The Bolton Bombshell (from his book)

Well, it looks like the "So What" defense has worked. Now Trump* will feel emboldened to go after Social Security and other safety nets to pay for his tax cuts to the rich.
Wasteful entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security should have been dismantled years ago.
Nothing wrong with programs that are set up to help American's retire, for whom had worked on the lower levels most of their lives, and for whom took less because they were loyal to their employers for years. I garantee you that employers who couldn't pay their employee's what the bigger companies could, were dang glad that these programs do exist for those employee's.

The problem is that corruption enters the game, and we end up attacking the programs instead of the culprits who raided the programs. Yes reform should always be on the table, but this country should never leave a good man or woman behind. Dealing with corruption is the key, and not ignoring it.
Polls showing Bidem beating Trump are a laughingstock. Only Democrats answer those polls.

Rudy did not smear Biden. Biden smeared Biden.

Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
She got far less AMERICAN votes. All she did was pile up illegal alien votes in irrelevant California.

Trump had already won before California's illegal votes even got counted. :biggrin:

Oh stop it. That’s pure BULLSHIT. Pence and Kobach launches an investigation about illegal alien vote.

They dissolve the investigation themselves because they came out NOTHING.

You are poorly informed and so are the rest of you gullible fans. I’m not surprise.

Bullshit! The states refused to turn over voter information to the commission so it could be investigated, most of the time with absolutely no reasonable explanation given.
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. :rolleyes:

Did I gave you a heart attack?
Nope. We all know the liberal proclivity to be duped by left media, and then go around making fools of yourselves.

Not only was the Commission thwarted by states (mostly blue) who refused to report, but there have been numerous other reports showing illegal alien voting.

Libs are unaware because they restrict to liberal OMISSION media, and the most information--deprived airheads in America.

Earth to Charwin:. I have posted long lists of links to these reports here in USMB.
Look them up, an learn what CNN won't tell you.
How much does huffy putts pay you to post their click bait?
How much do the Russians pay you to troll?
What is with you dudes and "the Russians" ? Russia is just another country on the planet. Why not talk about Paraguay, Albania, or Botswana ? :dunno:
No Trump Tower prospects in Paraguay, Albania, Botswana....? :dunno: :D
Who cares as long as he does the job for the American people that he promised to do. What politician hasn't used his government power to gain advantages in the civilian world etc ?? Although an alledged illegal way to do it, look at Joe Biden and son for example. Crikey you would have to hunt down and fire 90% of the local politicians or local government officials if wanted to get super technical or picky about the bullcrap.

Orange man bad "for other reasons" is the problem with the demoncrat's. They hate anyone who lifts up the Christian faith, and that is one thing they hate Trump for doing, and they hate him for making them look weak by calling them out on their failure's to turn this nation around, and for him exposing their surrender attitudes towards a global take over and unfair practices.

They hate him because he fights back when someone attacks him, instead of folding like a cheap set of luggage, just like the previous politician's did. That's the biggest rub for the demoncrat's, that the man won't just lay down like a whipped dog with his tail tucked after they scold him or attack him. It's also a problem for republicans who weren't use to someone standing up like Trump does, because at some points in time they had caved also to their accusers and attackers. Trump has changed the game, and they hate it. MAGA.

Attacked him?

He attacked dead people.

He attacked a 16 yo girl because he
didn’t get cover of Time magazine.

Tweet Obama spying him on Trump tower.

Tweet accused Clinton killing Epstein.
Attacked Nobel prize winner bcoz he didn’t get it.

Put down homeless people.

Etc etc etc etc.........

So tell me what kind of FUCKING mentality of this moron?
Not the mentality of someone repeatedly duped by leftist propaganda. :biggrin:
Investigation continues,, he will get his time to answer for his crimes

Biden has constitutional protections against meritless investigations. Those protections are being ignored.

What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.

The List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far | Mark Simone | 710 WOR

It won't fade! I will stay angry! So will many other patriots!
What's great is they got caught trying to smear Joe Biden's good name and they got caught. And rather than admit it or change the subject, these mother fuckers are going to double down and try to make this about Biden's son getting a job because of who his father is. As if a man like Trump gives a fuck about that. A guy who got where he is because of his father and his sons are where they are because of their father.

What hypocrites.
In a nutshell, Hunter's no different really than Ivanka or any of the 3 Trump boychinkins. BUT Biden's reason to run is him being some kind of tonic to the spite and incivility of Trump. Biden's actually less about issues than was Trump in 16.

What are Hunter's qualifications?

Let's see:

Kicked out of the Navy for drugs.
Deadbeat Dad to a stripper he knocked up.
Dated his brother's widow.
No experience in finance.
No experience in gas industry
Knows nothing about Ukraine.

LOL. Let’s see:

1. Running around as diplomat but no diplomatic experience. Zero None. Making peace agreement the most complicated in the Middle East.
2. Qatar $1.5B fraud scheme.
3. Kusher Sr. went to jail for corruption.

1. No political experience. Proven himself inept, unfit to be president of US. Proven corrupted.

2. Trump married horny paid $130,000 to have sex with Stormy Daniel. And model Karen Mcdougal.

Hunter is single and has nothing to do with all these crap you snowflakes are babbling. You talk about corruption. You have this inept POTUS proven 101% corrupt.

If you watch the trial. This Biden Ukraine bullshit was debunked couple of times.
Poor snowflake your TDS delusion forfeited any worth while opinion you may have.

I understand truth hurts.

Poor snowflake? I hit you with facts and you came back you gullible opinion.
Those are not opinions. Those are real facts.
No snowflake you have an opinion that's all you have
The Bidens are corrupted. Why doesn't Hunter have a job now? why is he broke?
Polls showing Bidem beating Trump are a laughingstock. Only Democrats answer those polls.

Rudy did not smear Biden. Biden smeared Biden.

Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Oh we know Biden can easily beat Trump.

Ask your self. Why do you think you are doing all these garbages and fakes about Biden?

That is why you and the rest of snow flakes, Trump and his gangsters are working so hard and scared to smear Biden.
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Land acreage, does not vote.
you mean 3 million more PEOPLE, CITIZENS told Trump to go F himself, no? :D
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Land acreage, does not vote.
you mean 3 million more PEOPLE, CITIZENS told Trump to go F himself, no? :D
so you're discounting and removing the votes that did vote for Hillary in the 30 states that the president won how tyrannical of you
This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Land acreage, does not vote.
you mean 3 million more PEOPLE, CITIZENS told Trump to go F himself, no? :D
so you're discounting and removing the votes that did vote for Hillary in the 30 states that the president won how tyrannical of you
nope! just reminding you, that Land, does not vote, people do....

sort of off topic but sort of on topic too:

states get two electors for their State's vote, all other electors are suppose to represent popular voters, we the people's vote in each congressional district.... but, it does not work that way for the States that do a 'winner takes all' electors....

the two electors given extra to each state is suppose to be the only measure given, to help the less populated states, just like the 2 senators for every state.

so, a Wyoming population of 577,000 gets the 2 extra electors for their state


a California with a population of 39,000,000 (39 million) also only gets 2 electors extra, for their state...

regardless of the State's population.... thus the advantage goes to Wyoming and all less populated states vs the higher pop states.

But this winner takes ALL ELECTORS crap is what skews the results unfairly and takes the popular vote that the other electors are suppose to represent, completely out of the picture....

An argument/debate for another day or thread....
lol, Snowflake, how many people can Biden get to a rally? There is no one in the democrat clown car that can beat the president.
A snowflake that supports Biden well isn't that precious

This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Land acreage, does not vote.
you mean 3 million more PEOPLE, CITIZENS told Trump to go F himself, no? :D
The majority of American CITIZENS voted for Trump. And will again this year.
This is hilarious.

Why do you think you, your buddies here and Trump gangsters are doing all these crap against Biden if you are not scared?
Trump got him impeached.

How many people can Biden get to a rally? The same question was when Hillary was the candidate. Yet Hillary got more votes.
DEAD PEOPLE still vote democrat we know this already
30 states told hillary to go fuck herself
HHows that for a vote count?

Your proof is? Trump teach you that?
Trump teach you well to lie eh.
did you forget the 2016 results where 30 states told Hillary to go fuck herself?
I know snowflake's minds are made of mush guess that's why you forgot.
Land acreage, does not vote.
you mean 3 million more PEOPLE, CITIZENS told Trump to go F himself, no? :D
The majority of American CITIZENS voted for Trump. And will again this year.
So this is the way I see it Bernie is not going to get the nomination and his supporters is not going to vote for another Democrat there is nobody that can beat the president that the Democrats have on their platform

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