotten **** you stupid bitch.

Translation: "I have no other recourse but to resort to the stupidity in my post because I know I lost the argument..."

How did I lose the argument? Have you proven The Blaze wrong? O'Keefe didn't doctor the video? I'd like to see your in depth analysis. I'll wait.

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