The Blue Lamp

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
A longstanding british film classic. A genuine glimpse at post war britain. A policeman is murdered in a robbery and the MET launches a manhunt across war ruined London..

It is very dated but even at the time would have been fascinating to provincial Britaim. Not to mention shocking. Policemen didnt get shot.

The villain was plaayed by leading heartthrob Dirk Bogarde who did a great job consifering his usual roles playing hapless doctors.

The slain policeman played the major role despite being murdered early on. Jack Warner played PC George Dixon. Dixon was the most influential policeman in the UK ever.. So important he was resurrected and given his own long running TV show.. Dixon was the affable police man on the beat, He could sort out any pronlem with a clip round the ear or a few wise words. Dixon of Dock Green ran for 21 years into the mid 70s wnen it was way past its sell by date..

The film was very successful and a major step forward for British cinema. Prior to this murder was confined to country houses that the likes of Holmes would solve. This was disturbing and altogether more real.

It was made in 1950 the same year I think, as the Kirk Douglas fim Detective. That was another world altogether and probably closer to reality..

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