Our welfare clause is expressly declared General not Common, unlike our defense clause.
Yep...”general” within the context of the 18 enumerated powers. Everyone knows that except you ignorant left-wingers who are incapable of reading the U.S. Constitution due to illiteracy.

I’ve got original writings from Thomas Jefferson proving I’m right. You’ve got nothing but the shit you regurgitate from other wing-nuts who made it up.

Piss off troll.

Providing for the welfare of the general public is a basic goal of government. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution cites promotion of the general welfare as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution. ... Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare.
America once had ONCE HAD the best educated workforce in the history of the world. if we elect a socialist, we are going to make that happen again!
Our welfare clause is expressly declared General not Common, unlike our defense clause.
Yep...”general” within the context of the 18 enumerated powers. Everyone knows that except you ignorant left-wingers who are incapable of reading the U.S. Constitution due to illiteracy.

I’ve got original writings from Thomas Jefferson proving I’m right. You’ve got nothing but the shit you regurgitate from other wing-nuts who made it up.

Piss off troll.
our defense clause is Common, not General and even "less flexible", in that Case;

... Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare.
The "general welfare" clause means to spend money for the "general welfare" within the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the states. Only an idiot doesn't understand that basic premise.
Our welfare clause is expressly declared General not Common, unlike our defense clause.
Yep...”general” within the context of the 18 enumerated powers. Everyone knows that except you ignorant left-wingers who are incapable of reading the U.S. Constitution due to illiteracy.

I’ve got original writings from Thomas Jefferson proving I’m right. You’ve got nothing but the shit you regurgitate from other wing-nuts who made it up.

Piss off troll.
our defense clause is Common, not General and even "less flexible", in that Case;
It's amazing that you literally don't even understand the basic definition of basic words such as "common" and "general". Freaking hilarious.

Piss off, troll.
Our welfare clause is expressly declared General not Common, unlike our defense clause.
Yep...”general” within the context of the 18 enumerated powers. Everyone knows that except you ignorant left-wingers who are incapable of reading the U.S. Constitution due to illiteracy.

I’ve got original writings from Thomas Jefferson proving I’m right. You’ve got nothing but the shit you regurgitate from other wing-nuts who made it up.

Piss off troll.
our defense clause is Common, not General and even "less flexible", in that Case;
It's amazing that you literally don't even understand the basic definition of basic words such as "common" and "general". Freaking hilarious.

Piss off, troll.
our welfare clause is General and is virtually unlimited. our defense clause is Common and quite limited.

... Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare.
The "general welfare" clause means to spend money for the "general welfare" within the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government by the states. Only an idiot doesn't understand that basic premise.

Are you stating what your belief is of some idiotic indoctrinated belief in those powers?

Or actual General Welfare?
Also listed, however, are the powers of Congress to tax in order to “pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States,” to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, and to declare war and raise and regulate military forces. These powers are so broad and basic that they have proved very difficult to confine.

But you, little libertarian piece of shit have tried.

And failed.
We have the blueprint for prosperity...
He said that all Americans, not just some, are seeing the benefits of the Trump economy, especially since the president signed Republican lawmakers’ tax cuts into law on Dec. 22, 2017.
Conservative policy produces prosperity every time. Progressive policy produces poverty every time. Period.

Georgia Lawmaker Touts Nation’s ‘Greatest Economic Turnaround’

Conservative policy brought us both the Great Depression and the GreT Recession.
Conservative policy brought us both the Great Depression
Your ignorance is vast and astounding. Even left-wing UCLA admitted that FDR created the Great Depression. More than that, even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury (and the architect of the “New Deal”) admitted that FDR’s policies created the Great Depression.

But hey, don’t let something like pesky facts stop you from your commitment to the failed left-wing ideology Otto!
Conservative policy brought us both the Great Depression
Your ignorance is vast and astounding. Even left-wing UCLA admitted that FDR created the Great Depression. More than that, even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury (and the architect of the “New Deal”) admitted that FDR’s policies created the Great Depression.

But hey, don’t let something like pesky facts stop you from your commitment to the failed left-wing ideology Otto!

Yes, I won't let your supposed "facts" get in the way.

First, that aricle doesn't say that FDR "created" the Great Depression, Second, do you even know when the republican inspired Great Depression started.
We have the blueprint for prosperity...
Because the last time financial experts checked, the most socially conservative states also happened to be the most prosperous. For years, places like North Carolina (No. 1), Texas (No. 3), and Georgia (No. 6) have topped Forbes’s Best States for Business list—despite high-profile campaigns for privacy, religious liberty, and life.
Conservative policy creates prosperity every time. Progressive policy creates poverty every time.

How Liberal Companies Are Bringing Blue State Mindsets to Red States
First, that aricle doesn't say that FDR "created" the Great Depression
That’s exactly what it says. His policies prolonged the misery. Without the idiocy of FDR’s failed left-wing ideology, there is no “Great Depression”. There probably isn’t even a depression. It’s likely just a recession.
Second, do you even know when the republican inspired Great Depression started.
Yes. After FDR created it. I know you want to say “1929” but that was no different from “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan. So why did that last 24 hours while 1929 turned into a decade unprecedented misery? The answer of course is failed left-wing policies.
First, that aricle doesn't say that FDR "created" the Great Depression
That’s exactly what it says. His policies prolonged the misery. Without the idiocy of FDR’s failed left-wing ideology, there is no “Great Depression”. There probably isn’t even a depression. It’s likely just a recession.
Second, do you even know when the republican inspired Great Depression started.
Yes. After FDR created it. I know you want to say “1929” but that was no different from “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan. So why did that last 24 hours while 1929 turned into a decade unprecedented misery? The answer of course is failed left-wing policies.

And those "failed left-wing polices" were...

Also, do you know anything about the Great Depression?
And those "failed left-wing polices" were...
Geez...you don’t even know what policies FDR implemented? Grab a history book. Google is your friend.
Also, do you know anything about the Great Depression?
I know at least one thing about it. Unlike you, I know who caused it. :laugh:

So far your ZERO for TWO.

Again, what "left-wing polices" caused the Great Depression?

And just "who" caused the Great Depression? Maybe the president who kept us on the Gold Standard who wanted people to "pull themselves up by the boot strapes"?

Keep digging wingnut this is to funny.
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And just "who" caused the Great Depression?
Are you serious? :uhh:

We just covered that less than 20 minutes ago. Holy shit. Did you forget to take your schizophrenia medication this morning?

So it now stands at ZERO for THREE.

No laws from "left-wing policies" cited.

No name of the "who" who caused the republic Great Depression.

No understanding even of the republic Great Depression.

Nothing. Zelch. Nada.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

"70% reduction in able-bodied adults". Since the vast majority of people receiving food stamps are children and retired people, the actual numbers of able bodied adults would be quite small. 70% of nothing is still nothing.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

"70% reduction in able-bodied adults". Since the vast majority of people receiving food stamps are children and retired people, the actual numbers of able bodied adults would be quite small. 70% of nothing is still nothing.

What kinda BS are you trying to spread, children are not receiving food stamps. Parents of the kids are receiving food stamps.

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