The Blood Of Those Kids And Young Adults Killed At The Concert Are On Hillary Clinton's Hands


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This guy went to Libya three weeks ago most likely to get his instructions and bomb training. After he got back he was in the streets outside his home yelling koran scripture. If Hillary hadn't destabilized Libya making it an ISIS/Al Qaeda oasis, this attack never would have happened. The blood of the dead is on her hands, just like it was in Benghazi.

Yup. How many times have progressives used the arguement that the Iraq War is used as recruitment? Obama took out the Libyan government and created this whole ISIS movement in the process, one of the biggest foreign policy blunders of all time. Especially since the Libyan government was cooperating with the West to hunt down Sunni extremists and even protect persecuted Christians, a big no-no for Obama.
You do have a point. I would call it a contributing factor. It's really the fault of the idiot multicults that had him on the desk in an open file and dismissed his craziness.

These guys come under suspicion for a reason.
All because of fucked up religion and raging hatred for innocent people that it breeds.
This guy went to Libya three weeks ago most likely to get his instructions and bomb training. After he got back he was in the streets outside his home yelling koran scripture. If Hillary hadn't destabilized Libya making it an ISIS/Al Qaeda oasis, this attack never would have happened. The blood of the dead is on her hands, just like it was in Benghazi.


Once again a crazy post. Read about Bernard Henri Levy and find out about Libya. Also the home grown bomber probably was making a statement about May.
This guy went to Libya three weeks ago most likely to get his instructions and bomb training. After he got back he was in the streets outside his home yelling koran scripture. If Hillary hadn't destabilized Libya making it an ISIS/Al Qaeda oasis, this attack never would have happened. The blood of the dead is on her hands, just like it was in Benghazi.

What sort of mental disorder do you suffer from? You really need to take some meds for whatever you are suffering from because it makes you pretty incoherent.

You sound like a far-leftist...blaming the problems of an actual individual...on the circumstances from which they arose. You know whose fault it is for the terrorist? It is radical Islamist's fault...period. Don't pass go. Don't blame anybody else. It is a dangerous ideology that continues to bring out the absolute worst. This guy went to a concert where the demographics were mainly teenage girls and set off a bomb. If you aren't going to start by blaming him and his personal ideology and you actually start pointing fingers and your political opponents, you are just as bad...maybe even worse in this case...than democrats who blame gun laws for mass shootings. Start and stop at the individual and groups that perpetrate these crimes. Stop spreading your idiocy and political maneuvering by trying to turn an actual tragedy into your personal political quest. It is disgusting and I hope you think about what you are saying before more crap comes out of your mouth.
This guy went to Libya three weeks ago most likely to get his instructions and bomb training. After he got back he was in the streets outside his home yelling koran scripture. If Hillary hadn't destabilized Libya making it an ISIS/Al Qaeda oasis, this attack never would have happened. The blood of the dead is on her hands, just like it was in Benghazi.

You are insane.
This guy went to Libya three weeks ago most likely to get his instructions and bomb training. After he got back he was in the streets outside his home yelling koran scripture. If Hillary hadn't destabilized Libya making it an ISIS/Al Qaeda oasis, this attack never would have happened. The blood of the dead is on her hands, just like it was in Benghazi.

You are insane.

No; the logic is sound enough but too many steps of separation really. However, he does make a good point.

Dumbest OP EVER

lol. Not really, Candy. The separation is a bit out there I agree but the fact remains; the strategy of disengagement under Obama produced what is there today. Would it have been better/worse if there'd been "boots on the ground"? We'll never know.

You do have a point. I would call it a contributing factor. It's really the fault of the idiot multicults that had him on the desk in an open file and dismissed his craziness.

These guys come under suspicion for a reason.

I wouldn't go so far as to "blame" them though. I'd blame them for missing opportunities to stop it, yes, but the blame is on the scum who did the act.

Yup. How many times have progressives used the arguement that the Iraq War is used as recruitment? Obama took out the Libyan government and created this whole ISIS movement in the process, one of the biggest foreign policy blunders of all time. Especially since the Libyan government was cooperating with the West to hunt down Sunni extremists and even protect persecuted Christians, a big no-no for Obama.

ISIS was created in 2005 when Bush fired Saddam's army and let them keep their weapons. The officers teamed up with an offshoot of AQ to form ISIS.

Obama didn't take out the Libyan government. NATO did, at the behest of the United Nations.

Stop trying to rewrite history to suit your partisan agenda.
Yup. How many times have progressives used the arguement that the Iraq War is used as recruitment? Obama took out the Libyan government and created this whole ISIS movement in the process, one of the biggest foreign policy blunders of all time. Especially since the Libyan government was cooperating with the West to hunt down Sunni extremists and even protect persecuted Christians, a big no-no for Obama.

ISIS was created in 2005 when Bush fired Saddam's army and let them keep their weapons. The officers teamed up with an offshoot of AQ to form ISIS.

Obama didn't take out the Libyan government. NATO did, at the behest of the United Nations.

Stop trying to rewrite history to suit your partisan agenda.

Right, because NATO goes around overthrowing governments without the US leading them.

ISIS was formed to overthrow secular and moderate Islamic governments, and Obama was more than happy to help them accomplish their goal: Libya, Syria, Egypt, all governments the Hussein decided needed "regime change", even though none of them attacked us. Obama was the defacto President of ISIS. To lay the blame of ISIS on Bush is laughable.

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